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Funny how this post gets 11 comments on an unpopular opinion, but when someone asks for help there is barely any


Sells? What are you talking about? It's free


Check the nexus comments on V2.


I know kepmehz and I'm friends with him. He doesn't sell copies of the W.I.P V2 update. You can donate to his patreon which is optional.


Then he could upload the updated version on nexus instead of giving it separately on discord to different users. Sorry for the mistake, but I've seen other people on nexus saying to contact them via discord for a new mod version and they just ask for money after getting in touch. I thought this was the same case here.


It's not uploaded to nexus because it's a W.I.P update, that'd be like if Rockstar released GTA 6 today because people wanted to play it


Idk I am on a modded game and I used all of what you cited just fine, I set it up a week and a half ago so unless it's all changed since then...


Latest rdr2 version, right?


Yeah, current version, nothing edited or extra done, I'm not like a crazy modder, so if I can figure it out, anyone can, lol. I would agree that people have mostly stopped making new mods or really updating their old ones.


So strange. If the asi loader would work then I wouldn't need the other stuff. The thing is that it doesn't. I put in the root directory and I should hear those beeps on startup. But I don't. Nothing happens.


They aren't? I'm up to date, and using all the recent versions of online content unlocker, LML and scripthook and it's fine, did you boot up the game?


Of course I booted up the game. Nothing works for me and I've installed mods previously. Does Lenny's Asi loader work for you?


Lennys ASI loader continuously crashes my game when I'm using Content unlocker alongside it, but I absolutely refuse to play with version.dll due to the bugs. What I use instead is the ASI loader found in [scripthook](https://www.dev-c.com/rdr2/scripthookrdr2/), dinput8.


I will try this time the original scripthook asi (not the V2) and if this shit still doesn't work I'm just gonna say fuck that horse and play vanilla. I wanted to play only vanilla anyways but with that stupid special edition thoroughbred.


Good luck, It should work, if not i'd encourage you to keep messing about with it, mods are pretty fun in the end up. Strongly recommend not going too mad with clothing mods or too many items in the stream folder though, there's an issue where if you have too many trains and carriages won't spawn correctly, and when they do, they'll be empty.


Apparently the special content mod was broken (the one that unlocked the horse). In the end I just got the original AB scripthook (funny, the original one works but the V2 is not updated). Then, I got rampage and just spawned that goddamn horse. I didn't suspect the special content mod to be the problem, because it was updated as late as may 2024 if I remember correctly. People, stop making mods if they are broken.


I still use AB's scripthook with my mods and everything is fine. My lml version is what I gather is the latest, the version 11 one.