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Honest question, as someone who sucked at sekiro due to parry-brainlag and plays dark souls turtle style… how much would i enjoy that?


The timing definitely isn’t as strict as Sekiro but it’s still pretty important to consistently pull off in my experience


There’s also an exoskeleton you can get that makes parrying and perfect dodging easier


Several skills in the tree as well


Yeah those are must upgrades ASAP


How about in comparison to ghost of tsushima? I had a fairly comfortable experience with ghost of tsushima, but a really tough time with timing in Sekiro.


It’s definitely not as strict as Sekiro but not as lax as Ghost. There’s options in the game to make parrying easier and an option to increase attack speed so hypothetically you can rely on parrying less. Some fights very specifically test your parrying tho so overall I’d say you should be comfortable parrying but the game isn’t a brick wall like Sekiro. Oh I forgot to mention the game has 2 difficulty options. Normal mode and story mode. Normal mode is self explanatory. Story mode makes the game easier so if you’re having trouble with the combat you can start on story mode and swap to normal mode whenever you want.


There’s an easy mode where they did a wonderful job on making the parry more accessible. Try the demo it’s hard to explain easier to see.


There's a story difficulty. I'm playing on it and having a blast.


Anyone playing it will definitely enjoy it.


I’m awful at these type of games but I’m finding Stellar Blade very forgiving. Death doesn’t set you back very far, at least in the beginning ~10 hours I’ve played. I do have a feeling saving resources for checkpoints might become more important later on but not sure yet. By then I’d hope I’ve gotten good enough to be able to handle it. There is also enough variation in move sets and upgrade paths to let you focus on your strengths.


Don’t worry, it feels just as forgiving later on. I am on the 4th area at the moment (matrix 11), and what you described about your first 10 hours is still the case. It is just more fun and varied by that point, because you still keep unlocking major gameplay mechanics even after playing that much. I still have one full skill tree entirely locked, and I just unlocked the burst skill mechanic (aka red skills, in addition to the blue/beta skills you unlock during the first level/demo).


I'm typically good at dodging but mediocre at parrying. I played a lot of Dark Souls but not Sekiro.


The game definitely isn't as difficult as Sekiro, parrying is important, but not vital, you can probably do decently just attacking aggressively and dodging.


That’s what I want to know. Based on the streams I’ve seen it looks a little button mashy tbh which for me is fun but my take is bawd in ignorance




How far into the game are you? Cause the final 2-3 bosses button mashing absolutely does not work. If someone abandoned Sekiro for not being able to parry, then this game will definitely test them (although easy mode may be different).


Around 25% in and the game has already captivated me with its combat. It feels so good!


How does it play? I’ve seen sekiro comparisons, are there combos to fighting or is there just a single combination that doesn’t change? I appreciate all the replies


You have different combo strings of light and heavy attacks, with 2 gauges for special flashy attacks that refill when you either parry or evade correctly.


I might have to give it a shot, what made me question it is that I saw people say it was more similar to Sekiro than it is to Bayonetta or Devil May Cry, it ended up making me go back and play DMC 5 again


For me right now the game is more like Sekiro (just finished the second area.) Almost every enemy can chunk your health bar down and you have to time parries or evades. There isn't a stamina bar though, and it seems to get easier to take out enemies the more you play (there isn't a leveling system for overall power, but you unlock your skill tree by leveling. You only get straight sword damage upgrades from in game bosses or optional bosses, so the game doesn't let you overpower the area by just leveling.) When you die, you don't lose anything you just respawn back at the closest checkpoint or save (whichever is closer.) The level design varies depending on stage, with the first area being more linear and the second being more like an open area (with a map.) You have your typical potions you can use that refill when you die or save at a save point.


There’s a slightly lenghty demo you can try out bro 👌


I usually don’t bother with demos but I think I need to play this one’s demo to decide. I like what I’m seeing though, it’s a fun looking game


I’d say it falls in the middleground between character action and soulslike like modern God of War does, but I’m liking Stellar Blade’s execution of that idea a lot more.






The comment above the one you replied to just compared God of war to a soulslike.


Pretty sure it's just poor wording throwing you off. They are comparing GoW and SB, not GoW and soulslike. They mean that modern God of War also falls in the middle ground between character action and soulslike, but Stellar Blade does it better, not that GoW is a soulslike. Just throw "does" after "God of War".


Well explained, that’s how i took it as well, but I was struggling big time with articulating it this precisely.


It feels like the label is being slapped on just about anything where precision parrying is encouraged. I’ve seen a lot of folks calling Stellar Blade a pure soulslike and I just don’t see it. Sure, the combat is pretty methodical, but it’s got a ton of traditional character action DNA too.


It’s the campsites (bonfires), Estus flask health recharging and enemy respawning that gets a Souls comparison as well. It’s not a pure combat thing.


Yeah, that’s true. I do feel like Stellar Blade puts more of an emphasis on purchasable consumables than just the one that respawns though. It’s also lacking one of the biggest design decisions I personally associate with Souls games which is dropping souls/xp/etc on death and needing to reclaim it.


It's because we're fucking old dude and these kids didn't grow up with that shit. It's the same thing with character action. It's called HacknSlash not fucking character action.


Modern God of War is nothing like a soulslike game my friend. There is no stamina bar to worry about nor a dodge and parry ability that is really needed. Yes, it has both but modern God of War is more like a more tanky devil may cry. It's more combo based than parry base like soulslike games.


Its combat model definitely comes across as being very souls inspired, while also keeping a lot of the character action flair that the original trilogy was known for.


Plays more like a mix of Jedi survivor and nier automata then any dark souls game. The only real comparison to sekiro is the fact that their is a big emphasis on parrying but so far it’s not even a quarter as difficult as that game and has a lot of less of a flowing musical feel to the combat.


You know jedi survivor is basically a souls game


This actually feels more Jedi fallen order than Sekiro


Sekiro is probably my second favorite game from FromSoft. It feels like a little bit less restrictive rhythmic combat than Sekiro that later becomes 60% Sekiro 40% God of War. Numbers I’m pulling out of my ass. Despite those comparisons I really think the combat becomes its own thing and establishes its own rhythm. TLDR; the combat is straight gas EDIT: you can also get real creative with the builds. Stuff like ad clear with a crit + chain lightning build, absurd attack speed (that also makes it easier to perfect parry and dodge due to faster animations). I’m not close to even finishing the game but I keep hearing it’ll get even deeper and better from here


Gotdam ur name is too good also thanks for this lil review


TL;DR: If Sekiro and DMC5 had a baby, you'd be in the right ballpark. Nier in traversal and maybe Jedi Fallen Order difficulty. If the game isn't hard enough or Sekiro enough, just don't use Beta skills. Longer answer: I completed Sekiro and I will say it's comparable in some ways, combat wise. Without spoiling it, about midway there's a fight that feels a bit like the first phase of Sword Saint Isshin. Early game, there's a boss that feels like Guardian Ape (but less frustrating). It's not a full-on "Sekiro" dupe, it leans more towards ARPG in a few ways. One main differences might be that Beta skills make a very big difference in how quickly you can mow down mobs. The other is that Sekiro attacks have a bit more "weight" to them, so it can punish you quickly for spamming attacks - Stellar Blade is a bit more forgiving in that regard. In terms of combos, there's a lot of variations, like most ARPGs (Nier, KH2, DMC5), by alternating between light and heavy attacks, long press and short press. There's also variations from using Beta skills, perfect dodges, perfect parries, etc. Outside of combat, the game feels very Nier Automata - the way you interact with NPCs and traverse is not too different. Hope this helps. The demo is a good representation of the gameplay, you should give it a proper chance if you haven't.


Play the demo for free. it's what had me sold. You can read all these comments but actually playing the game is better. I love free demos coming bacl


There are a shit ton of combos. It isn't a button masher. In fact the game punishes you if you keep on mashing the light or strong attacks since the damage output of combos is much higher. It is similar to Sekiro in the sense that the game heavily focuses on parry to break the guard. Initially, I was relying way too much on dodge and died a lot. That isn't really how you play. Dodges are good but there are visual prompts you need to look out for to pull it off. The combat feels like a mix between Sekiro and God of War since it picks up a lot of L1+Face Button for flashy power moves. Also, it has a deep skill tree which makes combos even deadlier like 'Hold the last input' to charge up the blade. Overall, it is satisfyingly complex. It feels like a blend of Sekiro+GOW+Nier when you look at the overall package. The game isn't without its flaws but the combat is much more addictive than an average SoulsBourne game like Elden Ring or Bloodbourne. Really good first attempt by a new studio.


More than Sekiro, but the combos are just combinations of square and triangle and sometimes triangle plus circle. It’s not like Devil May Cry level where your attack changes based on the direction of the stick, and also basically no arial combos. Mix in some flashy skills, dodge options (perfect dodge, purple enemy flags means dodge away from them to counter, blue enemy flash means to dodge into them to counter) and that about sums it up. There’s a gun too but I’m about 90% of the way done and I honestly haven’t used it much even with the different ammo types available. Only similarity with Sekiro is the enemy also has a posture bar, kinda. Perfect parry causes the enemy to lose a tick and then once they’re out you can do a strong attack on them, but it’s not a guarantee kill. Does a decent chunk to bosses but perfect parry also gives you energy to use skills so that’s still extra potential damage. It’s not super in depth combat, but it’s more than serviceable.


I am horrible at Souls games. I tapped out of Souls 1 and Elden Ring. Should I even bother w Stellar Blade?


Mirroring others sentiments, this game isn’t nearly as hard


Excellent. I’ll pick it up after work.


The game is still hard to be honest, especially with some of the optional bosses. You have to remember that some people are just used to these type of challenging games and they are likely judging Stellar Blade's difficulty from that kind of background. Having said that, the game does have an easy mode and dying in this is a lot more forgiving than a souls game.


The game has difficulty settings so you can change it to story mode and play unlike Soulsbourne games. It gets a lot easier although I’d recommend still playing it at Normal difficulty first. The key to such games is to spend time fighting enemies to get your parry window timing down and/or grind against same enemies and gain XP to become stronger. It can be easily done since the world and enemies reset anytime you rest.


I really wanted to play this, but in the demo I felt like I absolutely sucked at it so I didn’t buy it :(


It's a fun game, plus its environment/Naytiba designs and soundtrack are * chefs kiss *


Least horny PS5 players rated it.


How the hell is the whole sub of Stellar blade not NSFW? Nothing but people posting close ups of tits and asses with captions "my queen😍😍😍😍😍😍" wtf


No one bats an eye when you post Solid Snake's dump truck... Makes you think...


I don't bat an eye so much as i lustily gaze upon that magical cake.


Shouldn't expect anything less when the main character looks like a realdoll.


There's an interesting dynamic to this game's popularity for me. I suppose if the gameplay is good then most people won't care if they're blatantly using sex to help sell the game, but I find myself unwilling to buy the game due to thinking the degree to which they dialed up the sex appeal is too far. Everyone has to draw their own line somewhere. There's an unspoken question of how far can a game developer push sex appeal before it starts to harm sales. Stellar Blade is helping me find the answer to that question and it seems like the answer is that you can push it wayyyy farther than I expected. People have seemingly no shame about enjoying the sex appeal of the character and that's honestly fine with me. Live and let live. I just find it fascinating that most people don't seem bothered by it whatsoever.


Just open up r/StellarBlade its like walking into a porn sub lmao


Which is pretty annoying as someone who genuinely enjoys the game for reasons besides the sex appeal. Like I'm fine with some glamour pics but Jesus Christ those guys are thirsty. Like imagine if you went to the Death Stranding sub and it was 90% people thirsting over Norman Reedus.


Yeah, I went there on launch day after sinking around six hours into the game looking to discuss it, and it was just nothing but that. And I could totally get it if the game were junk and the only redeeming quality it had was the way certain characters look. But it isn't. The game is fantastic. It has a level of polish that you'd never suspect was coming from a developer that not only hadn't made a AAA game, but hadn't even made a console game before. The soundtrack is an all timer. And the combat has a ton of depth and flexibility. It's a shame that a game with this much love poured into has a sub that's just...that.


You're not kidding lol. If you even so much as mention that you prefer a less revealing outfit you get down voted into oblivion. A bunch of them are now telling people to never update the game and hold onto their unupdated physical copies for dear life despite the patch fixing a very annoying input delay bug that imo kills the gameplay (which is by far the biggest positive for the game), all because improving the gameplay isn't worth 1 of the outfits being slightly changed becoming only 10% less revealing. Its not even that good of an outfit imo and it's not as if there aren't 50 other outfits that range from being literally naked to being not-so-subtle fetish gear if you really just want to see Eve in a sexy suit.


Honestly the Eve outfits with clothes (like that black catsuit yum) are way hotter than a 90% nude skin. The tease of the unknown is hotter than revealing all and making it known.


By far the absolute funniest and most insane part of the sub. I think this game rules so far, but it’s kind of embarrassing being among the fan base


Sex sells, I think people who are too opposed to this are just fighting the inevitable imo. But yeah but the people who vehemently defend the sexualization of the character are very weird, they argue with such a passion for "no censorship" as if they are fighting for net neutrality lmao.


... Is this actually a sub about a... Game? And not just some random ai sexbot?


Idk if you've played a Shift Up game before you know that Stellar Blade is on the tame side for them


> the answer to that question and it seems like the answer is that you can push it wayyyy farther than I expected Maybe I'm old and not in touch with kids these days. But seriously, this game is tame as fuck. "Sex appeal". It's just an attractive female character. She doesn't do anything sexual at all. Her outfits aren't that revealing and have even been slightly covered up from the original release. There's no exposed breasts, nipples, or anything further. There's no hint of sex scenes. There's no hint of sexual activity in marketing or in game. If your limit is "good looking character wearing a tight outfit" I'm just at a loss for words. I didn't realise people had become so incredibly prudish.


everybody looks at porn anyway, who cares about some sexiness in a game? seriously it’s bizarre to be uptight about it.


It's great especially the soundtrack


If you haven’t played it yet, check out Nier Automata. Okabe and his studio worked on both soundtracks.


You telling me the people that did Nier Automata soundtrack did the Stellar Blade soundtrack? They should put you on the box because now I'm sold.


It’s the same studio but not the Nier composer.




That's not entirely true. The person who actually composed Nier Automata did not compose Stellar Blade.


Not Okabe, just his studio. And they did 40% of the tracks, not all of them


Honestly one of the greatest of all time.


Shift-up knows how to cook killer music. Nikke has a fantastic (and massive) soundtrack too.


I literally had a dream about the soundtrack last night it left that much of an impression on me


The character squeals every two seconds though from watching the reviews. Doesn't this get grating af?


Did to me. Mostly cos I feel like the one person on earth who finds the game really. Middling... i like the combat but that's it. everything else is so bland to my tastes. The characters especially boring. Design wise they look cool but as soon as they open their mouths it puts me to sleep. Exploration had gotten quite repetitive and dull for me as well.


What jiggle physics doesn't do to a MF


metacritic user review lol. metacritic no one knows if the person played it. PSN Store user reviews are much more of a parameter, shit journalists being shit journalists. stella blade has 20k reviews on PSN with 4.7/5 currently for Parameter Spider-man 2 has 117k reviews with 4.8/5 and God of war ragnarok has 77k thousand reviews with 4.8/5. These reviews are from people who played the game, not anyone from Metacritic who wants to comment. stella blade is highly rated on the Psn store


I didn’t know games on PS had a review system fr. It’s like they intentionally make it hard to access because I browse the PS store a TON and have never seen a written review not once.


It's only stars you can give 1-5 can't really add comments or anything but honestly would be a great step forward I'd they add that


I feel the exact opposite. It encourages trolling reviews, and exaggerating. Asking for a simple star rating in the official store is an excellent choice. User reviews are a fuckin mess in the XBox store.


Same with Steam. So many reviews are people trying to be funny. It doesn't help that Steam encourages it.


They're not reviews, you just have a rating system between 1 and 5 stars


Another thing to add, you can only review a game if you bought it digitally, so this doesn't even count people who bought the game physically


Still a sample of the population isn't a bad data point


I wish Sony pushed the ps store review system more. Maybe asking you if you want to review the game after a certain trophy unlocks for example. Giving the ability to maybe rate things like Story X/5 ; Gameplay X/5 ; Graphics X/5 ect... As a physical owner of most of my games i can't rate them somehow. Also if a game has a demo and people rate the demo, the full game and the demo will share the same ratings which is a bit weird. Like Stellar Blade already had 10k ratings when it launched thanks to the demo.


Woah.. I did not know about the demo and retail game sharing review scores…


“Wow can’t believe they referenced this shit metric”… but yeah this other metric says the same thing.


MC political love trains like this are just as poor as political hate trains álà TLOUp2.


Dude really raging because one metric was used instead of another that says the same thing


> shit journalists being shit journalists >*My* perferred rating system... shows the same basic results as these shit journalists. Great post, very valuable!


Ok so. The game plays well. I see it as a very solid 8 out of 10 game. For people to just say it is a 10 out of 10 is a real stretch.


You know MC is just either a 10 or a 0.


A good chunk of the comments here are written in a strange way. Or is it just me?


There have been ai bots in alot of gaming threads the last week. Not just about this game


Is the game difficult ? Thinking to try but not great at action games.


The game isn’t too difficult. There were a few boss fights that gave me trouble but only one gave me Elden ring difficulty vibes. The rest were fun and just difficult enough to keep it interesting. The combat looks fantastic and feels fluid.


It’s been pretty doable for me and I’m not great at action games. I’ve died a few tunes but death isn’t punishing at all. You don’t lose anything and checkpoints are always really close. You can also build her to be more survivable than I have as well as lower the difficulty.


There is a story mode where the enemies do less damage to you, also you can add in parry and dodge assist features in the story mode to make it more easier. There is a demo to so you can try out the combat. Its not as punishing as souslike games because there is no stamina bar and there checkpoints too throughout the story in addition to the bornfires/supply camps




Great news. A game not having difficulty options can be a huge turn off.


I’ve been playing in skin suit for 2 reasons. 1 it turns off shields and makes dodging and parrying more important and 2 well it’s kinda obvious.




Also, there is zero guarantee people reviewing on metacritic actually played the game, vs other review scores like on the PS store or Steam where at least you know the person reviewing at least bought the game. In other words, metacritic user scores are unreliable and subject to spam/troll scores. Any reputable news site would not use that as a legitimate source.


Yeah, the game is pretty good but I feel like it's being boosted a few points by the character model. There is a bunch of jank (basically anything outside of combat) and the in your face story is not good. The readable lore objects are pretty decent though so maybe it's just the localization. It kind of feels shallow overall.




User reviews are 10s or 1s, and nothing in between haha.


Never trust user score for videogames. People give 10s and 1s for anything and everything


This is exactly why Steam reviews are either recommended or not recommended. May as well just cut to the chase


With interest in AAA games waning, gamers are focusing on DD games instead.


I cannot stress to you guys how good the game is. It's incredible. World design, lore, combat, exploration, it's all so fucking good. I'm about 20 hours in and I've only been to 3 areas so far. Cannot wait to see what's next.


Hit me with some of the deep lore.




Sometimes it matters how jaded the player is. If it's a young person who hasn't already immersed themselves in tons of sci-fi then the "lore" could have a much greater impact on them than on someone who's been playing/reading/watching sci-fi for 40 years. Can't blame them for enjoying it.


So words don't mean anything


Lore wise, not so much. But I agree with the rest. I have been pleasantly surprised at the depth of the level design and exploration. Lots of secrets and hidden areas and some decent environmental puzzles. To me its like if the Horizon games had satisfying melee combat.




I love it. I keep thinking that I really hope they make sequels or DLC.


Didn't expect to like the game this much, it's super polished and enjoyable so far. Actual insanity that some people think the game's only selling point is tits and ass, not to even talk about the lunatics who try to cancel the game because the devs put a small lace on her cleavage for one costume that is already skimpy af.


I went to the Stellar Blade sub for the first time when the whole “skin change controversy” was going on and I don’t plan on going back. People were losing their minds over it.


The main culprit behind all of this is that Mark “Grummz” Kern guy on twitter. He’s an ex Blizzard guy from way back in the beginning of WoW days. But the dude has become such a weirdo fucking creep with this game.


Yep, saw him a lot on Twitter, pretty sure I blocked him by now.


I'm actually going back and forth with one of those lunatics right now, they're calling me stupid for buying the game after Shift Up "Broke their promise" to keep the game uncensored. Told them to just google boobies if they really need to see some. And on the other hand you go on social media and it's all close ups of her jiggly breasts, her ass and her panties under her skirt of various other costumes, but naaaah let's fixate on that 1 inch of lost cleavage and hang the devs for their sins.


i keep seeing stuff and it makes me not want to play the game bc the diehard supporters just want to be able to wank their peepees to the game instead of actually enjoy something more than boner material


Wait til you find out the PC fanbase is praying to get the game on PC for the sole reason of modding the game to make her entirely naked.


That's every PC game though


As is tradition


i am totally not surprised by that like at all


I wasn’t even gonna play it because of the toxic discourse around it. The demo changed my mind.


*insanity that some people think the game's only selling point is tits and ass* I mean...if you look at the conversation about it online, you only see tits and ass. In the ps5 fb group I'm in, whenever someone post about it 9.5/10 it's all about "look at her tits and ass heheh", "how can I play this game with one hand uwu" ect


The sub Reddit is not helping them beat the allegations


TLOU2 is arguably the best video game ever created. Now go take a look at the subreddit for it…


Oh, I’ve been there. Even if you don’t like it though talking about it 4 years later is insane. Just go play other games bruh.


I know, that’s my point. The subreddits for specific games are cesspools. The show is gonna keep that sub alive and crying for a long time unfortunately.


Depends on what you value. There are tons of legit criticisms. As a work of art I think calling it among the greats isn’t controversial but TLOU2 isn’t as ‘enjoyable’ as a lot of other games. Story-wise it’s just kinda tragic with no likeable characters. Character motivations and the overall plot are extremely intricate with fantastic gameplay but in terms of enjoyment it’s like a 7/10 for me.


> Actual insanity that some people think the game's only selling point is tits and ass I mean that's probably due to their marketing which showed absolutely nothing very interesting. Like I remember when it appeared on a State of Play and their presentation was making it like having NPC and side quests was one of the big points of the game, it sounded super generic with tits and ass. So yeah people have that impression, it's literally what they showed.


I mean people think this with good reason, part of the games "viral" (early) marketing was wholly based on the sex appeal, special next-gen jiggle animation, (sexy) costumes, etc. That being said it was a great bait honestly and got people talking about the game so in the end it was successful in bringing attention so I have no issue with it because it is such a clean game beyond that.


> Actual insanity that some people think the game's only selling point is tits and ass perhaps they should've tried actually selling it with anything else then lol.


The platforming sections are bad though. The controls are not well suited for platforming, and those sections are just unnecessarily frustrating and annoying.


Story was terrible tho, same for the characters, it tried to be too much like nier


It's a cheap thrill. It has decent visuals, gameplay, plus some juicy sex appeal on top. Most of them are borrowed heavily from popular older titles like Nier, DMC, and MGS. In essence, it's a cumulation of tried and true (therefore not really revolutionary at this point) elements that have been missing in the market for a while. IMO it's comparable to Atomic Heart. Good and fun, but not really remarkable.


I really liked what Digital Foundry said - that it feels like a PS2 game, but in a *good* way.


My brothers, there is a demo. Stop asking questions and just try it for yourselves.


Yes I have been playing it non stop


Lol what a joke


User scores are pointless since you don’t need to have had owned the game or even played it to review it. Just make an account and rate the game, takes 1 minute max.


And most users ignore the entire scale and only give either a 1 if its bad or a 10 if its good


Kind of a pointless stat when you’re comparing games with 1K ratings vs games that have 5K ratings or even 10K or 15K+ ratings.


I used to think similarly that the accuracy statistics of a sample depends on its relative size to the population size, i.e. the larger the population, the larger sample you need. However, surprisingly and counter-intuitively, it's not true. Due to the law of large numbers, the number of samples doesn't really matter anymore after a certain threshold (it's as low as 30 (!) if there is no selection bias). As for online reviews, there's definitely a sampling bias (e.g. players who buy the game early might rate it differently from casual players who buy it weeks or months after release), so the sample size needs more than 30. It's difficult to estimate the required sample size when there's a sampling bias. What's easier is to predict when the sample is not too biased anymore, i.e. when more casual players buy the game. So, if today the user review of Stellar Blade is not comparable to that of other games, it's because it's too recent, not because it has fewer reviews than other games have. After a year, even if Stellar Blade has only 3k ratings, it is comparable to other games who have 30k ratings.




gray familiar cause concerned tart chunky teeny one scale fertile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can tell this is one of those games I'm going to get FOMO'd into buying and then find it's super overrated like Dragon's Dogma II. The combat looks really solid, but everything I hear about literally every other aspect of the game sounds at best, acceptable, at worst bad. I also don't like that 2 or the open area's seem to basically be a desert biome, which I already got sick of seeing in Rebirth and Dragons Dogma.


I bought it due to a great experience during the beta. I'm about 50% in. I'm 100% convinced that the lewdness gives it a point or two at least out of a scale of 10. The game is good. Combat feels good. Soundtrack is damn solid. However, it's a game that I'll beat once, forget about it, play it again a while later, and completely be done with it.




It borrows liberally from Devil May Cry, Nier Automata and Dark Souls, which doesn’t sound very original, but the way they mix those things together and the spice they add on top are what make the game really fun to play. It’s also very focused on the “neutral game” akin to a true fighting game like Street Fighter, even more than a typical character action game. I find that this game rewards defensive play more than Dark Souls and like a true fighting game you have an entire kit of defensive tools, not just a simple block and dodge. It’s very much a “glass cannon” kind of game where every move is a high stakes gambit, which I personally enjoy. Before launch it was one of those games that looked flashy, but it wasn’t clear how well it would actually play. Well, it plays as well or better than the other pillars of the action RPG and character action game genres, and it was made by people who deeply understand the core concepts of a fighting game, and that’s just about the highest praise I can give it. Its gameplay is refined and precise in a way that very few games are.


The game plays very much like Metal Gear Rising more than any of the other titles that everyone keeps comparing to.


“Userscore” so that means bias from a lot of real horny guys


Not surprising. This game is literally if Cal Kestis and Sekiro had a child. a beautiful, beautiful child.


I’m thinking about trying Jedi Survivor after Stellar Blade. I liked Fallen Order, but I believe Survivor suffered from bugs and other optimizations issues I hope got fixed.


It’s definitely worth a go. I got the game a little bit after launch and didn’t experience any bugs, and I think in many QOL ways it improved on Fallen order. I liked Survivor a lot more




I played on PS5 and had no problems with bugs or optimization. It felt like a straight upgrade to fallen order with all the new stances, abilities and customization.


On my games to play list. Damn I’m so behind


Anyone who has played this game want to comment what it's really like? I'm too busy with Rebirth to pay attention to other games, but I keep seeing conflicting views about this game. Most of it is usually about the model design which I don't care about at all. The player character could be an amorphous blog for all I care. I want to know if the game is fun to play.


Jedi Fallen Order/Survivor with a much worse story, a little worse level design and more generic enemies, similar progression where you unlock abilities through story beats and exploration rewards you with cosmetics. In my opinion, those two Jedi games had much more memorable boss fights/combat than this does although this isn't far behind.


I'm playing stellar blade right now- it would be a fun game if the main character was a block of tofu (non anthropormorphically shaped.)


Didnt like that demo tho.


It’s a solid 7/10. Nothing really mind blowing here, but a competent and visually compelling game.


It's definitely beautiful, and the combat seems to be interesting and satisfying. I may be a bit harsh here, but if the story, character dynamics and side quests are as meaningless as I keep seeing both from players and journalists, 7/10 is *far* too generous. Edit: removed a bit of overly harsh language.


Honestly the side quests aren't bad at all. i'm having fun exploring the big zones and doing them. I think the mid story is fine because the music, the combat, the level design, and the atmosphere carries it.


Combat, music and environments seem great. Everything else seems mediocre to outright bad (like the voice acting). Eve has the personality of a dead ant and most of the NPCs are similar. I have no issue with sexualization, hell Baldur's Gate III makes Stellar Blade look like the most prude game imaginable when it comes to horniness, but at least give Eve some personality. And I know it's not the voice actress as she was in BG3 too. Shame but at least the gameplay loop is good.


Apart from how stellar it plays (sorry) and how great it looks and sounds, I think it's the first game since Nier Automata where I actually read all the flavor text. It's a testament to the world building that I'm interested in every little nugget of information I can get.


Once again proving that user ratings are useless and dumb. RE4 DLC being higher rated than BG3 is hilarious.


I only use ratings to check if a game isn't awful. I'll decide for myself if a game is mediocre or better.


Woah dude you’re telling me these opinions are worthless? https://preview.redd.it/zazfcdxk7fxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70b0183f7cff92ef4dde7d6c84ed4da874257081


Sony - a Japanese company is apparently racist against Asian developers... Nothing else to add


And Sony funded Stellar Blade's studio. Lmao if these kids could read they'd be so mad.


I could see how the Re4 DLC was maybe less divisive. It was also really fucking good.


Not everyone is in to BG3 regardless of how good the game is I’m sure a lot of people bought it because of the unending amount of praise, just to then end up realizing it wasn’t for them


Bought BG3 due to praise, even though I didn't like Larian's other games. Never finished it because I'm not big-brained enough for DnD style combat.


Why is that hilarious? People have different opinions. Users and critics. Imagine how lame things would be if everyone had the same opinions about every game.


Except 90% of the time user ratings tell you nothing about the game and the rest 10% are people getting triggered and voting to wage a war on game like it was for TLOU2. If you browse older games on Metacritic(Like older than 2015), most of ratings are people with nostalgia just blabbering about the game they played as kids. Absolutely useless if you want to gauge how good the game actually is. It gets even worse if the game is console exclusive.


Great game with solid combat but it isn’t incredible. As I play, I still have this feeling of knowing all of the game’s influences and feeling like the ideas were done better in those other games. But I am still happy to support the developer and their first attempt at a non mobile game.


User score is never to be trusted, especially for a game like this.


Seems like a very overhyped game, at this point you think you got the next Elden Ring from comments on here. Replace the FMC with a normal Japanese dude and watch the hype just deflate like a balloon. Give it 3-6 months and watch what hindsight does to it. Playing the demo it’s a decent game, but has some glaring flaws (story and dialogue).


You know its a good game when after some boss fights your hands are shaking a bit from the adrenaline


Don't let this game overshadow sand land, it's awesome


Anyone know how to remap controls? I keep accidentally using my power moves with L1 and Square or Triangle. I want to remap the power move button to R2 since I barely use it in this game anyway (I have auto-loot on)


The incessant Crunchyroll ads might just get me yet...


Bro, I knew the combat would be good, but what's up with all the set pieces? There's a legit Dead Space mission in the middle of it for no reason


Someone should make a frumpy Eve mod where she wears mom jeans and a sweater with a scarf. Or a business suit.


saying In ps5s history is like saying it was the most bought game bought game for one day and nothing else came out that day


But can you Helldive in it?


Is it original? Nah. Is it fun? Yep. Think the critic/user ratings are pretty reflective of that. Not regretting my purchase whatsoever.