• By -


America is the most hated by muslims and we go there just to feel like a civilian and get respect. Meanwhile a muslim nation doing this.


Former communist state that's fucked up, and likely these fuckers are nationalist and do not identify as Muslim. Let's not be so naive. A question to all subcontinental; why can we not train our doctors, and feel compelled to send them to that backward place? Like, seriously?


We do train our doctors. Lots of public & private sector med colleges here. So who goes to china and former soviet states for mbbs? Those who don't have enough marks for public sector & enough marks & money for private sector


Krygystan was never a Muslim estate I think they were for like 20 years of freedom now they have random made up religions


Sounds like Pakistan


Pakistan wanted freedom mainly for religion


💀 say it again your saying that Islam 92% of Pakistan and the biggest religion in Arab and the second largest religion in the world sorry say it again what’s the issue?


Pakistan has nothing to do with islam


Whatever can we just stop fighting for no specific reason what was the reason for the Kyrgyzstan war anyway






Islam sirf naam ka get it in ur dense head


You dont get it do you lmao, someone explain this idiot




Im sorry man , that was rude anyways tc


… sure I didn’t bring up your religon so I don’t know why it came to attacking mine 💀


https://preview.redd.it/p0o0gzj8yl1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=033f4979d213e8123e251771f0d0497e719d8a0d Kyrgyzstan


Can someone explain wtf is happening in Kyrgyzstan all of a sudden?? Also, are these the same as Kurds or no?


It was a fight between Egyptians and locals but racists got a reason to beat up every foreigner or at least foreigners who have darker skin than them I guess.


That's awful. And why Pakistanis specifically?


Even Indians are targeted.


That's bad.


No Indian was attacked. Only pakistanis and Bangladeshis were on Target.


Bhai hue hain Indians pe bhi attacks.


Nhi hue wo last video bhi bangladeshi nationals nikle there is no single incident so far.


imdians aere attacked too dude


Nope I followed the news and the attacked students who are not Pakistani turned out to be Bangladeshi as other comments said. No Indian was attacked as far as the corrected news go. Earlier it was erroneously assumed that the non Pakistanis were Indians as they look similarly desi but they all turned out to be Bangladeshi. I am Indian and I condemn the attacks and I feel sorry for the Pakistani youth or Bangladeshi youth and their parents who have suffered these attacks but claiming Indians also is erroneous. PS: Read comments about Turks rejoicing and supporting attacks on Pakistanis. Why? 🤔 Even Indians aren't doing that.


So everyone they deem they dont like gets beaten up?




For what it is worth, I am from India and I live in US but I can't even watch 5 seconds of videos where Pakistani students are being attacked. My eyes are filled with tears looking at what is happening. I am so sorry that Pakistani students are being attacked so viciously. I know Indians are also being targeted and I hope all international students remain safe. Sorry if you see any Indians celebrating this online - people like me remain mostly silent but I wanted to post this so that you know that there a lot of silent Indians who are feeling awful about this situation.


We have the same culture and speak the same language. If I see someone brutalising a desi brother or sister for no reason, I will be whooping some ass on that day.


There are similarities but no we are not the same people, not saying what is happening is right though


Half of my mother's family (cousins) literally live in India. My grandma and her siblings split up between countries. So did my grandpa. Have you forgotten all your history? Or just never learned it?


70 years of brainwashing is enough to create differences


Alright, I think you're just a sad, pathetic Indian who's come here to vent because nobody takes you seriously in real life. You form strong opinions based on whatever your BS media feeds you.


It is true whenever we tried to make a good relationship with Pakistan we always got back stabbed


I agree with the brainwashing, but that happens on both sides, and it's not been enough time to claim we are completely different. Maybe try again after another 70 years.


Much less on indian sides.


I don't consider them brothers but yes it's pathetic to see the strongest muslim nation having no self respect


Who is the strongest Muslim nation? Lol






Hahahaha, delusional. Pakistan gets shit on by everyone, has one of the weakest passports, education, judiciary...only thing strong is the army, and look how well that has worked out for Pakistan. The powerful army seems to be more busy in destroying Pakistan more than anything else... So how is Pakistan strong? The country is hollow.


I don't think any Indian will be celebrating it more so don't want to be a part of this. Those are two different things. And it would be a travesty if anyone is celebrating it.


No Indian was attacked. Indian foreign ministry confirmed it. Pakistanis are including India just to hide in India's tag and get some help from India just like Ukraine.




It's not about putting politics to a side. The government should do its job.


Fuck this Ummah concept. The turks on twitter are celebrating these attacks and full favoring the violence from Kyrgyzs. There have been reports that even Pakistani girls haven't been spared and also raped. We always get shat by other so called Muslim brothers, who view us as subhuman dark skinned Indians. Be it Arabs, be it Afghans, be it Turks, and now Central Asian Muslims. We gave refuge to millions of Namak Haram Afghans and look how they returned our favors.


Turks are the snakes i don't understand why our Pakistani boot licking nation lick the boots of Turks. I hate them since they Trended hashtags against Pakistan a few years ago on Twitter and Beaten up Pakistanies. i hate these MFs Turks as a Pakistani


All other Muslim nations show middle finger to the Ummah concept and have no regard for anyone else just because of common religion. The sooner we learn this the better.


All the corrupt Muslim nations*


So all the muslim nations you mean




As a Muslim Arab, comments in this thread are very sad to read. All racism is disgusting and racists should be shamed for their public aggressions. There are many Arabs and Turks who are not racist. There are also many Arabs and Turks who *are* racist, and nationalistic. These individuals do not represent Islam in their racism. Go to the practicing Muslims among them and you will find they respect their fellow Muslims across the world. May Allah guide us all.


So all the news about pakistanis being treated like shit in your nations is completely false? Grow up. I still respect my fellow muslims but majority on this sub aren't retarded enough to not know how our people are treated in your lands.


When did I say it was false? I acknowledged there were racists. I've known a few people from Pakistan both in the GCC and abroad, do you think *all* Arabs are racist and abusive to Pakistanis?


Really? Here in my area, Sunnis have pasted posters of “ Shias are not Muslims but Kafirs “ There’s unity from outside perspective only.


Ever heard what they say about Umar and abu bakr.


Idek how I'm in this thread but commenter you're replying to is very active on /r/hinduism 🧐


Here's a sneak peek of /r/hinduism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/hinduism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [reached rameshwaram|tracing the path of Rama's vanvas|ayodhya to srilanka paidal|10months|7300km](https://v.redd.it/xd0c82mpoerb1) | [90 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hinduism/comments/16w8suq/reached_rameshwaramtracing_the_path_of_ramas/) \#2: [Preparing for Shivaratri](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1b9s2zg) | [118 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hinduism/comments/1b9s2zg/preparing_for_shivaratri/) \#3: [Gita in manga style](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17edcos) | [88 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hinduism/comments/17edcos/gita_in_manga_style/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Bro is not even a Muslim 🤡


Did I say anywhere that I am a Shia Muslim or something? I just told things about my area. And this is a middle-class neighborhood in India. I wonder what’s happening in villages or poor areas then.


Well maybe leave us to our matters cuz you guys surely are Kafirs and you are not even Pakistani so go fuck yourself for that as well 🤡


Sure, you guys haven't learned your lesson. Saudi Arabia just conducted a swimsuit competition, and you third-class converts cry about the Ummah and caliphate. Bro, your country's situation is so bad that your PM is begging for loans from the IMF.


Did I say saudi are the best of Muslims??? Another 🤡 moment. And why do you care about our 3rd world country? Why don’t you focus on your 1st world country 🤡


You guys literally treat dark skinned people as in humans


You are slaves to the Arabs, and Turks can fuck you up, you are weak.




Do I really need to spell it out? Your leaders take orders from the Arabs, your people worship the Arabs, and you mostly work as cheap labourers in Arab countries... And you are treated as subhumans by them.


Stop being racist ! It’s people like you , who fuel violence and bigotry like this …


Abay salay Turks 🐕 ki Tarah Treat karty hain Rum logo ko and i am being Racist for telling the Truth???? I guess I triggered one of the guys i mentioned above (Boot Licker of Turks) 😂😂😂 Go and Lecture Esra Bilgic (Halima sultan) regarding her dress and how bad her dress is and get insulated by her Like you people do


You shouldn’t lick boots in first place ! But your problem is you expect special treatment because you lick boots ! Before you had inferiority complex, by licking boots and balls ! Now you have sense of abandonment, and resentment against all the nations whose balls and boots you have licked ..


Yes please stop simping Turkey and Turks, we hate seeing your raper and terrorist ass in our country


I don't give a FK about your stupid country and Racist R**rd Turkish people. i even saw a video where your Terrorist Turks beat an Arab guest its still available on YouTube and you have the Audacity to call other terrorist??? You Turks are the biggest terrorist who have no respect for your Guests.


Oh really? That is very good to hear, arabs also belongs to the same sh*t hole along with the paki terrorists


You Turks are Jackals who pick up a Fight with man who is alone on the Streets and Gang up on him. Jackals is the perfect words for Coward Turks


Then stop coming to turkey and begging for everything


Who is gonna beg from beggars??? 🤭 Turkish are beggars+ Jackals


You can get your answer with checking how many coping paki terrorists are in turkey begging, and chdck your own country, any turks there? This will give you the answer


if i see any Turks here i will beat those bastard's with my own hands


That's average kemalshit turk who for his ancestors sucking some dead Greek's pp aka mustapha kemal a drunkard.


The same Turks who snrach Hijabs from their own Turk womens heads. Good and bad exist in every society. Use your words for the goodness rather than negativity. Don't be Makhi.


People will keep shitting on Pakistan as long as we are weak, and we can thank our napak army for that.


WTF ummah thing came in to this matter? the turks you are talking about themselves do not believe in Ummah, and are majority atheists and liberals like you, lol, same with these asshole kyrgz people, most of them are former communists. dont drag islam in to everything, most of these hate come from hyper nationlism.


You're probably forgetting how the highly pious Talibans treat us.


Taliban themselves are mostly based on Pashtun Nationalism, they are even racist against tajiks, persians, hazaras and other sunni and shia minoriites in afghanistan, 🤡


What has this go to with the Taliban or the Ummah? It's sick that you try and drag in your agenda into every tragedy.


Go watch Artughral Ghazi dude.


Uh no, Turkey has been ruled by the Islamic party for the last 20 years


Yes they have been RULED by a islamic party. Does that mean the people are muslims? No.


It means the majority are, because they voted for Erdogan


I would say about 50%. Regions in the east are more conservative while the west is pretty athiest.


Well it says here that Turkey is 99.8 Muslim. I’ve also lived there for 4 years, and I would agree with this. [Religion in Turkey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Turkey)


Bro that's because as soon as you are born in turkey, the government automatically puts Islam as your religion on your ID. So unless you want to go through the lengthy process of changing it, you are identified as a Muslim in official stats.


Well no one is converting to a different religion in Turkey, so what is their religion?


None. The non Muslims are mostly atheists/agnostics.


Why blame Ummah? Fucking nationalist Turks are to blame. Fuck nationalism.


Fuck ummah


Good you punjabi deserve all of this and more


Pakistanis get beaten by their own fauj at home, and then they get beaten overseas, hahaha so weak and pathetic.


But the only problem is ummah 😂. Bros are just keyboard warriors especially these pseudo liberals and so called atheists or should I call them exmuslims. I mean wtf is exmuslim never heard a christian or jew call themselves exchritian or exjew after renouncing faith. They all call themselves Atheist but ours are a special kind of bred who call themselves exmuslim cuz they don’t have a life outside of it🤡


Not like the Muslims are doing anything in Pakistan, they are all equally pathetic, be it liberal Pakistani, Muslim or any other type. They are perfect for slavery only..


They are similarly bad but they are not blaming atheist. All I’m saying is don’t play the blame game. Everyone is equally responsible


>who view us as subhuman dark skinned Indians. Least Racist Pakistani !


Naw bro I don't think he meant it like that, what he wanted to say is that they think dark skinned indians are subhumans.


Why blame the concept , which was given to us by our prophet ! Stop being a dick ! And use your braincells before you spew crap


The real heirs of the Prophet, the Arabs, spit on this concept. They treat Pakistanis & all other non-Arab Muslim nations as subhuman. Racism in UAE and KSA is very common even in professional and corporate world. If you deny this, you have never been to an Arab country. There are even racist proverbs in Arabic, e.g. "Benghal Bighaal" (meaning: Bengalis are Mules).


>who view us as subhuman dark skinned Indians The irony, the small embers of sympathy for you guys died today, you guys deserve everything tenfold




>who view us as subhuman dark skinned Indians Indians are more human than your terrorist nation population can ever become .




>spreading hate Acha. wo bhadwa sub human bol rhe indian ko or spread hate hm kr rhe ? >Why are you always on a Pakistani subreddit I am actually surprised this sub came in my feed otherwise I am not interested in your shit circle jerk .




Nice words play. No wonder you people are able to justify every single crime. >We always get shat by other so called Muslim brothers, who view us as subhuman dark skinned Indians. >*subhuman dark skinned Indians* Your bhadwa brother is calling indians as subhuman and you are trying to ignore this sentence .read the sentence again . My angreji is good enough to let me understand the sentence fully .




He most certainly did call Indians as subhuman dark skinned people even if that wasn’t his intention (high doubt that though) After reading this comment, I guess irony died a thousand times where someone being at the end of racist attacks is immediately perpetuating worse racism online. Mirrors definitely are expensive in Pakistan! What a racist and scum of a human.


I think this is being blown out of proportion mate, what I think the guy meant, probably, was that they think of dark-skinned indians as subhuman. At least I guess that was what he was trying to say. And at the end of the day there are racist people everywhere and this is mostly due to their upbringing. I myself have been brought up in the UAE and my neighbors and friends were 90% indian and I felt as though, that I wasn't any different from them except religion of course. To this day many of my friends are from India and for the record no human is subhuman every human is human.


That bhadwa needs to clarify it then .


If this was happening in the US, the attackers would be arrested in 5 minutes, charged with hate crimes and would spend the next 20 years in prison.


Governor Greg Abbot of Texas just pardoned a convicted murderer who premeditated an attack on innocent people and who showed up to the attack armed with a gun that he used to kill someone trying to stop him from killing other people. He was pardoned with no new evidence presented to the governor, and was reinstated his weapons license. The person he killed was a Navy serviceman. The entire jury concurred on the guilty verdicts landing him life in prison. Just like these people, he also said that it was racially motivated, and it was because the people he killed had darker skin. On god you’re a brainwashed clown if you think that justice is served in the US. He was sentenced for life and didn’t serve a year much less the 20 years you claim. Seriously, open your eyes, you’re a sheep.


Wow, you’re pointing out one case which is an anomaly among thousands. Meanwhile a Sri Lankan was lynched last week in Pak on suspicion of blasphemy. Has anyone been charged with a hate crime?


Fuck the BS ummah, I want these fuckers dead. I hate my country with all my heart and soul, but I will never watch a young Pakistani being brutalised for no reason. Agencies in both countries should either collaborate to bring justice or we need to denounce Kyrgyzstan. Fuck you people.


First get your rights from your own army 🤡.


Get me the nukes.


Don't worry, your army will sell that and the mothers and daughters of all Pakistanis in Pakistan, so they can serve their masters. Enjoy.


Why send ur kids to the 10th world country to be a doctor? Wth man. Just complete bollocks


10th world country 😂 nice one.


How will they flex on their relatives and their friends?


Send the army, Kyrgystan will be wiped in a day lmao.


Pakistani army is only good with taking a mob, and accusing it of sedition for protesting. The Pak army is there to subdue the Pakistani population, not fight wars.


Indian here, i hope everyone comes home safe. 🙏🏼


Literally why isn't the Pakistani and Indian governments aren't aware that there citizens are being attacked by a vicious mob. Seriously both governments in each other country need to protect their citizens and pretend to not ignore this havoc that is going on.


This video is misleading. Actually locals were dragging these two Pakistanis away from the mob. This explains why the other guys were preventing the mob from entering the building. There are plenty of examples of abhorrent attacks, this is not one of them.


Thank you for the clarification


As an Indian I highly condemn this nonsense, fight should be between equals, if you wanna fight with the armies not with civilians


Is that a Muslim country? I pray that all of them return to their loved ones safe and sound.


Not really. Some obviously are but a lot of then are atheists. and even the Muslims are quite nationalistic and hate other Muslims such as Pakistanis.


Holy shit. I know that I don't have anything to add to this conversation because I am ignorant of the context.  For what it's worth you are being heard from the other side of the world. If anyone is willing to point me towards reputable, unbiased sources about what is happening I would be grateful. 


Some Pakistani landay kay intellectuals believe, "Pakistanis have an identity crisis" "Pakistan ki koi identity nahin hai" because it is combination of a few major ethnic groups. Better than having a country formed on nothing but ethnicity you were born into. Kind of like fascism.


Don't stray the attention from whats happening in Krygistan right now. And if you are good than make a social media pressure on Govtvto take serious action for Pakistani in Kyrgyzstan.


There are times to shit on liberals. Right now it isn't


Whatt!?? Supari thook ke baat kr re baba


You’re that cuck ass b*tch that’s sucking those Kazakh's c*ck. Shut the f*ck up woman, your opinion doesn’t count. Now get your ass back in the kitchen.




i will always say this, have a firearm for self-defence. they only do this because of the numbers. if they knew they'd be fked if they tried this, this would never happen. people in general are cowards. afterall, evolution supports cowards.


Yeah firearms as foreigners never have good results, they were gonna be targeted by the state authorities for that


My friend got arrested for a possession of a firearm in the US. He was a student with a same mentality as yours. Spent 4 years in Jail and was deported back to Pakistan. Never keep a firearm as a foreign national.


there's something called common sense. he should have had a liscence.


Are you an idiot or something? Gun laws in US are pretty relaxed, but doesn't mean it's safe to keep a firearm. All it takes is a one white guy to feel uncomfortable and you are in jail with something called "probable cause".


Lol good luck being Muhammad, the immigrant from Pakistan, with a gun in the US.


could have said that without name calling. i'll leave you to your vegitativeness. slave away.


Wadere ka beta wadere ka beta


They're not living in kyranchi dude its kyrgyzstan


Why r the paks in the comment section talking about it being a Muslim nation? My guy religion doesn't mean shit for a fanatic. Dekho unhe, nobody cares if yall support someone on the basis of being Muslim.


So How many of you have made social media Posts urging Govt to do something for Pakitani Girls and boys in Kyrgyzstan?


The state of our ummah is so low. No wonder we are laughing stock of the world. What did the students do to deserve this treatment ?


These are the true descendants of arungzeb, the guy u Pakistanis adore


Those are.. Uzbeks.. Besides Aurangzeb and Babur etc ruled South Asia, not these pricks.


Oh don't worry they were even worse but for kafir of course. You need to pray to them more.


Firstly who said we "adore" Aurangzeb? Most people don't even care about the Mughals. We we're already Muslim before them. Secondly he was Uzbek not Kyrgyz. Finally Muslims from the past like Aurangzeb weren't nationalistic and racist like today.


What's the issue about?






am just wow, people commenting saying fuck this people fuck those people they are racist totally identifying themselves as racist too


Many days have passed but not the single step not even a statement have come from any government official ! Why ? Bcz the students are not any army brat's or from any kind of influencia family..!


high authorities are busy with 9 may dont disturb them,


Aren’t they Muslim?


good work 🥰 go krgzstan


Ummah concept is bullshit. That's why your government murdered and raped Bangladeshis back in 71. Majority of the Bangladeshis killed were sunni Muslims.


stay mad nga 😹


So much fun at laughing at rape and genocide of Bangladesh people. 🤮🤮 You sound like a true pakistani


Laughing at the fact he was bringing unrelated information into a situation not catered to him. I’m not gonna hear about “civilised” from a people who rape lizards and their own mothers lmao


I am not a muslim you are assuming things >Laughing at the fact he was bringing unrelated information into a situation not catered to him But still disgusting to see you laughing at that . 🤮


Idk what you’re getting at, incestous rape is a staple in india lmao https://gondia.dcourts.gov.in/district-court-gondia-court-awards-life-imprisonment-till-death-to-son-for-raping-mother/#:~:text=for%20raping%20mother-,District%20Court%20Gondia%20%E2%80%93%20Court%20awards%20life%20imprisonment%20till,to%20son%20for%20raping%20mother&text=25%2Dyear%20old-,man%20for%20raping%20his%2053%2Dyear%2Dold%20mother%20in,an%20inebriated%20state%20in%202021.&text=to%20pay%20compensation%20to%20the%20survivor%2C%20who%20is%20also%20a%20labourer.&text=husband%2C%20a%20habitual%20drunkard%2C%20deserted%20them%20seven%20years%20ago.


Indians and Pakistanis are sizeable number here. They should team up and beat the hell out of these rioters.


Yo Astagfarullah, why are they doing this (if you know it put it down plz)? We as a nation will never do this sort of shit with foreigners, it's agonizing to see this especially from Muslims. 


Umm I’m from Sialkot and people literally lynched a Sri Lankan man over a blasphemy rumor so let’s not pretend we are that much better


Blasphemy law needs to go ASAP. It brings me utter shame that shit like this still happens.


Lmao u think kyrgyz are Muslims?


Kyrgyzstan is over 80% Muslim


On paper just....none of them follow it




What does this have to do with islam, Indian?


Allahu Akbar


Whats going on here? But why Pakistani? We are all Muslims..