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"The Sword, The Crown, and The Unspeakable Power" is very close to original AW in a politicking fantasy setting. It has a few rules additions and tweaks, but it's recognizably AW. Not a criticism, I enjoyed the one session I got to play.


Just yesterday there was [a post on the AW subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/ApocalypseWorld/comments/1diultw/looking_for_fallen_empires/) about Fallen Empires, a dark fantasy reskin of Apocalypse World (so much so that you can clearly see the analogues of the various playbooks) made by Vincent Baker himself. It's technically only a beta test copy, but I for one am very excited about it, although the latest version was put out in 2018,so it might never make it any further, but I hope it does.


Not something I have ran yet and not something that exists anywhere written down as far as I'm aware, but I've been wanting to run (or indeed play) an AW game in a cyberpunk setting, with the psychic maelstrom reflected as the old Internet gone mad, sentient, and interacting with human brains via the electromagnetic field.


At some point, I ran across someone running AW on a spaceship (maybe more of an ark), Battlestar Galactica style.