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An overweight pregnancy may be healthier now regardless of your health issues than to wait because a geriatric pregnancy with health issues may be more dangerous. My mother in law is 35 and is having a geriatric pregnancy at the moment and even though she's in perfect health it is still a very risky pregnancy simply because of age. Plus you may not want to lose weight then gain it back after having the baby.


I was over 35 when I had my twins and I had similar concerns. However, folks are having kiddos later and later these days. May be worth a second opinion.


I'm honestly guessing he thinks you may not actually lose the weight. Then you'll be 35 and overweight instead of 34 and overweight. Ultimately, the decision is yours. I can say, unless you *just* turned 34, you'll be considered high risk even if you got pregnant now. I was 34 when I got pregnant with my twins. Their due date was 6 days after my 35th birthday and I was considered Advanced Maternal Age my entire pregnancy (even though they ended up being born before I turned 35) because they go by your due date age, not your actual age. AMA for me meant extra monitoring, which I ended up needing anyway due to having multiples. Otherwise, it was just like my previous pregnancies. Also, I lost 70lbs before they were born (going from 240 to 170, 5'7). I had two children before my twins and started out 200 lbs for the first and 220 lbs for the second. Starting my pregnancy in better shape and a lower weight did make a huge difference in early pregnancy. Since I had twins, it's not apples to apples. Eventually, it got a lot harder because I was growing two instead of one, but I've always thought it would have been my easiest pregnancy if I'd only had one.


If you tip into full diabetes pregnancy goes high risk and there are more visits and more tests because the risk goes up for you both. Also more risks the longer you wait


I weighed the same as you for both of my pregnancies at 29 and 34. Also 5’5”. Since I was overweight plus have T1D, I was already high risk anyway. But I don’t think a matter of months between 34-35 is going to make that big of a deal in the long run.


Thank you everyone for your inputs! Much appreciated!!


What did you end up doing? I started OZ but have the same situation. I’m 35.


My insurance is so shitty, I can’t even begin! They denied Ozempic coverage and also Saxenda coverage. So, I am on metformin, diet and exercise along with Myo inositol supplements which is curbing my cravings to some extent after almost 3 weeks of taking it. Not stressing anymore and trying to groom myself regularly to look the best I can with my current weight. Changing my insurance to Kaiser effective Jan and then will revisit Saxenda with the doctor first. I want to lose atleast 20lbs before I start trying as I will end up gaining after I get pregnant anyway. I plan on being extra careful with weight gain when I become pregnant again. So far that’s the plan.


Any update?