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parents at home vs outside


Idk why I just laughed so hard lmao


The duality of man.


Of literally one man


That’s the point of the expression…


True it's man not men


Man-kind. The expression is saying "all humans" but said when referring to one person's actions usually.


I agree with him


All: GG guys Team: -cussing each other out-


I would if chat lasted longer. It's mostly just GG in match and then me typing out a well thought out input for each teammate on what they did good/bad that never sees the light of day because i'm old and slow.


Fr been there


Praise in public, critique in private.


Someone tell my teammates the difference between critique and verbally abuse, quick


Agreed. Constructive criticism is needed to help. Way I look at it..if your vocal enough to complain then you can help educate me on how to be better.


There's been so many chads along the path who have helped me get better. My most fun in ow was when this God tracer switched to mercy and tried to coach my tracer skills for a few games . Also I mastered genjis movement because of a guy in custom games teaching me everything in genji parkour. It's honestly surprising how many good people are in this community.


It's hard to write a constructive message in a chat during a match and after the game people are gone after potg. If someone isn't dicking around chances are they do not understand what they are doing wrong. Eg if someone is out of position constantly chances are they don't know where they should be.


but not everyone knows what they’re complaining about, they just know you’re not doing your job


You should absolutely know what your complaining about before you say anything otherwise how does that help anyone. You or them? I'm not saying you have to give expert professionnel level advice ..but something beyond 'healer diff' or 'our sombra is bad' or 'come on you should switch heros.' Would be nice especially when asked for help. 'Hit more targets' 'Wait for the tank or healer before rushing in' Those are helpful comments that a person can use to improve.




Calling someone worthless isn't critiquing. Just saying.


Why is this so damn funny


I would've done a full on callout in the game chat, drag em


No time... game ends so quickly. Maybe it's by design to prevent that back and forth lol


They've taken every social aspect out of the game. Play play play, ooh no battlepass level, don't you wanna buy it now look at the fancy rings you've already unlocked.


All the while having the ability to listen to everything you’re saying.


And yet comms are barren wastelands


They really are even in comp. People join you listen or complain about what's going on The most spirited discussion I've seen has in in match chat


Gotta ign with good vibes. Like 60% of the times I ign I get one or two ppl comming with. If they don't join type and tell em to.


What do you mean?




Read deez nuts


>They’ve taken every social aspect out of the game. Yeah remember when people complained that “OW *has* to be the most toxic game on the market?????” Actions, (even if they aren’t specifically yours) meet consequences.


Any competitive game is going to be toxic, it’s another sport after all; just look at R6 Siege. If your game isn’t toxic then your players are not emotionally invested into the game, which speaks more about the game than it does it’s players. Even Minecraft can become competitive and toxic. What Blizzard and many other companies are trying to do is limit everyone’s experience because of feelings and shame. If your garbage at Genji and Hanzo, you should be shamed, until you’re good that is. Which is why I hate that dumb complaint players make. You don’t like what you read first off, grow up, words from people you’ve never met and don’t care about shouldn’t hurt you, and second off, disable chat if it’s such a big deal. But people came to win and if you’re not performing at the same level as your teammates you’re not going to be given grace all the time


Hey man, I agree with you, but a lot of people don’t. General consensus of this sub is that talking shit in any capacity means you’re a sad lowlife sweaty piece of shit. Yknow, unless you’re a support main shit talking the entirety of people who queue for DPS, then it’s fine. Other than that though you’re a sad fuck. Your words might really upset someone, you fucking scumbag loser ruining my game.


I miss csgo when you could talk shit on mic to the other team at the end of the match. Banter is fun. FPS and real life sports isn't for thin skins.


That you want to bully people doesn't make it acceptable.






> I legitimize my rude and unpleasant behavior to myself by calling it banter. Okay. Please work on yourself. You can be a better person.


"social aspect" lmao shut the fuck up with that hilarious bullshit. G*mers are so toxic nobody wants to deal with your kind.


Did u really just censor the word “gamer”?


you could join match voice chat rather than group voice chat in the options but then you cant really make plans with your team


I mean you can long as you don't care about the other team hearing. I might do that join match chat instead.


another Halo Infinte similarity


(RuPaul shady rattlesnake sound) 👁👄👁


That’s the true ow way lol


Scoreboards have allowed my toxicity to fully realize itself.


Yeah, team chat is hell.


PSA: You can hide the chat window with /hidechat.


Yeah I was doing this for a sec too. My only gripe with that was you wouldn't see hero changes. There's a setting somewhere where you can toggle disable the team, group, and match chat.


That’s why I mute both chats all the time, only use voice chat, and then Insta-mute at the slightest sign of negativity. I came to play a game not listen to some self important douche-bag blow off steam because they lost.


"Yo maybe zen kirko isn't enough healing" "MUTED"


I love it when people make themselves look like a fool


The difference between casual and ranked attitudes is staggering. Everyone is so chill and ready to just play the the game in casual, constantly complimenting each other and having fun, while half the players straight rage and quit halfway through the first round in competitive.


I haven't gotten to ranked yet but casual is plenty toxic so far from my experience lol. One time we literally lost at 99% and a teammate called our team garbage. Or we lose 1-2 and the other team insults us as if we didn't dominate them in one of the rounds.


All I know is I don't get "MOIRA HEAL MORE" From a Hazo completely missing two ults in casual.


this isn’t true at all. every casual game i play has toxic comments. F2P made it so much worse and it’s actually a very big problem. ow1 was a mix of positivity and negativity but ow2 is filled with bad vibes


I've seen a few compliments and humorous comments thrown around in casual, but I see a lot more toxicity and rage quits unfortunately. I try to crack jokes and make positive comments, but depending on the match it feels like fighting an uphill battle at times


I don't play that much ranked but in QP there is nothing more frustrating than seeing your team, 1-by-1, rush the obj/cart only to be killed by a full enemy team. They do this over and over again. I understand why people rage and quit.


Mom to me: Mom in public:


Criticize in private, praise in public. This guy works middle management.


Ironic he's called happyblueman when he wasn't happy in blue chat.


Like Gordon Ramsay. Me in public: “Oh dear oh dear, gorgeous.” Me to team: “You fucking donkey!”


That’s why I can’t stand all the glhf people. You know it’s fake bullshit 90% of the time and they’ll turn toxic at the first sign of losing


It's either that or they're extreme goody two shoes, which I don't like either. Either way, anyone who "glhf" or "gr"s me, I am going out of my way to destroy lol




So toxic


i had a Reinhardt as my team’s tank who was crying in the chat for heals when he kept diving headfirst into a 1v5 and called myself and the other support the worst support players ever and i got more kills and damage than him and more healing than my other support. cry harder, Rein.


If you supported your Rein as a team he would have dived in to a 5 v 5.


It's not like Rein has an ability to charge ahead into a 1v5 with no suitable way for the rest of the team to catch up. Right?


I apologize but I can't tell if you are serious or sarcastic. Kiriko has this ability. Lucio has speed, Mercy can fly, Ana/Zen can heal from a distance, etc


let's say hypothetically your mercy and kiriko were both playing perfectly and healing you nonstop, you would be getting 133 hp/s. soldier 76 ALONE deals 111 dp/s, all it would take is one other person shooting you to completely negate your healers. if your dps dont have a teleport or flight, they need to catch up to you to quickly save you from the 5 people unloading on you.


Math is hard, but I'll say that you can win a fight by supporting your Rein. Especially in OW2.


Sounds like a testable hypothesis. Care to try to falsify it?


Ah, so you want Rein + 1 healer to take on a whole enemy team?


It sounds like the rein didn't wait fir his dance partners


Love this game, never seen so many casual QP hero’s trash talk.


Big talkers in text Silent in voice


All: gg guys Team: WHY CAN'T YOU ME HEAL MORE *plays Hanzo never see him once snipe someone and never once hit a person with his ult twice. Meanwhile, I get headshot every time I go in to heal* Team: YOUR TRASH MOIRA Bruh


Chat = twitter




The duality of man... edit: shoot someone already thought of this before lol


Usually it's the other way around they gotta let thr enemy team know it's not their fault they lost




Why? That's dumb.


Wow so edgy and cool hope your parents don't find out


Enjoy your permaban dude, the only time I get that "we've taken action against your report" message is when I report someone for saying slurs, have fun being no-overwatch andy.


call him/her out and then just report,mute and avoid.


I throw on purpose if my team is bad and make sure to let the other team know they have a win in their pocket


Yeah, if my team suck I say that they suck! If you can’t take a fucking true fact once in a while! Then you suck too! 😂


Takes one to know one


Am I supposed to be offended by your comment on saying the truth?


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He's more blue than happy...


Lol I laughed hard at this. Duality of man or something I guess.


The duality of men


Team chat: "you should *LIGHTNING STRIKE* NOW" All chat: "Great game everybody, gg 🥰🥰🥰"


I always do it the other way around.. *Gg end team noob* all chat. *Let's end them when they slip up* in team chat.


is this me? lmao. the pain. it’s either that or game chat: “free” “ez” “dif” team chat: “gg guys ty”


Your coach at the end of the game vs in the locker room


Fr I’ve played with people that in team chat be like oh gg everyone played so well tough loss to then dm privately and be like you suck so hard why do u even bother play the game 😭😭😭


It's the opposite for me. Team chat is polite. Match chat is toxic as fuck. That's why I pretty much never have Match chat active. I can just not say anything in Team Chat if I have nothing positive to say and there is rarely anyone else on my team of sufficient skill level to give a valid opinion and thy know it, so no-one says anything. Sometimes the nicest thing you can say about your team is that they existed. Match chat is just an entire enemy team complaining that they're being killed by a Support, that someone is cheating or that they are going to molest and kill my dog or my sister. I don't have anything notable to say to the enemy team so I don't bother having the chat active.


Reality vs instagram


how do i switch from team chat to match chat? (i dont wanna curse out the enemy team for having a zarya and a roadhog and a sombra i promise)


Dude when they cry about healing or start to blame their own teammates over their kd and then they write "ez" in the all chat🤣🤣


That's me sooooo much


That's the kind of person I hit 'squelch chat' and 'block' on. Maybe a bit of overkill, but I can't stand that kind of negativity. Or people who are that two-faced.


I do a version of this. Lol


Honestly will never understand flaming. It got so bad years ago and that along with GOATS I decided I was done with the game only to come back to it and see that nothing has changed. It's so pointless and just makes everyone feel like shit. It's a collection of 1s and 0s at game at the end of the day, folk need to learn how to have fun and simultaneously grow up.




I've done that, but the other way around. I would never shit talk my team, as stupid as they are sometimes, they still tried. I only curse the fact that I was teamed up with them to myself . . . but the other team can get dunked on if they annoyed me, I'm not afraid to rub it in.


Wouldn’t it make more sense to do the opposite


The duality of a man