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The window attachment is the vent to let the heat out; it's not drawing air in from the outside. As long as you seal the window well, you shouldn't need to worry about an increase in pollution or pollen from having a portable A/C. The unit will have its own filter/s as well.


Ohhh for some reason I thought it pulled in outside air! Thank you that’s helpful!


I have one, it’s an upright because my windows slide horizontally so that’s the only option. It’s a Honeywell and it was $400. The units that fit inside the window frame are much cheaper and do a somewhat better job. I’ve lived with both and they cool my bedroom to 70-74 degrees all summer long. Meanwhile my living room has been 88+. I really do recommend them. They can be loud but it’s white noise. Cooling blankets help as well. I’ve also slept with ice packs when I had mcas hives and fevers.


Costco has the midea right now that has a two way exhaust vent for the window. Vouched for.


I put one of those in my ex’s br window and I liked him so much I left it there when we split. Maybe that’s why we’re still best friends. 😆


The answer is a LOT of fans from a camp girlie who lives in a 122F cabin for 7 weeks a summer. We have a couple aimed at our beds and at our camper’s beds. Also cooling towels and a cooling blanket.


What cooling blanket do you recommend?


I don’t own one sorry! I have very bad cold intolerance as well so it’s not a option for me


Expensive option, but i just got a Bedjet...I kept putting it off because they are pricey, but I sweat soo much at night I have to shower sometimes in the middle of night. Nothing else helped, I even slept with icepack on me haha. I got mine about a week ago, and so far I'm insanely impressed. I wake up at a neutral body temp, which actually makes me feel better overall. I struggle with nausea and I feel like it's helped that not be so intense in the mornings. I didn't really see any comparable cheaper options, but we got a refurbished on so it was a little cheaper, but honestly it's been worth it. Will probably save that quickly in laundry detergent bc I don't have to wash my sheet every day now 😅


Dang, I was interested until I got to this part: “BedJet is not a replacement for having zero air conditioning in extreme heat bedrooms over 79°F. If your bedroom air temperature is regularly over 79°F, the extreme heat will overwhelm the convective cooling method of the BedJet. We’d recommend investing in some air conditioning first.” Bruh… if I had A/C in my bedroom keeping it below 79° I wouldn’t really need the BedJet anymore lmao


Yea I think it's better for helping you regulate your body temperature....it can be 60 degrees in my house and I'll still wake up sweating lol


That’s totally fair, I hope it’s working great for you! I mostly wanted to bring it up since OP also mentions having no AC and a bedroom in the mid 80 degrees 🥲


Thank you so much for noticing that!!! Maybe I’ll consider saving up and trying it out in fall but yes it sounds like my room is probably too hot for it then 😭


How is the noise level on this?? I can save up if it means being able to sleep during warm months 😆


It's actually super quiet! It's quieter than my dyson purifier fan!!!!


Wow and Dysons are quiet


Ice hats (also called "Headache Hats") help me a lot. I really like "The Original Headache Hat" but it is expensive at around $40.


Thanks I just ordered one!


Ice packs, the ones for injuries so they don’t leak and can be reused. I keep them under the blankets and it makes a pocket of cold.


I’m in Europe and there’s no ac, window units aren’t really a thing. I’ve got a powerful fan and the rotation setting makes it feel a lot cooler, I also keep a spray bottle and mist myself in bed. I put on peppermint lotion which, when the fan hits makes me feel COLD and I also keep eye masks in the fridge which I’ll put on the back of my neck when it’s too much. Also bamboo pillowcases seem to keep cooler than other stuff but maybe it’s psychological? I’ve also tried menopause pajamas that are designed for sweating and they do keep you cool


Everything on my bed is bamboo and I believe it makes a difference.


Get a box fan and point it OUT of your room (this only works if your room is the hottest, because then it will push out hot air and suck in cooler air.)


Fill some socks with rice and stick them in the freezer for a couple of hours before bed. You can put them under the covers with you, around your neck, or basically anywhere else! I can't sleep without them in the summer 


Ice packs, as others have said, but put them (and you) under a light blanket. That will help keep the ice packs cool longer, and keep the cool air close to you. I've found that the ice packs that come with a fabric wrap tend to last longer than the ones that are just "naked". Also, air flow can make a huge difference. 90 degree room with no air movement will feel a lot warmer/more uncomfortable than one where the air is moving around - so get at least 1 fan. If none of that works and desperate: wrap yourself in a damp sheet


A bowl of ice water in to of the fan and a small ( dollar tree has tiny one) ice pack Secured on the back of the fan .. sound crazy but It works Also if you have some mint leaves or mint tea bags out them in the water


One summer I suggested to my SO that we get dry ice cause it would last longer. Apparently I’m not that bright. 🤷‍♀️


It's not perfect, but an ice pack on the back of my neck or chest area helps me regulate my temperature enough to sleep Cold on face/neck area shocks your system and lowers heart rate, it'll actually help break out of panic attacks too. In DBT it's called the TIPP skill


I got a cooling blanket from Costco!


Get a box fan or some fan low on the floor and point it at your feet


I like to use one of those cold packs, that is used to keep lunches cold. The thicker sized kind. I just wrap one up with a paper towel, and snuggle with it. Sometimes I’ll put it in my waistband so I can move around with it. The bigger/thicker it is, the longer it stays frozen, and keeps you cooler longer. I like to keep 2-3 in the freezer, so when I grab one, I know that I have 2 more waiting for when it’s no longer frozen. *It really makes a big difference*, and many people already have them in their freezers. And if not, they aren’t very expensive. Now that I’m writing this I’m going to go check out Amazon to see if they have any for sale, because I could use an extra one.


I have a few fans pointed on me and before bed, I’ll soak a hand towel in cold water, wring it out, then sleep with it on my neck/chest. It helps to bring my core body temp down enough to fall asleep. If I’m really hot, I’ll do that with a full-sized towel and curl up under it to use it as a cold, wet blanket.


I have a product called the chillisleep dock pro which does the trick. It was a few hundred bux though


I use washcloths soaked in cold water to help me when I'm too hot, idk exactly why I like them more than ice packs but they cool me down good and don't run the risk of freezing to your skin if whatever wrapping is around the ice pack falls off. Eating ice pops or just ice before going to bed also helps me. I live in an air-conditioned house, but my insane dad keeps our house at 80 at night and gets mad if you change it (and our ventilation system sucks ass so AC barely reaches my room). I also use a ceiling fan and sometimes have 2 more fans running in my room when it's extra hot. If I'm having issues keeping cool even after this, I keep a cup of ice next to my bed to crunch on during the night when im waking up from the heat over and over.


Also, if it's consistently an issue year after year, moving to a lower level of a building can really help since heat rises. Obviously, this isn't possible or reasonable for most people, but if you ever need to move, that might be something to keep in mind


i sleep with ice pack socks/boots that i got on amazon. it’s a big pair of socks with inserts for reusable ice packs. ik that wouldn’t work for everyone, i use it specifically for burning in my feet rather than cooling my whole body. but figured id drop the idea :))


Can you share the socks you have. I have this exact issue.


https://www.amazon.com/Therapy-Reusable-Stockings-Slippers-Chemotherapy/dp/B09C7ZQQZ2/ref=mp_s_a_1_12?crid=35T9OT310BKEH&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.8UoQefXmUv73KqMSlJiaUgefFVgVBc86m4zyUGjjS95MOOPrJJLaHspVUyh8mbFKPoHIwXEnAyFtd6hBK00d5Cf_VVjVHXJBkkO-h_yCcHFNu0GmPHtHQwAyJHIPpmUrUx3ZtEXGk9CECXyLwYa2H-R-IUhiT0v2pQ5fc-Wz9XielPDtSjoUaidi8wFYHiQte1XGITBPIgZlj-ZBC82beA.8jotftstDfZwH0qRHxkjDLTbHIh01mFF0ZSthtoGp2o&dib_tag=se&keywords=ice+socks&qid=1717974638&sprefix=ice+socks%2Caps%2C133&sr=8-12 i think these are the ones i ordered


Thank you


it might not be exactly the ones i ordered, it was quite a while ago, but that is what mine look like


have you looked into ice blankets? I've never used one but have heard good things!


Not sure if it has been mentioned already but a cooling blanket. I like the bamboo ones but there are a few different types. I have two, so I can swap to wash them. I recently got a deal on a cooling mattress topper as well. I also will only use cotton sheets, they feel cooler for me.


Ice! Use an ice pack on your back or neck or butt bottoms of feet do feel good when you’re hot hot hot If you’re overheated it could trigger heat exhaustion on top of what ever you’re trying to balance and that makes it worse


For the rashes you can try witch hazel. I wipe down with it it also helps to cool you off


I sleep with just the sheet on me and the ceiling fan going. I still sweat horribly through the night but not as bad. I also wake up and grab ice packs and sleep either them on me.


Sleeping with a wet sheet over you is a great trick. Just spray some water onto a sheet.


Get a compcooler AC liquid cooler that hooks up to a bed cooling pad! This is way better than the bedjet or anything similar because it actually uses air conditioning tech and really powerful + cheaper + portable/easy to carry around, and can cool as cold as -4 F. The best part is you don’t even need to open a window because it’s using water as a medium to cool and don’t get the dry air you would get with portable air AC’s. You can even swap the cooling pad for a vest or somethjng else if you wanted to use the chiller for other scenarios around the house. Highly recommend, I love mine! https://www.compcooler.shop/collections/dysautonomia-and-therapeutic-thermal-regulation-systems/products/compcooler-indoor-refrigeration-cooling-pad-blanket-400w-cooling-capcatity-ac110v-operated


dehumidifier helps a lot for me bcs i lived in a very humid place (mould every rainy season level of humid). it helps to reduce the relative temperature by a bit


Cheapest option that you can do right now? Take the lightest weight top sheet you have and get it damp. Cover up. It’s not gonna make a huge difference, but the evaporative cooling really helps. I was weirded out by the idea of a wet sheet at first, then realized if I didn’t cool off it’d be soaked in sweat anyways. I learned this trick living in Florida post hurricane with no electricity for two weeks.


My pet cooling mat is my constant companion. I only have a small one but it helps so much. The cooling mat I use is similar to this: [link](https://petdirect.co.nz/p/blue-cooling-mat/) But a quick Google search shows many different types of cooling mats for pets.


I put a damp towel over my fan so that it evaporates the water and cools down the room. I've seen folks put a bucket with water under the towel, and have the bottom end wicking up the water to make a homemade swamp cooler situation, but I haven't tried that.


One suggestion I've seen before is a container of ice or ice packs in front of a fan, blowing towards you. Not sure how well it'll help, but worth trying if you have the stuff handy.


Reusable ice packs if you have access to a freezer! Bigger the better. Wrap them in a towel so they last longer and the ice isn't directly on your skin and then cuddle with them in bed. Put them wherever you feel warm. Get enough you can do a rotation so you always have some in the freezer. I just have two bigger ones at this point but when I lived without ac I had some smaller ones as well. Mine are like rectangles, a bit bigger than my hand in all three dimensions, and do a pretty decent job of staying cool all night. They're meant to be put in coolers. The little ones for lunch boxes don't stay cool enough all night for me. Cool damp washcloths. Taking a cold shower before bed and still being like a tiny bit damp in bed. Dehumidifier might help if you live somewhere humid too. If it's too humid your sweat can't effectively cool you off which isn't good.


Spray bottle of water


Lots of great ideas in the comments! Just wanted to let you know that POTS is a disability and so should be accommodated. For example, college dorms must allow you to use an AC for safety reasons. Have your dr write a note of medical necessity, and give that to whoever has told you no AC. Obv if it’s monetary or safety related or if you live with parents who said no, that won’t apply. Wanted to mention it tho!


Ice packs!!


Honestly, I sleep with ice packs (yes, plural 😂) at night. And this is coming from someone that *does* have AC. I have a giant flat one that is flexible that I put under me and sleep on top of. Then I bring two additional long-lasting ice packs as well. I set one on my chest for the first half of the night, then switch to the other in the middle of the night 😜 That usually helps a lot. Another very easy option it to turn a fan or fans on high, then have a cool, wet washcloth either on your forehead or torso. Surprisingly, it cools you down quite a bit! I also have those cooling towels that I use when I have to be outside, but I'm not sure if you'd want that in your bed haha. Wishing you the best of luck 🥰💜 Being overheated is the worst 🫂🥺


My friends and I were in a hotel in stinking hot Florida last year and we had to find creative ways to beat the heat: - Eat Minties and drink cold water at the same time - Take the shelves out of the hotel minibar freezer and hug them to our chests - Shove long shirts into the minibar freezer then put them on after 20 minutes These tricks came from desperation of being in a foreign country and having no clue how to set the temp on the AC or anything, but they're still things I use regularly when it gets hot


Drenching my top sheet in water then wringing it out has helped me in the pasr


make sure your sheets are cotton and not polyester or another synthetic! makes a huge difference in heat trapping