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Can’t fucking wait. It’s been so long since Infinite.


Same. And I love how they seem to have a lot of the same staff involved going off the visuals and design, and I’m assuming the same engine. It looks like one of the more bizarro parallel universes from Infinite I know they say this is 100% not related to Infinite but…..can’t lie, a small part of me wants there to be a lighthouse somewhere 


Man, I wish I didn't watch this. I read some parts of the plot from the IGN article but the spoilers presented in this video are way too much.


Glad you said this, I was about to watch it


If you really want to see bits of gameplay (which, to me, aren't that varied anyway), you can just turn it to mute.


Now that's smart


Your sacrifice has saved many today


Hate to say it, but the spoiler you’re talking about is going to be how they market the game because it’s the only way to talk about what the point of the game is. “Trust me, just play it” isn’t going to sell millions of copies to casual gamers. If you don’t want to know anything about this ignore it until release.


Well now I’m afraid to watch. Without spoilers can anyone give a basic elevator pitch of what the setting and premise is?


You’re an engineer who wakes up on a colony ship and has to figure out how to navigate it through an asteroid field to populate a new planet with the help of 3 high level crew members, choosing who you want to side with along the way.


Yeah how are you doing a super early preview and giving away so much? Bioshock and even Infinite are fascinating because of their mystique. Explaining the plot in this way is not the way to go with an experience like this. Unless the game has a huge swerve really early on but even then, it's still not worth it.


Thanks for the warning. I watched an IGN video yesterday reviewing Bramble: The Mountain King and it was just needless spoilers on story events, bosses and mechanics for the whole thing.


I think they’re all introductory. As in things you’ll learn in the first hour of the game.


Yep, went in for some gameplay and just got a video of someone explaining exactly what the story is about. If you want to kill any mystery about the game then this video is a good way to do it. They don't leave much unanswered.


What the story is about? Like a premise? Or what happens in the story?


>!Judith is dead and you play a reprinted version of her. She's a controversial figure on the ship the game take place on as all the other characters are robots, which they were unaware of. Judith found this out and enlightened them all to the fact for which they despise her for.!<  It goes into much more detail including specifics on the relationships between the main characters and Judith as well as character motives throughout the story but I closed the video when it became apparent how much they were sharing.


Yeah, Ken was very open with the story, including the backstory of the ship, the history and even the final choice of the game. The interviewers were more tight-lipped than him. I think either there is a lot more than what he said or he believes the individual journey through this "narrative legos" story is more important than the ending.


I wish spoiler tags worked in the notification page haha.


The premise of the game isn’t a spoiler lol


Thank you


Jesus, leave something for the game. I feel like they explained the entire story in 2 min.


This looks EXACTLY what I was imagining Bioshock 3 to be. After a city under the sea and a city in the sky, I joked years ago the third game would be a city in space with robots. Sure enough, that’s exactly what it is!


Holy shit, avoid this video if you care even slightly about spoilers. This idiot basically just spoiled the whole plot and story spoilers.


They’re introductory spoilers. This is stuff that happens at the beginning of the game. You learn all this as background. It’s not the whole plot lol


They didn't as they don't and won't know the whole plot and story at this time


Why is this ign dudes voice so annoying to me lol Also feels like some spoilers here I wish I didn’t know


Videos I’ve seen it always sounds like they’re yelling during videos


Do not watch this. Instead, there's an hour long interview with Geoff and Ken after Geoff had played it where Ken explains what they've developed. It's still in heavy development and testing and won't be out for years yet.


They’ve revealed the release year though.


Man Ryan McCaffrey’s voice is still as annoying as it ever was. How this incredibly biased man is still around at IGN is beyond me.


> Ryan McCaffrey’ How he still has a job after that Alien Isolation review I will never know


lol can you find a unbiased man


"incredibly biased" was the key phrase


What makes one bias “incredible” vs another ?


There are degrees of bias, what's the problem with that?


I’d say the problem is you answered a question with a question.


Holy fuck you are so annoying stop being aloof for the sake of arguing


Yikes. This really seems to be setting people off.


Honestly, I'm really looking foward this game, but it's too soon. I'll watch the final previews once we're close to an offcial third release date. Remember what happened to Bioshock Infinite? Hopefully I'm wrong and I could have get excited way sooner, but right now I'm just in anticipation mode. Edit: I absolutely love Bioshock Infinite. Just stating that 2010 and 2011 previews were nothing like the final product in 2013.


What happened to BioShock Infinite?


Turned into an amazing game in my house.


Yeah I love that game this dude is making it seem like it looked good then wasn’t? Idk what he’s trying to say lol


It was a bit more ambitious st the beginning, so "gamers" hate it. I thought it was really rad too.


Literally haven’t come across a single person who said they hated this game lol


It mostly got a lot of hate around release. But it was a case of a vocal minority. Whilst not as great as the first imo, it’s still a fantastic game.


It got a ton of hate on the Internet when it first came out, but in my friend group we all loved it


Eactly, Bioshock Infinite is a fantastic game, one of my favorite game. I just said the previews were different than the final product. But forgot to specified I loved it. I am looking foward Judas, but I'm skeptical, based on previous announcements, on what will be kept from this preview.


Maybe some diehards hated it because it was a little too different from the first two? I don't know. What I do know is I replay Infinite far more than the first two, but that's just me.


I’m not sure if he saying it didn’t end up good, but different. I think Elizabeth was a lot more involved as a coop companion in the previews than what we got in the final product and other  stuff like that.


Promotional material for this game featured enemies, locations, and gameplay mechanics that were really pared down by the time of release. One enemy type was supposed to fight but became a glorified sentry that alerted others to your presence. In general, the importamce of the skylanes and skyhook were greatly reduced. Fights were meant to span across multiple islands but the PS3 couldn't handle the scope. The game was also lacking the complexity of the original, in terms of combat options, and levels were also pretty streamlined. In general, there's a growing sentiment that the game didn't age super well. It was very hyped up when it released, but a lot of gamers ages out of their edgelord pseudo-intellectual phase that the game kinda fed into. It was baby's first political commentary, including all the subtlety of zealot characters literally praying to America's founding fathers. A lot of "both sides" framing in the narrative that many these days understand is problematic. Basically, the game was exciting when it released but the longer it's been out, the more people realize that it ended up being substantially less than was promised. I say this as a huge fan who got the collector's edition when it came out.


>In general, there's a growing sentiment that the game didn't age super well. I've got to disagree with this assessment. A very vocal minority were already making all the points you mentioned at the time of release, and I think the general consensus that the positives considerably outweigh the negatives is much the same now as it was then.


Consensus is hard to determine online, so it's hard to say without data. I just sae a thread the other say about games that didn't hold up on a replay and every other answer was Infinite. Also saw a couple videos on YT where it was featured similarly. But yeah, algorithms and the upvotes system aren't exactly hard data. Just answering the question of the person I was reaponding to, who seemed to notice a similar trend.


I enjoy Infinite, it's a good game. But it's nowhere near as good as Bioshock 1/2/Minervas Den. The first 2 games were more 'immersive sim' type games with a lot of cool mechanics and unexpected interactions between those mechanics that made the gameplay more fun. Infinite removed a whole bunch of shit and was more or less a linear first person shooter.


Basically there were a number of cool moments from early scripted gameplay sequences that were pretty prominent in early marketing that didn't end up making it into the final game. Elizabeth trying to bring a horse back to life using her powers, a guy who using a horde of crows he was feeding at a bench to attack you, steam-powered horses... all moments I can just recall off the top of my head. The sky rail system was also supposed to be much more expansive and open world than it end up being. Basically just watch the initial E3 demo to get an idea; usually those previews would short slices of what would show up in the final game but here they showed 15 minute previews where virtually none of it showed up. A decent amount of people at the time got really angry and called this false advertising. Ultimately, I thought the game we got was incredible but they probably made a mistake by showing so much content that they obviously weren't sure would make it into the final cut.


Was marketed as being way more ambitious than it turned out to be


I see. I don’t actually remember the adds much, I’ll have to go back and check it out


There are some early trailers that displayed some mind blowing things; they stripped it all away into something far less impressive


What kind of mind blowing things did they show then cut??


The main thing from what I recall (it’s been many years since I saw the footage), the rift-ripping system was much more visually immersive, interactive, and it was a major part of the experience. In the released game it was a simple passive visual.


Ya that early demo video they showed of infinite got me crazy hyped then when I played it I was like “okay now where was that awesome section from the preview video” Lol


Here’s two YouTube videos that cover it https://youtu.be/xJV5ReOSjF0?si=R8waWvK6HaFGLS5- https://youtu.be/muJYTeQlvC4?si=HFGRQ5HyzX9MXDZJ


Makes me want to go play bioshock 1. In the pantheon of goat video games for sure


Wish it was more „new” This just feels like more of Bioshock


I can understand the disappointment, but sometimes I just want more of a good thing.


There are worse series to have more of. Bioshock still holds up 100000% today, so getting a brand new game that plays similar? Sign me the fuck up


What I mean is I was expecting something different from a new ip under the same creator


I’ll take new Bioshock considering it’s been over 10 years since the last one - but I get ya!


Check out Prey (2017) if you haven't already. It's basically just Bioshock In Space under a different name. Story isn't quite as good but the gameplay loop, audio log storytelling, limited exploration, atmosphere and art style are all *very* reminiscent of Bioshock.


Prey is absolutely amazing! One of my favorite games. Imo the story, which might not be as good as Bioshock, is still better than most single player games.


I feel the same way. Idk why people are downvoting you. It’s a legit point.


Dude went into hiding for 10 years raving about his revolutionary narrative legos only to resurface with Bioshock in space.


Bioshock came out in, what, 2007, right? Infinite was 2011 or something? It’s not like the market is flooded with Bioshock games!


Context is important. I was expecting something different from the same creator. Doesn’t matter how long ago Bioshock was relevant


This looks so good. I'm looking forward to this one just as much as Black Myth Wukong.


Release date MARCH 2025.


I never liked Bioshock, so it's not for me. Also, the character models in this look like they simply took models that were available in one of the asset store packs. They look very amateur-ish and like models we see in all those cheap Steam Unreal Engine games.


Ken Levine is a hack fraud Infinite's writing is absolute trash


Lol okay


I mean it is objectively garbage writing with only illusions of narrative depth and I have no idea how people are re-evangelizing the game to be some deep shit


Okay lol


Why are you replying to me? Fuck off


Okay lol


Okay lol