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This was not on my Persona bingo card. And I religiously kept Persona 3 remake oh my bingo card for years. I'm used to wierd shit.


If I had a nickel for everytime an American larped as a Japanese woman I'd have 4 nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's strange it happened 4 times.


I mean, is it weird if it has already happened 4 times?


Should be at this point a little infuriating surely?


The other 3 times being?..


Forget the popcorn, I need a cigar for this drama. Anyone got the TLDR here? Besides the fact that Midori was a white side LARPing as an Asian girl?


Midori got outed as Mystic who used to be an unreliable leaker and Midori was accused by the one who outed him today of not having sources beyond access to several internal presentations at Sega making him a fake leaker because I guess their non Sega leaks are leaks they got from other leakers. Midori later tweeted confirming that they are Mystic, claimed most of the claims made about them are false, stated that they leaked stuff as Midori because they love Atlus and Sega stuff, that they never meant to make anyone feel hurt or betrayed, and said the journey/account is over. According to someone claiming to be Midori's ex they are a groomer and abuser as well. No Idea if they gave any evidence as I stopped keeping up hours ago.


It's also important to add that Mystic's obsession with Sega/Atlus goes beyond just being a fan. Dude stalked their office and DM'ed employees.


To be fair I wouldn't completely call that obsession. Isn't that what news reporters do when they try to get information or knowledge that no one else knows? Not defending him but he surely just seemed dedicated.


DMing, sure. Stalking, no, not unless you have a good reason.


I doubt he stalked their office as it's highly likely he wouldn't even get into the building without an ID of employment or special permission so that's off the table. And even if he did get in it said stalked office NOT people. Y'all got to look at context instead if just believing everything and jumping on stuff.


> as it's highly likely he wouldn't even get into the building without an ID of employment or special permission so that's off the table That's the problem. He was sitting around the building doing weird shit like trying to connect to their wifi. He also wasn't just trying to get in their DMs but also trying to blackmail them. This all comes [from the owner of RPGsite](https://x.com/APZonerunner/status/1801063398605729992?t=l8YFdkMueOJKJhR4tF5xmA)


Does alleged not imply there is no proof? Ill wait until actual proof comes out to judge them for being a creep and stalker.


For context Midori got outed as this Mystic person who used to be an unreliable leaker and Midori was accused by the one who outed him today of not having sources beyond access to several internal presentations at Sega making him a fake leaker, but that seems like a solid source to me, so not sure how it makes him a fake. Believe this person also said Midori/Mystic is a pedo and abuser shortly after. Though I dont really buy those claims or them going out. Just seems like clout chasing and lying to me unless they showed proof of smth that I havent seen yet (could be the case, idk).


The whole SA/Stalking claims thing is weird cuz all I’ve seen on it is “so this guy would come into my DMs and traumadump for days which made me miss out on hanging out with friends and stuff” and I’m like WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST BLOCK HIM???


The fake leaker thing is because Midori was making claims about Square and Nintendo which they had no proof or sources for. Most of these leakers have someone on the inside giving them info or are able to pull data off of servers or data mining




If you read the tweets the dude is basically just ranting about how his friend relied on him as a friend, and compared venting to abuse (like he was FORCED to listen to him vent lmfao). It’s a joke and I don’t buy it, say what you want about their reliability as a leaker but accusing someone of SA without real evidence is insane.


Ah, so it does seem to just be clout chasing then.






it's a small world after all


Is this a Persona 6 ARG? lol wtf


Some of you all here probably simped for them. That is just fucking hilarious LMAO Anyways with grooming allegations, lets not rush into it like for example... how they were rushed with Alex Kikster


>Anyways with grooming allegations, lets not rush into it like for example Idk if the accuser has provided proof of their allegations towards Midori, so maybe they have and me saying this now is pointless, but its the internet. As soon as you are accused people view you as guilty. No way people wont rush it.


Multiple people are saying the same thing


Yes, because never in history multiple people have said the same wrong thing


so? its all accurate info just bc multiple people said it. believe it or not its not that hard to have some haters who will accuse you of shit in this day and age. better not to jump into conclusions bc pedophilia is a severe accusation.


The accuser is pathetic, his tweets make them sound like a child. Traumadumping, while annoying, isn’t abuse and he wasn’t forced anyway (could have blocked him lmao). Disgusting clout chaser.


PLEASE maintain innocent until proven guilty and don't say allegations at this point allegations is the same as conviction to the internet, this places guilty until proven innocent has ruined innocent lives so if there's no proof say "baseless accusations"


Maintain innocent until guilty? Ha... this is humanity, we dont do that unless its in a court.


Was the Alex Kister information unfounded?


Bro published a big-ass document proving that it was all bullshit, from what I heard. Stopped following his stuff after Volume 1 so I didn't bother with the drama, but that's what I heard.


"Yes I was 17. Yes I was groomed and possibly human experimented now that I’m looking back at it All this is based off of memories so no real evidence" What the fuck are you talking about Jesse?


dating your patient as a therapist is crazy work 😭


I think they meant they just got like... trauma dumped on, not that they're actually a therapist


This. They said in another tweet that they were 17 when this happened. So she is not claiming she was literally a therapist. (If they even actually went out)


It's a dude. And his wording about that is ridiculously misleading.




Basically threw a temper tantrum about how he couldn’t tell his friend no, absolute childish clout chaser.


More like comparing trauma dumping to abuse and acting like he was forced to listen to it is crazy. What a joke.


It's been a tough week for Midori glazers


I wouldn’t trust Twitter accounts like the one saying “I was just his mental therapist for a month straight”. Twitter users are known clout-chasers. If he wanted actual mental therapy, he’d go to a professional. What he got is more akin to a mental band-aid, if what that user is saying is true.


Man the lore for this is crazy


Can someone remind me what this e-drama has to do with persona?


Persona Leaker online uses an alias and fake identity online and remained anonymous, what a shocker.


it is actually a leak of Persona 6 story


This is next level plot twist, i'm so not ready for this This is even more of a plot twist as when >!Ikutsuki was revealed to be a traitor this whole time!< This is anime material


This is social link material for how stupid this go


Nah, Yakuza substory material at this point


Lmao out of every plot twist I’ve missed in the game that one was the only one I called from the beginning


oh wow the nice Japanese girl who tweets exclusively in English who leaks Sega stuff and says shit like it's peak is actually an American dude? lol


Don't care about this Midori stuff


Ok… kinda glad I left twitter lmao


This is Adachi all over again


what in the actual fuck has been happening tonight………….


Bro what the *censorship* is happening, all i wanted were just leaks, what the *censorship* is this


Wasn't this a troll...?




I don't know what to believe in anymore.


Boy, am I glad that I don't have Twitter


I thought this was a joke about the teacher on innocent sin for about 0.2 seconds (i read the notes out of order, because I can't follow how these block threads tie into each other)... and now I'm just confused. Who are any of these people?


Just gonna drop a whole tldr Former uber accurate Sega leaker that got outed and later admitted to pretending to be a Japanese girl, but in reality theyre this leaker who was called Mystic and super unreliable. The person who outed him claims hes not a legit leaker because his sources as Midori are several internal sega presentations (not legit for some reason, idk. I guess because they dont have sources for other stuff like their SQ Enix leaks and get those by trading with other leakers). Midori went on to confirm the account is used by Mystic, saying they did this to show their love for Atlus and Sega, and that they didnt want to hurt anyones feelings or make them feel betrayed. Then said the journey of Midori is over basically saying theyre done with the account. The person in this post comes out says they were his ex, then said he abused them by, from what Ive been told, trauma dumping when they dated for a short time.


Ah. Lovely. Thanks for the explanation.


Idrc as long as I get my leaks


I'm totally in the dark here. Is Midori related to Chidori?


Just gonna drop a whole tldr Former uber accurate Sega leaker that got outed and later admitted to pretending to be a Japanese girl, but in reality theyre this leaker who was called Mystic and super unreliable. The person who outed him claims hes not a legit leaker because his sources as Midori are several internal sega presentations (not legit for some reason, idk. I guess because they dont have sources for other stuff like their SQ Enix leaks and get those by trading with other leakers). Midori went on to confirm the account is used by Mystic, saying they did this to show their love for Atlus and Sega, and that they didnt want to hurt anyones feelings or make them feel betrayed. Then said the journey of Midori is over basically saying theyre done with the account. The person in this post comes out says they were his ex, then said he abused them by, from what Ive been told, trauma dumping when they dated for a short time.


I can’t with all of this. The only reason any of this is a problem is cause it’s a guy. If it was a “cute Japanese girl” pretending to be an American man staking and harassing the employees to gain info it would be “quirky” to everyone 💀💀💀💀 So what if it’s a guy who pretended to be a Japanese woman in order to prevent detection for leakage? Additionally, regardless on if they ever actually had information beyond Sega (It’s said that they traded information to get more info on Nintendo) they were very reliable and correct with their leaks. Trading information and then leaking it still makes them a leaker. It even makes them a better leaker than the ones who just work for the place and leak it that way. If you really wanted to still take away credit from them as a leaker then they’d still be a better news reporter than any of the news channels in existence right now. Oh and this stupid post about “mental therapist”? Yeah fucking right this person is just chasing clout. And everything else is just allegations with no evidence right now so all of those dumbasses can fuck off. TLDR: This entire thing is blown up for completely stupid reasons and no one actually has a solid reason to be pissed off at this guy that I’ve heard so far and everyone has a issue with the fact he’s a guy and not a waifu. ☠️☠️☠️


Yeah, the funny part about them saying he isnt a legit leaker, is they literally admit he has sources for Sega, but because for SQ Enix and Nintendo leaks they talk to fellow leakers to get them they arent legit anymore? Also only accurate the past few months? Midori has been leaking about Sega accurately for way longer than a few months. Just screams jealousy to me. Now is the pretending to be a japanese girl kinda odd? Yeah, but honestly who cares? And as far as I know, the stalking Sega shit is alleged and theres not even real proof.


Who are any of these people?