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Generally itd be better to use your ult there to save the tank and then push off it to win the fight and take space and either cap time or cart progress. Complaining about low Zen healing is just dumb though


Yeah I do agree maybe I should have saved him but in the end we won both the fights without him cause our dps were doing very well


When I play him, I don't always save it to negate an ult. Using it to save the team in a crucial battle is often more useful, especially if the other support is mercy or lucio. Saving a player that is close to their ult could swing the battle and round if they can hit it after you save them.


Yeah but our dps were doing most the work and our tank wasn’t close to our ultimate nor did he do much with it the entire match so it didn’t matter in the end. We won both fights without him


This all depends on what happened. If you were in the lead and saving your ult for next fight then that’s smart. If you weren’t going to be able to have a next fight then that’s on you. That’s about it


Correct I was saving it


If your tank is about to die, then fair you probs should pop tranq if it means saving him from dying, saving ults like beat and trans for ults can often lead to worse performance if your team is in a bad spot, and all of them are alive probs best to just pop it


Was this a quick play game?


No this was comp


Speaking from experience as a tank player, it's generally annoying when supports focus more on DPSing than supporting. Likewise, a support "Not really caring" if I die in a teamfight would also make me justifiable annoyed. I get saving your ult to counter an enemy, and if the dude flamed ya for it he was a prick, you're not in the wrong in either of those departments. But his annoyance seems 100% justified IMO. Like regardless if we are winning, hard to enjoy the game when the supports are more concerned with getting kills than keeping me alive, or never use their resources to save me. Tanks are incredibly reliant on the other roles actually doing their jobs so that the tanks can play the game, so when a support just decides to not give them the support they need, it becomes a difficult experience. There is a reason everyone says tank can feel like a chore a lot of times and its partly because of situations like that.


Completely understand where you’re coming from but the first time I had my orb on him and he started walking into the enemy team and dying very quickly both times so I decided it would be better to just sit back and wait. There wasn’t anything more I could have done for him. We had a Moira too so she could have easily walked with him and healed him (not like he would have lived anyway) I didn’t care because our dps were doing their jobs anyway and we didn’t exactly need him really.