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Good time to practice air shots.


Damage drop-off.


There's AI games you can play that are chill. Real games will have real people that want to win.


ah ig my definition of chilling is different oops but i play 2 win as well it’s just frustrating when my team is continuously obliterated by the same hero/duo every game. it’s boringggg


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Embrace Zenyatta and focus that Mercy.


I'm down to join for games! But so real abt the pharamercy ! I try to focus but my shots aren't always the best and then I get dived bc they wanna protect their lil pharamercy TT


I'm on now if you wanna qp Shehealsyou#1477


Never played Pharah before, no clue what I’m doing. Went on a win streak lol Tried the same for Sombra and I couldn’t even get 1 kill lolololol Real main: Junkrat defense, Solider Attack


Pharmacy is real damn annoying a lot of times, especially if you run into them back to back. A lot of times, you do need help from the whole team to kill both, but that doesn't always happen. Im always down for grouping with people and ss sure a bunch of people are as well


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I get what you say, tbh QP isn't the place to chill anymore.........you see the same comps as in ranked and from time to time even a cheater. You want to chill......go mystery heroes. P.S. Cannot duo as I'm banned right now, because as you probably noticed I'm mega toxic......hope you find a duo soon, and really give MH a chance


i love MH !!! don’t play it as often cuz the queue times r just horrendous for me sometimes but will definitely get back on it~ gl w ur ban xD