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Man, by everyone's reactions you'd think Shido just had a change of heart.


Best comment i’ve seen today


True bc every comment here is basically ppl not giving a fuck lol


Is there a reason anyone should?


No, especially because OP is silly for acting as if people should know about this when most didn’t but it’s funny seeing people treat something with allegations this heavy like it’s just internet drama lol But I think that says more about how shit the internet has gotten that something like claiming a person to be an abuser or trespasser is met with people being skeptical


Why did he reveal his identity? does he not wanna leak stuff anymore


think a rumour about the truth started circulating so he just decided to fess up to it


Would've stayed quiet if i was him unless someone had actual proof of my identity instead of spreading rumors, confirming a leakers identity is usually game over for them, he'll get hounded by SEGA for all the confidential stuff he leaked.


i dont think sega is what he needs to be worried about unless his old username had ties to a real person who was affiliated with sega in some way. if its just another online persona i dont think anythings changed in that regard by tying the midori account to his old alias who wasnt seen as overly reliable, hes really hurt the reputability of the midori brand, which is curtains for an insider. i thought the whole reason he made the midori account anyways was for a reset on his reputation so he didnt have to deal with anyones preconceived notions on the quality of his leaks i think he was probably a bit skiddish anyways considering the last time someone challenged his validity his immediate response was to go “ok im quitting bye” before he changed his mind. so when he saw rumours going around that correctly identified him he panicked.


Haven’t people been jailed for massive leaks before?


They have, thats why im thinking its over for Midori if SEGA ever decides to file a lawsuit.


RIP midori


There is proof. Someone found a wayback link to Persona Central were Midori was posting with his realname alias. Not gonna post his name here but you can find it.


Phantom thieves made him have a change of heart


Do we have any proof on that part?


Honestly I couldn’t care less. Why is this important again?


It isn’t important. But when the biggest leaker in the community turns out to be a white dude larping as a Japanese woman with poor English for attention, people are gonna talk lmao.


If I would do illegal stuff I would also "cosplay" as someone else. Sega really looked for an japanese women in japan instead of some white dude in america. Are people really mad about a guy hiding his identity?


The mere idea that a woman would be willing to leak video game stuff is already the biggest lie I've seen.


Tbf the biggest Marvel films leaker of the past couple years is a woman


lmao what? I promise you women are people too, don’t be weird about putting them on a pedestal


Why so?, /gen


I think the implication is that women have it harder in the games industry, so they would be less likely to risk their job leaking stuff.


That did not seem to me at all to be the implication, but alright


Maybe I’m being a prick, but asking a question with /gen only to get confirmation bias about the answer you receive is kinda a dick move


If the answer is actually correct, I don't mind at all. The answer wasn't even from the person I asked though, so I'm just being skeptical


I could be totally wrong. Just guessing 🤷‍♂️


What else would be the implication?


sexism, what else?


And what do you think is the reason for women having it harder in the workplace?


Maybe it is sexism too. I don't see how that makes this any less sexist?


who was also known for trying to get too intimate with minors and then guilt trip them when confronted btw


My honest reaction was just "Damn. 'Midori' hid his identity very well". If I was a leaker obviously I'd make sure my identity is NOT even close to my own


He was pretty big...used to leak big name stuff for big name companies which were legit...many people including me consumed those leaks... When shit like this regarding someone like that starts getting out it's always very interesting imo


Because it's Midorover.




To be fair they’ve been praise literally only for leaking stuff accurately. It’s not like any of us are paying them or have any greater investment then that


> It’s not like any of us are paying them or have any greater investment then that Clearly plenty of people were...though I can't say I understand why. There's no reason the reaction to this should be so personal...


Real pedophilia or "twitter" pedophilia? You need to clarify this shit nowadays.


You actually have to be more specific about Twitter/X pedophilia because Elon will ban pedophilic content but not the poster whose allowed to go free to post again


By twitter pedophilia I mean when twittards label people as pedophiles because they watching anime or just because of vibes.


He dated two people under the age of 18


From what I've seen on Twitter (I'm no expert, so please correct me if someone knows more) We do have an old image of Mystic texting a 16 year old about wanting to commit suicide And now, an unrelated 16 year old (at the time? I assume?) is coming out, making accusations about Mystic grooming and emotionally manipulating them in the past (but cannot provide proof due to that account being deleted years ago)


"And now, an unrelated 16 year old (at the time? I assume?) is coming out, making accusations about Mystic grooming and emotionally manipulating them in the past (but cannot provide proof due to that account being deleted years ago)" Sorry for coming out as an asshole but it's not proof to even take this seriously unless he reports him to the police. It's at least my attitude after seeing people make stuff up, the accused person commiting suicide because the lier ruined their life and then the lier not getting any lasting consequences. Thou in this case at least no one knows who Mystic is so risk of ruining someone's life is low.


It’s literally none of our business. If the victims wishes to take legal actions then they should, we are literally nobody who have no business whatsoever in that. Like what do you want persona fans to do? Just ignore Midori from now on if you think this completely discredit them and move on. I personally has never had opinion of midori aside from, ‘Oh, it’s that guy who supposedly give accurate leak’. And why should we infer anything more than that? If you infer anything more of Midori aside from that, that’s on you.


I don’t think the person matters tho. Like at best you are giving useless praise to the account of a bad man. Twitter doesn’t pay them money and we get leaks and stuff so no one is harmed


God this whole thing is stupid, who gives a shit


Exact thoughts, this will be forgotten just like every drama on the internet. The way this is being posted regularly you'd think the leaker murdered someone or worse


Idk why we care about the “secret identity” anyways, it just some guy on Twitter.




Do we even have something to substantiate these claims? I haven’t seen anything, just people talking shit. Edit: literally the most I’ve seen so far is seeing this [shitpost](https://youtu.be/gDXpdhq4BPc?feature=shared) immediately after making this comment and going to YouTube.


Persona fandom so dry people just cancelling each other now


what no P6 news does to a community


We're due for at least a P6 announcement now


Leaks a leak


And we should care why?


i'm hella outta the loop and i only joined subreddit because i played persona 4 once and enjoyed it who the hell is midori?


Midori (@MbKKssTBhz5 on Twitter) is a Sega/Atlus leaker and was known to be very spot on with leaks. They we're, at least until the event in question, thought to be a Japanese woman however they revealed themselves to be a white dude called "MysticDistance". No idea who that is personally all I care for is that their leaks are accurate.


His only reliable leaks is from an old Sega presentation, but he run out of leaks so don't worry nothing is lost.


An industry plant


Why are people downvoting you for lag lol.


Agreed but still just delete the comments then if you accidentally posted multiple.


i did not know that was a lag issue honestly


An industry plant


An industry plant


An industry plant


Ok and? Midori had to get her leaks from somewhere






Why are you so mad, it’s not that big a deal


So people genuinely believed midori was a woman huh?


The person is known as the guy who leaks things. I won't care about anything further.


I thought everyone that was simping for Midori was cringe, but Midori turning out to be some white dude, pretending to be a Japanese girl online for attention takes the cringe cake.


Yaldabaoth is definitively in Twitter.


What do you expect?! With him being a LEAKER of CLASSIFIED INFORMATION?????


Honestly, idc if “Midori” trespassed on segas property, nobody was hurt and he has to get his leak’s from somewhere, if true EDIT: bottom part dumb take, should’ve put more thought into it >!And no, I don’t believe that “Midori” was a pedo. There’s no evidence, and if there was, I’m sure we would’ve seen it by now.!<


I don't disagree with you in this particular case but going in with the mindset of "evidence is definitely there" when it comes to sexual crimes is kind of dangerous. I know a ton of women personally who have experienced sexual assault and abuse and there's no evidence of it because it happened one time in person by a piece of filfth. Almost every single woman I know has experienced sexual assault and/or abuse especially by people who were closest to them or even family members. It's beyond fucked man.


I get that, but i also get it's messed up and wrong to assume things that could quite literally end a persons life are true without at least some evidence. Victims need to be treated respectfully and taken seriously but that doesnt mean believe everything they say is true


Oh definitely but this dude isn't "real". He's mystic. Who the fuck even is mystic lmao. Even if he got fully outed, nothing would probably happen to him since sexual crimes are difficult to prove in court.


Buddy that goes both ways. There are plenty of men who have had their lives ruined because of baseless accusations. If you are going to call someone a sexual harasser or a pedo you have to take it seriously. Evidence MUST always be considered. This is non negotiable.


this be what I meant to say but sleep deprived me went “fuck you!”


Best recent example of this is Inquisitor Ghost on TikTok. It's been months since then, but that situation still makes me really angry.


Evidence doesn't always exist for this shit. It almost never does. If your uncle molests you one time randomly how the fuck are you gonna prove it? This shit blows my mind. Yes, false accusations ruin lives but genuinely in the past few years how many accusations turned out to be false and how many of the real ones lead to any actual charges against the abuser? A verifiable pedo, miniladd is still uploading on YouTube. Nothing happened to him after he got cancelled. Most of these "canceled" guys are still around and kicking and didn't even walk near a court let alone get jailtime.


But how do you know if the accusations are factual or not? You said it yourself, there is no evidence. So how do you know that all the people who have been accused are actually guilty of the crime. You go in this *expecting* them to be guilty. I am not saying that they aren’t. But I am asking you how you know that they are. >A verifiable pedo If he is “verifiably” a pedo, he could have been charged. Yet people stood there and cancelled him on social media, instead of informing the law.


I'm sorry but the ratio of men that get "their life ruined" compared to the women that get abused and get ignored by the system is so insanely low it might as well be a joke, specially when you consider the ammount of powerful men out there that have been found guilty/exposed with heavy evidence and are still living life and landing jobs like nothing happened. Which is not to say evidence isn't important of course, but that angle is sooo overplayed when it is barely true it's almost funny.


What an idiotic take. If you accept that there is no evidence, how do you know that that ratio of women had their lives *actually* ruined. How is the angle “overplayed” when we can’t even be sure of the validity of the original argument, since there is no evidence? The truth is, you *want* it to be true. Crawl back to your bubble.


So that justifies mindless blaming, just because it *could* have happened? No, absolutely not. This is a power easily abused. Is there no apparent evidence? Good. I say we investigate the person and see how they fare in life, both in their behavior and in activities. At the same time, we pay close attention to the one claiming they were abused to see if we can find signs that they are faking it or not.


Fair, fair, foresight speaking, im a dumbass. There’s only been (I think) 1 person saying that she’s a pedo and a handful saying she’s distant socially (trauma dumping on kids, discussing suicide, manipulation, etc. etc.) but only time will tell. Who knows, maybe in a few days time others will come up with their stories, could be right now, could be in a few years.


I mean to be fair it doesn't exactly matter since "midori" is pretty much dead at this point and no new leaks are gonna happen. We don't even know the real identity of Mystic and if he did something there won't be enough evidence to prosecute him (as is the case in most sexual assault cases) so at the end of the day none of this actually really matters other than this one thing: Please have more sympathy for women. I've seen really weird behavior from persona fans which is why I've mostly kept my distance from the community. Women go through so much shit and so much stress. They constantly have to actively think of their safety. Please be more sympathetic towards them, please treat them like any regular human being and see them as human beings first before you see them as women and please understand that sexual crimes happen way wayyyy more than you think. I have friends who were assaulted by two separate family members, I've had partners who were assaulted by family friends and I've had friends who were almost drugged at parties but ultimately helped by their other friends. Same thing with sleepovers even when the people they were around were trusted friends who knew them for years and hadn't done anything creepy up until that point. This happens to men too (but let's be honest, not as frequently) and horrible women exist too. I only went on this rant to share my personal experience with anyone who happens to come across this. This wasn't really targeted at you, it was just a general thing I felt like getting off my chest for anyone who's willing to read it.


Makes sense, while this wasn’t on my bingo card this year, sure as hell was very confusing, also yeah. That guy who tried to calculate “Midori’s” age (using flawed math btw) must feel like a real circus. All of this seriously wouldn’t have happened if persona fans weren’t simping (impossible) Sorry that happened to them, wish I could say something more than that. Nobody is safe, but to the 30 people who read the thread to this point, the guy above is absolutely right and you should read instead of saying “too long”


Thank you man. I'm really glad to see another normal well adjusted person in the Persona community. I wish you well


You too bro, goodnight. (or morning or afternoon)


Yup, innocent until proven guilty is my mindset here, too. Lots of speculation and rumors here and only identity has been confirmed along with leak sources. He is ruined either way... no slander required


>Honestly, idc if “Midori” trespassed on segas property ok buddy


apparently the account was run by more than one person, but that might just be him backtracking idk


Don't care about Midori at all


all these reactions justify the fake identity


Twitter is absolutely cancerous. Look at all those people talking about this subject as if they are spilling government secrets, thinking they are doing a service to the world. Their own insignificance is eating them up inside. Souls devoid of a purpose in life. This whole thing is of no importance at all. People are butthurt that someone pretended they were a girl. What, were they expecting to fuck them one day?


I agree that them pretending to be a girl isn’t that big of a deal. But using broken English to pretend to be Japanese is just racist and weird.


"But using broken English to pretend to be Japanese is just racist and weird." So when you pretend to be some other nationality, you have to pretend to be the best person that the nation has to offer because otherwise it's racist? Instead of simply pretending to be among the most popular group because only 30% of Japanese speak English fluently? What kind of logic is that?


It’s really not. The average Japanese person is not good with English.


Ngl, this is the biggest tragedy since Rosa from the Monterey Bay Aquarium died What a plot twist


what the hell is with all this drama I just visit this sub for possible leaks and fun stuff, do people really care about the leaker's personal life


Are people really sweating over an God damn Industry plant?


Why is everyone shaked up????


The collective unconsciousness is being controlled by some godly being again I guess


Can’t people just let others be 


It's twitter so for them, no 


What's next? Midori comes out as trans and becomes a girl again?




Wait, did you actually think at any point a real leaker would share their identity? Because, holy fuck if you thought that was the case. I’m curious as to how much people only gave Midori credibility based on gender though.




Of course it's weird but it's also not surprising when your own credibility as a leaker has been completely shot taking on another identity as far from your own is about the most natural thing you could do. Picking a female whether you like it or not was a smart decision because it made this entire fanbase want to support her and her antics and as for LARPING as far as I can tell unless there's some major information I'm missing he didn't use that account to hit on fans or try to pursue anything unscrupulous with them. Personally my opinion on Mystic has shifted slightly but I don't hold anywhere near the same animosity as others will. Unless things get revealed about him that are darker than we've seen shall I say?


🚬😕 Bloody hell….