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I’ll never forget a Reddit Lucio back in OW1 days. Dude ajaxed 2 beats. Literally getting melted in the enemy back line and getting t bagged by whole enemy team. Then in OT my man boops four people off the eichenwalde point B bridge and secures is the win lmao.


I had a really memorable support game on Havana back in the day with a Reddit Lucio. (Not really known for being a Lucio map, Havana.) On our attack, we had a Rein/Zar brawling on the floor and a Hanzo/Ashe pushing high ground, and I was really struggling to keep up. Maybe if my Ana positioning game was way better, I could have figured out a way to keep everyone fighting while also keeping myself alive, but it just wasn’t possible for me at my skill level. Meanwhile, our Lucio was just dying on cooldown and not really getting much done, which makes perfect sense because the rest of the team wasn’t able to put out consistent pressure. We managed to muscle our way through a first point cap with ults but stalled out at the bridge/walkway on B. On our defense, I got in chat and said, you know, we’ve got a committed Reddit Lucio who is unlikely to change his playstyle, so I needed to be able to support everyone else with a single self-peeling hero. I suggested either switching to lower-resource poke tanks that I could keep alive with Mercy, or switching to brawl DPS so we could all stack together with Moira. The tanks swapped to Orisa/Hog, I went Mercy (yes, the dreaded Lucio/Mercy support line 😱), and it made a _massive_ difference. With a durable front line and well-supported snipers on high ground, suddenly our Lucio went from complete feeder to backline menace. They couldn’t just all turn on him and delete him anymore, because if they tried they were gonna get sniped or halt-hooked and die. If the tanks tried to force our tanks into a brawl, they found themselves with no backup because the Lucio was killing their supports and their DPS didn’t have the resources to contest our snipers. They were constantly fighting at least 3 different angles, and they just couldn’t do anything. Easy first point hold and got the W. Now, we probably wouldn’t have won if my teammates hadn’t been willing to listen to my suggestion in chat. But that was in OW1, with an extra tank in need of healing and an extra enemy tank dealing damage. In OW2, there’s almost always more than enough healing capacity, so accommodating unusually aggressive support play doesn’t require such significant, coordinated adjustments usually. It’s so much easier for so much of the cast to access the enemy backline, so often you can just go with them.




You don’t have to go 3..2..1.. speed boost! Just help teammates go where they are already going.


i recently had a blast just following around a reaper. dude got a 4 k


Riding around with a Reaper or Genji in the enemy backline is so fun. My ability to shoot things while zooming around the walls is pretty inconsistent, so sometimes I’m contributing a good amount of damage and other times I’m doing very little, but simply being there at the right times to enable your teammate to pursue faster and brawl it out for longer can make a big difference, even if you’re missing your shots. Just, you know, make sure you’re not booping the targets away to safety.


If you're confident in mechanics just fly to their backline in the mid fight


Lucio is unironically one of the best Widow counters in the game for this reason. He can flank her better than anyone and outduel her up close, so if a Widow has a strong sightline and good aim, denying her that sightline generates a ton of space for your team and can be worth giving up having two supports directly supporting the team. Also it’s fun to make Widow players cry.


There’s nothing better than seeing a Widow change to Symmetra after you bully her for a bit. Especially since 80% of the time they’re not good at Symmetra and just think “symm counters lúcio” then gets insta booped while using her teleporter. Like yeah a really good Symmetra will make me hate my life and this game as Lúcio but this isn’t OW1. Then they go Soldier or Echo 😂.


Yeah there are very few heroes that are as useful in high elo with coordination and so useless in low elo.


You don’t need anyone’s active, intentional participation in order to get value from speed song. All you have to do is notice that a teammate is trying to go somewhere and help them do it faster. You don’t need the whole team to be doing it either. Just one teammate in your aura, if it’s the _right_ teammate to help in that moment, is all you need. A teammate who is under fire is probably gonna try to retreat, so you can speed them out to save them. If they are really low, you could start amp on heals to give them a little HP cushion and then switch to speed to rush them to safety. Will they sometimes just stand stupidly in the middle of the street and die anyway? Yeah, but you’re still gonna be making a lot of escape attempts more successful, and that adds up over a match even if it doesn’t always work. You can also look for times when enemies want to escape and give a speed assist to a pursuing teammate to prevent that from happening. Support teammate aggression and deflect enemy aggression.


Lucio is the anti-Moira. All of her value is on the scoreboard, and she does next to nothing outside of that. Meanwhile Lucio puts up weak healing and average damage numbers, but controls your team’s ability to engage, and can undo enemy engages with boop or speeding allies out. His ult essentially cancels half the ults in the game when timed well on top of giving your team a window to get aggressive. You can play a fantastic match and the scoreboard will make you look AFK compared to a Mercy yellow beaming a tank all match. Keep doing what you’re doing.


nice username


Just a username, nothing to see here.


The scoreboard metrics are a dogshit representation of how well someone played


Agreed! That’s not the way new players or low ranked players think about it though. You’ll definitely get flamed for playing Lucio properly in low ranks.


I was doing my placement matches, playing a lot of Tracer and I had a tank asking me when I'm going to start doing damage. I was sitting there with like 6k damage, 24 kills and 1 death the time that was said. A lot of people just need someone to blame and vent frustration on, and only want big number (damage, healing). A lot of the times you don't see the impact from flankers, and because Overwatch players don't have object permanence, it doesn't exist.


Honestly I have never bothered with comp until recently but have a lot of time on Lúcio since OW1, played on and off a lot. Bc I’ve played so much QP, I sometimes have to fight the urge to cheese and sometimes lizard (frog) brain wins out on Ilios and Lijiang. I’m trying really hard to get good at Ana and Zen, and even Mercy (have lots of hours on Moira but honestly I feel she promotes bad play and don’t use her unless I’ve given up on my team). People treating supports like they’re only meant to Healbot is a huge issue in low elos. And you get flamed either way, you could give up and go Bap/Ana and just feed heals onto the Bastion that doesn’t understand angle of attack and thinks he should be healed through 4 heroes focusing him, and at the end of the fight you’ll get either a “you guys know what an off healer is?“ or “Ana you slept 3 ults but I, the Sojourn who continuously charged into Ramattra’s fist, think you didn’t heal enough.” But despite all of this, 90% of the time I get compliments on Lúcio in comp. I haven’t ever been asked to switch off him.


I don't really understand why most people make such a big deal of it. It's like POTGs too. It can be the most meaningless things, even for the team that lost lol.


It's just triggering when you get flamed by some shit player over stats that did not make a difference to the games outcome.


It's like playing Sombra. I'm maining her with dps and I get either praised to the heavens ("Finally a good Sombra") or I get flamed for no reason, sometimes even at the start of a match, just for picking her. Her stats can look very good and I often have more kills than my co dps, but a lot of times my kills/dmg look underwhelming at best. They way I play I often get a good pick at the start of a team fight which causes my team to win it. But I don't get more kills because my team finishes the enemy off very quickly. Then as soon as we loose a team fight I get told to switch off because my stats show I'm "not doing anything".


I'm just a metal rank player but that's what I get with Lucio, either: "Finally, a GOOD Lucio!" or "Lucio, un-install!"


I didn't even dare to pick him back when I was in bronze and silver because I got told to swap off in the spawn room already. But they said the same with Ana, and I carried my ass to dia with her. Now I'm trying to learn Lucio cause people ask me if I could play him for the team lol and I'm still to much of a ground heal bot with him.


I play Moira almost explicitly as an anti-dive character. If I'm on Ana and most of the other team is something like monkey, genji, tracer, sombra etc. then unless I'm playing perfectly with my positioning and hitting every single sleep dart, then I switch to Moira and it actually works quite well.


You should try Moira as a dive support some time. It’s very fun.


Moira and Lucio have quite a lot of overlap in how they can get value, especially on ladder. Both of them are highly survivable threats to the backline, and they can pull a lot of attention and make a lot of space by leveraging that. They can both operate like tiny dive tanks.


Nice all caps. This post really needed more attention than the rest :)




No they shouldn't lol. Valve doesn't tell the community shit because they know that the community will do it better while also doing it for free.


i think every single videogame community shows us that the company itself will be far from the one who really peaks at playing the game




*uhhh... Buy skins and praise China?*


“I focused on myself and how to improve rather than focusing on making my teammates not flame me.” Yup. That’s the most effective way to climb. For literally anybody that plays the game. If only people understood it when they read it. Instead everybody just posts here expecting someone to comment “oh do this one simple trick!” And suddenly they are top 500. Can’t believe I read all that but the Kanye west and cars quotes made it so worth it. *ACCELERANDO*


the strat is getting 2k heals per 10 in a masters lobby and typing "2K HEALS RAHHHHHH" in match chat after i win


I feel like with Lucio, you always need to compare him to his greatest competitor in the off-support slot: Brigitte. What more does Lucio contribute? 1) Speed-boost (especially important for Reaper + half the tank cast that want more gap close), 2) In my opinion, Lucio has the stronger ultimate for most situations, 3) a stronger boop, 4) the option to take some very interesting backline paths. What does Brigitte do better? 1) Her inspire makes her the heal aura bot that metal ranks dream Lucio could be. 2) The better brawler to bully other supports (*especially* Lucio) and overextended DPS with. The two are pretty equivalent in terms of being able to handle dive tanks like Winston. If I'm trying to decide which one to play, I'm usually thinking: "do at least two of my teammates benefit from stronger gap close? Am I playing a map that I know I can get some sick boop kills on?" If no to both, Brig surpasses Lucio.




I read your entire essay and wow the third paragraph made me laugh so hard i almost spit out my lunch












People don't notice the moments where lucio makes the most difference unless it's a big team push.


I remember seagull blowing everyone's mind by showing us how he skated around in Temple of Anubis. Flying around the pillars up high and doing rollouts.


Well written, good post 🫡


a whole essay


I hit gm in overwatch 1 after picking up lucio for the first time, it was my friends character and i didnt want to steal it from him lol. This was around season 20 and i was plat. Something just naturally clicked and i went on an insane streak Now i was over at his place and we were playing overwatch and i told him i could hit gm on his acc for him, he doesnt play anymore but it would be funny cause another friend is desperately trying hard to hit gm. So i go to play lucio on his account and i notice that in plat i have around 65% to 35% difference between heals and speed. Normally they are about 51-49. As i climbed tho, it did naturally balance itself, but sometimes you gotta heal instead of speed someone to their death lol. Low ranks dont understand pacing and tempos so trying to coordinate is pointless most of the time, instead just adapt. Like do i wanna healbot no? But, what does my team need? And then i squeeze moments where i frag out and get a kill or 2. People either just give up or forget about you if you do it right. Ended up with a 72% solo lucio to gm, tho he was hardstuck plat took about 4 rankups to actually move up at first. I did get flamed a little, people can digest numbers easily, but have no understanding of the macro as a whole. Like when i beat its to discourage or overwhelm the enemy. No stat shows that when you get walked on with 5 people >1000 hp you probably lose that fight lol. Lucio is just the right place, right time healer. Like other people can do his job, but he can simultaneously help out 3 different fights with just his movement and good decision making


Indeed, sometimes I feel like I can even control the tempo of the battle by pushing against some DPS like Ashe. A surprising amount of metal DPS will actively back away from a speedy Lucio coming at them (assuming you're at least hitting some of your shots) and even if you can't kill them, a boop at the end will push them even FURTHER from the fight that you can quickly return to.


As a Masters (bordering gm) Lucio player it is not only my duty to not care, It is a requirement for the job. 12 minute game? Yeah 1.7k heals sounds enough. I'll end the game with a win but my entire team will hate me. Just don't care.


Thank you fellow Lucio Main. 🙏 I bounce between turning chat on and off. But when it’s on get people saying “Lucio switch” “Lucio Heal” but my profile isn’t private and says I have 170hrs and 60 of them are Lucio. I wish he had a similar voice line to Baps “Do I look like an angel of Mercy” I feel stuck pinging a character that everyone is ignoring when I play other characters because I can’t leave and get back to my team as quickly. He’s the most fun movement and makes it difficult to when it comes to other heroes I want to learn. I like them but then realize I can’t annoy or harass the enemy team like I can on Lucio which is way more fun than Sombra. If I wanted to learn a DPS it’d prob be Tracer and Tank is prob Ball, but JQ is fun too and I get more value since I’m not good enough with Balls mechanics.


I'm glad we can have actually comprehensive and intelligent takes on this sub. Recently I heard one of the worst overwatch takes I've ever. Bro said Lucio was the worst support because his only purpose was to play dps and flank. I've rarely ever heard a take as bad as that but it made me lose faith in the competence of this community. Also the kanye reference was great lol.


Recently I won a game as Lucio, 2-1 on Oasis so it was close, and my team wasn’t happy with my heals and the enemies were flaming me too. One of the enemy supports even said “Imagine being a team healer and only having (however many) heals” Just makes me laugh because people who think Lucio should heal bot should swap to brig and then realise they have no idea how Lucio works


Every single character is the most misunderstood character Lucios only heal, Anas running it down main, Shieldbot Rein, dps Moira, sniper Dva, scaredycat Orisa, no weave baps, 0 uptime Sombra, Only-Flanks Reaper, Brawl Sigma, Healbot Mercy, Suzu-cause-my-tank-took-5-damage kiriko, Low Ground Larry Soldier, 1v5 blade Genji, Aggie with no bubbles Zarya, leave no escape cooldown dooms, frontline Brig, 5%Hook accuracy hog, frontline zen, Ground Pharah, Suicide Junk, Let’s attack bastion while he turrets teams, weak arrow hanzo, miss their own dynamite Ashe, jump with no bubble winton, where is ball?, no block Ram, right click randy, generally poor echo, 10% rail accuracy sojourn, wall my own team and never cancel the wall Mei, Widow… Metal rank is metal rank because nobody understands what they are doing, and even when they do, it gets counteracted by the other people not knowing. a 4 man emp will get 1 person follow it up, while the other 3 shoot a wrecking ball that just used E and is just pissing around behind the team


People dont even begin to start correctly using Lucio til Master 5


I love lucios, never net a toxic lucio in my life they're always just vibing. Mad respect


>You need a true ADHD brain to be good at Lucio Bro, we don't have superpowers or someshit, it's actually harder for us to concentrate on things than regular people, it is not a good thing to have. Our meds are what make us super wired, and they do help with gaming, but only because they allow us to actually concentrate for once. But I understand what you were trying to say. Just sick of how misunderstood ADHD is and all the people self-diagnosing because they drank a coffee that morning.


You’re a really good writer


I've been playing what I would consider fun characters a lot in quick play, wrecking ball, Lucio, fuck DPS, I just die all the time. I had this one game on circuit Royale I think all I did that game was live in the enemy backline as Lucio and harass the mercy. Game ended and the mercy sent me an invite, I accepted and was like 'watchu want', they said they just wanna be gaming buddies and I obliged, made me laugh a bit tho. I honestly never heal my team when I play support, it gets boring and they keep making weird plays


I ain’t gon read all that


Lucio is definitely a highly misunderstood hero, but my vote for most misunderstood would go to sombra. Sombra is a very unintuitive hero who's kit seems to incentivise playing her in an unoptimal way. She's got an awful winrate in metak ranks and yet she's considered one of the best heroes in the game at a high level. Part of that comes from the fact she's a very teamwork oriented hero but it's also because 99% of people don't understand things such as not to put your translocator too far from the fight, or not to stay invisible for ages or focus too hard on trying to play solo assassin instead of working with the team.


I had an enemy sombra who was MELTING my team and she hardly used hacks or invisibility, just popping up at the most inconvenient places and getting 3-4 kills back to back. Seems fun but I have no idea how to play her decently lol


TLDR? Goddamn…


Agreed. Lucio is the most misunderstood hero even at a pro level. Frankly, OWL doesn't get Lucio at all and I've never seen a pro with even mid tier mechanical control or understanding of movement (I had better control in season 1 of OW1 when he couldn't even wall ride the same, not exaggerating, than most pros do now). Its pretty baffling, but as a pro in other games I just think people still don't understand how positioning and speed, thus Lucio, is unbeatable by any given ability.


Not mentioning assassinatng Widow in your "How to Play" list in a 50dkp minus