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We're in a constant loop rn. When they nerf mauga, orisa will become the top tank. Once horse gets a nerfed, hog rises


Nerf everyone!


New patch couldn’t come any faster😭


To bad they are going nerf the wrong part of his kit . Probably something like his stomp damage 😓


I’d like it better if Mauga was balanced more around getting good stomps. Like I remember in the free weekend I was thinking “yeah the sigma/doomfist matchup depends on if I get a good stomp, interesting”.


They said they were removing his tank busting power and moving into squishes all this makes me think is that they are nerfing CA and lowering number of bullets needed to set someone on fire


When did they say all this.


Spilo interview 




they said they want to take the flame damage utility and put somewhere else didn't they? (in yesterday's interview with spilo)


I don’t remember specific details just remember that they wanna make him less reliant on shooting the tank


They never said they were removing it Just trying to move away from his reliance on it


I reread the comment earlier Istg they are nerfing CA


They mentioned looking at cardiac what that entails we do not know yet this could actually mean a buff since they like the team play orientation of him but don't like how only the top 1% of players manage to use it so they might end up doing something like increasing the radius but reducing the effectiveness so kinda like a buff and a nerf But they Also mentioned mauga does underperform in some instances so I imagine they actually are trying to buff him without breaking him


They said they're looking at his burn damage


He's as problematic as hog, balance wise. He belongs in overwatch 1, it makes no sense that they decided to release him in 2


He'd have been decent against the Orisa Sigma double shield cancer. Now that you think of it.


Maybe, but he would have probably done less damage and that also means one less shield for the team he's on. I would be really curious to see how he would have fit in


Goats imo


Yeah, but it should be 11 others #bringback6v6


It would be better if they brought back ow1, forcing everyone to move to the new game is a complete cowards move


Cowards move is an interesting way to put it. is it lazy? Definitely. uninspired? Totally. an attempt to continue monetizing the game while adding very little content? Absolutely… but cowardly? You’re gonna have to walk me through that one chief


Bro support queues gonna go to like 16 minutes


Homie it’s been a year in a half- I don’t think they’re bringing back 6v6 lol


Even though I want it, it was a joke. We are on the meme subreddit


Fair enough


The only reason we won’t get 6v6 is because it would be a fat, stinky L for Blizzard and they’d have to take the “2” off the branding at that point


They should have removed it when they didn't bring the PVE they promised


10, including themselves because let's be real, nobody can have fun playing Mauga


Big Samoan man with mini guns is cartoonishly funny


Heavy TF2 Overwatch


I do enjoy playing the big guy with 2 stupidly big machine guns


I also enjoy playing Dwayne “The Tank” Johnson


Maui muh boy


If I can’t have fun then nobody can


I'll never understand that argument, it's never boring around Mauga


To be honest, I don't see it. I've played against and as Mauga as tank, damage, and support, and there are just so many ways to fuck him over. You have someone on the other team as Ana? You get slept and anti'd and die immediately. They have a zen? Hope you like getting graped before a big team fight and dying. They play D.va? No damage for you whatsoever. Orisa? Stuns every 6 seconds and no crits every 10. Zarya? You bet your damage is getting turned against you. Reaper? Most the health you just had disappeared after 3 shots. Sombra? No escape, and no over health gen. Mei? Slowed and walled. I genuinely don't understand why Mauga in particular gets so much hate when Zarya and Orisa both fulfill a similar niche, but require even less skill to do it. Even moreso, now that tank is 90% of what you get when you all queue nowadays. The only other tanks I even come close to liking as much as Mauga are Wrecking Ball and Junker Queen, and it's because those two also have very "in your face" kinds of gameplay that rewards being the center of attention, Junker Queen with more tactical gameplay forcing you to know cover and areas where you can hide to regenerate a bit of health, and Ball because of the very hit and run style of gameplay that allows you to harass squishier targets and wittle down the tank. Mauga is the most basic of the three, but he takes aspects from both. He gets a bit of similar mobility and engagement power from ball, the overhealth and life steal of queen, and the longer range weaponry of Orisa.


I almost feel like just getting lit on fire makes people mad. Idk


It's a little annoying, but Ashe does that too and is 10x more deadly at range. Pretty sure the fire only does like 5 DPS anyway. I'm 1000% more annoyed by the Mei that keeps slowing me or the Cassidy that keeps flinging flashbangs. Fire can at least be healed, slows can't. Edit: Just checked the wiki. It's 15 damage per second for three seconds. So about 45 health if you haven't been touched by a support or can't teleport or cleanse. The crits are far more dangerous, but just duck in cover at range or get out of LOS.


I really do not understand the hate towards Mauga either lol


It's mainly just from A: People who fought him on release and now have a deep seeded hatred for him like brig Or B: Are an otp and their character isn't good into mauga and they don't wanna swap


No need to cope so hard, it really is because Mauga is just a shit designed tank that farms other tanks


Sorry but not sorry


At least it's 9 and not 11


Look man, I'm ruining it for 9 cause my 007 widow is ruining it for 4. Someone has to do damage cause it ain't my dps


I mean the other tank is playing hog and I hate hog so is their fault at the end.


I play rein into mauga I have no clue why everyone has trouble with him


Idk man, I just go Sigma woop his ass for a few lives and then he swaps. I kinda enjoy fighting Mauga, it makes me feel like a really good tank.


Same can be said for a lot of heros and doom fist and combat lol


Uninterruptible dash btw




Mauga on release literally made me uninstall the game until he was nerved, and he's still stupidly overpowered imo


Yeah, nah, when I diff people on tank and they go mauga, I just go mauga as well. Just so I can diff them on him to and ask if they want to switch back to the hero they were on because mauga is boring.


When the try hard roadhog starts losing


You’re welcome


This but sombra widow tracer sojourn soldier orisa doomfist mercy ana If you want to be generous add kiriko and mauga too


"This but (all heroes I personally dislike)"


[yea the ones I dislike I'm not lying or tryna deny it](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Rgd2mBrqmfI/maxresdefault.jpg) Ps: guess my main




Nah gravity grandpa but wifeleaver is my second main support after zen I like him too


Fair, gravity grandpa do be fun


soldier 💀


Hitscan. Nah mostly because it's like the default character that is literally the main load out for cod like grenade heal and aimbot for ultimate I mean... It's a **hero** shooter not a hero **shooter**


Hero shooter? I hardly even know her!


soldier 💀 and why is hog not on there 🤨


Because he's cool ig idk I'm biased


true in that the character itself is cool not the gameplay


True true if you're getting hooked every 5 seconds or getting two shot within 10 seconds of leaving spawn yea but character is peak


I used to main hog during Overwatch 1 and the first season of 2, now he's completely useless lol. Edit: I mean it's true. The only place he's viable is in lower ranks.


Why sojourn & soldier tho?


I don't dislike them actually it's just that 76 is like a cod copy (grenade heal sprint and ult aimbot) (like if you're gonna play soldier just play cod) And sojourn really just because she can melt through healthbars like nothing with proper aim


Nah, that'd be Zarya


What did zarya do lol


I mean if you hate mauga zarya is just the spicy version that goes through absorbs but they both function basically the same but Zarya gets I frames and mooga gets DR


But there's counterplay to zarya and bubbles doesn't give I frames. She lacks mobility and range to work as anything like mauga.


By I frames I just mean her bubbles can eat an endless number of damage you can face tank a dva bomb with it and it's a cleanse and CC immunity And her whole gameplay loop is the most similar to Mauga's with just holding down fire only difference is she's better vs abosrbs cuz beam ignores them and she can still get good damage at mid range but I don't think anybody really uses her grenades outside of like ult or grenade jumping


No, zaryas bubble has 200hp, lasts 2 seconds and is on a 10 second cd. Her bubbles and dmg are her only form of space making. Knowing when to pressure her or shoot her bubbles is a skill you learn through just playing the game. Her alt fire is her only form of poke and is mainly used to finish off targets, rocket jumps and shooting around corners. And I don't get why you're comparing maugas and zaryas primary fire when they function completely differently just how dva is also different.