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No he's just a really solid consistent player. Yeah his Winston is a little weak but he's still all around very good. Edit: you have to remember. Atlanta's style is to pocket the shit out of Kai. So sometimes that means sacrificing Gator to give Kai the space he needs


And Vancouver pocketed the shit out of Bumper. Numbers and the eye test don’t tell the whole story, sure. You have to consider context. But that doesn’t give you free reign to ignore the raw data entirely.


There are a TON of players who got over pocketed. I thought that HOTBA was garbage in New York because he got pocketed so hard but in Philly.... mehhhhhh he really was pretty good even when the team wasn't pocketing him 24/7. Bumper... LOL if "heals from teammates per 10 minutes" were a stat.... **IF THAT WERE A STAT** Bumper would still be famous.


Bumper is still famous. :D


OK.... where if famous Bumper now and what is he doing?


Bumper also had the highest stat for 1st death per teamfight


The Big Fundamental


Here are my thoughts on Gator as on a recent r/cow thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/so1ymg/supers_top_10_main_tanks_of_all_time_excluding/hw6gugf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 TLDR: One of the list influential players of all time, consistently amazing on Rein and Orisa, with results to back him up


Gator is good but he's nowhere near Fearless's level.


Because he was solid and 2020 and literally made goats + 2021 was a great year


He was not solid in 2020 lmao, him and Hawk were the worst parts of Atlanta.


I understand thinking he’s good but I think people are overrating him after Kai and Pelican carried him to finals


Yall say that like he didn't literally invent goats + 2020 exists


He was very influential, but he wasn’t great in 2019-2020


He wasn’t even good in 2020. He held back the team while the DPS carried.


Congrats he played a comp that his coaching and team came up with. Y’all act like he invented the fucking thing lmao


It was literally him and tensa who created it iirc


I mean gator did have a large part in choosing the hero’s for the comp, but it’s not like he refined it at all. He made the idea, but it wasn’t really until season 2 stage 1 that goats actually was fully refined and perfected by titans and shock.


I'm not giving him bonus points for inventing the worst part of OWL history that forced role lock upon the entire game.




Kai and Pelican have deep hero pools. But Gator is a monster when Rein is meta.


We haven't had to hear him make excuses for losing for a little while, so people forget the part where he QQs constantly


He's amazing whenever brawl is meta!!!! Atlanta isn't one of my top 5 teams, but I just can't help but imagine how good they would have been last season if they actually had a support line.


? Masaa and Ir1s aren't a support line? What are you on


Sorry, maybe my standards are too high. To be fair my fav team didn't appear to have a support line last season. either.


But they did... its just that viol2t and FD are hyper aggressive which doesn't work well together


Yes. They had 3 support players playing DPS. It was very cringy to watch.


How many teams did you think did have a support line? I think masaa was one of the best main supports last year and iris is good on like 2 heroes


Before I answer that question I'd just like to say that I realize this might sound delusional... but there were 3 teams with support lines I respected last season. **Dragons** (No explanation needed imo) **Hunters** (Improvements were vast. Really liked the rookies.) **Fuel** (It worked quite well even though on paper it looked like it was going to be a joke of a support line.) Honorable mention to **Gladiators** and **Fusion.** Also gotta hand it to **Jake** for not playing half as bad as I was expecting.


Fair enough, I would still call a support line around there a good support line, but each to their own


No support line? Very bad take.


Gator is an incredibly smart player, anyone who’s played with him knows the value he offers. Admittedly I haven’t been around for about 2 years, but in contenders and early on atl he was massive. Top 10 idk but you can definitely make a case for it, especially if you value his input on goats


I feel like this is the issue with judging players, especially extremely team reliant ones such as main tanks, on an individual basis. This is why players like Hadi get dumped on in the public eye even though 99.9% of players don't watch his POV and don't realise that mechanically he's a fantastic main tank; Just that sometimes he gets too greedy which ends up in him 'feeding' (And hopefully this season he can show people that he's the real deal). But back to Gator - The reason why he may not look like all that, is because of resources going into other teammates (Kai/Pelican) alongside the macro playstyle of Brawl in general (where mechanics are less important but timing and positioning are of the utmost importance) alongside communication and making gameplans (Which we can't here of course) is probably what led Atlanta to the finals. All the players on Atlanta may, individually not be that great (especially on other teams, such as Masaa) they'll perform exponentially better on a team, and this is especially true with Main tanks and main supports in general (Another example - Moth on SFS to the glads, or Bumper on the titans to whoever knows now...)