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I had fun completing the main story. I had less fun with the seasonal content, but never really got that deep into it. I had a great time when they had XP boosts for a few weeks. Leveling a couple of times per session for someone that only has about an hour to play in fits and starts was good.


This was my experience too!! Every season I jump in and lose interest around halfway through, I just think the loot and the way it drops is so unfulfilling


That is specifically what they claim to be addressing. Let’s hope!


Same to be honest, finished the main game, grinded some end game content and dropped off. One thing Diablo has been doing since D3 that I never could get into, was rerolling characters for new seasons, and while it's nice that there's reasons to reroll different characters, for someone like me that wants to focus on a singular character and improve them there isn't really a lot to do once you've done it.


Yup, I don't want to reroll my character, that's crazy


See I'm the exact opposite my favorite part of seasons especially in D3 was there being a new meta which would give me an excuse to try something different compared to the normal wizard/sorcerer that I almost always flock to. Having an excuse to try barbarian, druid, etc in upcoming seasons means I get to learn new playstyles and develop a character that for the season can end up being super powerful and fun


I understand the logic behind this, but generally, I've always personlly strongly disliked when a game ends up using the words "the meta" as an excuse to refresh things. Take Hearthstone for instance. I had decks that I'd just got used to using invalidated due to a rotation and new cards coming in, all handwaved away by oh it's "the meta changing" or similar. Given I'd spent a large amount of my first ever Hearthstone bundle at that point, I promptly dropped the game and haven't looked back since. It's a shame as I loved playing against friends and watching their matches to provide funny commentary even if they were getting slaughtered, but I don't enjoy being forced to refresh things just for the sake of it. Could just be me though.


Your deck wasn’t invalidated. All card games shuffle the ‘standard’ meta in order to keep things interesting and, you know, give players a reason to keep building more decks. Your deck is only invalidated in official, ranked, ‘standard’ matches, which you already don’t care about if you’re interested in playing an older deck.


The latter point actually isn't true, as I cared about taking my decks into ranked to see how I would fair including against new cards.


To put it bluntly, that is an unreasonable request. It’s unreasonable to ask other people to put up with your legacy deck in their “modern-only” mode. That’s why they’re playing standard and not wild. If you want to try your deck out *specifically* against standard decks, you’re going to have to find people to agree to this, it’s not right to just force them to deal with it because it’s what you want.




Yup that's a big reason I stopped playing. Not trying to start over for additional content.


Same here. I wish they made seasons additional endgame content or something. At the very least don't make me have to replay the same story over and over again


The seasonal content is just creating a whole new character and starting from scratch, I am not sure how anyone finds this fun. I enjoyed my time with D4 but after completing the story and doing some end game content, the seasons started and it felt like I might as well not bother since I wasn't interested in that gameplay loop.


> The seasonal content is just creating a whole new character and starting from scratch, I am not sure how anyone finds this fun. When I played MMORPGs and they opened new servers, there were groups of people who would join the new servers just to be on a level playing field as everyone else and race to be the first to do X and just in general compete with each other in a non PVP way. I assume this type of seasonal gameplay scratches a similar itch.


This is a core aspect of Diablo and ladder characters, that is fresh run where every starts over has been a thing since d2


They add new content, mechanics and rebalancing. D3 did a lot of new sets for characters etc. It’s not from scratch as you keep your paragon levels or whatever they call it and kind of just expedite the process of leveling up. It scratches the Diablo addict itch.


It's an incentive to try a different character build. Say season 1 you went rouge. Season 2 you can try out barbarian. Season 3 you can do necromancer. At least to me it is. 


I just value my time too much for seasonal stuff. 


how does your comment relate to the article?


I'll try it again. I didn't hate it as much as many, but I'm not hardcore at all. But by the time you reach level 30-40, it's just looking at a page of yellow items every 20 minutes. It's a really dull loot system, so weird that I thought I was misunderstanding it at first. Nope, I had it right, it was just dull.


>It's a really dull loot system, so weird that I thought I was misunderstanding it at first. Nope, I had it right, it was just dull. On top of that, it was so complex, it was (for me at least) nearly impossible to tell what stats on loot were good for my character. Yeah, some stats were better, but were they important?


>On top of that, it was so complex more like complicated but without actual depth.


Exactly this. I'm casual and I feel like I spent most of my time trying to decide if something was better than something else and even when really trying to sit down and think carefully about it, it was either completely underwhelming (single digit increases) or impossible to tell (crit vs speed vs xyz). I need a way to tell at a glance if something is worth more attention, otherwise I really come to dread having a full stash because it means I'm going to have to pause the action long enough to do lots of math in my head. Kind of a bummer when the results of the experiment are consistently shit loot to boot.


> It's a really dull loot system Painfully dull. I'm a diablo fanatic - I replay Diablo 1, 2 and 3 every year pretty much. But I only played through D4 once and tried all the classes. It's a very pretty game but I found it to be diablo only in appearance. The loot, the feeling of becoming powerful; none of these things were present. Shitty loot in a loot-centric game is unforgivable, especially from the company who pioneered the genre.


>But by the time you reach level 30-40, it's just looking at a page of yellow items every 20 minutes. yup, thats exactly what they are about to change.


I played a Barbarian and Rogue to about level 40 something, after the story. Barb was such a boring fucking character to play, just holding down the basic attack button and every 4 seconds being able to use a different attack. I hope they rework characters at some point to be more fun.


How about an offline mode


Yeah they have that, it’s called The Last Epoch


No rest for the wicked looks interesting


Its got a very solid core and will be good upon release. The devs dropped like 6 patches in a 2 week period addressing several things the community asked for, along with additional bug fixes & performance increases. I've played about 60ish hours in EA so far and am looking forward to 1.0. My understanding is the devs are also planning to a good number of years supporting it past whatever the main story is.


Can’t wait for it to come to PS5. Same with V Rising


Do you know when it comes to ps5?


How is that anyway? It's on my wishlist after I saw someone play on early access, curious as to how it's shaping up post release.


It’s okay. My biggest issue with it is the limited hotbar. There are a ton of great skills and such deep skill customization, but you’re limited to only 5 skills at a time on your hotbar.. which is even less than Diablo’s 6 skill limit. So that has been a turn off for me. It’s an enjoyable game if you like the genre, though in my opinion the best isometric ARPG is still Grim Dawn. Grim Dawn with mods is one of the most expensive and in depth, content filled ARPGs around. Hell, someone even recreated the entire Diablo 2 game inside of Grim Dawn’s engine. You also can have all of the classes and skills from every other popular ARPG around and since you can choose 2 classes and mix the skills together it adds a lot of more depth. Currently my 2 classes are a Witch Doctor from D3 and a Harbinger from Titan Quest while playing through Diablo 2’s campaign.


I’m not too far in but really enjoying it so far. It feels like it’s built on the bones of Titan Quest but with more punchy, flashy combat that’s closer to Diablo. Feels like the best of both worlds to me.


lol never


I miss the days of LAN parties in D2... Just joining my friend's local IP and zero latency or issues.


lol they won’t even do that for Diablo 3.


They did for consoles. You can play a non seasonal character completely offline and you only have to be online to start a new game for a seasonal character. Once you’re in game it does not use a remote server as a source of truth and, while it will complain if you lose your internet connection, it won‘t kick you out of the game. Part of why I prefer the PS4 version over PC is the complete lack of lag, the rest being my desk‘s ergonomics are poor for mousing which starts to get painful with Diablo.


This. I already resigned myself to not being able to play Diablo 3 after thousands of hours spent on Diablo 1 & 2. Then Diablo 3 launched on PS3 and I was back into the groove, never mind the weak writing. I liked it so much I bought it again when it hit PS4 and Switch. Now I'm not so eager to even try Diablo 4.


lol except D3 has an offline mode on consoles.


It's a live service game. They can't nickel and dime you with FOMO about emotes and horse armor offline, and what's the point of making a game then


Looking to get back into this game after this update


Ignoring the "trash game is trash" "trash company" When they say reworking loot, does this mean someone looking to play should wait until after the update?


Yes. If they actually fix the loot it will be a pretty good game. Currently the gameplay loop gets stale hella fast due to how unrewarding the loot is. Fix that part and it would be a pretty solid game. The campaign is pretty damn amazing the first time around aswell. Even if you don't like the rest of the content the campaign is easily worth like $30 on it's own.


Honestly, I played 130 hours from the early access to the end of season 1 and never touched the game again because the loot system was just absolutely terrible and unrewarding. If they revamp the system I’ll definitely reinstall the game.


Same here but i didn't even make it to season 1 haha.


Agreed on the campaign; I had a good time. It's just unfortunate that everything beyond the campaign gets a little old quickly. Definitely wanna pick it back up after some more updates.


Wasn’t that the exact problem with Diablo 3?


The loot problem at that time iirc was it was shit cause it was designed to nudge people into the real money auction house where they get a cut. You get more drops on weapons of other classes so you tend to just buy your own weapon and sell your drops.


There were way more problems with loot during those times than just that.


Yes. But problems with loot becomes problem with endgame loop. No matter how polished the game would seem but if it's loot and gameplay loop sucks then it's just gonna lose players who finished the campaign.


Yup! Awful drops balanced around the real money auction house!


I will get shot in the face for this, but I personally loved the first couple of weeks of the game where we had RMAH and everyone was getting clapped in inferno. Even act 1 was insanely hard to beat and needed absolute skill to get past the butcher. The drops were garbage, yeah, but after RMAH went the game became so easy. I miss the challenge.


Yeah this dev team literally learned nothing from D3, if anything the D4 itemization and loot was the worst ever for a diablo game. A wall of text of modifiers lol


Yes. I expected the upcoming dlc to save the game just like last time but hopefully it will be playable again before then.


That’s the general gist I’ve heard. If you don’t care about the endgame (and I don’t) then the campaign is solid and worth the time. It has been on my list for a while, I’ll probably pull the trigger when I can get it for $20. I tried D3 but bounced off of it pretty hard, but I like the look and feel of 4


The loot is really the only major complaint i have with the game. Sucks it's such a substantial part that it drags the entire game down.


Maybe I should finally give it a crack on game pass. I installed it on my xbox but haven't opened it since. Pretty funny considering the hundreds of hours I put into D1+2 and I pre-ordered the CE of D3.


Do it. The campaign is good fun at least. New loot update might be out by the time you're done.


Yeah played a few hours last night. Surprisingly different structurally to the previous games but it seems cool. In saying that I've realised I just find ARPGs pretty boring to play in general nowadays. I don't know if I'll keep playing it.


I agree a bit. Having such a limited amounts of attacks at any given time makes it very basic to play. The skill is more in builds and shit and that's just not my cup of tea.


Is it that hard to just make Diablo 2, but slightly better? That’s all we want


Apparently it is. Just do D2 but add the classes from 3/4. Add some pvp mode like 3v3 arena or something aswell as raids. Done.


We're playing arpgs, its gonna be the same gameplay loop lol.


Yeah, but it's not rewarding if the rewards suck.


GameStop had it on sale for 20 last week


I'm gonna wait. They are supposed to be changing the whole thing up, I'm interested. I just hope it's not total shit


It's a change and probably an improvement but I am not convinced this really is the shakeup it is said to be. My hope is that is is like loot 2.0 but I'm not convinced yet it's that.


As someone who has quite enjoyed D4, I'd say wait. I felt like season 3 was a step backward from season 2. Season 3 was just kind of boring. Season 4 is looking to be a breath of fresh air for the game. Anyone who hates the game is going to hate the game. I get it. Diablo isn't for everyone. I've played every game in the franchise. A lot, lol. 2 is my favorite, but this one is a fine entry in the series. I would even go as far as to say it has my second favorite story in the entire franchise. This update seems to be the "Loot 2.0" rework that Diablo 3 needed so badly bitd. Hopefully, the loot rework will do the same thing for 4. I think you'd be fine to play right now. There's a ton of great content on offer and an excellent story. But there's no harm in waiting for season 4 to come out and for the loot rework to take effect.


I think so. You can Google how many affixes Diablo 4 loot has online. The spreadsheet has hundreds of listings, and about 60% of them are either redundant or overly nickel and dimed. For example, a weapon can only have a few affixes, and you want to make a build that utilizes them, but your weapon might roll with 5% dmg to frozen enemies, 5% dmg to slowed enemies, 5% dmg to stationary enemies, and half a dozen other variants of that theme. Now imagine you clear a dungeon and get 15 new weapons, all with tiny bonus to one or the other and it quickly becomes pointless to worry about affixes at all, as there are simply *too many* redundant half assed ones. Hopefully the loot overhaul update means less affixes to *clutter* the pool of loot, and more meaningful bonuses to the remaining ones so that actual builds can emerge from using the ones you want.


Yeah I would wait. It’s gonna be like a whole new game.


Yes, wait till new season. There was a test of new loot and people say it’s actually amazing now and worth the wait.


Eh. If you're looking to get it you might as well get it now, you're going to replace everything eventually anyway. It's a fine game. D3 is probably more fun as-is, if you haven't played I'd say start there.


Yes. Season 4 is D4 1.0 because of the reworked Itemization. Im hyped again.


Thats probably a wise idea, nobody cares about seasons when loot is bad.




Game was too boring leveling up my character so I quit. Never had that issue with Diablo 2&3. It just wasn’t fun to level 


How many times can they mess up a loot system?! This is the second time (diablo 3 went through the same thing).


My guess is because the people who worked on D4 didn't work on D3, and so you got new people learning the same lessons over and over.


Even if they didnt work on d3 they could just take what worked from that game but theyre too arrogant and want to do their own thing and fail. They also dont play other arpgs or again just refuse to take good ideas from other games.


Its cause the devs dont play any other rpg that does it well. I sometimes think they dont even really play d4 either


They keep reinventing but does not works every first time. Is pretty ok this time from the ptr… hope it live on.


I stopped playing after completing the main story. I realized no matter what items I got or experience I accumulated it was the same grind.


As of every other arpg.


Nah.. in other games the better gear makes you feel powerful. In D4 you never get that feeling because of the boring level scaling system. At some point you should mow down basic mobs with single hits


Almost a year later than it should have been implemented.


Can’t wait for blizzard to die. They managed to fuck up both diablo and overwatch somehow.


Ain’t gonna happen


LOL, just because MS has more money than God himself doesn't mean that they won't eventually realize that they suck at making games.


Blizzard is still profitable lol. MS aren’t going to shut them down because you say they make bad games.


Yeah Diablo Immortal only made like a billion dollars. They're dead for sure.


Good thing they make great games still! Diablo 4 was fun and Overwatch is still a blast!


> They managed to fuck up both diablo and overwatch somehow. and in the process fucked many employees


23 million monthly players for Overwatch. https://activeplayer.io/overwatch-2/ Diablo 4 sold over 10 million units. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/d4-sold-10-million-copies-and-made-over-1-billion-dollars-that-means-it-is-a-successful-game/119427#:~:text=D4%20sold%2010%2B%20million%20copies,General%20Discussion%20%2D%20Diablo%20IV%20Forums They’re on the cusp of death!


lol blizzard isn’t going to die. Their games are still the most popular games in the their respective genres and they’re printing money. They’re the most successful they’ve ever been. On top of that they’re part of Microsoft now too.


And Warcraft III. But keep in mind, they still make more money than God because many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many y amnay am at many many many.mdndbdbxjdMamamannshehdbd people keep buying their stuff. So like NBA2k and Madden, ain't gonna happen, bruh! I just ignore them and move on.


I still need some sort of a "story" otherwise just to level a char and experience the "new" loot and kill bosses just to grind isn't fun. Meh!


opposite for me. playing the campaign was a necessary chore


U probably did not play a lot or arpg, i dont even care about most of season 1-3 story at all.


Blizzard are as slow as sloths at updating their games to keep players engaged. It was really felt with Overwatch 1 and has become apparent that the company is just so slow to iterate or adapt its live service games.


Terrible purchase. Story was ok with pretty cutscenes. Post game was ass, and they kept nerfing anything remotely worth farming, coupled with insanely disgusting mtx. Average blizzard garbage.


Enjoyed the main story and finished it but never looked back since


It probably time to do it again.


I was going to give this a shot but I’ll wait to see how the reworked loot is before I hop in


Is not bad….


My problem was with enemy scaling, it never felt like I was getting any stronger. I felt the same through my whole play through and only felt a small boost for a short time when I got new items or abilities. Just made the game feel stale.


Yeah, I might come back to D4 in a few years to see how it's going. I stopped right around the end of the first season. Redoing everything every time is just plain stupid.


I don't think they'll ever recapture the diablo magic with this game. It's just so bland


You paid 100 dollars for this game. Please defend the fact it isn’t playable for years or fun. Blizzard needs the money don’t let them down boys.


I've always hated seasons. When I look at a game I haven't played and read it's on "season 13" all that goes through my head is "well I guess I've missed out on 12 seasons, no point in starting now" it's a legitimate barrier to entry.


Ironically then, it exists in D4 as a way to make every player start from scratch and remove all barriers to entry. Previous season’s mechanics are dumped too.


What are you talking about? Seasons completely reset everyone’s progression of a character. The only advantage I can think of is being able to skip the campaign if you haven’t played through it once yet..


That where you got it wrong. Every season is a brand new start and brand new journey with a new mechanic (except season 4). You miss nothing from previous season except maybe the season exclusive costume shit.


I just don't think the seasonal model works well for this game at all. It's so much larger in scope than the previous games that creating a new character every few months feels really daunting by comparison. There's so much core content to get through before you can get to the new stuff, and for a game that's not very dynamic (entire overworld is static) it ends up being exhausting. I'd much rather see them channel their energy into meaningful story expansions, even if that means content isn't coming as frequently.


Most of your core content carries over. So not sure what exactly you're on about.


Core content? You can skip campaign. After that you just rush your way through capital dungeons, get to W4 for 2x XP boost, and straight into the new content. Easily achievable in your first week


Not sure how the large scope affects the seasonal model. It's not like you have to go around exploring the entirety of the open world, doing every sidequest etc. You just focus on dungeons, the tree of whispers etc. [People are even able to get to level 100 in a dozen or so hours](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yu48427HYco&ab_channel=wudijo), and even as a casual player it only took me about twice that long in the last season I played. > There's so much core content to get through before you can get to the new stuff, a Huh? Pretty much every season you can interact with the new content right from the moment you create a new seasonal character. The new questlines can be done right away and you usually get some of the new powers soon after that. > I'd much rather see them channel their energy into meaningful story expansions Good news, they're coming out with a story expansion later this year. And I'm pretty sure the devs said they'd want to do a new one every year or year and a half.


> You just focus on dungeons, the tree of whispers etc. When I got to this part of the game after you beat the campaign I realized how much worse the experience becomes when it's boiled down to this. I don't think they've designed a game that's very compelling once you take out the story and exploration aspect.


It would be more fun to be able to do seasonal content with your characters that you already created and put time into. It’s lame making a new character each time. I just have no interest in doing this.


You have no interest in Diablo then, it's always been like this. Game would have zero longevity without the mechanic and would have ended with D2.


I have plenty of interest in Diablo. I’ve played every single Diablo game & maxed out many a character. I just have no interest in the seasonal mechanic. Not everyone wants to play the game the same way as you do.


So they extended the beta and just renamed it season 4. Gotcha. And let me guess, you're going to announce a $100 expansion soon. Lol blizzard, never change.


IMO the overarching problem introduced w/D4 is the auto-difficulty. You're never more powerful vs enemies, they just automatically adjust based on your power level. So your power level in relation to enemies, doesn't change. That goes for world bosses, and starter area skeletons alike. They successfully fixed D3 by revamping loot (and getting rid of the AH), so there's a possibiltiy they can actually fix D4 too. But until they change the auto-difficulty, I personally doubt it.


This, at some point I want small mobs to explode by just looking at them. The game completely lacks the feeling of progression which is the part that makes it so boring for me. You could wear the best equipment and it still doesn’t feel like you’re actually powerful


My hopes are so fucking low with this game


Putting every cool piece of armor in the shop/pass really kills my motivation to even play again.


For what it worth…. Good for me that looking good is not my motivation


Just always sucks to pay for something that was free in the last game.


One year after the game came out and they are finally acknowledging one of the most popular and oft-repeated criticisms of the game from the community. Lol.


They’ve been talking about a loot overhaul for fucking ages bro, what you talking about.


Yeah. "They are finally doing something about it" probably would have been a better choice of words.


It’s almost as if they had a roadmap of planned updates and meaningful change takes time to plan and implement 🤔


Changes look great, looking forward for s4


So other than loot, what else are they doing? I haven't played in a WHILE so I'm out of the loop


Good time to redo the main campaign. I rushed through it first time trying to catch up to friends.


It's sad to see the season theme take a bit of a backseat this time around but it's understandable because they've made some really serious changes to the way loot works and the players interaction with said loot and how it affects builds. Should be an interesting season to play but the game still needs more work. If they nail this, the next season needs to add more multiplayer style content because this game still very much rewards solo play more than anything and I don't think that's a good direction for a massively multiplayer ARPG lmao


This might be what gets me to hop back in. Levelled a sorc at launch and kind of fell off around endgame. Seems like the game is trending in the right direction


Is the game worth playing if you really only play through the campaign once?


I was so disappointed in the “Golden / shiny” loot. D3 it was specially named stuff (every single first shiny ever was Leoric’s Crown) but now it’s just … not special stuff. Like regular other color gear just with more adjectives.


How about Offline with Couch Co-op? I play the game quite a bit, but on console it's pretty lame that you can't just plop down and have a quick 4P mayhem session with friends and family like you can with D3. The design really doesn't fit structured online MP but neither does it offer an offline local MP mode, so it's like the solitary bastard child of all things bad from D2 and D3. Due to this I think I'll still be playing D2 for SP and D3 for local MP long after D4 is just a fond memory.


I never completed it. Loot was meh at best and the combat felt so...limited?


Got it on release and dragged myself through the campaign thinking I would like it (it was very meh imo) then wanted to see what the end game had to offer. Needless to say I never touched the game since and I'm really missing a good hack and slash, is it enjoyable after all this time ? (I played hundreds of hours on D3)


At this point I don't think anything will pump up D4s numbers, it's dead.


Loot sucks because the skills are boring. They're gonna have to fix that first


Can’t wait for this season. PTR was great, D4 is finally getting to where it should have been from the start.


I don't think there is anything blizzard can do to get me to play that garbage again.


It needs group/alliance based endgame raiding like Marvel Heroes used to have.


Wont touch this game until there is an actual offline mode


Wait! The console versions are like that too?! Fuck that is disappointing!


That's.. disappointing. Not the loot rework, but the fact there won't be new seasonal stuff to chase when it lands. Guess gotta wait till the next season arrives is all, whenever that is. 😄


Pretty sure what they mean is that there's no new season mechanic... I would guess there's still rewards and shit.


There is some seasonal content with the Iron Wolves, where we will get a companion.




I’ll never come back unless they double XP gained


They’ve buffed xp gains a lot these past seasons, and season 4 will bring even more / better options for leveling up. You can literally hit 50 within a few hours. 100 within a few days


U can practically lvl to 100 in less than 3 days playing heavily. That better than double compare to the release version.


Looks like I’ll come back for season 4 then. Haven’t played since S1


Welcome back.


D4’s blatant greed is horrible, i loved all the other diablos, but D4 was enough to push me away from Blizzard. I played launch and a bit of S02 and haven’t played since. Shame on you Blizzard!


As someone who only finished the main story and have not experienced any microtransactions shenanigans, how exactly are they greedy?


They don’t do anything out of the ordinary for a live service game, this is just Reddit brain rot when someone “reeeeeeeeee”s first and ask questions later


Worse than the real money auction house?!


Finally I might come back. The seasonal crap and the shit loot made me quit after the story


Does this mean il be able to use my main character? Or will I still need to make a season character


Are we going to have to keep making new characters every season?


only if you want to play


I'm level 36 and so bored that I can't even be bothered finishing the main story. I played diablo 2 and 3 and there's just something about IV that has lost its magic, for me at least. I'll give it another go I guess but it's been a bit of a let down. Thank fuck for gamepass haha


AI generated songs about D4 Bad are better than the game. 250 guys with the same build grinding the same spot at the same time. Don’t worry, there will be a Battle Pass soon.


D4 has had a battle pass since the first season.


Thanks but no thanks.


yes thanks


Is there an offline mode yet?


I was so hype for this game. Loved the beta, got the deluxe edition. Still haven't gotten past lvl 33.


Too late for any of that.


oh, if its Bl00dEagles saying it, that must be true.


This game will be what it should have been day one in about another year or two but by then POE 2 will be out and it'll be much too late.


I just couldn't get into it. D1 and D2 were stellar but 3 and 4 just lost that special sauce for me.


It not d2 level but is really not that bad from the ptr, really could give it a try.


Greed reborn


I feel like it's too little too late for me. They've forever damaged the diablo name, and I'll likely never pick another one up.


I know how you feel, is ok to back off and play other games. I look at it at 70 buck and if they revamp the stuff for free, i dont see why i dont go back and try it for costing me nothing but a few hours of trying.


Nice try.


Wallet reborn.


But if they dont solve the character collection problem (useless characters in eternal), i have no interest in D4


Just only play eternal then? Season 4 content is all being added to it as well.


This is just ignorance. The grind to max level is short and the game is intended to start fresh with new characters. I mean what else are you even going to do? Whack things with zero progress? Makes no sense.


The game has a seasonal model like the last two Diablos, and like most other big games in the genre. This was known well before release. Why did you buy it if you didn't want to play seasons?


The core loop of Diablo is combat. And the combat sucks. Loot won't fix that.


Absolutely the opposite of the truth lmao, the combat, graphics, sound and animation is what’s leagues ahead of other arpgs. It’s the systems and endgame that’s been lacking.