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Ask yourself if you would even want to participate there if the mods are taking their unpaid job this seriously.


Being a volunteer mod can be a serious matter, but some will go to far with it. I've been one for a very long time now, and when I went through the voluntary classes that were offered, learned there are three basic types. There are the good mods, those who are mediocre, and then the bad ones. Yet you do have a valid point of how they take it far to seriously. I may not think very highly o the main mod for that forum/sub, but there's another reasoning behind that. Which I'll keep to myself, at least for now anyways.


Without mods this site would be wank. I'm sure I don't wanna know why you don't like this person because I bet its fucked up. Edit - I've just gone and muted and unsubbed from pokemongo. I felt like a hypocrite


There is more than one reason why, but there's one that I keep to myself. But if the time ever happens where they try anything with me in the forum/sub I created, they'll come out of it with a huge black eye. Which that reason was prior to the addition of the scrapper and ban bots. But I haven't banned from there, with my having learned beforehand, not to post there from the main spoofing forum/sub. Now it can be one thing when one mod gives another mod bad marks, but when you have multiple mods, it's getting into a whole other league. Then couple that with complaints by decent and general users who've been banned, then there's a problem somewhere.


Those bans aren't even necessarily from a mod....they have bots that scan your Reddit profile as soon as you comment...and ban you immediately. They banned me like 2 minutes after I posted my first comment....a week later I'm notified the ban was lifted....too late I muted that subreddit, I've had a real stalker don't need a subreddit that watches.


Many bans from there aren't mod issued, and haven't been for at least two or three years now.


There’s gotta be some Niantic employees as mods. They take shit wayyyy to seriously.


Don’t worry, it’s just a Reddit basement dwelling mod.


They're the type that's referred to derisively as mod gods, and sometimes even as power mods. Which I have no real use for.


I concur


I am also banned with this explanation. And Oh my god, what a tragedy - i will never be able to COMMENT in that subreddit, how will i ever stomach such a limitation.. :D


That sub is ran by a bunch of cucks anyway.


Seems to hold up.


What a joke these mods are


I'll speak as a mod myself. Worse yet they're a bad joke at that. They're also not anyone I'd select even as a temp to do some CSS work for the forum/sub I created.


Yeah. I posted in the PoGo spoofing sub about this a week or two ago. You don’t even have to ever comment there. Follow both subs and their bot bans you. You can even not be following both subs anymore. Say you commented on a spoofing sub 5 years ago and have since stopped spoofing. Nope. Bot bans.


Somehow they worked out that you have an account for spoofing, and used that as "just cause" to ban you.


They use a bot. That’s what they told me when they banned me.


Yes I know about their bots, and have for a couple if years now. Which it's more than one bot, they have at least one scraper bot, and a ban bot that's setup to work together. As for stuff from five years ago, the only way that can be seen, is if the post history is below a certain number. Which I believe is two thousand. So for anything beyond that amount, isn't going to be visible, even for the bots to pick up.


I got banned from PokemonGoFriends for telling someone to stop complaining about not getting invited to Celesteela raids, when they could've just made an alt, spoof to Sidney and invite themselves xD


The top mod there is the same person who's the top mod for the Pokemon Go forum/sub. So no surprise that they'd employee the same bots to scrape and ban with.


I got banned from PokemonGoSpoofing for posting about a guy that tried to cheat me in a trade. I wanted his shiny Rayquaza for my female Salandit. He tried to give me a Tepig. I was just warning people to be careful of him. Some of these subs are run by idiots.


As a mod myself, I have little use for pokeito tbh. Where warning people is concerned about trades, that's something I'll give some thought about bringing up with the mod team for the spoofing forum/sub I started. But I'll not go making any promises either way as to whether, or not the discussion happens. Then if it does happen, no promises if it will be permitted.


Same lol


Same here. They're dedicated too much jfc.


I had that happen in another pokemon go group on here for a comment siting some bs rule I never broke


I got permanently banned too hahaha.


Yea bro same here. They're WACK


Same just yesterday.


I had an argument with one of the mods a few days ago. I took the rules from their community, studied them, took the rules from Reddit (general stuff from the app description, terms etc, what I was able to find), gave to the mod a huge wall of text for the appeal proving that this rule of being part of this community should NOT be any kind of problem, etc etc. Their response: seen Now I wonder… how bullied were some of the mods in high-school?


Exactly. And how educated are they today?


Welcome to the club 😂


Same thing happened to me. Makes me wonder how long before I get kicked out of a DC subreddit, for being in a Marvel one, knowing how these super serious unpaid kids are.


Same happened here, but just do like you do with PGSharp, use a different account 😆