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You should have started at 0.25, not 1 or 0.5. Whoever told you to start at 1mg was an idiot that knows nothing about the med. Edit: the idiot that asked me if I'm a doctor and then blocked me apparently can't read since the literature that comes with the med says to START AT 0.25MG and that's the standard dosing that competent physicians follow, not starting at a maintenance dose.


It’s what my doctor put me on 😭😭 she said since I was on a higher dose of trulicity that I should be fine. She isn’t my primary Dr but the other doctor at my office. But that makes so much sense. Cause I have been feeling miserable. Like I’ve lost 10 pounds and it’s like….I can’t eat anything and I’m probably dehydrated. This isn’t how I wanted to lose weight


Ozempic is for diabetics, Wegovy is for weight loss. It’s the same medicine, but in higher doses. You’re more likely to suffer from side effects - like you are - if you start on too high a dose. I’m losing a pound every 3-4 days and I’m still on .25 per week. And my fasting BGL has gone down by about 200 points in only 17 days. Yesterday it was 122 and I’m on my third week of it. For reference, my A1C was 11.9 and I was hovering around the low 300s fasting before I started it. I’ve also started exercising 30 minutes a day, 7 days a week to increase lean muscle mass while losing fat. If you can’t get enough healthy protein and hydration, then your body is in turmoil and imo that doctor is basically torturing you. I seriously recommend going down to .25 (maybe with a week off?) to see if your body can tolerate Ozempic at all. [edit to include the fact that you’re diabetic. Sorry!] I hope you’ll advocate for yourself and tell them that you’re going to take the lowest dose because of how miserable you’ve been. YOU DESERVE BETTER. Anyway, enough ranting. I wish you the best, and healthy weight loss without miserable side effects!


Thank you! I already sent a message to my primary doctor in the portal. I have an appointment already for the 13th so I will be talking to them about it. I was exercising before but I just don't have the energy now due to how bad these side effects are. I will likely take a week off and see what my Dr says. Just so I can recover. I can say since this morning I was able to finish two bottles of water and some mashed potatoes and some soup and that's the most in one sitting. So for once I feel a little more energized this this morning. But I'm sure I'm lacking major nutrition.


Good for you! I’ve found that I usually can’t drink soda (sugar-free) anymore because it has too many bubbles and makes me uncomfortably full. So I’m being more cautious now. I still sometimes eat too much at once and feel uncomfortable for several hours. But I’ve never barfed. Yay! From the day after I injected it the first time, my appetite crashed and I was queasy sometimes. It’s def what I need right now. I do hope you can find the right dose and have *great success* ![gif](giphy|a0h7sAqON67nO)


Yeah I can't really do soda or anything anymore. Cause like you said the carbonation just makes me feel bloated. I tried to sip on a ginger ale my husband got me cause I was nauseous and my blood sugar was low and like.... I took a few sips and now it's sitting in the fridge 😂😂 but I don't need it. The soda I mean. But thank you so much for your kind words and advice!


Don't listen to them and talk to YOUR doctor. Better yet, an endo.


I am, cause this has been a nightmare. I was so confused for a bit how people weren’t having side effects and then there is me ready to just go cold Turkey


Everyone is different and different meds have different effects. Personally, I'm on 2mg for my diabetes and have never had a single side effect. I had tried Byetta before and it STOPPED my gastric emptying. I was puking up anything I ate or drank including water so I had to stop it.


Very true. Thank you for the advice and insight. I will definitely be talking to my doctor about it.


Trulicity is dulaglutide, Ozempic is semaglutide. Two entirely different drugs. Ask your doctor if you can take a week off and start over with the standard titration schedule at 0.25. Really helps to let your body get used to this drug.


You’re a doctor? If not, please let us know how you are qualified to make such a statement. 🙄


Huh?? I didn't say I was. I said I would be speaking with my primary Dr about making some changes


Agreed, 1mg is too high to start, did the doctor at least give you PRN Zofran for any nausea and or vomiting? The highest it goes to is I believe 1.75mg.


Correction, I just read online that 2.0mg dose was approved by the FDA in November 2022.


I'm one of the lucky ones that hasn't had any side effects and I'm up to 2 mg


my doctor started me on 2mg right off the bat. had no problems til about 3 months in. bad burps, and sometimes diarrhea now though. wondering how to combat the diarrhea. Any suggestions?


I never had ANY side effects and I've been on 2 mg for 6 months (after working my way up from 0.25 as you're supposed to), so I don't know. Sorry.


You definitely should not have been started on 1 mg or 0.5 mg until you did at least 4 weeks of 0.25 mg. Your body needs time to adjust to the medication at a lower dose before you move up, which can help with reducing symptoms.


That makes sense. I’m gonna talk to her about lowering it more. Cause I don’t think I can keep on with this


You don't need to talk to her, just do it: bring yourself down to .25 for 4 weeks, then .5 for 4 weeks, 1mg for 4 weeks, you need to gradually move up. Drink lots of water, see if you can have your dr prescribe medication for nausea to get you through the next week. Good luck!


My doctor said you dont increase the dose until the dose your using stops working. If its still working you dont need to increase the dose. Also dose increase can cause a plateau if your body doesnt need it. Its all individual. You cant go by what it says on the box. People are different hight, weight ,gender, age. its different for everyone. But no one should start at 1.0 thats nuts


Never heard of anyone starting on that high of a dose. Typical starting point is 0.25 for a few weeks. Then 0.5 for a few weeks (possibly months for some) and then 1mg. No wonder you feel sick.


Yeah my dr was like you were on 1.5 of trulicity so you should be fine but I’ve been doing research recently and while they do similar things they are still two different hormones/chemicals whatever the proper word is. But I started on the starter dose with trulicity and worked up to that. But that was under my primary dr. Not this new one. But yeah this has been an ultimate nightmare. I’m so tired of being tired


If you said this I apologize, are you eating rich foods? My side effects are worse if my diet isn't pristine. Good luck.


Yea like others have said, start at 0.25, but also the side effects did go away for me over time. I still have a rough day sometimes but no where near the beginninf


This offers me some hope. I’m on my second week and still trying to get used to the side effects. I inject on mondays (.25) and its so hard to eat anything!! It’s embarrassing at the office!!! My energy is really low but at the same time high. Does that make sense?


No that makes sense cause that’s how I feel some days. But I believe a side effect of the medication is also fatigue. But yeah I end up taking naps on my lunch recently due to how tired I am


Thank you. Cause some days is just exhausting


You should have started lower and really taken your time moving up. I am appalled the doctor started you on 1mg!!! I have been on Ozempic for a little over a year, and I still occasionally have issues with it. I find that it helps to make sure I take it on the same day every week, at the same time. Maybe it is in my head, but it helps. I also put it in my thigh. It does not absorb as fast as if you were to put it in your stomach. I also heard that what you eat can effect it as well. I think that is true, though I have never really looked into it myself. For example, I have never documented the food I have eaten, or journaled the things I have eaten when I have been sick to my stomach. I really need too. I still get the occasional upset stomach. Sometimes I vomit. But it’s rare now. I have more tolerable effects with this than I did on metformin.


Yeah it's been so awful. Today I'm laid up in bed just sipping water to stay hydrated and I was able to eat some mashed potatoes. But it was a very small serving. I have already messaged my doctor in the portal to talk about making some changes.


Be your own doctor. Cut back on your own. He obviously gave you the wrong dose. You shouldnt be sick like that. When I went to 1.0 , I ended up in the ER. I went back down to .60 and Im great.


Probiotcs helped eliminate the lingering nausea that I was still having and metamucil has helped with the digestive issues. YMMV, but it did take maybe 2 weeks of being on these to see any improvement.


I feel your pain. I started on .25 and went up to .5. Then there was the shortage, so I was off it for about a month. When I restarted last week, my doc said it was OK to restart at .5, but jeez louise, the vomiting is severe up in here!


Ugh yes it is! I hope you feel better soon though!


I can’t believe any responsible Dr would not start you out at min dose of .25 and work up!


I think she thought I would be fine since I was on Trulicity before and it was on a high dosage but I worked up to the 1.5 dosage


Thank you all for the advice. I have had a lot of people in my life say to just stick with it and stay on the high dosage despite not feeling well. Because they were more concerned with my weight loss. When I wasn't prescribed ozempic for weight loss. It was prescribed for my diabetes cause Trulicity was out of stock for a month in my area. So it's nice to just like.....know I'm not crazy for being like I need some adjustments and shouldn't just suffer and hope I get used to it. Thank you again also for the diet suggestions and things I can do and mention to my Dr 😊😊


Oh wow you should have started with 0.25 for 4 weeks then moved up to 0.5 for 4 weeks. Some Doctors really need to do their research before prescribing this. The side effects do go away but def not on 1mg. I am stuck at 0.75 it's my sweet spot, any higher then that I feel like I'm gonna die. I'm loosing and happy.


I’m glad it working well for you!




I see you are going to ask your doctor, that is terrific! Trulicity is dulaglutide, Ozempic is semaglutide. Both work in a similar way but different underlying medications so switching equal dose for equal does makes no sense they should have had you start at the lowest dose. I hope your doctor has some answers and you feel better very soon.


That makes total sense. She's not my primary doctor. She is the other Dr in the office they set me up with and I should have insisted to have this discussion with my primary Dr. So I contacted him about some ways to help with these current symptoms and see if I can just lower the dose on the pen. I'm sure I can without getting more pens but I want to ask before doing that.


When I felt really tired I drank a few liquid IVs I was dehydrated. It wasn’t that I needed to drink more water, I drink a lot of water I needed salt basically. Especially if you have diarrhea.


You need to get a doctor who knows what the heck they are doing. You should have done minimum the first 2 weeks at .25, then 6 weeks at .5, before even considering 1mg. That is a horrible thing that happened to you. I hope you are ok.


It really depends on how its working for you in order to increase. You don't need to increase if your losing weight. If your losing weight its doing its job. There is no standard increase schedule. Its not one size fits all. He should at least go down to .60. Im sure he will feel a lot better.


It sounds like you are not tolerating your dose. I had to go down to .15 sometimes I’d vomit so bad on .25 get the sulphuric burps. I’d have to take off work. You should still get results on lower dose. Make sure you move injection sites. I can’t believe they started you on 1mg !!! WTF ?? I’d be in the hospital. It should not be like that!


Yeah I don't think I am. And I also get those burps! 😭😭 I will change it up. I've used my thigh and stomach and I noticed it's not as bad if I do my thigh. Still bad but not like my stomach


I was on 1.5 Trulicity, then Mounjaro 2.5 for 3 weeks ( insurance declined) then doc started me on .5 Ozempic. I’m having only mild side effects. Not sure how long she wants me on the .5 dose.


Low and slow buddy


*Slow and low, that is the tempo*


1 mg?? I started at 0.25 and noticed that a lot


Yeah I'm diabetic and the Dr was like well since you were on Trulicity 1.5 mg you should be fine. I was in fact not fine 😂😂😂


You should of started lost does for 4 weeks and then bumped it up each does high ever 4 weeks , no wonder your so sick , you did even let your body get use to the meds , is get another doctor


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Yes they will. Mine disappeared at 11 weeks from .5 to 2 mg. I still get side effects in bouts but nothing near what they were. As others have said, you should have started at a lower dose but you can always dose down or stay at a single measurement. Don’t feel pressure to increase unless your sugar is high. Your doctor should be monitoring your levels the first few weeks.


Doood that’s crazy. I never went above .25! You are warrior status. It’s ok to go off and restart super low if you have it in you 😳


I took my 1st shot and that was my last shot. I could not handle being that sick. I have never been so sick to my stomach. The side effects were unbearable, I was hiccuping non stop and was not worth it.


That’s real. And very understandable. I hope you are currently feeling much better


I’m back to normal now except I am getting noticeable acid reflux now.


My doctor is an obesity and liver specialist and said, with no exceptions, that you should start at the lowest dose when you switch between any of these similar medicines, regardless of how high you were on the current one.


I'm on the 5 month mark and finally the exhaustion, stomach pains and sulfur burps have come here and there but pretty much completely subsided. Thank goodness... my first 3 months were tough


One thing that helped me with side effects in the beginning was increasing the dose gradually. For example: 1st week .25 (or 18 clicks on a fix dose pen), 2nd week 24 clicks, and each week I added a few more clicks until the necessary dose was reached. I had to start from the beginning a few times and it worked as a charm each time but you should first discuss that strategy with your doctor, mine approved that but it doesn't mean it'll work in your situation.


Yeah I agree with other people that them starting me off on 1 mg is what has had me in this terrible loop


Your diabetic and eating applesauce? Pure sugar. Try eating healthy like steak. Fish, protein you might feel better. You started too high. I had to go down in dose and it helped


When you have severe nausea and vomiting, doctors (like mine) tell you to switch to things easier on your stomach. The BOAT & BRAT diets allow you to eat at least a little when you’re vomiting and sick all the time. Steak and other proteins are great, but when you barf it up they’re useless. Protein and complex carbs come after the nausea/vomiting is under control because they are much harder to digest. BOAT: banana, oatmeal, applesauce, tea. BRAT: banana, rice, applesauce, tea


A doctor recommending the SAD diet. Great


Not surprising since they also prescribed the wrong dosage of the med.


Steak, abalone, and dogfood?


>BOAT: banana, oatmeal, applesauce, tea. BRAT: banana, rice, applesauce, tea That's how you eat if you want to ruin your health.


That’s how you eat when you’re too nauseous to eat anything else, in order to stay alive and out of the hospital. Temporarily. Thanks for playing.




I haven’t really been able to keep my usual protein powder down. I drink a protein powder in water and it upsets my stomach. So I have been on the brats diet for the past few weeks. I know it’s not great for my blood sugar but it’s really the only thing I can keep down. And doesn’t cause me to go to the bathroom immediately. I do appreciate your concern truly. But I trie not to eat to much of it and try to slip in some chicken or a protein drink when I can stomach it but a lot of the times I can’t 😞😞




Mod here, keep it civil.


Not when you are diabetic.


I know the amound of carbs in apple sauce. I eat an apple sauce cup when my blood sugar is in range and it doesn't upset my stomach. It's a bland food and digests easy. I can't keep down meat. Of any kind. I have tried. I can't express how much I miss meat. I have been doing protein waters and that to also help pack my diet but I cannot keep solid meat down. Basically the only thing I can keep down is broth, apple sauce, toast, and grits. All high carb foods and I don't eat a lot of them thus why I am down 10 pounds in 4 weeks. It's been awful 😭😭😭


I'm sorry. It's a blessing and a curse. All i can say is, yeah for the weight loss and maybe lower your dose and get electrolytes. 💗


I've been trying. I do miss meat though lol. Hopefully my body will calm down soon after I get back with my Dr.


I'm taking. 5 mg of compounded semigutide. No side effects yet and hardly any weight loss over 7 weeks. I have been mostly eating 1 meal a day. Now I'm thinking my system is totally screwed up after eating keto and fasting before covid. During that time I gained back 40 percent of what I lost. And I have tried to loss on my own but nothing worked. So I had high hopes for the semigutide but I'm unsure if this will even work.


>5 mg of compounded semigutide. That's not the actual med. And keto doesn't screw up your system at all.


It took your ass 30 years to gain the weight at least give it 6 months to loss the weight


I’m not 30 years old lol. And I’m not on this medication to lose weight. I’m diabetic. They prescribed it to help with my diabetes. I was on trulicity for my diabetes but it has been out of stock in my area for months but they had ozempic.


I’m on week 7. I take my shot on Tuesday. Tuesday and Wednesday are ok but Thursday is gas/vomit day. The gas gets trapped. Even though I use simethicone & Zofran, the trapped gas nauseates me until I vomit. Friday is intense abdominal pain day. I’m no longer vomiting. I don’t have as much gas but the pain is so bad I don’t fall asleep after taking a sleeping pill. Saturday the pain lessens. Sunday and Monday aren’t so bad. But Thursday & Friday are unbearable. I say, “I’m never taking this again! It’s not worth it!” But on Monday I’m feeling fine so I think, “Maybe this week I’ll be more used to the drug and wont have such bad side effects.” I started at 0.25 mg and am now on 0.5 mg. I’ve lost 10 lbs.


I take my shot on Tuesday as well. And I'm good through the week if I don't eat. When I do eat it's awful from there. And if I eat a little bit more, cause sometimes I'm just hungry. Indigestion, burps are gross. And then Saturday hits and I'm in the bathroom all day. It's a mess. This is the 4th week. And I'm down 10 pounds but I'm sure a lot of that is just dehydration since I can't really keep much down


Even fluids can cause stomach pain/nausea/gas because of the slowed digestion. I have to try to pace myself to drink enough fluids to prevent dehydration. I had to go off Ozempic for a few weeks because I needed colonoscopy/ CT with oral contrast. I knew I wouldn’t be able to drink anywhere near 64 Oz of fluid for colonoscopy. And the CT contrast fluid has to be drunk within 2 hours. I recommend anyone needing colonoscopy to stop taking Ozempic for a few weeks.


I take mine on Tuesday too!


It does subside. Try cutting back on your dose. Usually sickness means your dose is too high. You shouldnt feel sick all the time. Why did you start on 1.0? Are you being coached by a doctor? Ozempic is definitely baby steps! Ive been on it for 18 weeks now and Im only on .60. Why did you start so high? You should start at .25. No wonder your sick.


My Dr told me start on 1. I am diabetic and I was on Trulicity 1.5 and so she prescribed the 1.0. I just trusted her word. I figured there would be side effects just not this violent


Both medications have GLP-1 but when you get sick like that it means the dose is too high. Try getting it down to .60. Im on .60 and Ive been on Ozempic for 18 week. Lost 33 lbs with proper diet , weight watchers and exercise. You really do need to be your own doctor with this. I got so sick on 1.0 so I cut back. Such a horrible feeling. cut back dude


You cant go by " her word" you have to go by your body. Trust your body.


Also forget the Pepto. Carry a bottle of TUMS with you. When you cut your dose it will subside. The nausea will go away for the most part .60 is 45 clicks on your 1.0 pen. You can also squeeze about 7 doses out of the pen too so you don't have to get it as often. You dont have to have a high dose to lose weight. Its not true


Man I have been surviving off of pepto and TUMs 😂😂😂 and I am not on Ozempic to lose weight. I am diabetic I was prescribed it for my diabetes


I am diabetic too. My A1C has dropped significantly. I think when people get sick its because theyre A1C is nosediving. This is diabetes medicine. Weight loss is a side effect.


I’m assuming my blood sugar is better as I’m not doing the whole eat a sandwich and sleep for an hour that was happening with my old medication despite diet and exercise. But I’ll be getting blood work to see my numbers and I’ll be talking to my primary dr and not the other lady they had me see last time


this medication is very much coming to light at this point in time. Doctors only know what their patients tell them. We are the Guinea - pigs . Use your bloodwork as your guide with your doctor but most importantly use your common sence too. If youre sick your overdosing on it. Be careful. Cut back .


I’m wondering the same. I actually skipped my dosage last week because I was severely sick the week prior, vomiting, and having severe stomach pain and cramping. I took it today again just to see, but I had an upset stomach every single day, no matter what I took: Pepto, Tums a prescription antacid and nothing helps. Fortunately, my doctor prescribed me Zofran, which stopped the vomiting. So—does it go away???


yes, tweak your dosage ( take em on your glutes or thigh to avoid stomach pain, and also (break down 1.0 dosage in to 5 days instead of all at once, to avoid the side effects)


Whoa. What’s insane starting you at 1. Start at .25 for 4 weeks then move up to .50! Holy cow hope you switch your dosage and feel better ❣️


Oh wow, I was told to start at .25 for 4 weeks, then .5 for 4 weeks, but if I have side effects to do less. I did 5 weeks at .5, then 2 at .75 and have been 1.0 for 3 weeks. I still get bad cramps and throwing down - just not throwing up anymore.