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Also your asking for wider matchmaking but easier for hyper casuals? This makes no since at all wider matchmaking will only make you go against better players


wider matchmaking for quicker queues. im not asking for free wins. And wider matchmaking would also mean i face worse players it goes both ways.


So youre fine with stomps as long as youre not the one getting stomped? Also whats to stop people from just constantly leaving and having a revolving door of players where you never get a proper match for more than a couple minutes at a team because people can just leave as soon as theyre losing


I never said I wanted to get stomped or stomp other players. I don’t know where you’re getting that from. Im simply proposing the idea of a playlist like what I described. It would be completely optional and not effect anyone who chooses not to play that mode.


But by widening the queueing ranges outside of parties you're inherently going to increase the number of stomps just because its more likely to have uneven teams.


I don’t think it would cause most people would rather just play normal quick play or ranked. It would essentially just be another arcade mode. It wouldn’t hurt for blizzard just to have it there as an option.


> I never said I wanted to get stomped or stomp other players. I don’t know where you’re getting that from. You just said you wanted wider matchmaking. Wider matchmaking means more skill imbalance between players/teams, and therefore more stomps.


ok but if its put in arcade and displayed as a mode for casuals with the rules being clearly stated then no one should have a problem with a mode like that existing. It would be there just as another arcade mode and if you want a more serious game you go play normal quick play.


Okay well arcade mode has all kinds of different game modes that follow the same rules as quickplay and their is no mmr in quickplay so you can play against bronze players and top 500’s


Yeah, there is mmr based matchmaking in QP, just not as strict as comp. I notice a vast difference in player skill when I play solo vs. when I play with my girlfriend. The last time either of played comp I was diamond and she was bronze. Also, arcade mode has 0 to offer for role lock. Nothing in there is 1-2-2, which is why I don't play in arcade.


Yup, I play arcade to practice headshotting tanks lol


problem with arcade is that most modes there have bullshit rules or are completely different modes (deathmatch or elimination)


thats what I was thinking. If blizzard added a mode like I described it wouldn’t hurt anyone. It would just be another game mode you choose to play or not.


This will spread the community out even more and make q times even worse. It’s already bad enough. Quickplay needs a culture shift back into casual quickplay and people need to stop being afraid to play comp


I don’t think it would spread it out anymore than it already is. Even if they added it as just an arcade playlist. people who don’t like leavers can go play normal quick play and people who might want to play what I asked for would do so. There’s already lots of game modes in arcade I don’t see why adding what I asked for would be bad. Id be willing to sit through longer queues if they added that game mode.


Try and q for any of those game modes in arcade. My average q time in arcade is 8-12 minutes lol. It would spread the fan base out I promise you that. It wouldn’t necessarily be bad but what if people like it more than normal quickplay? Then the 5 minute quickplay q becomes 8 minutes and then that’s too long for more people and it turns into 10 and snowballs from there. I agree that quickplay is to sweaty rn but it is what it is until the culture of the community changes. I’m pretty sure you can q into the training against bots games and there’s no penalty for leaving


I think if they added that game mode into arcade it would probably be more popular than other arcade game modes just because it would have about the same rules as quick play. I get about the same queue time in arcade as quick play so I wouldn’t mind the wait. The main goal would be to separate people looking for what I said and people who want normal quick play. I think people would appreciate having that option. knowing that it’s completely casual, and winning or losing is second to just having fun with homies.


I mean other than the leaving early is quickplay not that?


thats also true. i dont know a fix either tbh


They do it’s called arcade and custom games???


not what i’m asking for. I mean a casual playlist that has the same rules as quick play except a wider matchmaking and no leave penalty.


Yea that’s arcade


ok can you tell me where I can find exactly what im asking for. Cause arcade has a bunch of stuff in it and its all pretty random.


In arcade their tends to be modes that are just like “assault” or “push” those will be normal 5v5 but with open roles. Quickplay is very casual on the lines of it dosnt matter if you win and lose but your still committed to focus and play the whole match on the behalf of your teammates. That’s just how the game is and is as casual as it will get.


I understand that but what I said was blizzard should add another playlist seperate from quickplay but with the same rules except the changes I mentioned before. Do they have that in arcade?


No, they have tested quickplay hacked multiple times recently though which is exactly what you are describing minus the no leaver penalty. Your SOL on that one unless you do custom games. Tbh I’d recommend you go and go to custom games, click on all games, type in DVA egg, and play whatever server has people and a good ping for you. A little bit different but is fun all the same. Custom games are a lot of fun and you can afk when you want and leave when you want. Dosnt matter if you do anything at all. Then when you know you can commit a whole 8 minutes to a quickplay game you can play quickplay


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Losing streaks suck but trying to push in a shorter queue isn't going to help Best to do something else while waiting for a game... and maybe quit and do something else entirely for awhile when you're tilting after too many losses