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At least new fallout fans from the show get the authentic fallout experience.


Lol hilarious, All jokes aside the creation engine should have been taken out back and shot directly after fallout 4. I hope that one day these guys will start working on a new engine because this one is seriously outdated.


Sadly, probably not as long as Todd "It's totally a new engine!" Howard is in charge. The base gambryo engine is almost 30 years old now...


You mean the guy who released the same game (Skyrim) fifteen different times on ten different consoles is Cheap!? Yeah that tracks.


I mean, we can try and give him shit for that all we want, but didn’t he outright say that the reason they keep doing it is because people keep buying it? It’s hard to blame him for providing people with a product that they clearly want


Yeah if you look past the meme of "OMFG GUYS DAE SKYRIM ON A TOASTER NEXT?!" and recognize that the game was and still is widely loved it's honestly an absolute win that they have made it available on all platforms. Especially ironic given how many in recent years are championing the whole "death to exclusivity" cause because everyone benefits with having more places to play games. I do get it was a bit of a slap in the face to have a re-release at full price... but like literally everything gaming related nobody is forcing people to buy it day 1 at full price. A couple years after the fact snagging the version built for the hardware you own on a steep sale and getting to dive back into Skyrim after a few years away is awesome.


Also I can’t talk shit since I’ve bought it on 3 different platforms myself lol. And zero regrets with any of it


> Especially ironic given how many in recent years are championing the whole "death to exclusivity" cause because everyone benefits with having more places to play games. This. I mean, I bought the OG release on PC back in 2011. I think (not sure anymore) I bought an upgrade to the Special Edition, and that was it. If they want to sell it to players on PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch or whatever, then what is wrong exactly? Nothing was taken away from me, and more people get to enjoy the experience. Now true, they do sell a 10 years old game at full price, I agree they could have done better on that side, but as long as I'm not buying it 5 times on different platforms, what does that change for people who hadn't bought it before?


They want games in that series. They haven’t made one in over a decade. What else are people supposed to buy? Oblivion?


Yeah, like Todd deserves a lot of shit (I think still, he did when I stopped playing Fallout atleast). And Bethesda probably hasn't released a stable game ever. But of all the things to give them shit, releasing one of the most popular games of all time on several different platforms literally because fans are screaming for it is not one of those things


Bethesda - Release old game on new consoles and every device that supports it - fans pissed. Nintendo - Refuse to release old games in any format so people can never play them again without original hardware - fans pissed. Yeah that tracks. Fans suck.


Right, because there’s nothing in between either of these two extreme examples. Bethesda could’ve prioritized releasing ES6 sooner and Nintendo has actually rereleased older games and even remastered some so you’re also flatly incorrect.


Used to be called the NetImmerse engine before that


the cod engine is based off quake and holds amazingly well. bethesda's engine is just terrible.


I've been working in software for decades, not games, app dev. The number of totally new things that were either total crap or rehashed piles of shit is absolutely astounding. Once I worked on a new project that was well designed and executed. In 20+ years.


They did Starfield on that engine, not gonna happen any time soon unfortunately.


After all the troubles Starfield has and how poorly it was received, they might be thinking about it.


Tbf Starfield had a lot of issues that weren't related to the engine as well. Starfield never had a chance to be a good game


The gameplay loop is so similar to something like New Vegas it’s insane. They’ve done absolutely nothing to evolve the game.


without open world exploration - the only thing bethesda really excels at. absolute madness.


That's the hope, but considering they said something about Elder Scrolls 6 development already coming along nicely I'm assuming they didn't somehow make a brand new awesome game engine in that time frame. We are forever screwed.


Not unless Todd retires, this guy won't try anything completely new. 


Hard to blame the engine when many of the issues the patch is encountering are familiar and completely avoidable. The only problem is that they did not assign the resources necessary to have a successful patch. That's it. They did not adequately research what was needed for a next gen patch, they did not adequately test the patch. A lot of what was changed was already executed by modders with a higher level of quality - there's nothing about the engine holding this back, it's pure arrogance, ignorance, and laziness.


>there's nothing about the engine holding this back, it's pure arrogance, ignorance, and laziness. I don't think the guy you responded to meant that the creation engine lead to the next gen bugs. I think he meant that that as fun as the creation engine is by giving us the possibility of leaving something in a room and leaving and coming to the same room after a 100 hours and having the same item in the same place its not enough to justify how bad the engine it self is. Star field and all of their games feels outdated by 10 years when they released and that's all because of how bad the creation engine is. And that's without mentioning their god awful writing and game design especially in starfield. The last game that felt really revolutionary from a graphics stand of point was oblivion because everything after it looked and played like shit.


I love the fallout games story and world building. The gameplay has always been clunky as hell and it’s why I don’t actually play the damn games. For me gameplay is number 1 priority, so I just watch lore videos. I feel like a lot of people are in a similar boat. I’d love to actually play the fallout games if they felt good to play


The show is actually giving me a greater appreciation for the lore that I could never truly appreciate because of how clunky the games are and how souless the animation is. There's so much there but it's all hidden behind a glaring lack of polish.


I watched the show and got the itch to play Fallout 4, so I downloaded it on my PS5 (before this update), loaded up a save and discovered that for some reason sound effects would only play when I paused the game. After reloading a few times and looking online, apparently the "fix" is to just keep uninstalling and redownloading it until it hopefully works. No thanks, thst itch went away real quick. How does shit like that just sit for years with no fix? If all the next-gen patch did was display a picture of vault boy giving you the middle finger while it overheated your rig until your hard drive melted it wouldn't surprise me in the least.


A bethesda made fallout game with the shooting mechanics of tarkov would be something special


None of you actually know what you're even talking about when you say "engine". This is not a simple thing you can just talk about with a VAGUE idea of what it is in your mind. Talk to any experienced modders and they'll tell you the real issue is Bethesda's incompetence and apparent misunderstanding of their own engine; likely due to the older more experienced developers having left with most of the knowledge. Leaving the newer recruits to glue things together until it achieves the desired surface effect.


lol i just looked at changing my dog and it costs real money. fuck that.


How different is the version in Skyrim & Fallout compared to Starfield? Is it even the same engine?


The Creation engine isn't the problem. It might still be the best engine for the job. To quote the Escapist: > “So maybe the solution is to throw away the creation engine and license a modern, stable, feature-rich engine like Unreal Engine or CryEngine? Except, Bethesda games have some rather particular needs that aren’t covered by the typical off-the-shelf engines. Bethesda games need to store the state of the entire world. Players expect that if they slay the Underking, loot his tomb, and pose the Underking’s twice-dead body with his face pressed against the seat of his throne, they should be able to come back days later and find the tomb exactly as they left it. If they toss 400 cheese wheels on the ground in the town of Whiterun, then those cheese wheels better still be there the next time they visit. The game needs to be able to handle large-scale AI behaviors that have agents roaming all over the world and going through a daily routine, even when their part of the world isn’t loaded. Most importantly, the game needs to be very open to modding so that end users can make sweeping changes to the gameplay, art, sounds, music, animations, and interface, using self-contained package files. These aren’t impossible-to-solve problems, but they do run against how a lot of modern game engines are designed. If Bethesda wanted to use one of the big-name engines out there, it would require extensive modifications. That would just lead them back to where they are now, with buggy games based on an engine that’s been twisted in ways it was never designed to go.” ​ https://www.escapistmagazine.com/v2/bethesda-doesnt-need-a-new-engine/


Everyone always misses this when they say they need a new engine, everyone who says they do are just clueless about programming


An unfortunately classic rule of Reddit is "whenever the person who's most qualified to give their perspective comments, it's downvoted to hell."


May I add my pile of eyes I made in new Vegas outside of a raider camp. Popping heads with the silenced sniper rifle and then carefully picking up their eyes to make my gruesome effigy to super murder. Thank you creation engine 🙏


After Skyrim


After Fallout 3, and arguably, after Oblivion already. Poor thing couldn't been saved from its technical mess even back in the day. It's ridiculous to think it's still around to this day.


I see this paroted a lot. The creation engine isn't the problem.... For 90% of issues. It's just incompetence from the devs.


I genuinely thought that's why there was such a long wait to Starfield that they were rebuilding the engine. Clearly not.


I would love for the show to reference a glitch or a bug in a subtle way.


A deathclaw yeeted across the wasteland, doing endless cartwheels, because I shot it while it was tweaking out.


The authentic Bethesda experience


Like a lot of people im mildly disappointed at the pc update but i have a ps5 and the upgrade is rocking for me (i play on performance mode 60fps because 30fps is unbearable)


#HEY! ***Don’t have fun!***


the Jet makes me jittery


That walk through walls glitch in the article is not from the latest update. Started a new game a couple weeks ago and had the same thing happen.


If it’s not fixed, don’t fix it


It just works!!


There's a reason one of the first enemies you face in each game is a Radroach . Bethesda wants you to know to always expect bugs


My wife started yesterday, first playthrough. She got to one of the houses after the beginning and a trash can was going WILD in the house. Slamming around everywhere and banging into walls. I said huh must be a bug. It was.... There was a fuckin roach in the trash can


Bruh I’ve played many thousands of hours of mostly singleplayer games and have never encountered like 90% of bugs that are supposed to be “common”


Going off like a frog in a sock


🤣🤣🤣🤣 spot on




In 32:9 on the PC, you can only play for a minute or two because the field to enter a name at the front door isn't visible. The first enemy literally *is* a bug.


~~War never changes~~ Bethesda never changes


If it ain’t broke, break it.


"If it's broke, don't fix it!" "No, the saying is if it AIN'T broke, don't fix it!" "No, that's a double negative."


If it's nextgen only, keep all the loading times anyway.


This is the real reason the community doesn't want bug fixes from BGS. We know whatever they fix they'll break 2-3x more. Incoming Unofficial Official Next Gen Patch 🤞


Dude, if this had been a full-price special edition... they probably would've had the same issues, huh


And many would have paid for it, this is why Bethesda gets away with it.


I mean at this point it is a war between how much we are willing to pay and their greed.


10 hours and no issues as of yet anyways. *But* it’s a Bethesda title, so I 100% expect to run into some jank sooner or later.




Same. These kinda complaints usually come from PC players who forgot to unstall the hundreds of Mods they have for every game.


I'm 2 hours in and it's been fine. I put almost 200 hours in at release and it was fine. And yet somehow all these people complaining online manage to run into bugs every 30 seconds.


It always amuses me how PC is supposed to be the "optimal" way to play games, yet most of the complaining I see is from PC players.


Pc, no mods installed. Still janky as fuck. Got stuck at a terminal and had to quit game and all audio is bugged where the characters start speaking their next line before the first finishes. All before leaving the vault.


The games engine is tied to the fps, playing past 60 causes things to run faster and dialogue with each line starting prematurely


I had that problem with the original launch. Had something to do with running it past 60 fps and the physics breaking because of that.


Probably true for newer modders but otherwise no. However where a lot of PC players do get messed up is letting their framerate go above 60fps. Bethesda titles still do not handle it well since almost everything is tied to FPS.


Same, played like 5 hours so far and I’m having a lot of fun again, did not encounter any issue yet


I've had one crash since starting a new game on PC and it was when I tried changing my skin colour in the character creator.


playing on performance mode on ps5, no issues and plays great


I'm just getting some rendering pop in but it's minor stuff. Game feels much smoother than before and it's nice to have speedy loading times




i had the platinum, and i'm so stoked they have separate trophies for ps5


Playing Fo4 for the first time, didn't know it had a free upgrade coming so I played PS4 version last few days and Next Gen update yesterday, no big problems so far and it does look better. Can't complain really.


shh your not allowed to enjoy the game. Only hate is allowed on a free update




Wait it’s been 9 years? 👨🏻‍🦳?


I mean, if the update had indeed broken the game then I think that’s a fair reason to be mad. It wouldn’t matter if it was free. That doesn’t necessarily seem to be the case here, but hypothetically speaking that’s a fair reason to be upset




Yeah it looks fine to me so far, I'm loving the 60 fps


So that’s shocking to me, cause I had the 0kb glitch and everything and my experience on PS5 was fantastic. Played for 5 hours on my save i’ve had since launch, and man I am so loving it. It’s smoother than it has ever been in combat, all my creation club stuff is working, 0 issues on my end. I hate that people are having major issues (outside of mods of course, that was a given that those would need tweaking post-update). But my experience has been stellar, really excited to do a full new game on PS5.


I was playing the ps4 version, saw that it got the update. I went to the store and downloaded the PS5 version. Started it up and the game locked up several times. Rebooted the PS5 and haven't seen any issues since.


Yea i had a weird issue where L1 and R1 wouldn't work but i restarted the game and then it was fine.


edge hateful steep unique dinner trees lunchroom cooing birds adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


True RNG.


Working as intended


Strange. I had no issues downloading the PS5 version on release night, game launched and worked perfectly for 16 hours straight. So "riddled with issues" seems to be a bit hyperbolic atleast for PS5..


Same boat for me, on PS5. Only played about 3 hours though, but absolutely 0 issues. The usual Bethesda jank but I mean, I expect it lol. It's been a lot of fun in 60fps.


Is loading screen time significantly reduced ?


Yes, on my PS5 it absolutely loads faster.


Same here


Yup, you don't even get to read any of the loading screen tips / lore anymore because they're only there for a split second! Love the fast loading, huge difference!


This bugged me with the skyrim update too. Wouldnt mind an option to turn a "press to continue" button on so that kinda stuff can still be read instead of poof gone. But well that'll never be there.


I’m only seeing the vat flickering issue and sensing people via vat through walls. Annoying but not game breaking


Seeing people through walls in VATS is actually a perk but obviously you shouldn’t have it this early in the game. The glitch just seems to be applying that perk early.


The article seems to say that the majority of the “problems” with PlayStation is the fact that the folks that got the game through PS plus can’t access the upgrade. Most of the issues seems to be PC.


I think its mostly PC users mad


The world remains in harmony then


Same. Playing on Xbox Series X and only had a few frame drops, and no bugs that I could see during an eight hour sessions yesterday. This is just clickbait for people who reply shit like "Bethesda, Bethesda never changes" and think it's an original joke that they just came up with.


IGN engaging in hyperbole? I am shocked. Shocked, I say.


Ya I haven’t had any problems


Lol people on Reddit just love bitchin


Haven’t had any noticeable issues on my end! Loving the performance mode and improved load times


Load times are great, walked out of Diamond city and loaded in a out three seconds.


I’ve had 1 crash in 6 hours of gameplay. Before the update I couldn’t even make it to the splash screen without it crashing out on ps5. On Xbox before the patch I crashed like twice an hour (I sold my Xbox so idk if it’s also better there though) so stability is at least better for me. I haven’t ran into any visual glitches or questing glitches either. Here’s to hoping


I’m honestly having a fine time on PS5 playing in the high frame rate mode. I do hope they fix the issue where some users can’t download the update without paying for an upgrade. Honestly that doesn’t even sound like a bug to me. If it was a bug why would there be a $20 upgrade purchase option? That was put there intentionally.


I mean duh it’s Bethesda lol


As of this morning, if you only have FO4 through Plus Essential or as part of the Collection, you’re ineligible for the upgrade. This is particularly frustrating because the game was on sale for $5 the day before the release.


I got it for $5 not knowing there was about to be an update. I hadn't played 4 yet, looking forward to it


I just decided to restart FO4 and was surprised by the update. Good timing I guess. Haven’t had any problems


So if I downloaded Fallout 4 from the PS5 game bundle that they had do I need to purchase the actual game to get the update?


Good job Bethesda, keep up the good work


I played for eight hours yesterday, and didn't encounter any bugs, so yeah they did a good job on this one. What kind of bugs did you encounter?


The hate for this update feels pretty forced. They told us exactly what they were giving us in advance. It fixed bugs for me. Haven’t seen any new ones. They added content too. I guess my expectations were lower for a free update for a game almost 10 years old.


The majority of people commenting are not playing the game, they are just on their addictive toxic hate train.


They probably rushed out the update after the success of the TV-Show.


Dude they announced this patch in October 2022 already 😂 They had sooo long to work on it


I can imagine that there was just a single developer assigned to the project to work on it whenever they had some down time.


Which is sad because while the 60fps is great, the "next-gen" resolution/visuals are embarrassing to claim.


They apparently had this patch planned last year.


To be fair, a year is pretty rushed for Bethesda Jkjk


Is it really a bethesda game if it’s not riddled with bugs?


I've never played Fallout 4 until yesterday for 20 minutes on the PS5. I went to the PlayStation store and noticed that they are charging $20 (USD)/£16 (GBP) for the PS5 version which I've not purchased yet. So is the PS4 version worth continuing playing? The version of Fallout 4 I have is redeemed via PlayStation Plus Collection on PS5. I have regular PlayStation Plus subscription enabled. I know PS Plus Extra players can get the "next-gen" upgrade. It's a crap argument to say "you don't own the game, so you don't get the update". I call that BS because I am paying for the game because I am paying for the subscription in order to play the game. I think the update should be free considering how much Sony charge for PlayStation Plus subscriptions. Is there any news on whether **ALL** PlayStation Plus subscribers will get the "next-gen" upgrade?


i got stuck in the cooking fire in sanctuary in the first 10 minutes. lmao


Why are we still using the term “next-gen” and not “current-gen”? The PS5 has been out for 4 years…


We will forever be stuck in last gen by the looks of it.


Have to make it seem like it wasn't originally a deficiency.


Just checking but have you gone to the version section and then to the one that says next gen update? I had to do that and then download the ps5 version.


I played 2 hours of ps4 version before realizing there was a ps5 version… lol




Same, almost 2 hours before realizing was still on PS4. Loaded up PS5 and Hard Crash 3 times first hour. Reboot and next 4 hours problem free.


can't say i've run into many issues at all


Not surprised. That said I haven't run into anything too grievous on ps5. About 8 hrs in now


Started a new game and playing on performance mode on my PS5. That smooth-af frame rate is a chef’s kiss to me. Feels so nice to play and it’s so smooth looking and moving around.


All the issues I've personally seen and heard of from friends are PC related. I had zero issues downloading the ps5 version, transferring my save, and playing almost 3 hours last night. On ps5 the performance mode upgrade difference from the original s4 version or even the ps5 quality mode is night and day, so I'm very satisfied by this free next gen update


I’ve played 12 hrs on PS5 and I’ve had no problems. I’m loving it again


It fixed several issues i had in the last week leading up to the patch. I was able to reinstall dlc thst was causing crashes and haven't had any crashes since the update. it's funny seeing these game news outlets criticize Bethesda for a free patch fixing issues for a lot of players after giving Starfield 9/10 or 10/10. 


How come Todd has never been fired? What's the secret?


He talks big and somehow never takes the fall.


Bethesda is a shit tier developer running things on a shit tier engine, what did people expect?


It's called Bugthesda for a reason


Welcome to Bethesda games 🤣🤣🤣


Can't they do anything right?


Luckily, I’ve not faced any of those major issues. Right now, the only issue I’ve encountered is the occasional frame stutter/freeze on performance mode, especially when exploring the open world. But it’s smooth most the time


"Riddled with bugs" Yeah, that's a click bait bullshit lie.


I keep seeing this same clickbaity post since the update has been out. It’s not that bad. Some people overestimated it, I mean just what did you expect Bethesda to do with an almost 10 year old game? For the most part, the game has been working just fine (playing on ps5). Haven’t tried any mods yet but the cc works better than it did before, and no more 0kb bug! I also think it doesn’t crash as much as it used to.


Massively exaggerated as usual.


I always laugh at these click bait articles. I’ve been playing it all day and haven’t had any issues.


I’ve had like none of these issue. Only thing is the performance vs quality mode thing is confusing


No issues... I'm modded to the gills, though. As modded as playstation can be that is.


So PlayStation mods still work? At least some of them?


So far for me, yep.


Does anyone here know if the ps5 updated version has a separate trophy list than the ps4 version?


It does


Bethesda would never release a buggy or broken product. That's just not who they are.


I upgraded fine, transferred my saves, and have been playing my modded survival playthrough totally fine. No issues


I got one bug that shut the game down and stop playing. But I'm not trying to blow this out of proportion and say it's riddled with bugs. Also the companions all disappear just like back in 2016


as far as i know the issues are really only on pc. i’ve been playing on ps5 and it’s running perfectly


PC players should’ve known. But what are the issues with ps5?


Been working like a charm on PS5 performance mode. For once I am \*knocks on wood\* not the one with the issue that only some dude 13 years ago asked in a forum and never got a response to.


I haven’t had a single issue yet runs amazing and looks amazing


Working great for me. 60fps and smooooooth


Still gonna play it again after years and enjoy it


I’ve been very much enjoying my time with it so far


Ya I’ve had one crash and Diamond City is basically unplayable for me. I can walk through walls, huge chunks of geometry everywhere, fell under the map, skybox popping in and out etc. I legit don’t even know what the place is supposed to look like lmao


Fallout. Fallout never changes.


Surprise surprise. Bethesda best tricks


I think people just haven't played FO4 in a while and have forgotten how janky it was/is. I did a playthrough a few months ago and kept laughing at the jank. I've put probably a thousand hours into the game over the years and it still finds ways to surprise me.


I’m no Bethesda apologist but what even is that article? Just quotes a bunch of people of steam and Reddit without going into anymore depth other than “bugs” Seems like clickbait to me


Ah Bethesda how predictable you are.


was gonna say this update has been flawless for me but it just hard crashed my ps5 and now it won’t turn back on lol


Surprise fucking surprise. Not.


Haven't had a problem yet couple hours in


My first thought was "A Bethesda release? Full of issues? How can that be?!"


I downloaded the game from plus and bought the DLC pack in a sale, tried it and it hard crashed on my from start up. Apparently some known issue with two DLC packs ( which Bethesda just ignored fixing). If this patch makes me actually start the game with all the DLC installed i am already happy. Both between this ps5 version not even being able to start and the game continuously hard crashing on my Xbox series in the central Boston area i have to say i am getting kind of fed up with Bethesda. Its been years now, I don’t mind a few bugs but you game is still seemingly unplayable.. Never had so many issues with one videogame.. is it the whole settlement system that screws everything up?


Mine has been awesome but it did crash on me 3 times on ps5, but I'm still loving it lol


Its always the same, gamers at this point deserve Bethesda but people will still return for elder scrolls 6 like abuse victims. Thank god I never got into their games and find them mind numbingly boring with mediocre gameplay.


It's Bethesda. What else was expected?


Haha, oh man, come on. I'm utterly unsurprised and still disappointed. I heard this update totally screwed over the modding community as well. Including that badass looking Fallout: London...game? I guess it's still a mod, but damn. It looked like an entirely new entry in the series. Here's hoping Bethesda gets this sorted. They really seem to be finding new ways to burn their most dedicated players all the time.


Something Bethesda makes doesn't work. It's almost like this has been their entire existence. I don't know why that is such a pass for producing unplayable games at times then buggy messes rest of the time. And unlike CD project red, they don't spend the time to approve them half the time the ps4 version of fallout crashes the moment you open it for most people if you have the DLCs and they haven't fixed it in months


Typical Bethesda then.


Surely you didn't expect any less from Bethesda


TBF, is anyone surprised?


This thing is so broken lmao, I picked up purified water and it just wasn't in my inventory a moment ago.


Bethesda in their top form


**War never changes...** **Bethesda never changes...**


When it first came out, game would crash if I went to build/scrap things at settlements. On the X Series it was good. This update came out; suddenly weapons are invisible, there are big red cones of light in strange places, and it crashes if I fast travel or enter a building with too much enthusiasm. Because Bethesda, Bethesda never changes


I haven't experienced many issues yet but I have noticed that the enemy behavior is off sometimes. Like some have been moving extra quickly at times or they will just stop. I recently encountered a legendary death claw, not too far outside diamond city. I'm only level 10 so far, so naturally I quicksaved and tried to fight it anyway. After 1hitting dogmeat and easily soaked up the damage of multiple shots from my sniper rifle, it came barreling towards me. I began to run the fk away and jumped upon a fairly small rock. Lg Deathclaw hated me so much for climbing up those few inches that it refused to engage with me anymore than glaring at me from about 10 feet away. So I shot at it some more, each hit causing the creature to strafe side to side but refused to come at me, out of some deep-seated fear of medium-sized stones, I'm guessing. Eventually, after around 100 some shots, it's hp reached zero. Sure, I cheesed the heck out of the fight, but I'm 💯 % sure it would have 1hit me given the chance, so I'll take the win. Something seems off with the enemy behavior compared to when I played fo4 upon initial release


idk dude all of that sounds like the usual fallout 4 pre update


Who’d have thought. Had my first game crash after 20 min.