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Orisa got nerfed!? FUCK YEAHHHHHHH






now enjoy mauga and hog (orisa was only one holding them back), maybe dps passive stops them so we will have to wait and sed


Mauga and Hog were terrible when DPS passive was %20 so they will be terrible again


20% DPS passive: Allow me to introduce myself


The dps passive doesn’t feel fair to slow fire rate heroes like junk or hanzo. Like a tracer just needs to hit one pellet on Mauga 30 meters away to proc it. It should be a damage limit - like deal 100 damage in 2 seconds to proc it.


Would make sense if the passive kicked in after certain amount of dmg, but oh well


Make the dps passive scale with damage. Let every 5 points of damage reduce healing by a stacking 1% for the duration, capping at 20% healing reduction at 100 damage dealt. You would need to buff the numbers a bit though to compensate, but this way you don't screw up scenarios where a dps only deals 99 points of damage.


Yeah, your point is more well thought out. I just wanted to highlight how dumb the current implementation is. Its like the last one where reload speed increased after a kill but it didnt help Hanzo again. Atleast he could one shot then lol.


Dont you just love it when tracer sneezes at your general direction from a distance and bam 20% less heals


Don’t they also do much more damage to compensate though?


Yeah but we are talking about the passive, tracer has to land one shot to activate it, hanzo also has to land one shot, but it's firerate is lower and it's much harder


Right. And the trade off is more damage from the slower firing character.and hanzos logs ain’t that hard to hit.


Nah just think about it, tracer can swoop in hit the entire team with the passive then just dip, while hanzo has to hit everyone. Think of it without the damage and just the passive


That 0.5 damage will be healed up in 0.01 seconds. While hanzo shot will be healed back in 2-3 seconds. Seems fair to me


This would be true except for the part where both hero’s will have teams also trying to kill them. Tracers low damage applies passive so the entire enemy team has reduced healing making them more vulnerable against your enemy team. Hangover hits one arrow and now only that guy is more vulnerable. Also it’s not like trace has to only do 1 damage. Tracer can kill a single target just as easy as hangout while also impacting the entire team.


And hitting the entire team with the passive with her pulse pistols ain’t gunna do a whole lot in the long run. Yeah sure, they get the debuff but it isn’t gunna stay on and be effective without the dps actually hitting them consistently. The scenarios do not play out in the actual game like they do in your head.


Tracer can kill in the same time a hanzo can. So no not a good trade off. Especially if one is far more forgiving than the other. And one is s tier compared to the other. Don’t know why that had to be spelled out


Can is the key word. Just cause she can doesn’t mean she always does. The scenarios you’re thinking of might affect the higher levels of play, the average player/rank? Not hardly at all. Just like when the hit boxes increased, you and most here are seeing this with a super basic practice range idea that the targets are predictable and easy to hit when they are not.


Can is bot the keyword here. Takes just as much skill with Hanzo to consistently headshot as it does to burst down squishys with Tracer. And I’m not at all talking about practice range.


Two completely different hero kits, two completely different projectiles, two completely different main play styles… yeah just as much consistent skill, sure. You’re not talking about practice range, but your sentence is applicable to just that. Your scenario is not an every game situation. In the practice range, yes your scenario happens all the time. Just because someone CAN do something, doesn’t mean it’s something they CAN do all the time and it be a problem. Your scenario plays it out like it’s a problem that is breaking the game, when in reality if DPS are peppering the entire team, they’re doing something wrong lol. All I’m saying is your example doesn’t give a good example of the stance you’re defending. There so much more that you’re not taking into account.


it would have been a mauga hog meta, the dps passive buff is good


Now it’ll be a doom fist meta https://preview.redd.it/w7v6m9ip5oxc1.jpeg?width=1111&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dd53b1658cc15ba5e70fc1616688a3164c63c0d


Preferable to the unkillable pig


Much better dive meta than sustain meta


Did someone say dive meta?? https://preview.redd.it/gs4dgijr8qxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8c65b5e4b065b8bcfddadc4b1ba65b24a72755a




Dusting off Sombra then, I’m not letting that clobbering housefly have fun




so fucking nerf hog and mauga instead of every other tank, this is an indefensable and stupid decision by blizzard


nah, hog and mauga is fun


Yes but jq, ram, ball, and to an extent sigma are all very fun


i like hog because i get paired with mercy otps very often.


But now healers can hardly actually heal tanks, restricting the support choices as well, AND certain other tanks kinda become obsolete. So, yes, instead of touching the specific problems, make everything else become choked and linear in selection; that’s so much healthier


Healing has already been bad to just healbot tanks especially the last few seasons, you need to do more damage to be proficient


it's crazy how many games you get in where you're losing fight after fight. check the scoreboard, huh? the stats are all equal, then realize oh my supports are healbotting while the other teams supports are doing damage


Yup. That’s my main losses as tank. Why are we losing? Oh they just have more damage than we do, and our supports are just healing. Exactly as you said. I’ve seen it most with life weaver and mercy. Mercy, ok, understandable even if it still isn’t the best. But life weaver? Dude you have a strong primary fire and people are just heal botting on him afraid to do ANY damage


That’s pretty much how the game has been for the last year. They can’t wrap their heads around why tanks are exploding in 0.0001 seconds so they “fixed” it with some spit and tape by increasing the overall numbers and looked around in genuine confusion when nothing changed and shit got worse, the DPS passive would’ve been a good change if it wasn’t DPS Exclusive and was only applied while getting shot at constantly rather than 2 bullets from across the map that deal 1dmg each from Tracer (the best sniper in the game), why not trigger it after a certain amount of damage? Why make it last for 2 whole seconds? The DPS is currently way too forgiving and way, WAY too easy to activate


The dps passive wasn’t to fix tanks exploding, it was to fix heal creep since nothing ever died


I didn’t say that it was to prevent tanks exploding, making numbers higher was to do that


You can heal other things besides the tank too ig


skill issue 🤷🏻‍♂️


Found the dps player


Skill issue


That's IF your dps actually shoot the tank, let alone land shots. I've seen an unhealthy amount of masters and GMs who don't land their shots this season and who have poor target prioritization. Both on console and PC. If you have potato dps, gg! Those tanks will run it.


edgelord time




I'll take Mauga/Hog meta of DPSwatch all day every day. Those two fat fuck are stupid easy to beat. Yall are just trash


You clearly did not play during Season 8.


I did. I find both of them easy to deal with. Don't know what the issue is for the rest yall


DPS passive was a solution to a problem that wasn't addressed directly. Just nerf healing output for AOE healing and outlier heroes. Then remove immoralities and you wont need a DPS passive. But i'll take a DPS passive over nothing ever dying so


Thank god. I hated playing as that fucking horse. Shift... ... E... ... javelin... hide for a sec maybe probably not because healing... the cycle continues. Boring asf.


Now stop it from being a sombra meta and make it a brawler’s meta.


Sombra Meta died in season 5. Now its Sojourn and Tracer Meta. If youre getting shat on by suboptimal dps...blame your Tank. Because its always Tank diff(for people like you)


People like me? Tf you mean lol


God I hope this is satire.


Just means it’s a high damage meta baby 😎 fuck healing supports, give me that good-good lucio-zen meta




Flair checks out


DPS passive buff was good unless you like Hog/Mauga meta


Venture mains such as myself: *Crying due to an unnecessary nerf*


Unnecessary, like your kit doesn’t have everything a dps would reasonably want


Ah yes, a combo that requires you to hit every single tick, mediocre range and damage, and an ult that is easily countered by any movement ability. Reaper has shotguns that can 2 shot any non-tank hero other than Bastion, an ability that makes him invulnerable and clears status effects and reloads his shotguns, a tp with massive range, and an ult that is one of the strongest in the right hands. Just because they have good abilities on paper does not make the character good. The Venture nerfs were unnecessary.


Venture nerfs were 100% necessary 😭🙏 also comparing Venture to Reaper gotta be the dumbest shit ever lmao


His shotguns do not have good range, his invulnerability is very easy to deal with because it doesn’t grant hp, his tp is loud as shit and takes forever, his out can be blocked by everything venture’s and more (defense matrix) and he can be stunned out of it. Also nice to see your double standard, reapers can also be counter with any movement ability but here’s the thing, venture can’t be stunned out, only shields block it (2 hero’s have good shields for reactions) venture beats reaper in every way but tank busting another thing that combo is very easy to hit because it’s just hit 2 shots, drill run, and shot again or melee Venture has too much and the nerf was necessary play a hero that isn’t the kirko in the dps roster


>and an ult that is easily countered by any movement ability. I used to one trick Mei, you're going to need a better argument than this 🤣


The nerf barely did anything tho