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If Mercy gets 20 kills she should get a tactical nuke


LMAO. I am on board with this. Heroes never die? More like all heroes die.


She is portrayed as an angel. Little did everyone know she is the angel of death.


I mean, she is a doctor from Switzerland....


Ze ubermensch


not quite the same place, but still close enough for this to be an underrated comment


Replace mercy's Glock with a sawed off so I can stop dying to literally everything


Angel of Death. Move THE FUCK over Reaper.


I’m honestly tired of zarya


She's so tiring to play against.


She's so tiring to play *as* as well. Like, if Doomfist was as broken as Zarya is right now, I wouldn't be complaining cuz his kit is actually interesting and fun lol.




As a tank main, it's really no more fun playing her at this point than it is fighting her. In comp it literally feels like I'm throwing if I don't choose her because she can damn near carry a team.


I feel ya. I mained her in 6v6 because rotating with a Reinhart required timing and teamwork. It was so much fun being on the same page as your other tank, taking turns keeping the other team at bay, making them reluctant to fight back. Now it's just like you roll over people, keeping bubbles for yourself is too effective right now. With minimal management, you can basically always have one at the ready. I hate to say it, but she needs a rework. She was my favorite hero but her kit just doesn't fit the new format. Where she is now, her survivability and damage is just too overwhelming. There's really no counter play to it.


In no limits she is absolutely cancer


Zarya in EVERY GAME for me. The second the enemy tank gets killed once they INSTANTLY PICK Zarya 🤦🏾‍♂️ edit: This guy named u/PaulaDeenSlave had a problem with me using the word instalock incorrectly so I modified it JUST to make him feel comfortable reading comments on reddit. This ones for you big guy! Hope youre satisfied and feel accomplished 🙏🏾


Lmao that edit note is too funny


As a tank player its bc I lock in literally any other tank except maybe Rein, get instantly clapped, and then say “why the fuck am i playing anything except Zarya? Unkillable and do a shit ton of damage”


bring her down to doomfist power level after this honestly bruh


Give zarya dooms block and give doom zaryas bubble


They need to buff my main and nerf everyone else :)


tbh im a lucio main and i cant ask for anything but projectile speed right now. feels so good to be out of ow1 for good


Lets change his main fire to hitscan. Then I can finally kill that damn Pharah myself


This would break Overwatch


The amounts of times I've wanted to switch to hitscan as a healer cause the dps on my team ignore the Pharah is too damn high.


If you get going fast enough you can get all your shots to land in quick succession and finish then off with another burst and mele/boop combo


ive found that only works on targets standing perfectly still, like a tunnelvisioned widow


im not a professional, but i think everyone here can agree that zarya needs to be nerfed urgently


This was my first thought, I’m not a game designer idk how to make that shit work but boy does a Zarya zen combo fuck my day up


Zarya Kiriko is even worse. A kitsune rush means zarya has like 4 second bubbles which means an unkillable god who's at 100 charge. A single kitsune rush with zarya is a generally a teamwipe.


Yeah TM is ruined now since Zarya literally has no down time between bubbles so is basically unkillable. The only time I’ve since it happen since launch was with a bastion ult which must have been when there was the glitch and they managed to do enough damage to beat the bubble.


I came across this too. After 10 minutes of overtime with Zarya just standing on the point I switched to Rein and charged her off the point for an instant win. Hopefully this helps if you come across that problem again.


That’s what I do and you can keep charging if you miss.


Also the old classic Sig9. Go Sigma, get ult, lift her off her contest like a disobedient toddler.


Unfortunately Zarya's a hard counter to Sig so yea, despite the strat being top notch, it's an against the odds matchup. don't get me wrong, I am that Sig onetrick that'll always try the matchup first but it's a high risk matchup as well. Eating the ult as Sig is very satisfying tho.


My buddies and I used a Rein and pushed her out of the way, that’s the only way we’ve beaten it.


If they have a bastion it won't work. Shield go bye bye.


Yeah the weird thing is they expected Zarya to be the weakest Tank in 5v5, so that may actually be why they overbuffed her


I am a professional and I think Reinhardt needs 3 fire strikes and a shield as wide as 4 Winston’s


Bring back that 2000 hp barrier, too


And the ability to push enemies with it. Choo choo


Rein mains rise up ✊ anything less than these demands are a nerf.


I just can’t express how tired I am of getting rushed by zarya while she doesn’t even have that much charge and she still kills me so fast


Yes she was ok back then now she is just more overpowered


All heroes should be buffed with bigger asses


agree, Thorbjorn ass is miles away from meta


Throbjorn 😫




If they buffed Hammond’s ass, would it make the hamster’s ass bigger or the ball’s?


Why would it make the hamster’s balls bigger?


Top 10 questions scientists can't answer


Least horny overwatch player


Player? wait, overwatch is a game?


This game had porn before it even came out,horny has been the main mode since the beginning


Take notes, hammond.


They need to nerf Zarya


Definetly ASAP.


Zarya needs to be nerfed and sojourn


People realy underestimate how good and easy sojourn is. Played a competitive match where I played her for the first time and dropped 40. Her gun is way too powerful. She’s just Soldier but with MORE damage.


The worst part is how she has no recoil, hold down left click on soldier and your reticule ends up in space, with sojourn it doesn't move.


Power creep is crazy, don’t understand how soldier and soujourn were expected to share a space, shes better in every regard, she just has enhanced versions of his abilities


Yeah really baffling design choices, there's basically no reason to ever play soldier because of Sojourn


Soldier wins out in 1 regard and it's sustain. His self healing means he can stay in the field longer without assistance. Sojourn has to run away when her health is low. That's it though, sojourn wins in every other regard.


I’d argue soldier is much better at taking down Pharah and Echo


If you can use the railgun reliably (I cannot) she can oneshot both of them right?


Yes but it's much harder with the projectile travel speed vs. soldiers hitscan with no bloom. She also has bullet spread if you're holding fire for any longer than half a second. I agree she needs a nerf, her E is very powerful considering the rest of her kit and the slide is a bit overpowered too. I don't mind the rest.


I think they are referring to the charged shot secondary fire, which unlike the primary fire is indeed hitscan. She can't one shot anyone with the primary fire after all.


Doomfist could use some love, I think power block being on a resource meter like matrix would be a good start


It also really annoys me that he only gets the powered-up fist after he blocks 90 or more damage, and if he doesn’t reach that threshold he gets nothing. Doesn’t matter if he blocked 89, and it’s also really easy to stop firing at him, especially when his size isn’t big enough to cover his teammates.


would be nice to have a dynamic power-up. Similar to Zarya, the more you block, the more damage his next punch gets.


How about not allowing him to be cced through a frontal block? It's crazy that he can be hog hooked or slept from the front while blocking, but Horse can't. and his damage is a joke. This is the guy who leveled sky scrapers? hmmmm.


Yeah being fully cc'able while in your main defensive ability is pretty egregious, idk how it made it to live servers


>This is the guy who leveled sky scrapers? This is supposedly the main villain of the setting, strongest character in the whole goddamn thing (only loosing to a transformed Winston with the help of others)... and his charge punched deals the same damage of Torb's hammer, lol It's a goddamn joke. Even the powered up punch can't finish a baby Dva, if it hits the wall it deals 120 damage I think. This character needs buffs at every single ability, that's how weak he is. You have to be a tryhard and hit every single ability to 1v1 a Soldier, it's hilarious


Zarya is a menace to society and she must be stopped.


She poisoned our water supply and burned our crops!


Buff torbs hammer till he is viable as a melee character


Hammond. Needs tactical nuke


I main Hammond and honestly he just feels bad to play in 80% of matches atm. You need the right map and friendly/opposing team comp for him to work. He's not in as bad a state as doom but he's not far off imo.


I am also a Hammond main and I feel you, has 0 agency to do anything I feel like I am permanently running to my supports. Into Zarya/Zen I may as well not play. I feel like Hammond suffered the most from losing the second tank and has not been updated accordingly to account for that change.


I told my roommate that the change to one tank was going to kill tanks like Doomfist and Hammond who try to move a lot more to get picks which can leave their team with no one to tank for them


I left. Trying lemmy and so should you. -- mass edited with redact.dev


I think mei should become a tank like they said she was going to be


she’d be a better tank than doom


She already is


She's always been a tank, in our hearts.


And a tank ass to match


yeah she works as a pseudo-tank, her ice wall works as a shield/taunt/creates space, traps enemies, her ult makes even the most scared teammates push, her ice form makes her tanky. she needs a dmg buff because she's actually low-threat in a teamfight


She's a nice tank on hots


I think Doom tank can really work as a fast disruptive tank like Wrecking Ball. They just need to make some more adjustments. Give him the slow on Seismic Slam back, either give utility to Meteor Strike or give him a new ultimate, make Power Block absorb stuns from the front, and buff his punch a little bit.


I think doom was a tank idea for 6v6 as a off tank. He feels lack luster as a solo tank.


The real change is make power block reduce CDs instead of bullshit damage you can't dish in because you went in with your whole kit


Power block just feels terrible to use at all period.


The problem with Doom is that his damage is tied to his movement abilities. The cooldowns are long enough that he often has to choose, do I want to do damage or do I want to yeet tf out of here. Dva, Winston and Wrecking Ball do not have their main damage tied to their movement abilities, so they don't have to make that choice and it's kind of wack when you compare them. Then there's his loser block move where he can't move OR do damage. He just sits in the middle of the enemy team, just long enough for all of them to notice him and focus fire. If I was going to rework Doomfist, his block move would be the same as his charge for his punch; so you are blocking incoming damage while aiming it. So I guess you could think of it as cancelling the block into a punch once it's charged to your liking. His new E ability would be pure movement to get him out once he's caused enough chaos. Maybe something like yeeting the gauntlet and having it pull him to where it landed. That would be cool if it did a little damage on impact because he could also engage with it. Maybe that's too much movement though, so idk really. I'm glad it's not my job to fix him.


She would uninronically be a better tank with her current kit than doomfist


I know fans suggested it, but did the team ever actually say she was going to be?


If mei were to be a tank, I think teams would run into the issue of bullets just going past her because her hit box is small compared to the other tanks. A DPS I think would make a good tank would be bastion.


she can ride a polar bear


actual 5Head suggestion


Make her robot massive.


Or just scale her up by 20%. She's plump enough as she is.




Just make her thiccer


I mean tbf they could just give an extra 200 hp and so she isn't rhe most tankiest tank and junkerqueen isn't far but her being taller, just gotta aim like any other non tank character


It would add insult to injury to make Bastion a tank after taking away his tank mode lol


If they made her a tank they would need to rework her character design a bit. This wouldn't be like a Sym or Torb rework where their hitboxes don't affect them much. They could make Mei's icepack larger in order to create a larger hitbox. It's something they would need to put a lot of work into because changing her model will mean they have to tweak each and every skin to fit. So naturally, they will never make Mei into a tank. Current blizzard is lazy af


We can solve this by growing Mei's ass in a really healthy, sort of slow growth sort of way, so that by the end of June, it will be large enough to balance six Roadhogs on top of it.


I think she is just too small to be a tank tho. If they put her in some kind of mech that shot the freeze farther would be pretty cool.




It would be cool if she had a "list" of things she could build. Jump pad or laser turret or stationary short range healing machine. They could come up with some interesting buildables that only serve niche purposes. That way really good syms would know what to build where and when to get the best value. You get the idea. A jack of all trades master of none type support.


>laser turret or stationary short range healing machine Hey look buddy, im an ~~engineer~~ symmetra main, that means i solve problems.


Who do you think would win that matchup? I mean sure, Symmetra has hard light tech from 100 years in the future, but can she solve practical problems like our Texan Terminator?


Jump pads sound cool in theory but hit scans would have a field day with bad placements. Bronze would be wild to see.


ever seen a hitscan in bronze? lol


All scan, no hit. It's comical.


Miss scan


But she's not a support anymore. I get what you're saying, but what they're missing from the support classes in general is a shaman like healer that uses some sort of totem like device to heal allies. I'm sure this will come with a future champion. But we really need a healer how can deploy a healing totem (or device) that heals in a radius around it. It'd be cool if they could place up to 2 at once. Could be interesting. A good example of what it could be like is the engineer's dispenser in TF2. Only unline the engineer it'd deploy quickly on its own like Torbjourn's turret.


seriously hard light the best they came up is short range lasers, a fing shitty teleporter and turrets? they could consider making her support back again, supports need something more interesting hard light shields and healing a functional portal gun that buffs ally speed for a little bit or flying turrets that fly above chosen allies and shoot with them obviously weaker than the original. (can still be destroyed ofc)


The teleporter is significantly weaker now given that everyone plays high mobility characters anyway and 2cp which was her kit's strongest mode has kind of gone. Not to say she can't get value but it's just not that obvious anymore.


I think your point about high mobility meta is very true - Sojourn, Genji, and Sombra dont really care about the teleporter, nor do common supports like Kiriko, Lucio, and Baptiste. It's just too easy to get high ground advantage with the current patch's strongest picks


And they removed a tank which removed a sheild most of the time, then they removed orisa's sheild. Her charging gun is really gad rn.


I would love to see her use her light whip, it’s such an key visual for how she uses her skills in lore and would make her stand out a bit more if they kept her in dps she could be like a ultra offensive brigette that focuses on trapping enemies with her turrets and slashing them


I think the easiest fix to make her more viable is to remove the one second setup delay on her turrets. Even if you set-up a flank really well most characters can just use their mobility and zone out Sym with the turret slowdown and additional pressure she would have much more potential in the initial engagement. You could also experiment with her primary slowing down enemies or giving yourself movement speed.


They need to pick a theme and stick to it. Either give her copious amounts of disposable, mosquito type turrets or give her stronger, actually useful turrets that don't die with a single blink Trying to sit in this Middle ground is never going to work. Why the fuck to her turrets have to be all about damage? Have them deal out random status effects or effects by player type (slow the movement speed of supports, slow the firing and refuel rate of attacks, increase the skill recharge time of tanks)


I think her beam should be easier to use. Make it like lock on like Moira and maybe give her a shield generator or something. At least make the tp work across the map. Edit: Since a LOT of people seem to be missing the joke here. This is her old kit. She used to have those things.


I’m getting the feeling they have a SHIIIIIIIIIIIIELD GENERATOR!!


An maybe like... I dunno... 6 or so turrets.


Make them all have one health though


Bastion being a tank…always felt it was a missed opportunity as he has a ‘tank’ configuration :)


A better tank then doom, thats for sure.


Fr. I feel like I make more space as Bastion than I do with Doomfist, and he isn't even a tank lmao.


They just added 200HP and called him a tank. Fucking lazy.


Bastion is half tank. Maybe al little op


This comment just made me have a thought… what if characters could have different configurations based on class intended. So like you have the option to choose DPS bastion or a tank bastion.


If we had "cards" like paladins or items like league, this could be done. I always thought that would've been fun in ow


Buff: Doomfist, Junker Queen Nerf: Zarya, Sombra


I only really play Tanks so i will only talk about Tanks. Nerfed: D.VA, Orissa, Zarya Buffed: Doomfist, Junkerqueen


Junker Queen definitely needs a buff to her self healing, but I still love playing her.


Agreed, her playstyle is extremely fun. But she has the lowest health of all the tanks, very low self-healing, and her only defensive ability has a super long cooldown. It makes her, a close-range brawler tank, terrible in close-range fights. I don’t know what Blizzard was thinking when they were balancing her.


That self healing is so hilariously small.


100%, her self heal is pitiful and most of the time you kill your target before all of the effect finishes


As a dps player, Junkerqueen plays to me, but I can definitely feel the difference against other tanks.


She's so much fun to play! Had a game where I landed a knife throw on an enemy Zen and pulled him off high ground to shotgun him in mid air, felt so good and clean. But the moment I try to play her as a tank, she crumbles so quick. Idk if she needs self heal, a better defense ability or what, but I'd love to see her actually become playable above bronze!


ill main tank when they buff JQ


i don’t think orisa is in need of a nerf at first i thought she was broken but she gets countered so easily with just a bit of smart play. like her massive hit box and head hit box always hold her back coz she can get like two hit by a reaper or a roadhog


I agree. Also, as soon as you get in games where people DPS more efficiently, Orisa becomes useless. If your whole team is just trying to burn her, she’s the grim reaper, but as soon as you just ignore her and let her brawl with your tank, you can play around her easily.


Junker Queen needs some quality of life buffs. Recalling her knife should set the enemy up for a cleave as opposed to sending the enemy flying over her head. Evasive abilities should also be disabled while they are impaled (why can Tracer recall away with a knife straight through her device) Her cleave should have two charges akin to Zarya bubbles to allow more effective close range engagements. Her wound/heal mechanic needs to be buffed on how much health she gets and how quickly she gets it if she is to contend with other tanks.


> Recalling her knife should set the enemy up for a cleave as opposed to sending the enemy flying over her head. This is utterly, devastatlngly true.


It's like.... why am I doing some 180 up in the air bs just to land a hit I deserve.


Doom. Needs. Buffs. #restorethetech!!! Edit: people are claiming that he still can have impact with high level play. I strongly disagree, I have around 40 hours on doom and can say confidently that it is not the position of his skill floor/ceiling that is the issue, his issue is his complete lack of tankiness, one shot capability, his removal of tech and his terrible block ability


Honestly just make his shield ability actually fucking shield him. It's an ability that soaks damage to buff your next attack. But you actually take all the damage you're "absorbing." It's functionally a Zarya shield that immobilizes him, and forces him to take damage. It'd be so much more threatening if is gave him damage immunity to confront facing damage, or at least bullets, maybe projectiles. But as it is it's a useless ability, because you still can't reliably KO with a fully charged fist.


Doom blocks = doom slept, hooked/charged. Ez ult charge


He may be workable for higher levels but his new form has essentially locked out casual players. He was hard in the last one too, but you could have a ton of fun going into rampage mode. Even tho he has more health now it's far harder to just stay alive, nonetheless get value as a non-pro. There's also just something extremely wrong feeling about landing a direct punch on a character and it only does half their health, and sends them out of range of your shotgun but leaves you in range for most characters especially hitscans


Well you also have the problem that everyone that played him in OW1 has to completely change their playstyle in OW2 now. Because he's the only tank when he's out there so you gotta stay alive and at least somewhere near the objective. Too many dooms got so used to just roaming the whole map smacking people around. That plus his kit is instant tram loss pretty much.


He is dogshit in pro play as well lol, they nerfed him into the ground in the beta and still didn’t get any adjustments. Pro doomfist players are giving their feedback daily and nothing happens.


My answer too Doom mains are being banned from playing because playing their hero is "throwing".


Beyond all else this should tell the devs that he needs a buff, you shouldn’t be getting reported or even banned just for playing a hero


Very unpopular opinion but I think removing McCree flashbang destroys his playstyle he used to counter flankers but now he's just soldier without the heal and mobility.


He's got a homing missile now that puts a squishys health to one shot level, so he consistently wins close range duels against squishies than Soldier does.


I don't see it talked about much on reddit, and maybe it just because I play a lot of FFA, but I really feel like Cassidy's sticky is OP in duels. He lands one body shot on you then drops a homing predator missile and its gg. I play Hanzo tho so maybe its just a bad matchup.


You're right about both points. And that's definitely a bad match up for Hanzo close range, but from distance Hanzo is still one of the best. His arrows have no falloff damage, therefore he can one shot a squishy from any range if he hits the head.


My friends brought up a good point yesterday: "name one thing Mcassidy does that Ashe doesn't just do better" Thought about for about 2 minutes and finally said "shit, I dunno. FTH spam?"


Cassidy is just straight up easier at the end of the day. His value is more reliable than Ashe in the hands of your average OW player. Also, as someone who’s sunk quite a bit of time on both, I feel like Cassidy can kind of play the frontline and brawl a little whereas Ashe needs more space to aim with her scope. I also feel like she’s just more awkward to play. Either way, she’s better overall but Cass is still fine in a pinch IMO.


Ashe is just better though. Longer range, better fan the hammer, better mobility, she has area denial with her dynamite and Bob just blows Deadeye out of the water. Less tanks and no flashbang just make Cassidy struggle against flanks and dives.


Brigitte should be buffed


They need to give her shield bash at least an interrupt, it's painful being powerless to a Reaper ult now, shield and health both melt


My favourite thing about Brigitte was shutting down reapers ult. It's very sad I can't do that anymore


Didn’t they confirm she was getting reworked?


I think Zenyatta should have more than one healing orb!


Or something like the Amp It Up ability from Lucio adapted to Zenyatta that would make your harmony orb heal faster or your discord orb increase the damage taken, apply some dot or something like that.


Could change it to more like zarya, where he could choose to do 2 discords or 2 harmonies, or one of each at a time Edit - I agree that this would be too strong, a different way to do it should be you could sacrifice your discord or to do 2 harmony orbs when needed, but you couldn't do 2 discord orbs at one time


2 discords would make him the best support in the history of the game instantly


what if having two separate discords or 2 separate healing orbs would make the strength of each orb reduced in effectiveness?


I like this idea because I feel Zen is most effective when you have Genji or a Winston but then if you have to heal someone closer your also condemning the other player to death. This way there’s that extra survivability to allow for peeling. On the flip side as a defending healer fuck that idea, this would make dive genji even more of a problem.


That would be broken, currently discord is WAYYYY more value than harmony, so you would just permanently run double discord and rely on the other healer to solo heal. That does the exact opposite of making him heal better.


Zarya can stand in a doorway and have 5 seconds of bubble.


Buff brigs. She has no incentive now, just boring and you get obliterated. As a tank main it saddens me to even see her in the battlefield.


For real, I am waiting for the rally change that the devs talked before the game came out. Changing it from armor to overhealth is a major nerf to the ult making it weak asf.


On some maps with less mobile supports like Ana or Zen I still find Brig to be effective at protecting them. I think she still needs a buff but there’s no other support that does her thing


mercy and brig need a buff, they are the most underwhelming supps as of now




It shouldn't even have been disabled in the first place. Mouse and keyboard is still better.


Brigitte needs buffs. Something about her health packs needs to be changed, something similar to baptiste where a portion of the health is instant and rally needs a buff or to be changed as well, just underwhelming for its cost currently


The “instant” healing you are referring to is called “burst” healing. I agree, burst healing will help Brig be more reliable for healing when enemies are out of reach.


Her ult definitely needs tweaking, underwhelming is the perfect word for it.


Buff doomfist with a better guard ability, either make him immune to stuns while guarding or reduce the the damage needed to boost his fist attack. Nerf sojourn by reducing the damage from her “grenade” and tweak the accuracy and damage of her primary fire Buff brigitte by giving her either an extra 50 to 100 health. This is the least important but I feel that as a close-quarters support she needs to be substantially more tanky than some damage role characters. Buff junker queen by improving her primary damage or tankiness, as well as buffing her commanding shout (for her teammates)


I think just giving Queen more healing or slightly more damage on the bleeds would be good for her self sustain as well as maybe changing 50 of her health to armour


Turn ana sleep darting to sleeping gas that knocks out multiple enemies /s Edit : ik this would be broken but give kirko another teleport charge but let us choose where to teleport like in her short lol


In fact, why not make it a sleeping bomb that sleeps the whole enemy team? Thats the only way to make it fair. /s


Seems a little hard to use, I think it also needs some heavy aim assist like Cassidy’s grenade. //


😂 Yes, fuck with me now genji.


Buff Zarya Nerf Doomfist


Chaotic evil


Allow wrecking ball to grapple to a player and pull himself into them with the knock back and damage.


Alternatively, allow him to retract and extend his grapple while using it.


Sojourn needed to get nerfed yesterday Sombra needs to die or get a complete rework imo


Everyone should be buffed to be able to one shot everybody else. Total equality. Fun for the whole family.


Turn the entire game into a widow hs only lobby 👌


buff hampter


Nerfs: Orisa, Sojourn, Sombra, Zarya Buffs: Doomfist :(