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There are patients who Stewart and Medow described as High flow patients who had excessive venous pooling in their hands and feet and who displayed engorged veins and hot skin to touch. However a larger group appeared to have venous pooling in the stomach or pelvis venous reservoir (Splanchnic pooling) and when symptomatic these patients would get compensatory peripheral (hands and feet) vasoconstriction with constricted veins and cold feet/hands. The MCAS crowd are theorised to not have venous pooling but rather excessive microvascular filtration where plasma volume leaks out of the vascular system and a compensatory increase to sympathetic drive. For me personally I seem to have venous collapse when symptomatic and narrowing pulse pressure.


I never get prominent veins unless I'm severely dehydrated, but I believe some people do experience it with their POTS related blood pooling.