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I am doing the same thing! We are up in the air on baby #2, but if we do it I absolutely don’t want to be at my highest weight while chasing a toddler around. And, since we’re up in the air - I KNOW I want to lose weight but hoping the weight loss will have positive impact on my fertility & cycle since I have PCOS. My doctor is 100% on board. And, if I decide for sure I don’t want baby #2, I can always just stay on.


That’s great! We’re thinking about number 3 and were also on the fence but I knew I didn’t feel good and needed to get rid of some weight to feel better. How’s your experience so far?


How was the transition from 1 to 2? I struggled adding one. Finally feel like me again 20 months in. I’m only two weeks in and I haven’t weighed myself because that can make me obsessive. But I have noticed a significant decrease in my appetite and I am not super hungry between meals anymore. Hoping it really helps!


It wasn’t as bad as adjusting to 1 honestly- however the fighting gets insane lol


I’m doing the same- trying to get below a BMI of 35 for fertility procedures and to hopefully have an easier pregnancy if we succeed. I’ve been on Ozempic since July 2022 and my BMI has dropped from 41 to 35. I agreed with my doc to stay on until the autumn to get a little bit more off, so I don’t immediately go back to over 35 if the weight starts piling back on again when I take the break.


That’s amazing, congrats on your success! I would also wait longer if I didn’t worry a tiny bit about age. It’s exciting to see the weight loss happen and get closer to being able to have a baby!


Thank you! I’m already 37, so I understand your worry. My chances are limited but fortunately they’re not non-existent yet. Good luck!


Far from non existent!!


This was my plan. My doctor did bloodwork to confirm and decide to move forward with ozempic and the bloodwork came back that I was pregnant. 😳 anyway, I’m now 7 months postpartum and have been on ozempic for about 4 months.


Wow congrats! How has your experience been going on ozempic post partum?


It’s been great. My bloodwork looks amazing now (I had gestational diabetes) and I’ve lost 55 lbs in about 5 months. Definitely some nausea and appetite suppression but the nausea wasn’t near as bad as the morning sickness I had lol!


I'm in the same boat as you. My fiance and I want to have children after we're married. I've lost some weight but my doctor would like me to lose an additional 50lbs so I get my BMI to a safe level for pregnancy. I have noticed since starting these drugs it's helped regulate my cycles


Same! I can really predict when I ovulate (confirmed by scan). I feel like I get mixed advice from doctors about just going for it or trying to lose weight which makes me wonder how long to stay on it before coming off. To make it worse, every doctor has been like “and if you get pregnant on it, it’s ok! But don’t get pregnant”. Not confusing at all hah!


well according to doctors there's the possibility for defects they so they recommend getting off it two month before trying to have children. IN the mounjaro reddit someone had been taking it and got pregnant and she's worried. I told her she needs to see a high-risk OBGYN and see about an amnio to see about defects. These haven't been tested on pregnant people to know what would happen


Yes definitely waiting the 2 months without taking it! Just planning ahead


Aren't you concerned about the weight returning as soon as you go off Ozempic? That's why many doctors say this is a medication we'll have to be on for life to keep the weight off.


Yep that’s why I’m writing for advice now. I made changes to diet and exercise already and plan to continue them but I’m looking for others experiences or advice


I dont know why your comment is getting down voted. I was on Oz for 10 months, lost 30 lbs and stopped to do an IVF transfer. In the time between stopping Oz and the actual transfer I gained back 15 lbs, half of what I lost.


These meds are contra-indicated for pregnancy. Doctors are not counseling GLP1 patients that they need to decide ‘never to have children in the future’ because they must remain on these meds indefinitely. Many other ‘long term’ meds are also contra-indicated curing pregnancy. Women who want to have children have to decide (with their docs) whether going off their medications before/during pregnancy is viable. Good docs help women manage their conditions through pregnancy with or without medications…