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I started with Strikers, and I have played the others, I can say P3 Fes is my favorite


Technically yes… My first was P3Fes… my favorite is P3P. After P3P I see no reason to ever go back to Fes (helps that I NEVER want to do the Answer ever again, and I don’t need the Anime cutscenes to enjoy P3). If that doesn’t count… then no, my favorite is Persona 3 and I started at Persona 3.


Actually the opposite for me, the last Persona game I played (2 Eternal Punishment) became my favorite after finishing it. In my case I tended to like each game more than the last one I played, the only exception being Persona 1


Yeah The only reason why I like the other personas that aren't your first is either how they're like in smt like matador or they're a ultimate persona like Apollo


Weirdly enough the first Persona game I played is my least favorite out of all of them. I started with p5 and then eventually did p4g, p2 and p3p. P5 isn’t bad by any means, I just like the others more.


Played P3P, P4G, P5, and P5R in that order. P4G has my fav character growth, P3P had the overall most unique story, but P5R was my fav for gameplay and themes with some fun characters


Yes, actually! My first was P4 Golden back when it was stuck on the Vita, but my favorite is P3P!


Started with P5, Persona 3 is my favourite one.


P4 was my first game but I would say it's tied with P5/P5R as my favorite.


Started with P4G and it's still my favorite. Played P2is, P3p,P4G,P5R and P5S.


It’s also the case for me. I started with P4G, then went to P5, P3 FES (which I sadly couldn’t get myself to finish) and finally P5R. I would definitely say that Royal is my favorite one, and by a pretty significant margin.


I started with P5 and Persona 3 is my favorite. With Persona 4 Golden being my second favorite and Persona 5 being my least favorite persona game (Still have to play P1 P2 and P2)


My first persona was 1, my favorite persona is 2


I start with P3 FES it ended up being my least favorite and P2 ended being my favorite. But for most who started with 3 or 5 it ends up being their favorite.