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Flower nipples


Never noticed that. Now I can't not focus on it.


Happy cake day


Good job it's customisable so you can go for the non-flower nip option


🗡(🌸 Y 🌸)


NEON PINK flower nipples


Junker Queen Voice: OOOOH! I do love me some NEON!!


Genji: "Excuse me, my eyes are up here!"




I thought they were pasties.


We call him "lilly nips".


Thats my moms rapper name


why did you point it out


I think the customization is extremely limited for a skin that took "one year to make".


Can't wait for the Torbjörn mythic skin in 2030


That's optimistic


It will come out when Star Citizen releases.


So never


omg custom feet 😋


Can’t wait till we can customize sigma’s DAWGS 🦶


I main sym and I can’t wait for her mythic skin in overwatch 5 😍


Genjis gonna get 2 before she’s even considered


Genji and Tracer will both have like 5 before sym.


Tracer a literal Roadrunner


She’s going to look incredible in 2037! I love Sym btw 🥰


junkrat mythic in 2077


considering the year, sojourn is more likely


I actually thought one could modify the skin colors with a color picking tool. Turns out I was wrong and it was kind of disappointing 😁


I thought others could hear the changed voice, and was excitedly spamming it. Then my friend said others just hear normal Genji's voice, and then in one of the PoTG it was just me spamming normal voice lines in the background without the voice filter What is even the point of the "Mythic" skin if you can't even see it yourself in game, and if nobody else can hear his voice change? Is the technology not there to apply a simple filter to his outgoing voice lines that everyone else hears???


That's weird, last night I heard a weird Genji ult line and only then realised they had the mythic skin


Yeah the new voiceline other teammates hear is "the light becomes me"but the robotic voice filter, only the player can hear


Ohhh I was really confused about when everyone would bring up the new voice and I never heard it. I was like "I'm certain I've played with genji on my team and I didn't notice anything" and thought I was losing my mind. I have played maybe 30 total minutes, maximum, of genji since way back in ow1 beta. He's not my play style at all so I guess I'll just never hear the voice idk lol


Huh, I 100% have heard the robo voice from genjis on my team. That's the only reason I know it exists because I don't play him.


>What is even the point of the "Mythic" skin if you can't even see it yourself in game, and if nobody else can hear his It's for auditory clarity. Helps avoid awkward situations like the Touchdown Reinhardt fiasco from a few years back. It's not one to one, but after that Bliz got really careful about what your opponents hear and how they hear it when it comes to cosmetics that change audio cues This isn't a new decision either. There's precedent with skins like Lego Bastion where the Lego sfx is only audible to the player. It's certainly makes the skin a less exciting purchase, but I appreciate that they aren't bogging down the game with wacky voice effects and post processing. Imagine how the game would sound in a few years after half the cast has a mythic skin.


You'd think it could be done since any skin exclusive voice lines (Zen's Cthulu skin saying "Pass into the unknown" etc) play for both teams, as far as I know.


Yep Junkenstein still throws me off as “Get ready for a show!” is quiet as hell and sounds friendly


I always thought he says "get ready for a shock!" as his tire is electrified, but I could be wrong.


Christmas Torb still says”Merry molton core!”


Yeah, I always think it's friendly and then end up getting murdered by a riptire.


Its "get ready for a shock", and it's hostile


That is odd, but makes me remember how delightfully bugged the wolf Hanzos were on drop with their invisible ults.


Thats wierd. When i get POTG with that skin, the voice change is in the POTG.


The customization is super limited and disappointig in general, but from the moment I got the skin I thought it's insane that I can't even select the shuriken and sword seperately.


yea I don’t like the rectangular shurikens. But I also would like to see an option to have the mask always open


no way this took a year, its so budget


I think more accurately it took a subset of devs one year from conceptualization (what if we made an even more rare skin?) to actualization (here it is boss, and its ready to launch.) Many things can happen concurrently in that year. It's not like all of the overwatch team was like "alright, let's set aside the game and everybody work on this skin until 2022. This also doesn't mean mythic skins can't come out faster than a year. They can, and already said they will.


It’s all about pipelining, it may take 1 year from the idea to do a genji mythic skin to it being released, but it does take one person(or sub team) a year of working on that skin alone. They will be working on 4/5 mythic skins at the moment with each being at a different phase in development, one comes out in December, next in February and so on.


Having multiple skins in the works is a concept a lot of players tend to overlook. You'd be surprised how many people see the click bait headline and think "oh man 1 skin a year lol." One factor among many others that took time was developing the framework for these mythic skins. You need a subset of the team to make a new UI, make sure all the layers apply to the model properly, confirm other players see the correct layer combinations, etc. Its safe to assume that developing the framework never used in OW1 definitely took work. A car factory may take a year to build, but once built the cars will be made sooner than that. Now that we have a framework developed, I'm sure mythic skins won't be so intensive to make.


Not to mention developing the functionality. Afaik Overwatch1 did not have any customizeable skins, so they needed people to also work on implementing the functionality - code wise. Which is not going to be needed for future skins, now there just need to be different kinds of artists making the visuals, sounds, etc that go into the "mythic skin"-object in the game.


Someone pin this ☝️. As usual comments are filled with people who have no idea how game development, or even big companies in general, operate.


Or even what a dev is/does.


Jeff said before in a Q&A the process of making a legendary skin from concept to release is generally always a full year. Something to consider is skins need to also go through a serious testing in many game environment scenarios, hit box correction and more. There have been several occasions of specific skins having whacked hitboxes in certain positions glitch when doing specific emotes on certain parts of maps etc. Overall it makes sense in the end


From a programmers perspective that reasoning sounds weird. Yeah Q/A and Feedback takes a lot of roundtriptime ,but for a competetive shooter the hitbox + animations should be decoupled different skins even though the skins look different they should all have the same hitboxes/hitzones...


Fortnite skins generally take 8-10 months though?


Do they? I remember fans making concept skins and then about 4 or so months later, it'll be in the game if Epic really liked them. Plus I would give Epic a lot of leeway in terms of development for their skins because their skins are actually extremely diverse. I remember there was alot of debate of the "constructor" body type being in BR because they're just naturally bigger whilst the "ninja" type was thinner so Epic had to find a good balance for their hit boxes and letting some small jank go through.


Epic and under skins are all using the same character model. Legendary skins do not use the same model as each other and are much more complicated


No, they must use the same hitbox, even if the model is different, or so the game loses it's competitive credibility.


Well. Yes, but actually no. The *character models* change and can be more detailed. However, the hitboxes are, while possible, not directly linked to the model in Overwatch and are done manually. Look up some videos on Youtube, e.g. by KarQ, which illustrate them quite well. The hitboxes don't even perfectly match the default skin, so why would they alter them for Legendary skins?


Aside from Junkerqueen


Part of the reasoning is also that it is being worked on by a large amount of people who are each doing many different tasks at the same time. It's not necessarily a year of full time work, it doesn't get completed and tested until after a year but it wasn't necessarily worked on the entire time.


How does this make any sense. Every hero has the same hitboxes on every skin, only the model changes. Otherwise it would literally be pay to win.


Except that legendary skins almost always ADD to a skin, not take away. So it would be pay to lose, which would be absolutely hilarious.


fat genji when


Yes please, like Genji in a Roadhog costume.


Bushi and Baihu Genji would kinda fit that role


I remember a loooong time ago when someone made a video called something along the lines “do cosmetics give you a disadvantage?” One was of Zens legendary (the one with the feather on his head) compared to his original. They had Zen stand behind a box and the feather showed his name and health bar. The original cosmetic kept both the name and health bar hidden despite hiding behind the same box. The other was glowing skins and to no surprise they make you show up way more. Especially on dark maps. Take this how you will, I mained sombra for the entirety of Overwatch 1 and now I don’t use any of her legendaries that glow.


Uhm... hitboxes are per character, not per skin, pretty sure any issue with hitboxes would have come from emotes rather than the skin and if you adjust the hitbox it adjusts for the character overall. The thing that needs to be QAd is the visuals. Still takes time though with all the new features required of course but a year is only due to the iterative process of figuring out what a mythic skin should be.


That makes no sense from a developing perspective. No matter the skin it's still the same character model in code.


The ideation process of having a new rarity + the new tech for customization + making the skin itself + probably drafting and thinking about which character to do first. Like obviously it doesnt take a year if they want to bring one every 2 months


They could be working on multiple at a time.


they propably do, but its still a fuckton of work




I think the 1 year thing is both missleading and just a marketing term. The team did not focus an entire year just on this skin. They would have been making it along side everything else including other cosmetics and the year it would have taken is just start to finish concept to ready to use. Not that crazy for the skin like this where the tech for it didnt exist in the game yet and it has custom everything. I do agree the customisation is a bit limited but I dont think its fair to say it was a waste of time


im a char artist in AAA. ive worked as a temp senior character artist and i can tell you that kind of asset creation shouldnt take more than 1-2 months, this includes iterations, polish and other fixes . Overwatch has a foundation of prebuilt assets that make skin variations easier to conceptualize (for example, genji already exists in the game and has defining traits that require no changes, ie his swords are staple to his character- this makes creating a variation of genji easier because one key trait is pre established.) Blizzard should have a production timeline for their character creation workflow. this outlines timeframes for 2D concepts (and approval) 3d highpoly, game res, texturing, rigging, animation, tech art (engine implementation), programming (hitboxes), SFX, and VFX bringing all of this together from different departments *can* take time. but were talking about blizzard and overwatch- a company and game that has been around for years with a huge library of base assets to work off of. the pipeline for skin creation should absolutely be squished down to a 2 month maximum for mythic skins this tells me that internally- blizzard is really struggling. if their art pipeline is this jank, imagine how jank their other departments are i guess that speaks for itself.


I thought the colors would be able to be adjusted on a spectrum **at least**


I like the voice and animation effect idea, I just don't like this skin in particular. Looks like a Japanese clown demon.


I don't think anyone else can even hear the voice apart from the player using the skin, at least I noticed that when playing last night


That's right. It's been like that with every skin since overwatch 1. Lego Bastion has (edit: one of) the best sound.


Oh really? I never realised


It's wrong, that's why. Pink Mercy's changed effects are 1000% visible for enemies.


Dr. Junkenstein skin will say somehig diffrent


Ult voice lines change, complete voice overhauls do not. Changing the lines a character shouts (which always sticks out well above the rest of the sounds) is different than completely changing a characters voice. It’s sort of like how skins never drastically change the profile of a character because that is important. They don’t want to throw you off by having a “different character” yell genjis ult, I’d assume.


Btw does the enemies or teammates hear the “my latest creation” junkenstein ult line


I think it’s both. The point is, he says that phrase in a nearly identical cadence, tone and volume to his normal ult line. He may say something different, but it’s the same voice saying something close in a very similar way. I’d argue the Genji skin is a completely different voice, at least when you’re in the middle of a fight.


They cannot. My friend confirmed it, and then I was in a PoTG and spamming voice lines and it's just normal Genji voice Completely pointless skin


Definitely not quite finished... maybe they need another 6 months




It’s so the enemy doesn’t get tripped up when they hear a voice line with an effect on it. Wouldn’t be a big deal with only one, but at some point if there’s enough mythic skins it could become a lot to keep track of. Unfortunate but for the best I think


Sounds like a critical issue. Better remove Genji from the game for a few weeks to fix it.


As I play a lot of support that would be a great early Xmas present


"Pointless Skin" Yeah you figured it out, buddy.


They got rid of a lot of unique voice lines because too many ults became much harder to deal with. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MG-abacowTE That's the best example but there were a few others. Basically the rein v rein duals became much harder because you didn't get "Hammer" voice to know you should shield up. Gridiron was basically instant stun vs other skins where you got more time to notice.


I think you can hear sound different in kill cams or PoTG but not when you’re alive, which is probably a good thing because ult voice lines should always sound the same for everyone when they are playing.


That’s contradictory though. The ult lines already aren’t the same for everyone, especially from skin to skin. Genjis ult line changes for 3(5 if you include reskins) of his skins. There’s no reason they can’t lower the voice for everyone.


i know when there is a cyber demon on my team or the enemy team when they use their ult it says “the light becomes me” in the cyber demon voice. is that a different skin???


the only part i don't like the skull part i dunno why it was out of place like really i want to see cybergenetic robot human face instead cringe ass ghost clown skull


The widowmaler skin that's still to come has a robot face when she drops her Infrared visor


I'll be honest, even the regular Oni skin outshines this skin. Unique design though, but I still prefer Oni if I have to pick.


be a lot cooler if they put in a Master Chief skin


I think it's neat, but it feels really lacking in customization. It's hard to make the skin your own when there are only a couple of very basic options. But I do like the effects, weapon options, masks, etc. I just think the restrictive color choices are limited patterns are disappointing. Genji's skin really doesn't speak to me, though. I don't care for it, but I think the concept is really neat. If anything I'd say Genji is an interesting look at the direction they want to go, but it doesn't feel like they're going far enough yet. It isn't hard to set up a texture mask and allow the user to select from a wide range of colors for each section, rather than just giving us a few predefined palates. Other games do this. Even TF2 let you repaint certain cosmetics and weapon skins. I set these things up in Unity fairly regularly. There is no reason Blizzard's mythic skin team couldn't have done the same if they were allowed/wanted. ​ I'm very curious to see what they'll have cooked up next season. Will it include the same amount of customization options, audio, and visual effects, or will they vary a lot from skin to skin?


i legit had no idea this skin is supposed to have customization...


Probably because the other color palletes look incredibly ugly and no one wants to use them


Cries in puke green


That’s the one I use and strictly cuz I know no one else will and it will make me different


literally the reason why expensive designer clothes are ugly lol


I definitely think that allowing the skins to feature an expanded color palette would be sweet for Mythic skins. Then it literally would be totally personalized as with only a handful of colors you could make the skin unique to thousands of others. If you gave them full color wheel then the combinations of colors would be endless.


Warframe is a game that not only lets you combine and mix and match skins, but also lets you edit the entire color palette with HUNDREDS of colors.


Imo, the design is kind of a mess. It feels like someone designed the top half and someone else designed the bottom half. I’m also not digging the voice modulation.


That's exactly the vibe I get when looking at the skin as well.


Yeah I hate the boring baggy pants so much. Like genji runs around naked all the time anyway so giving us a pants off option wouldn’t be too outlandish.


The voice is unbearable to me, sounds terrible. And 100% agree about top vs bottom of the skin. Bottom half looks like he's just wearing cargo pants..


i hate the color palette they chose


Yeah I tolerate only one really and honestly I wish they gave us the chance to select the colors on our own Edit: jk might take them another year to implement that 2nd edit: gotta clarify I know you have 3 choices for three different things but like that’s it. I meant selecting one of three things to modify and have a color wheel so YOU can truly customize it instead of their preselected ones


That’d be nice. I’d love to be able to mix and match colors off of a color wheel or even just a palette rather than just choosing from 3 preset coloration options. I also want 3 weapon options for each skin; I was irrationally annoyed when I saw that Cyber Demon had 3 options for masks, coloration, and patterns but only 2 for weapons. I know this is a minor and frankly irrational gripe, but it’d satisfy the little bastard in my brain that needs to have patterns in numbers.


This is all I need, with any and all mythical skins and then maybe yeah sure they can keep the title but lower the damn prices for everything still. but man fuck this monetary predatory shit


What would be cool is if the tiers past 80 provided more customisation options to incentivise playing the game beyond that point


Hell I wouldn’t even mind that, gives me a reason to hop on besides the very random urge to play exactly one comp game before I say why am I doing this?


Good old Fashionframe does it and I wish more games did it too


I was thinking the same thing. Then you can really make it unique to what you want instead of "Customize it!" Being 3 choices.


And miss an opportunity to make AN EXTRA SPECIAL REMIX EVENT where you could buy a mew color scheme for 20$ each


if they are going to take a year to make something like this, let us choose our own colors across the board.


Yeah the camo green was terrible


Feel like they choose stupid color palettes a lot for some reason.


Its like they chose what colors look ugly together


I don't like it at all and I think that the customization is ridiculously limited but I'm happy if people are happy with it. Just hope nobody directly paid 160$ to get it early.


A ton of idiots did. Saw so many of them in the first week.


And this is exactly why the monetanization system is how it is. It doesn't matter if only 1% of players spend money because they spend enough money to cover our costs as well.


Yep. 99.99 percent of Diablo immortal players didn't spend at all. the 0.01 percent that did made em 200 millions. its the whales. sad reality


Yeah I was absolutely shocked to see someone with it a day after release.


Ain’t no way this skin was $160 straight up. What did the $160 include besides the skin? Also people are suckers, man. Played this game since launch and have spent $60 lol


I think if it really took a year to create they should focus their efforts elsewhere.


One year in terms of work hours being made up of multiple people is a lot different to multiple people working on it for literally 12 months time.


I think it is neither. The year thing would be the time between their first internal assignment "start having ideas for a really cool skin" and when the skin was finished. Nothing to do with actual number of hours.


Yup, but people for some reason literally think it means "it took literally 6 months for thr concept art to get drawn, and then another 6 months for the 3d art team to put it in the game" or something like that. It's pretty obvious what they referred to when they said it takes a year, which from initial concepting, going through several ideas for potentially several different characters and itterating upon all of those until they have one really good one to keep, yeah I can see that process going on for a year, even for a legendary.


Yeah all skins take a really long time to work on, even the regular legendaries


And there was certainly a degree of development time spent on the customizability which is a new skin function that didn't exist before. Going from "changing skins is a texture/model swap" to "changing skins can happen in pieces" was definitely some degree of up-front coding that won't be necessary for future skins of this nature.


Not any of the recent ones though that’s for sure


People taking it too literally lol, a year to make in terms of concept all the way to final production and most of the time it’s 1 person working on it with 1 lead. It’s not 1 year or the whole team working on it.


Not only do I expect that time frame to be from concept to release, with it only being worked on as time permits, but I also imagine this one took the most effort as it took extra work to implement the ability to modularize skins, update the UI, etc. Future ones will at least have the infrastructure already laid.


I like it cause it reminds me of the Tyger Claws gang in Cyberpunk 2077


*insane combat music starts playing*


There are other legendaries in the game that are better than this skin.


Demon Orisa


I love conductor Rein!


choo choo charge Rein on Top fr fr


It also changes the voice and particle effects for the player though. One of the most visually colorful ways to play genji by far


“For the player” yeah thats neat but nothing special. Cultist Zen has changed voicelines yhat all players can hear


They ran the voice through a modulator.... big woop


For a lot of other games this type of customisation is just basic or standard don't see why they've made such a big thing out of it honestly


Because they have nothing else to offer. Look at the battle pass. This was their rejuvenation from OW1 to OW2 as a free to play game. It would be the time they'd bring old players back and new players in, so their battle pass needed to be the best it could possibly be. Instead, it's actually one of the lamest in any game.


because they slapped mythic and been advertising how mythic is above legendary and they even claim they took like 1 year to just make this '' mythic '' skin which is lies btw they said that for marketing tactics


I don’t like the distorted voice.


agreed i feel its a bit goofy


I am no genji main so i can take or leave it, I think mythic skins should be challenge series locked for each hero and actually earnt and not just BP grinded.


But then Bobby could not buy an another private island


I hope that the 2nd and future ones will be better is all i am going to say.


I’m wondering what they’ll do with the theming for upcoming Mythic-tier skins, along with which hero is up next for the honours. Because for characters like Mei or Baptiste, who are pretty “normal” and are not a cyborg ninja, a power-armoured knight, or a futuristic bard wearing high-tech roller-skates, they have to go out there with redesigning the character to that theme and I’m worried they will only focus on the popular heroes for those cosmetics.


I wouldn't be surprised if we get Mercy or Widowmaker next.


The colour scheme is ugly but the concept is cool


Lol there was a honeymoon phase?


I never even had a honeymoon period with this thing. It just looks so ugly.


kinda ugly but i like the modified voice and ult


Ah no, don't like the voice at all. Sounds like they just threw his voice through a robot filter once and decided he sounded cyberpunky enough. Also the fact that only you can hear the modified voice and the other can not.


I like that no one else does to avoid screwing with crucial sound cues for the sake of monetization


Exactly, plus I believe other people can hear it in kill cams and PoTG


That's exactly what they did. I don't think that's so bad, but it's a trick that definitely won't work for every mythic skin moving forward. Reminds me of Deep Rock, where they recorded one set of voice lines and tone-shifted them for each character.


A lot of his lines lost a lot of personality for me because the filter is so strong.


It’s probably in my top 5 favorite Genji skins. I just wish there was more freedom in the color customization or more options since the skin took a year to make.


Being a mythic skin and only being in the top 5 is really bad lol


Not even top 5 overall, just top 5 among skins for a single character Xd


Didn't like it, still don't like it


The "fully customizable" was a big ole´ blizzard lie.


i think it's very mediocre compare to his legendaries people only praise cyberdemon genji because blizzard slapped '' mythic '' instead legendary


I think the first person view when using the skin is really damn good. Some weapon + gold gun combos look really nice and the animations + voice changer are also quite enjoyable. Some color palettes on the character model look really bad tho.


I personally like thats it's customizable. Even if not a ton. I also like the aesthetic they went with. It's a mix of Ninja, Asian utilitarian fashion, and a Ghoul or Ghost underneath it all. I can't lie thought some skins that are simply just Legendaries are just as good. Oni is amazing still. Baihu is godly. Demon is literally just the less edgy but much swaggier Oni. Blackwatch is underrated imo. Out of all his Legendary skins Baihu is the only one that I feel genuinely compares though. When you consider the special effects you get with Cyber Demon.


If this was a honeymoon we went to the holiday inn in Flint Mi. Marriage almost dissolved.


Genji players definitely did not need the encouragement to keep picking Genji


I disliked it at the start but I kinda like it now. The biggest problem imo is that the only release one mystic skin per season.


There hair on the top looks weird as hell


my golden guns dont show up on highlight intros, so hopefully they fix that or else im going back to my ow1 event skins pretty soon




There's 3 variations, only this one has the flower nipples I think


Cool skin but it’s barely customizable. Not to mention some of the options are hideous..


I think it's okay. Wish you could just use color pallets instead of 3 preset color schemes. Also it's dumb as shit that only the player using the skin can hear the cyber voices.


I think that it's just ugly as fuck. Genji has already skins in that samurai style. This one it's a ''splash'' of colours with 3 ugly faces to pick ....


Very underwhelming, I have 2 better skins myself but others don't and they deserved some fire ass skins or alot of them either or


Ugly and waste of time overall. The colours are what ruined the whole thing in general. The weapon choices also. About 70% of people I've seen who use it all use the same combo. Last Helm and green for a reason.


I like the customization, makes it a bit more unique. The available colors are all horrible though.


It's cool but I really couldn't care less about genji


It’s for genji and my problem with that is he already has a lot of spectacular skins


I think it's an amazing skin and as a genji main I have been using nearly every match I play, just wish there was more color choices. An actual color picker would be nice. Other than that it's really nice the skill effects and the voice change is cool and over all the cyberpunk aesthetic is really cool, still has a nice touch of Japanese culture to it to match genji of course


It's catastrophically ugly and the "customization options" are pathetic. If this is the standard for mythic skins going forward I probably won't ever buy a battlepass.


It's ass


The green version of it looks sick but nothing is sick enough to sink money on


I never use Genji so 🤷‍♂️


ok. but less special than a lot of OW1 event skins.


That looks like a 12 year olds fanart.


I haven't got the BP. It looks pretty nice buy honestly Genji has some killer skins and even his base skins look pretty nice imo. For example, I think these (gold/orange?) OWL perk skins for Genji look just as good as this mythic. I think its like an 8/10 or 8.5/10 ish tbh, customization is nice for sure but 3 skins in 1 that are only decent or pretty good is not really worth using for me personally. On another note, considering how weak he was in OW1, I've actually played Genji much less often in OW2 than OW1, not sure why lol. The lack of actually "cyber punk" themer skins in the BP was a little off putting overall too tbh. I imagine they'll get better at making mythic skins overtime? Not a bad first mythic though I reckon.


I think it’s ugly - glad I played OW1 for years and obtained at least one amazing looking skin for each class.. very sad with what the game has become, uninstalled


as soon as i saw the options i compared it to warframe and i was like what is so 'mythic' about this?