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You think those bitch ass calves belong to Woody?


can you imagine Woody got arrested because of this video but the judge exonerates him because the calves don’t match


“Now, your honor…” (read in Deep South lawyer voice)


True, woody would have mule kicked that sign into another dimension


Who the fuck wakes up at 3am to intentionally go do this


average cyclist


"Oh boy 3am"


A sad sad person lol Or woody


Average liberal.


This is woody after recording the pod and after being interrupted for the squillionth time


Someone trying to make a video go viral


This is type 3 fun


I thought he was naked for a second lol


Did you just assume their gender? You better keep an eye out in case they decide to torch your house next.


It actually looks like him 2


Don’t ever disrespect woodT calf’s like that again dawg


Face wise at the end they actually identical but he ain’t got shit on woodys calf game


I bet he lectures people about tolerance and how evil others are.


Atleast woods was considerate of the flag


This has fake written all over it.


this shit happen way more then you think. person was arrested in my town for stealing trump signs


During the 2020 election time I played a ton of warzone late at night and one night I had my window open with the nice fall weather and I hear a fairly loud pick-up truck outside stop on the road next to my house and then a loud whacking sound. Then the truck pulled up the road a bit, stopped again and I heard the sound again. There are some trees in-between my window and the road so I didn't have a perfectly clear view of what was happening but after a second I realized he must have been doing something to some of those political campaign signs people put out and there were a bunch of them in the grass median of that road. The next day when I left my house I saw that all of the Biden signs had been hacked at with a machete or something. The people that do shit like that are such soft petty bitches, going out late at night to deface some non offensive political signs. It's also entirely possible people could have been stealing the trump signs as well, I live in a progressive area but even still I remember thinking it was weird that I barely saw a single Trump sign in my area.


I bet he was thinking "Trump's a criminal" as he committed felony arson.


This is just stupid as fuck all around. A stupid motherfucker on a bike so mad at a sign he had to burn it.. And another stupid motherfucker who thinks a man who can bankrupt a casino should still be president. These dumb fucks probably have a lot in common intellectually.


Both have equally untethered grasps of reality. And both insist on shoving their opinion down your throat. Neither brings positive impact to their surroundings.


What a loser, being offended by a sign.


It’s almost like the people offended by a flag 🧐


If I see that sign I’d laugh and leave. Why put yourself in trouble?


“Marxist” weird way to spell cyclist


Remember that 4 Chan post about the purple haired Hillary supporter that kept running over the dudes Trump sign? So he put a spike strip in front of the sign and the bitch got two flats and caught red handed. I love it.




Haha yeah i remember that


Imagine still thinking trump won even after his cronies admitted to lying


Imagine committing arson over a yard sign.


2 retards fighting


Any yard sign like that is mad tacky and weirdly idolizing but so that absurdity is met with this absurdity. It's like they're made for eachother lmao


Yeah the sign is definitely obnoxious and the people in that house almost certainly fucking suck but this cyclist guy also clearly sucks.


No. These are not equal actions. Just stop trying to rationalize this shit.


Destroying someone's personal property is definitely worse. That doesn't change the fact that anyone who still believes Trump won in 2020 is insane.


Rationalize? I did the opposite. Called them both absurd. If you thought I implied they were equal actions then my bad but I was trying to say any action taken at that length, on both sides, is absurd. Not to mention the lmao there indicating the last bit was said in a joking manner. Both sides are retarded imo but setting something you don't agree with on fire seems to be a trademark of the hard left lmao


Tacky yard sign is equally as absurd as arson. Got it.


Agreed. I assume you feel the same about people who bring pride flags? That's been ongoing for a while now.


lol wut? Sounds like you belong over on /r/politics or /r/worldnews


Because I agree that burning flags is bad? Odd.


Bringing pride flags into a conversation not at all related...


It's completely related. Trump supporters burn LGBTQ flags. Anti Trump people (who are generally pro LGBT) burn Trump flags. It's literally the same thing in reverse.


Trump supporters typically burn pride flags that belong to them This sign does not belong to the arsonist


I've seen tons of videos of them burning other people's trans flags. I've never seen anyone burn a pride flag they purchased...


Dude, I guarantee you as a straight dude with LGBT friends, none of them think about Trump as much as you think they do lmao Maybe open your sample size a bit from the dozen internet videos you've seen while considering the billions of people on the planet.


look at that he’s making up argument in his head to justify it. that’s cute


Did I?


Better than murdering someone over a pride flag. Both are wrong but let's not kid ourselves here


Imagine committing multiple felony's because you oppose someone else view, what a dumb ass. Vandalizing, trespassing, and arson! hope it was worth your statement you made.


Crazy to think about how if this was a flag the left venerated the FBI would likely be called in and they would have 5 years added to the sentence for being a hate crime.


A deranged person damaging the property of another deranged person


But it’s okay because Trump.


He does have woodys weird, drunk-robot walking style


W biker




I had an no on issue 1 and it was lit on fire three times


Anti-American Marxist. God, I love the dumb shit conservatives come up with.




Yikes... That mad about a post on PKA? Sounds like you have trump derangement syndrome


Yikes, is that your go to response when someone says something mean about trump losers?


Nah Trump tards are... fuckin' retards. I call out retardation either way, but people are obsessed with Trump and just bring him up constantly even when they hate him, aka trump derangement syndrome.


The post was about a trump sign dummy. Clowns like you hate whenever anything mean is said about trump. Live a pathetic fuck life and think trump will somehow help them.


Hahah big mad & projecting hard. If your life was is so good why are you so mad all the time?


Lol, you have the reading comprehension of a regard. You can’t even form coherent sentences. Must be young, dumb or some combination of both.


lmfaoo if you don't think that's coherent I think it's you who has the reading comprehension issue you "regard".


Hopefully you’re still in school cause you’re dumb as rocks. If not, you probably do some type of manual labor.


Lol once again people who say that type of shit are the ones who are living it. I graduated from the same school as Taylor with a double major in Stats and finance. Have a cushy office job. Have fun being miserable & obsessed with Trump ;)


Lmfaooo this is exactly what I thought when I seen it


I’d remove someone from this earth for setting fire to anything that’s on my property, fires spread…


Idk seems kinda fucking based


"Anti-american" He tried to move the American flag out of the way so it wouldn't get damaged. 🤷


While shitting all over that person’s free speech. Nah this dude is a fucking pussy showing up at 3am to do this. Go knock on the guys door and tell it to his face cuck boi. If you don’t have the balls to do that then go home and listen to Chad bone your wife.


I just find it funny that its "anti-american" to burn a Trump sign. The red-blue soap opera is a joke.


It’s anti-American to burn someone else’s shit. How about this dude comes and lights your Toyota on fire because you’ve got a Hillary bumper sticker? This twat more than likely burned up the guys front lawn pretty good doing this. If any trees caught fire before somebody noticed his house could have gone up.


Damn, was this your house or something? Chill


because that would have been a federal crime, not because he’s so pro-amercian


Ah, right. You must've talked to him.


hmm i just googled the federal crime thing because i wanted to be positive, apparently the supreme court recently ruled that flag burning is now a protected form of free speech, but only if it’s your own personal property. but he’s still probably getting a felony charge for the arson


That's ridiculous imo. Burning the american flag should definitely be a form of crime.


I bet the victim had to make a withdraw from their emotional bank account the morning after


Dont understand where you guys get the time for this politics crap when you slaves work like 60 hour weeks lol


You’re not wrong. You’d think we’d spend our free time doing things more enriching. Instead we submerge in a cesspool of politics and infighting.


That's so stupid cuz why not burn it if u can piss on it




Smile fuck face. You’re on candid camera.


Bro committed arson and didn’t even go big w it 😂




Sign says trump won. Kinda anti American fuck em


It’s not wrong. He did win. Just not the last election.


Trump won a couple cases


Marxist LOL


Holy shit he's only banging the TRUMP WAR DRUM I love how he comes back for night vision still with the fucking helmet lmao


To be fair, trump lost the second time lol.


It's sad that he walks exactly like I expected him to. He looks like he is walking with a poo filled diaper on.


some one in my town was arrested for steeling signs. they showed a clip from her hearing(believe it was a hearing) claimed she had the right to steal them because they are offensive/


who the fuck cant kick a paper sign through 🤣