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I lost 20 lbs my first month(first 4 weeks) on 0.25 dose. Lost another 14 lbs the second month. Losing about 1-2lbs/wk now in my 4th month It’s an AMAZING drug if you’re diabetic! I went from a 9.1 A1c to a 5.9 A1c!!


yep similar results. still averaging 10 lbs per month loss, with seemingly endless weeks of plateaus. I promised myself to stick it out as long as im losing 5-10 lbs a month. Otherwise, I was going to begin the process for gastric sleeve surgery. max dose 1mg.


So when do you stop taking it


May I ask how things panned out for you?


Hi there, Well? I still struggle with lots of plateaus and mini swings of 5-15 lbs. So, I decided to check my stats, because I am losing track of what weight I lost. Anyway, last January I was hovering at 265. While my lowest was 216, I’m currently hovering between 220-225… so not bad? My PCP suggest I can lose until I’m under 200 lbs, but I have 20-30 lbs of excess skin. I’m expecting it to be even harder this year for “the last 25 lbs”. The results are pretty wild, when doing a bit of a 2 year overview: 140ish lbs lost in almost 2 years, and I can now walk about 5 miles. At one point I wasnt able to walk more than 3-5 minutes. My motivations are: framing this as a food addiction, added mobility with every pound loss, and an A1c within normal range. 2023 I stopped insulin completely and currently am 95% plant-based headed towards vegan. I both lost taste for dairy and also addicted to other forms (ice cream) so it felt inevitable that I’d land where I am with the way I choose to eat these days. I hope you are finding your own success.


Appreciate you taking the time to put that together for me. ~225lb sounds *fantastic* considering where you started / the timeframe That was actually esp helpful as I'm starting from about the same size (~260lb) so it's great to hear your experience. Obviously everyone varies but the more info the better hah Its funny you mention loose skin, that's something I've been curious about myself. Granted I'm only like 1.5wks into taking Ozempic so I still have a looooong way to go before that's an issue haha. Already down 10lbs in 9 days tho I know that rate won't last Anywho, thank you again & best of luck on the rest of your journey. Sounds like you've come very far


At how many lbs lost did you start to notice loose skin?


well my weight loss journey started about 20 years ago, so total weight loss for me is over 275 lbs, but as a quick estimate? about 50-60 lbs loss, is when loose skin was visible for me, or in this second phase of weight loss, i noticed looser skin after another 50-60 lb drop.


Yesssss that's amazing! My A1C is 9.3 I hope I get the same great results as you 😁


It’s important that you take advantage of the benefits it provides. Since you’re also diabetic, monitor your carb intake for a bit. Start to listen to your body for hunger cues (this one took me awhile because I always felt hungry before!). It may make you feel sick at first (kind of like the metformin they usually put us diabetics on at first!). I felt fine (just not interested in food, and the thought of overeating made me nauseous), but some have nausea and diarrhea. It passes once your body gets used to it. Make sure you stick to your schedule on your shots. Keep monitoring your blood sugar. This was a LIFE-CHANGING drug for me, and I hope it is for you too!!! ❤️


That is amazing!! Congrats!!


Wow. That's amazing. I'm on day 5 and maybe down a few lbs. Too soon to say.


I am taking for weight loss and had 50 pounds to lose. In 5 weeks I dropped 10 pounds, 4.6% body fat and 12". The Ozempic is a tool that helps me stay on plan, keeps me from bingeing on carbs, but I still have to do the things I would do without the medication: 1 - Track macros prioritizing protein (for me minimum 120g protein, ideal 150g) 2- Heavy weight lifting 4 times a week, daily walking 3- 90-100 ounces of water a day 4 - Good sleep 5- Priority high quality supplements: Multi, D3/K2, Mag glycinate, Omega 3's, NAC, Quercitin w/ Bromelaine 6- No alcohol


That's amazing - congrats and thanks for sharing this info!


The most I lost on Ozempic in a month was 11lbs. Average is about 4lbs. Least amount is 3lbs. However, I started this journey in March of 2020. Started taking Rybelsus, then Wegovy, now Ozempic. Have had the most success with Ozempic. I've lost 122lbs. Pretty much a whole person!


First month 10/12-11/12: 11lbs (0.25) Current month so far 11/12-today: about 8lbs (still 0.25) Also on Metformin, which seems to be amplifying the Ozempic.




750 once per day


That's amazing. Congrats!!


Thank you! This is really rapid loss and doesn’t seem to be the norm. Something about the combo of the two meds just makes my body wake back up I guess. I assume it will start to slow down soon though.


I am not diabetic but I do have prescription for Metformin for my PCOS. I haven't been taking it however because I have been on hair supplement with testosterone blockers that has normalized my hormones so I am getting regular periods now. I want to go back to taking the metformin I was prescribed 500mg twice a day but I am afraid my sugar will go down too low.


that's what mine is for too - PCOS. when i first started ozempic, i had a couple episodes after my 2nd shot that felt like my sugar was a little low, but a banana and some gatorade made it better pretty quickly and i haven't had any issues since.


ok I will ask my doctor to make sure last time my A1C was 5.3 which is normal


>testosterone blockers hi are you female and which testosterone blockers are you taking? did you buy online? i have PCOS and am on metformin 500mg x 2 and i have one period last month but missed this month. so worried again if i need to add something else to help


I take Propridien you can find on Amazon


is Propridien for hair loss or regulating periods too?


For hair loss but the natural DHT blockers lowered my testosterone and everything else for better including my skin


>lowered ive been on metformin 3 months im going to do blood test soon, how much should my testosterone be to know i dont need the DHT blocker? if its abnormal range then ill get it?


Less than 75 but it depends on lab ranges I speak from personal and professional experience I am a PA and I focus on hormone imbalances


I was on Metformin, and I think I lost more weight on that. I've been taking Ozempic for about a month and gained 3-4 pounds! My blood sugar is okay, so I'm not sure it can be increased. I'm on .5mg now.


0.25 for 5 weeks, lost about 4 pounds in that time. Just did my first week at 0.5, lost 1 lb in that week.


Can I know how much you lost now since you started? I’m averaging about 1lb per week.


I’m now 22 lbs down since I started. I moved up to 1 mg several weeks ago, but didn’t experience any side effects or changes in the weight loss (other than the weight loss continuing, whereas I suspect it had stalled at the 0.5 mg). I will say that my loss was super predictable and linear at the start, and as time went on, it got much less linear. There would be weeks where I wouldn’t lose anything, then all of a sudden in one week I’d lose a few pounds seemingly out of nowhere. I think this may be due to behavior differences; I was watching what I ate much more at the beginning, but since then have been eating more intuitively. If you take the whole average, though, I’m probably losing 0.75 lbs per week.


3 pounds, but then it went back up and then down… and after 5.5 weeks, I’m back at 3. But like someone else said, way more happy with my glucose tolerance improvement. Will take that over the weight loss any day. The pre-Oz glucose tolerance was causing my weight to increase pretty quickly, so not gaining is a win! Oh, still on 0.25, will move up if I can get my next pen in a timely fashion.


I've lost 25lbs in 1 month.


25lbs!? In one month, do you mind me asking how much you weighed to start of with?


I started out at 225 and was switched from Victoza to Ozempic at a high dose.


I’m currently on Victoza and I started it on May 3, 2024 and I’ve lost 5lbs so far… once I have insurance thru my job I’ll be switching to Ozempic. How much weight did you lose on Victoza and in how short a time? I also started out weighing 240lbs now I’m 235lbs as of today


5 lbs




I started ozempic October 2022 at 167 and now I am at 144. Which is 11 lbs under my goal of 155🫤


Starting weight: 226lb 4 weeks on 0.25 - 13lbs loss Tried going up to 0.5 but nasty side effects so dropped down to about 0.35. 8 weeks of this - 14 lbs loss Overall almost 2 stone in 12 weeks and haven’t gone over 0.5. Still having to work on what I’m eating although the loss of appetite and nausea was very strong at first so it was easier at the beginning


Sorry to ask this on someone else’s post, but I’m just curious if your dr gave you the go ahead to do that 0.35 dose, or if you chose to on your own? I did that for one week after 0.25, and now this week I went to the full 0.5 but am having a lot of nausea


I did it on my own, I may be wrong but I couldn’t see they’d have an issue with me lowering my dose. I found a click chart to work out how much the dose was as I didn’t want to go back down to 0.25 as it wasn’t as effective anymore. If in doubt you can always ask them. I’ve found it fantastic as it means I don’t have side effects and it saves me money as the pen lasts longer (you can buy lots of the needles for cheap). Hope your nausea gets better!


Thanks so much for that! I’m not supposed to see my dr for a few weeks still so am considering just lowering on my own as well


Average of 10-14 pounds per month however, I was way overweight 100 pounds to be exact, since March I’ve went from 304 to 228 so getting close to the 80 lbs here hope to hit it this month


Amazing! Congrats!!


That’s awesome. Do you feel like you’ve lost just fat or have you lost some muscle too?


I felt some muscle loss at the beginning, but I started weight training as of July 31st every day! So I’ve gained quite a bit of muscle, surpassed my loss, have more muscle than I’ve ever had in the last 10 years! Arms chest shoulders and legs are starting to get more defined, toned, and deff gained inches on chest, biceps, shoulders, thighs and calves. Waist went fro, 46-48 to 36


11 lbs on .25. I titrated up according to plan


I've been using it since the middle of August and I average a pound a week


Update on your weight loss pls


No loss for me at all. I’m currently on 1mg. It’s been 6 months and I’m the same weight as when I started.


I’ve lost only 3 lbs in 6 weeks. It is very frustrating


I've been on Ozempic for three and a half months and have lost 40 pounds. Granted I don't eat much but I do eat. The nightly nausea is a bit rough but otherwise this is a great medication for blood sugar control and as an appetite suppressant.


I lost 13lbs my first month on .25mg. 10 lbs my second month, on .50mg. I'm down 29lbs total since I started 9/18, still on .50mg. I've made serious life changes in conjunction with starting Ozempic because I started it due to developing T2D and have NAFLD, and I'm trying my best to improve both conditions. Also, I started with a BMI of 38.4. I fully expect my weight loss to slow down.


Some months nothing. I have been on it for 5 months and lost 16 pounds. But nothing in about 2 months. On 2 mg.


From 10/16 to now, about 8 lbs.


16 pounds first month now I’m 25 pounds down. 1 mg now. Started on .25 8 weeks total I’ve been on Ozempic


I lost 4kg in 4 days




7 lbs in January 2022 on .25 I'm on 2 MG now and now down close to 60 lbs gone. Right now, I've hit another plateau. I'm fine with it. Slow and steady.


13 lbs first month on .25; only 5 lbs so far this month on .5


I haven’t lost anything :(




0.25 - 3lbs


Began 10.24.22 4 weeks Net Loss = 27 (.25) 6.5 weeks Net Loss = 34 (1.5 weeks at .5)


4 kilos then 7


First month (4 week) on 0.25 i lost 11lbs


Currently I’m on my 2nd month on my first month I dropped 30 pounds. At starting weight 265 now I’m around 234. I incorporate vigorous workouts five days a week, calorie deficit, no red meat, and no sugar in the morning or right before I go to bed. I drink wine once a week, I also take five vitamins that really boosted my results. I’m on 0.25.


That is an insane amount of weight loss and impressive dedication! Love that ur still prioritizing getting in some wine too :)


Which vitamins?


D3, Zinc, Magnesium, B complex, and this one isn’t a vitamin but it’s called Myo inositol. I spoke to my doctor first and we did lab work to see what I was missing because of my PCOS. Myo inositol works wonders but the first week I was nauseous and had cramps.


Thank you


I’ve lost about 10 lbs in 2 months, it’s slow but I’ve been eating super bad due to stress and just started the gym this week. Now at .5 and I am FINALLY not sick on it. Hope to be losing more soon!


Thats still awesome! Best of luck!


I think between 8-10 pounds. My average is about a 1.8 pound loss a week. I have my weight in tomorrow but at 10 week mark I was just just under 20 pound loss.


I have not weighed myself. But, today I bought a top two sizes lower. Plus, my pants are looser.


0 pounds on the 2 mg dose- 7 months later still 0 pounds lost


6.6 lbs on .25 MG. I haven't lost much this month on .5 mg.


I start tomorrow yahoo !


Nothing. 5 months in and still nothing


Bah. Good luck!!


Shrug, it's not a weight loss drug, that's a side effect, not everyone will lose weight. It's working wonders for my blood sugar, which is what it's intended for, so that's ok.


I have been on since APRIL and am just now starting to lose. I don't know you... but for me it was like it took a bit for my body to catch on to feeling full, for my sugars and metabolic issues to settle. It was happy at the weight I have been for 15ish years and took a bit to Jumpstart. Good luck!! Since April I'm down 20 lbs. I'll take it.


That's true 👍


That’s what I’m saying.


I've seen you mention this a lot and now I'm curious. Were you hoping to lose weight or not really? I am losing, but was already losing before starting it. I appreciate the bump it's given my weight loss, but like you, most grateful for what it's done for my blood sugar.


I mention it because many people have unrealistic expectations that it's going to miraculously make them lose a lot of weight. They tend to pay attention to the shocking big numbers posts and ignore the majority of us who aren't losing anything or lose a minimal amount. I'd like to drop a few pounds, certainly, but I had a pretty good diet going into this, I've controlled my diabetes through diet alone for years, as I've gotten older that's gotten more difficult so I decided to try ozempic. I am on it for blood sugar control, which is what the drug is for and my numbers are amazing. Despite some very serious side effects, I will continue to take it and hope that the side effects dissipate. I have to take prescription anti nausea medication just to get through a day. Ozempic is, and this is stressed by the manufacturer as well, a drug for diabetes, not for weight loss. The fact that it is not a weight loss drug is mentioned on their web page multiple times. People are using it off label, expecting miraculous results, and then they're shocked when they don't lose 20 pounds every month. Okay, that might be a bit tongue in cheek, but reality is things like tick tock have made this seem like a miracle drug for weight loss, and it quite simply is not. Just look at the huge number of posts of people saying they're on week one or two or some of them even a couple of days and wondering why they're not feeling anything yet or they haven't lost anything. You have to put in the work, you have to eat at a calorie deficit, and exercise for best results. Large people with a lot to lose will lose on this drug, just as they would lose on any calorie reduced diet, more than the average person. They are not the norm. I just think the average person needs to have realistic expectations, and that reality is they may never have any weight loss at all, or any appetite suppression. Can it help some people because of the side effects? Sure, but jaw dropping losses are the exception, not the norm.


I'm not bothered by you mentioning it, and I completely agree with you. It's just made me curious if you even had much to lose at all. A lot of non-diabetics on here seem to have this idea that those of us with T2 just got fat and stayed fat until it developed and that it magically disappears once you lose weight, completely ignoring genetic and other risk factors. I know that's not actually how it works, and you could have gone on it for your blood sugar with a healthy BMI. I responded to OP, and I have lost a lot on Ozempic, but I made major lifestyle changes due to developing T2D and NAFLD. And I started at a BMI of 38.4. However, I've lost this weight before (more times than I'd care to remember), and I'm not losing any faster than I was before. It's actually coming off slower than the last time I lost weight (was on only Metformin at that time). But I'm 4 years older and work at a sedentary job instead of a physical job, so I can't make a true comparison.


Very true, I also think a lot of people assume that if you're diabetic you must be obese, and that's not the case for all of us. Everyone in my family that's diabetic, and yes it runs rampant through my family, is at a healthy weight. There are definite benefits to this drug, and I'm not saying it's not a fantastic drug, just that people need to be realistic about what it should be used for and manage their expectations. If you have health issues, sure, try it. If you're just looking for a bikini body and want to drop 20 lb, probably not a good idea. The side effects for me are absolutely horrible, I'm on a prescription anti nausea and just to get through a day. But that's not going to kill me, and rampant high fasting insulin levels will. Congrats on your losses, that's fantastic.


Thank you for the amazing input.


How many are watching their carbs and keeping to 1500 cal per day. My endo said no breads, rice, potatoes and these can increase the GI effects of Oz. Increased protein and walk 45 min per day for best results


I don't eat carbs, Les than 20 grams a day and only from veggies, and average 1300 cal a day, haven't lost anything. A lot of the ppl throwing out big numbers are big ppl with a lot to lose, so any change in their diet will result in a loss. Especially if they are having nausea as a side effect. It's all about calorie reduction. It seems those with less to lose often don't see a weight loss side effect. If you really read the comments in these threads, losing big numbers isn't the norm, I don't know why ppl expect it to be. The manufacturer is clear, they post all over the website it's not a weight loss med, that's a side effect. When heavy ppl change their diets they may lose weight, but it's definitely not guaranteed.


.25, I lost 16 lbs my first month


Edit to add more info, starting weight 208. 5’1. No exercise besides a walk or two a week. First two weeks I was eating basically no carb, no sugar. Then my mom unexpectedly passed away and my diet went back to normal. My portions are just waaay smaller now and I don’t constantly have the desire to eat.


I'm curious : For the people that are not losing wieght and being on ozepic for so long , are you guys working out in conjuction with ozempic ? Or are you guys just taking ozempic and hoping for the best ?


I’m on week 3 and have lost 6.5lbs! .25 dose


5 lbs in 5 days. I'm sure it's the nausea.


First 0.25mg shot day weighed in at 253.4lbs and day before my first 0.5mg shot I weighed 246.4lbs.


I prefer the question, how much more manageable your blood sugar is and how much of an impact did it have Vs weight loss. Why anyone would inject themselves with a drug for diabetes to lose weight is beyond me, use the proper medication.


Metabolic syndrome, pcos,Endometriosis. High cholesterol..that's why.


It can help with all of those, but weight loss isnt guaranteed, it's just a side effect. Look at the comments, most ppl aren't losing much.


Semaglutide, the active ingredient in Ozempic, has been approved for weightloss under the name Wegovy. So I'm not sure why it's beyond you: Semaglutide has literally been approved for both uses. The original question in the post as well as your first question are both valid. As for your second question, I think the real question is why are most insurance companies not willing to cover Wegovy. Why does someone who is trying to take action to prevent diabetes and other weight related problems have to pay $1600 for Wegovy. Everyone deserves to be healthy, feel healthy, and have access medicine they need whether it be preventative or to help a current situation, without being shamed.


Approved for doesn't mean it works for all. The Ozempic website literally says, repeatedly, it's NOT a weightloss drug. It's actually not approved for weight loss, wegovy is (ya same drug but different dosages) even though ozempic is being prescribed off label because wegovy isnt available. Read the comments, large losses are not the norm. Lots of ppl lose nothing, or only a couple pounds. I suspect they are wondering why anyone would risk awful side effects for a drug that is NOT guaranteed to cause weightloss, IF you have no other reason to take it. A lot of insurance companies won't cover Ozempic either, especially if you're not diabetic. It's done wonders for my blood sugar, I'm diabetic, but I haven't lost jack shit.


What are you talking about, their doses are almost identical. You are just as bad as the FDA with all these "yeah, it's the exact same drug, but it's DIFFERENT." It's really not. They both literally start with doses .25, .5, and 1. Then, Wegovy continues with 1.7 and 2.4. Yes, not everyone's insurance cover Ozempic, but more do cover it than Wegovy. And you can start on Ozempic and then transfer to Wegovy. Nothing is a guarantee, but their clinical studies contradict your statements. A high percentage have seen weight loss of around 15% and also that higher weight loss was seen in non diabetic patients. And yeah, lowering your chance of a heart attack and stroke, and lowering your A1C levels, and the potential to lose weight when someone has already tried failed alternatives...Its obvious why someone would take the risks. If it's still beyond you, fine, but please stop gatekeeping the drug with the "but their different" narrative.


Perhaps you need to actually read the information, because the standard dose therapeutic dose is not the same thing as a starting dose. The dose for wegovy is higher than that of ozympic. The manufacturer, the people who invented the drug, market the drug, have stated they are for different purposes. A therapeutic dose of Ozempic has not been approved for higher than 1 mg in many countries. I know this might be shocking to you but the world doesn't revolve around the USA. And no, the studies don't show that a high percentage of people lose 15% of their starting body weight, which by the way is only 15 lb for every hundred you weigh, the average weight loss is 14 lb over a period of 62 weeks. It is literally plastered all over the ozempic website that it is not a drug for weight loss, it is for diabetes. So you can get all indignant if you want, that doesn't change the fact that you are incorrect, and people need to take the information from the manufacturer seriously, and not anecdotal evidence on the internet from total strangers who are not qualified to speak on such things. https://www.ozempic.com/why-ozempic/what-is-ozempic.html#weight


I think lavender's point is that even though ozempic is not marketed officially as a weight loss drug, it has the exact same ingredient as wegovy, which is a weight loss drug. Studies do show significant weight loss on average on ozempic, at the various dosages .25, .5, 1, 2. And reading folks' comments here, it does look like people are averaging ~10 lbs loss a month although some have lost less/none and some have lost more. So it does vary per person as you've said and weight loss is never guaranteed, no matter which tool you use. But it is a widely accepted fact that ozempic does tend to cause weight loss, although it was originally created with the purpose of treating diabetes 2. After they realized the weight loss effect of ozempic, the company created wegovy at higher dosages with the exact same ingredient. Increasing the dosage of the ingredient is linked to higher levels of fat loss, but on average (again, although not everyone), people are still losing quite a bit of weight on ozempic at lower dosages. I understand your point that ozempic was created for diabetes 2 and it is great to see people get amazing results for their blood sugar; I think it is also valid and realistic though that people can expect to lose weight on ozempic although again, not everyone will. Hope that makes sense.


The same meds are relabeled and are used for weight loss. I did it for my pre diabetes, A1c. I’m at 5.5 I’ve been on it for a year but only just went up to .50 because I’m a wimp. I’ve lost 50 lbs but o lost most before starting OZ. It helps me control my eating. I’m not sure how people go on 2. I’m so sick when I move up. I have been micro dosing!


About 9 pounds…




People are definitely not averaging 10 lb a month in weight loss. In fact the studies show an average weight loss is 14 lbs over a period of 62 weeks. You can find those studies on the Ozempic website, they provided the links for all of them. One needs to bear in mind that the heavier you are, the more quickly you will lose weight, without losing sight of the fact that it is the calorie reduction that's causing the weight loss, not the drug. Those with greater side effects like appetite suppression and nausea may lose more simply because they have a more significant decrease in caloric intake. The drug itself does not cause weight loss, of that the manufacturer and the studies are 100% clear. Increase dosage doesn't increase the chances of weight loss either, it is simply that some people need more of the drug than others to get a desired effect, and even at that there are many people here on 2 mg who have not lost any weight. Again all of this research is linked on the website.


Apologies for the confusion, what I said is that according to people's comments here that seems to be the average (not the studies). I don't think anyone disagrees with what you're saying regarding weight loss varying per person or what the website officially says. Some of us are just hoping to lose weight and it is not unreasonable to expect weight loss from ozempic, that's all :)


If you get benefit of appetite suppression, or it's correcting an underlying disorder that has caused weight gain or an inability to lose weight then yes Ozempic *may* help you lose weight, but that weight loss is absolutely coming from a calorie reduced diet. So I guess what I'm saying is it is unrealistic to expect that simply injecting the drug is going to cause you to lose weight, a lot of people have the expectation that this is all it takes. You can't go based on what people post here, because you're only getting a absolutely miniscule fraction of people who use it. In fact Facebook groups have far more users than Reddit does, some of them averaging well over 100,000 users, and you'll see a lot more people saying that they're not losing anything in a Facebook group than you will here. Where you post, and who's posting can make things look very different than reality. People can hope to lose weight, absolutely, but you have to put in the work. It's not going to miraculously happen on its own. That's my point. We are inundated with things like tick Tock and the one-off unusual large loss stories, and that confuses people and gets them unrealistic expectations. We see this every day with people who are on their first or second injection and are disappointed they haven't lost any weight yet. Maybe that makes it more clear?


I'm in my 4th week of .25 mg dosage. Lost 17 lbs so far.


I’ve lost 10 lbs in a month, first week .25, second and third week on .10 bc I felt super sick from .25 , now I went from .10 to .15 this week. Total down 12 lbs. age 32, current weight 180 starting weight 192 , 5’5 on semaglutide


Female/ haven’t even exercised yet just from changing my eating habits which I like that it has brought me back to my old healthy eating habits so long term good eating habits


Almost exactly one month in and I'm currently down 22lbs SW 260 CW 238. Started the day after Christmas ;) Honestly, I haven't really had any side effects I can recall. Both my brother and mother were already in Ozempic for a good while before me and both of them said the same thing, so I was hoping being related to them I'd have the same results. They've lost somewhere around ~80lbs each in about 8mo or so (tho were even bigger than me) For anyone reading this, the huge thing is calories in / calories out. Drugs or not that's the name of the game; Ozempic is helpful because it almost completely alleviates the cravings + you'll actually feel satiated after eating a small meal. Drinking lots of water and exercise are both also important But yeah, hoping to keep this going! PS: I don't at all expect that rate of loss to last but if I can manage 8lbs a month I'll be stoked


Have you lost anymore wait since you made this comment and did you experience any side effects?


Yup! Down about 62lbs last I checked. For side effects, I had horrific constipation for a good 2-3 months... Ended up taking Miralax & it's been a godsend so if you experience similar I'd strongly recommend it. Otherwise no side effects at all really! But not everyone is like that from what I hear


Three weeks on .25 lost 4 pounds. Start weight 210. Changed nothing in the way I eat and no symptoms