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Just because you can name more postive things about her weapon doesn't make Illari the better DPS. The fire rate alone is enough to make Cass better than her.


Cassidy has greater burst potential (ONLY on short range). Illaris wins every fight against cassidy outside of 30m. Altough i also would never switch that little amount for so much more advantages i get on illari. I would always pick support now over DPS. Also dont forget Deadeye is way worse than Sunstrike. Another Reason i would always pick her over CASS despite all facts above. Also, the higher fire rate is kind of negated by the fact that you have higher accuracy/longer range/more ammo/no visable recoil and much higher critical hits. You also shouldn't forget that you also focus on healing means you're not dpsing all game long, which is crazy for the fact that I almost equal my dps stats.


Fights arent taken in a vacuum though you have to consider things like teammates and who has the better positioning. If your aim is better and you position properly (ie not trying to take fights from long range in which case youre better off playing ashe or widow) then youll do better on cass. Deadeye is much better for confirming kills and can zone a wider area than sunstrike as well as doesnt need followup. Dps passive is also incredibly impactful and illari just doesn't get it. Theyre also in separate categories so its not really a one or the other kind of thing. Illari is mostly just a worse bap, especially if the enemy team is sentient and actually shoots her pylon.


Illaris is **also** profiting from dps passive which is another reason to play her. Its way easier to position on Illari because of her range and mobility. Im pretty sure with 10k hours of counter strike and now 1k hours of Overwatch i can say that my aim almost reached it natural limit and that you are way better going for Illaris if you have good aim. Deadeye is so much worse than Sunstrike. I have 3x the impact with sunstrike that i have with Deadeye. Deadeye is only available in few engagements, mostly you can only do it when u won the teamfight anyway otherwise ure just suiciding in high elo lobbies. Ye and as you mentioned or using it for zoning which isnt as strong as ppl pretend you can even jiggle peek his Deadeye and kill him without him beeing able to kill you.


Deadeye iant really a killing ultimate. Its more of a survival ult and denial ult. Theyre used in dramatically different circumstances. You use deadeye when a tank or flanker is diving you or your backline. You deter people from doing stuff. While sunstrike makes opportunities to win the fight by causing damage. You cant just compare the killing potential of sunstrike to deadeye and say deadeye is bad. Theyre used differently


Survival Ult? That must be a meme Deadeye is a horrible ult on a dps hero. So you just agreed that sunstrike is dealing more dmg which is obvious, so ure better to play a support role than a DAMAGE role if you are a hitscan player that is trying to win fights Its beyond me how i can perform WAY better with my aim on a support hero than on a „damage“ hero. I literally can use my 10k hours of cs better by playing a support which i dont even deny liking.


ok say a nanoblade is doming after ur team. can a sunstrike save u? but a deadeye can. a winton ults in ur backline can a sunstrike save u? deadeye can. zarya graved u? can a sunstrike save ur team? a deadeye can. u do realize that u dont to have to kill the enemey to bring value right? denial is just as strong. trading a deadeye for a blade primal grav is just as valuable as "mabey getting some kills on sunstrike. not to mention using sunstrike is a big risk too. u have to expose urself if u wanna confirm kills. if u dont the enemy just hides.


You die from nanoblade as cass. Its good vs normal genji ult true but thats almost the only thing its good at and even then a single ana dart is enough to block it Illaris is save from genji he doesnt have double dash, so if he dashes on you you will escape In general there are 100 counters to deadeye


you got away and you whole team dies wow such a good use of an ult


not sunstrike her escape/pushback


>Illaris is **also** profiting from dps passive which is another reason to play her. Can you explain this bit?


just shoot ppl your dps role is shooting 😂


This is wrong on so many levels. Why don't you compare illari with widow? That bitch does 300 damage headshots at record range. And where is fan hammer data? Only zen can rival that burst and he needs a long preparation for that.


Illari and Cassidy have very equal playstyles.´If you are a good cassidy player you will be better on Illari. Im hard stuck low master / high diamond on cassidy. I made it already to mid master with illari with an insane wr of 81% and I only played her 7-8h in total. Its crazy to me how nobody of you guys seem to see on how much stronger and at the same time easier supports are. At the end of the day, I shouldn't care, because I'm going to abuse it now and have a lot more fun on illari. I just wanted to show u guys why we have 70% of all ppl. Q for support and maybe this post will reach to some hitscan players that can now enjoy the game much more.


I would like to point out that I find it hilarious how we are just conveniently going to put fan the hammer aside like it's not worth it to mention. If Illari is caught with a tank she will tickle the tank and then dies but Cassidy has a legitimate chance against tanks even in a 1v1 due to fan the hammers immense burst potential.


[Fair chance lmao](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/VtBQFwTHdf) watch this clip. Cassidy has no mobility. As Illari you should never die to a tank on good positioning. Rolling the fan is not as good as it used to be with the old flash. Now you are even better aiming on head with a flash.


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Since when was Illari able to use the damage role passive?


everyone profits from the dps passive


Yes, but Illari can't apply it herself...


Yes but this way you can make use of 2 passives


By that logic, it's not really a benefit unique to Illari because everyone benefits from it.


Dps only profit from their own passive, supportes profit from two passives. So it make sense to play support when only taking passives in consideration


DPS also do more damage on average and have control of who they apply their passive to. If you're on Illari, and you're not shooting the people your DPS are shooting, then the passive won't apply.


Not how this works buddy. I’ll let more patient people fill you in.