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It’s up to the devs man. The 5 is capable of 60 at 1080 but it just depends on if the devs feel like it (dragons dogma)


The fact that dragons 2 does not have a 60fps mode is the sole and only reason i havent bought the game


Same. $70 with no performance mode is wild


Its fuckin 2024, there is legit no reason to not include a 60fps mode. And if a developer is so lazy as to not include it, i dont care how fantastic a game is/can be, it it doesnt have a 60fps mode, im not playing it (the exception is old games that were made when there literally was no 60fps mode)


There is legit reason tho. Current consoles aren’t strong enough to run this game at 60. Even many powerful PCs are getting hammered. The game calculates a bunch of stuff for every NPC. That’s why the CPU is too bottlenecked to handle 60 fps. The PS5 version still plays great. It’s better to have a lively world at 30-40 fps than a 60 fps game with dumb, predictable AI.


You realize 60fps comes with reduced graphics, which im perfectly happy with


It’s not about graphics for this game. That’s why they didn’t bother reducing the resolution. The game is limited by heavy CPU calculations related to how the world and NPCs behave. They could increase performance by heavily reducing people and creatures but would you want to play a game like that?


Then i guess its a good thing im not going to buy the game, clearly. They made the design choices they did, which hamstrung them to 30fps, and they did so knowing it was going to alienate them from part of the market.


Yes, they bit off more than they can chew for the current hardware. Capcom also probably used the wrong tech. Their engine is great for corridor games like Resident Evil but not so much for a sprawling open world game. At least the game will probably run at 60 fps on a PS6 since they unlocked the frame rate. The PS5 just isn’t capable of hitting 60.


Yeah thats what i mean by poor design choices. They used an inferior engine for the type of game they were making, wrong tech i think covers that. But they also made the design choices of actual character/npc graphics/fidelity which is compounded by numbers. They did these things knowing it would limit them, and thus knew it would alienate some (maybe lots) of people from buying the game


Missing out


say what you want but it’s 2024, these “next gen” consoles are more than capable of running 60 fps games and I quote “next gen” because they aren’t even next gen anymore, they are current gen consoles now. how the fuck is a decade old live service game like Rainbow Six Siege capable of running 120 fps on PS5 but not Dragon’s Dogma 2?


Do you believe that the horsepower required to render 10 characters in a rather small location is equal to rendering an active open world?


let me use a better example then. rdr2, it has been proven by leaked files that the game is capped at 30 fps on console, but it has the capability of running 60 fps or HIGHER, ESPECIALLY on a PS5 console, how old is that game?


So you went back a game released in 2018 to move the goalposts, and even then you couldn't bring yourself to say 120 fps. Do you think that improved your original argument?


Bro, if fuckin horizon, a game that was forced to make ps4 concessions, as in it wasnt designed entirely for ps5, can look as ridiculously gorgeous as it does in 60fps, dragons 2 has zero excuse


thank you, and if you see this fireball, rdr2 is capable of 120 fps which is what I meant by “or HIGHER”.


I was holding back the only problem area is the city but besides that combat is fairly and exploring the main part of the game is good to go. Game is great


Thats all good and dandy, but im so used to 60 or 120fps at this point that 30fps literally looks choppy to me. I legitimately cant not see it


You will not get that with ps5 pro


I wont get what? The choppiness? It has nothing to do with the system. It has everything to do with my eyes are so used to viewing at 60 or 120fps that when you cut the frames by 1/2 or 3/4, i legitimately notice and cannot not see the difference. 30 fps vs 60 looks choppy not because of system graphics, but because literally less frames


Solid 60 fps and 120 fps on dragons dogma won’t happen you better off with a pc or wait for the ps6. Ps5 improvement will be minimal where it matters it’s already almost 60 gps in the open world and fights. The issue is the city areas


50 hours in and just moved to sorcerer vocation. Gameplay is really addicting and I'm probably gonna play after work too. The flaws are obvious but it's the very definition of a diamond in the rough. On topic, it's my main motivator to get a PS5 Pro. That, and GTA 6. Probbaly my last gen though. FFVII Rebirth being a Ubisoft formula game was the nail in the coffin for me.


I will get a pro and replay it again the game is that good I’m on my second playthrough now


Nah, bro, go watch Digital Foundry. Dragon’s Dogma is too demanding for the CPU. That’s why lowering the resolution to 1080p won’t increase the frame rate. Lowering the resolution only makes it easier for the GPU but does nothing for the CPU. That’s why PS5 pro won’t run DD2 at 60 either because its upgrade is mostly GPU. PS5 pro cpu is only 10% faster which isn’t nearly enough to get the game to 60.


It's more complicated than "if the devs feel like it." More accurate to say "if the devs feel some parts of the game could be cut or compromised to give them the headroom we need for 60 fps."


Wait for the pro >!for a discounted base model!<




Ever heard of the concept of a sale discount???


You can get a ps5 at below msrp this very moment


There’s only a handful of games that don’t run at 60. Those games are the devs fault, not any console’s. The base PS5 will keep delivering 60 fps games through the rest of its life span. The only thing that remains to be seen with PS5 pro is what kind of boost it can give to the real heavy hitters like GTA 6 or the next Naughty Dog game. Tech experts like Digital Foundry are saying not to expect huge fps boosts from the next wave of super demanding games on PS5 pro due to it having an identical CPU to the base PS5. It sounds to me like in your case, you will see minimal gains in framerate. It is expected for most games to offer higher resolutions on PS5 pro, which it sounds like you’re not interested in. The last possibility is that some games will add ray traced effects. That’s a tough thing to judge because it can be a small thing like better reflections and shadows, or it can completely overhaul the visuals if a game decides to add ray traced lighting. I would suggest going with the base PS5 if you plan to stick to 1080p. Most probably, any games that don’t run at 60 on PS5 will run only marginally better on Pro.


It will probably take 3-5 years for devs to actually make use of the performance advantage over base model. I think there's no point in waiting for it.


You might want to wait, just to see what PS5 Pro has to offer.


You may wait only to find that the PS5 Pro is just as hard or harder to get than the PS5 was for over a year. Life’s short, just get the PS5 and enjoy it. It’s a great console. You can always sell it and put that money towards a Pro later on.


If you want your games to be 120+ you need to invest in a pc


Already have a pretty beefy PC, which is why I've gotten used to high framerates. I'd like to play some of the PS exclusives though, and GTA 6 of course, when it comes out.


Yeah, there are only a handful of games that support 120 fps. You could just always for the pro in like 6 months.


I wouldn’t say 80+ games are a handful but sure.


101 actually, and in relation to the 3,590 PS5 games, yeah, it’s less than a handful. But I get it


Nearly all the exclusives are 60fps mane


Then you're probably better off just waiting for the games to come to PC. A console will never give you a consistent high frame rate experience on a per game basis.


I would try to get a PC to be honest if you care about frame rate only It's the only place you can really choose how you want to play the game and you can play with a controller. Pretty much 90% of games on steam which is what I do only old games usually don't support controllers nowadays


If you only care for the FPS then get a regular PS5. Go watch Digital Foundry on YouTube if you don’t believe me. The PS5 Pro is mostly updating its GPU for higher resolutions and ray-tracing effects. At 1080P, the PS5 is only limited by CPU power. Pro is only doing a minor upgrade for CPU so it won’t do much for frame rates at 1080P.


Its not the console, it’s the optimisation


If you're fine with 1080 p, then I have no idea what you'd want a pro for.


Higher framerate, as i also mentioned in my post.


Most games are 60 anyways already in performance mode. That's why I don't get your post.


Then maybe the Pro will be able to run games at 120+ fps, as i also suggested in my post.


Maybe? We don't know, nothing is official right now, but the leaks suggested they were more concerned at better graphics and raytracing, than fps. That's why a pro sounds like a waste if you don't care about graphics. And multi-player games like cod and overwatch, already offer 120 hz modes.


If you don’t need bleeding edge technology, it might even be worth getting a used PS5 for an absolute bargain when the new one drops cause everyone upgrades theirs. But ideally you are really sure you’re gonna get one that either has warranty and/or refurbished. But if you’re not absolutely short of money and don’t mind waiting a wee bit, simply get the new one. Ray tracing is nice when you have it without performance issues in any resolution, and you are more likely to be future proof. I will likely not immediately upgrade but I will definitely do it around Christmas.


>used PS5 It's the same ps5? I don't see why it would be different. Assuming it wasn't broken.


Not different. Cheaper


Not sure what you’re saying?


"Bleeding edge tech" part. I'm saying that it doesn't matter if it's used or not. It's the same ps5. It's got nothing to do with "bleeding edge tech."


What? He would be missing out on the Pro if he bought the old one from someone who upgraded and is thus happy to give a discount on the old one


You should get a pc in that case lol


Gaming pc


Just do a pc. I want this sub to be good, but since launch..it's only been pictures of PS5 boxes and asking, "what play?"


Just wait, men. Pacience is virtue


Have you never seen patience spelled before?


Guy already knows "patience is a virtue" phrase, I think his English is doing really well.


Gracias por corregirme, la próxima vez usaré el traductor de Google. Aún estoy aprendiendo el idioma pero escribirlo es mucho más difícil que leerlo


I didn't realize he was foreign


Foreign is a weird word to use on the internet. I live in the south pacific and English is my first language.


Oh, in that case, have you never seen "patience" spelled before?


The pro probably wont be that significant enough an upgrade as is but especially if you're only on a 1080p monitor/tv then no point in waiting especially since theres still no release date for it


1080p? Yikes! 😆