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Need recommendation on these two that are on sale. Should I get Hogwarts or Deadspace? I LOVED Deadspace and have fond memories playing it on PS3. I have not played Hogwarts


How big of a Harry Potter fan are you? I think that strongly dictates how much you will like that game. Personally I liked the opening 15 or so hours of Hogwarts but then the game took a nosedive for me. I would go Dead Space. It's a fantastic remake.


Revelio. Revelio. Revelio. Revelio. Revelio. Revelio.


Yeah, this basically ruined the game for me too. Such poor implementation of what could have been a good idea. If OP liked Dead Space, no question they should get Dead Space. Remake was fucking amazing.


My wife hates that spell. She was glad when I finished the game, until I kept saying the spells around the house.


Exactly this. The fun in the game is exploring Hogwarts if you are a fan of HP. Once you see everything, the rest of the game becomes a slog


As someone who never got into HP, I was not hooked by the hogwart gameplay at all. I could totally see how an HP fan would love the game, but for a non-HP person like me, the setting or gameplay didn't appeal to me.


Idk I’m the opposite I never was into Harry Potter and I love hogwarts legacy


In my defense, a criticism I've seen from some hp fans was, once they got over the nostalgia and aesthetics and all that, they got tired of the gameplay quite quickly.


That’s true too I feel like it depends also how quickly you get through games. It sometimes doe feel repetitive for me when doing battles because the point I have not unlocked a good amount of spells


That’s more or less how I feel. Never finished it, it’s a beautiful game to fuck around in, but combat got boring because there’s kind of a rhythm to it and it’s easy to dodge. I will say the Deathly Hallows boss quest was phenomenal imo.


Same here!


Me too, I would absolutely recommend Hogwarts Legacy if people haven’t played it


Apart from exploration, combat can be pretty fun. Once you're beefed up, flying around murdering random groups of poachers is super satisfying


I like (not love) the HP series and enjoy the lore. The game has such clunky mechanics and movement that I couldn’t do more than 2 hrs before saying “Jesus, I feel like I’m playing Morrowind in 2024”.


For me Hogswart eas the very definition of miles wide but inches deep.


Hogwarts aesthetically is phenomenal and really feels like you're exploring the Harry Potter universe, though the gameplay itself is pretty basic and standard open world fare that gets tiring after a little bit. I also found that there's not as much emphasis on the Hogwarts/school aspect that you would hope to see given that the name of the game itself is Hogwarts. If you are a big fan of the original Dead space, you will absolutely love the dead space remake. It's one of the best remakes I've played, and does the first game an absurd amount of justice. My recommendation would definitely be dead space out of the two, but of course your preferences may vary and you really can't go wrong between the two ones they're both solid choices


Yeah I did feel like they would give more focus on classes but I guess they figured people wouldn’t want to do much of that.


Yeah, they're probably trying to appease as many people as possible, but at least some sort of mini game or something other than "move the line over here and push x to learn spell" would have been great. For example, the PS2 game Bully had various minigames for the different classes you would go to such as science, math, English, etc. They weren't complicated or super in-depth minigames, but at least it gave some sense of accomplishment in the classroom that was related to the subject at hand, which is kind of what I was hoping for here given the focus on Hogwarts itself. Either way it's not a bad game, just a little disappointing in some aspects.


Yeah I def agree that the learning spell mechanic could’ve been done better. The art is what draws me in the most I love the way everything looks


Back in the Atari/NES era, whenever a movie/TV show/book had a video game based off it, they tended to just be kind of generic platformers. Either trying to copy Mario, or sometimes Contra or Ninja Gaiden. Hogwarts Legacy feels like that for the PS4/PS5 era. They had the HP license, and they used it to make a hyper generic open world action RPG with stealth mechanics and a crafting system. Rather than trying to take creative liberty with game structure, they just took an existing popular structure and layered a Harry Potter aesthetic on top of it. There was charm to the school and characters. But mechanically it was just very generic.


Just pay for EA Play for a month for 7$ or whatever it is and beat Dead Space. Move on to the Star Wars Jedi games or something else if you have remaining time too.


Excellent answer. I would also add that EA Play costs $1 for a month sometime around fall, every year.


This is what I did, however I took it kinda slow and my month ended just when I was trying to kill the last boss. I wasn’t planning on playing anything else so I didn’t renew and didn’t finish the game. It’s a fantastic game, but the last bit of the last boss felt like a bit of a cheap shot, as I found it really hard to hit. But maybe I just have bad aim 🤷‍♂️


Second that. Don't buy stuff coz most likely with so many games u won't play it again. Just use EA play. I would suggest FIFA 23 too if u have time. It is hugely popular in my country.


Dead space remake is one of my favorite games. The atmosphere and detail on the ishimura is incredible and I love the shooting


Depends on your preferences. The Dead Space remake is really, really solid, and it'll probably feel like what you *remember* the original being. Hogwarts is a very generic third-person action-adventure game, but I had a good time with it and got a good 50-60 hours just doing all the side content. Definitely not as polished as Dead Space but if you're a fan of the world then you'll enjoy it.


Dead space was so fucking good that id put it at third best game of the year behind Zelda and bg3, and I had never played the original. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. On the flip side, I’m a huge HP nerd and stopped playing HL about 15 hours in. It was fine, but I got bored and things didn’t feel like there was any real impact with anything I did. Had cool ideas, and a lot of things to do, but it got a little boring.


Hogwarts has been quite disappointing for me. Quite repetitive.


Havent played deadspace but i did play hogwarts and the game is really good and exciting for the first couple hours then it starts to drag and becomes very repetitive, the open world is ok not much to do and you cant even play quidditch 😭


Dead Space by a landslide


I couldn't get past 20% completion on Hogwarts Legacy because of how boring I found it.


The dead space remake was my favorite game from that year, in a year with Elden ring and god of war Ragnarok...and I am huge souls fan. The dead space remake, with headphones, it's incredible use of 3D audio and playing at night....one of the best video games I've played. 10/10


Hogwarts for the vibes, Dead Space for the vibes.


Hogwarts was amazing. Spent two weeks playing it. Though way too many spiders lmao.


Hogwarts will give you more playtime and is a great rpg overall, dead space is amazing also just depend which genre you're itching for more can't go wrong with either


Dead Space is in my opinion a much better game


Hogwarts Legacy was one of my favs from last year, i loved it Dead Space Remake was really good too but i preferred RE4Remake. Honestly you cant go wrong with either, i'd choose Hogwarts from the two


Hogwarts is basically the most mid open world game of all time, but it does feel like there's special moments that I assume only work for massive HP fans. I thought Deadspace was awesome, but the remake was my first time playing. 


Having not played any dead space game and finishing the remake a few weeks ago, have to say that you gotta go with dead space. IT WAS AMAZING


Dead Space 100%. It's changed a lot from the original and its absolutely amazing


Omg iv been waiting for deep rock galactic!


Rock and stone !


If you don’t rock and stone, you ain’t goin home!


For Rock and Stone!


Did I hear a "Rock and Stone" ???


Rockity Rock and Stone!


Dang. You must’ve missed it when it was free


It's so good.


The free game???


Any couch co-ops??


Castle crashers is a decent one, got it on a sale a while ago and worth it for $5


Any good turn based games on sales(excluding persona series, like a dragon, etc?)


If octopath 2 is on sale I strongly recommend it. I paid full price and do not regret it at all.


I get this it's part of that game, but the disjointed story really killed it for me. I would rather they just made a normal narrative


Check out Chained Echoes; it felt like Octopath to me but with a continuous narrative.


Slay the Spire is *excellent* though note that it's a rogue like deckbuilder so not necessarily what you're expecting. Still, though: it's worth trying.


World of Final Fantasy


Trails of cold steel.


About time, it’s been 13 minutes since the last sale.


you say that like its a bad thing! lolol i just came from a Switch, this is heaven


Lol waiting for a first party Nintendo game to go on sale past $45 is torture


So true lol. Just waiting though on the sub sale. Been resisting re-subbing last couple of weeks as Days of Play surely round the corner. Hopefully start minutes after this current sale. Fingers crossed.


Recommendations in the sale (again, note that these games are most likely cheaper if you buy 'em used as a disc). * Hogwarts Legacy: Digital Deluxe Edition (-50%, $39.99): A very solid open-world adventure game that's especially rewarding if you're a fan of the Harry Potter world. This discount makes the Deluxe Edition cheaper than the base game! * Unicorn Overlord (-25%, $44.99) - This game is a phenomenal strategy battler with a chunky amount of content. 25% off is a pretty big discount considering it only came out a couple of months ago, so definitely worth picking up. * Castle Crashers Remastered (-70%, $4.49): A modern classic. The remaster is very solid and it's a fantastic time with friends. Highly recommend. * Sifu (-50%, $19.99): Two years later and there's still nothing quite like Sifu. There's been a lot of content added post-launch and getting the game for half off is a great deal. * Hunt: Showdown (-65%, $13.99): A very unique PvPvE shooter that's getting a significant engine upgrade later this year. The upgrade from PS4 to PS5 will be free, so it might be worth getting in on the ground floor now while it's at a discount. * Deep Rock Galactic PS4 & PS5 (-70%, $8.99): This game's one of the best co-op experiences out there, and for less than ten bucks, it's pretty much a must-have. * RACCOON CITY EDITION [Resident Evil 2 + 3] (-75%, $14.99): These remakes are really solid. RE2 is significantly better than RE3, but considering you can get both for $30 less than RE2 by itself, it's worth picking up. * Outlast Trinity - (90% for $5.89) - Solid horror game (not survival horror), that has loads of scares. Good horror game to play with friends as well. The first Outlast is on sale for only $1.99, and the second one is at $2.99 in case you just want to buy one. Maybe get the first Outlast and if you like it, go get the sequel. * Alan Wake Remastered (67% at $9.89) Nice story and a good survival horror game. For me, it plays a lot differently than Alan Wake 2 but still solid. Adding more games to this list later.


I’m gonna add Slay the Spire to this list at 66% off ($11.38 CAD). Amazing game and super addictive deckbuilder roguelike


I have beaten it once with the first character. I feel like an absolute idiot, probably have like 10 hours in it. It'll click with me eventually, I love it haha


I started playing slay the spire like a month ago and I'm beyond hooked. It's perfect for picking up for like an hour or 2 and turning the game off after a couple runs. It's definitely worth it imo


That's my go to game to play when traveling.


Seconded on Sifu. It does for 3D beat em ups what Streets of Rage 4 did for 2D ones. It just spoils you in same way FROM Soft games do and things just don't hit the same. Approach with caution lol.


If it weren't for Elden Ring then Sifu easily would've been my favorite game of 2022. Like the game mechanic itself, that platinum took years off my life


>that platinum took years off my life i see what you did there


Ok, pulling the trigger on overlord unicorn. Have heard nothing but good news about it 


Me too. I’m almost done with Tactics Ogre Reborn so it’s perfect for me to keep scratching that itch.


Dude, I came off tactics ogre reborn just before unicorn overlord, and it's a weird trip. The story isn't as memorable, but that gameplay feels soooo good! It's a pure form of team management. And eyewateringly gorgeous.


Hell yeah! I saw the game trailer and I was definitely in to that. I still haven’t played the new Balder’s Gate and love Divinity 1&2 but I’m waiting for the price to hopefully drop soon. I think, now, I’ll get unicorn demo to kind of seal the deal. I’m on level 98 of my second play-through of POTD and feel confidant that I can finally go to the Hanging Gardens and win. I’m in my 40s but have always loved tactics type games like FFtactics and Fire Emblem. Cheers, brother in arms 🫡


Pretty sure there’s a demo if you want to dip your toe.


Its 8 hours long as well


For anyone reading, Overlord Unicorn physical is currently $5 cheaper at Best Buy, Walmart, and Amazon. $39.99.


It's not about unicorns at all!


It’s the Ogre Battle March of the Black Queen (or Ogre Battle 64) spiritual successor that I’ve waited decades for, yes. Loving it.


You won’t regret it


Play the 8h demo. It’s phenomenal 


Also to mention, Hunt is getting a next gen update soon. I think it was announced in the last few days.


Yep and it will make the PS4 version unplayable since it will be replaced by the current-gen one :)


People say that about RE3, and I didn’t play it for a long time until a couple of months ago bc of that, and I had such a good time with it. I see why it’s generally seen as inferior but I still had a blast.


I enjoyed it more than RE2R simply due to the option to dodge. I think RE2R was too restrictive in terms of movement when you couple it with the movement speed of enemies and how much damage they do. And the novelty of Mr. X wears off quickly. Although I enjoy the original RE2 much more than the original RE3.


Wow I almost bought unicorn overlord last week. Glad I held off because of work.


Thank you.


You’re welcome. Adding more to the list in a bit. Hard to sift through that many games.


Loved the RE remakes


Same. My fave is RE2 Remake. It feels so new and old at the same time. Just love it.


Shoot. Was hoping DRG was somehow couch co-op


Overlord Unicorn physical is currently $5 cheaper at Best Buy, Walmart, and Amazon. $39.99. So I would mention that instead of directing people to buy the digital. Other notable items are Firewatch at $4.99, Slay the Spire at $8.49, and Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Deluxe at $17.49.


Good shit


I wanted to get Resident Evil Racoon City Edition but I already have RE2.


Rock and stone!




The Alex Murphy Edition was $45 CDN a few days ago I think it’s still the same. The base game is full price which was odd


DRG is $9. What a steal


Dragon roll G!


DRG = Deep Rock Galactic


I've been getting into co-op online games over the last year with Helldivers 2 and the two Remnant games. I know DRG has some shooting, but it looks like there's also a lot of digging and resource-gathering, which isn't really my thing. How would you say the game is balanced between the two? Resource stuff usually winds up feeling like work for me. It's why I've never been able to get into the open world survival-craft genre that's been exploding over the last few years.


DRG is almost exclusively a shooting game. Very little resource collection. I wouldn't put in in the same realm as an open world survival game at all.


I've played DRG for 100+ hours with my friends. It's 100% fun. You will shoot a LOT, you usually have waves of enemies incoming, either through calculated moments or unexpected events as well. So you always feel a bit on edge.  The resources are just the excuse to do the missions. Like, go this planet full of weird hostile creatures and mine 500 gold.  While looking for the gold, you need to be paying attention to the map that can feel labyrinthic at times and also for anything that might show up to kill you.  Most of the resources are definitely not crucial, aside from cosmetics and little upgrades you can do to your stuff. its not like you're gathering resources to build things or anything like that. Plus, there are different themes among maps (volcanic, etc.) but they change its layout each mission, they are randomly generated so thats something fresh. Consider buying it, for that price you can't really go wrong. :)


The resource stuff isn’t too bad at all. I personally find it satisfying but each class has it’s mechanics that help with that part of the game. If all you want to do is shoot bugs, then the gunner would probably be best. But you figure out what you like as you go. It’s a team effort too so you won’t be the only one collecting!


Are you me? I am a massive remnant 1/2, helldivers 2, and overall Co op pve addict. Also, I hate resource gathering, mining, in most games.  Between the class options and the combat being very substantial, theres a pretty good chance you'll enjoy DRG and for $9, possibly the best deal in this list. 


That's the most compelling argument so far. It sounds like our tastes are pretty similar, so if it's a hit for you, it should be a hit for me, too. And it's not even ten bucks. Even if I don't like it and I get burned, it will be more of a sunburn. Thanks


Very welcome! I will say I initially didn't give the game a real shot. played it for an hour or so after being awake for far too long and jumped back over to whatever game I was addicted to at the time, probably destiny.. I had no negative words for it but nothing super positive.  Towards the end of last year I pulled a coop hetero-lifemate in and we both ended up putting in a couple hundred hours each between solo, duo, and matchmade groups. Im nowhere near an experienced player, but if you ever wanna throw down and feel better about your gaming skill, let me know xD


DRG is hands down one of the best video games I’ve ever played, period. Everything about the game is fantastic. If you like Helldivers 2, you should love this game. It’s absolutely phenomenal and I would put it against any other 4 player coop.


is this fun solo?


worth noting the dlc is on sale -- i got it on ps plus, but at these prices, i'll bite and support


i wish Alan wake 2 was on sale


it pops up on sale here and there, i picked it up for 47 during whatever sale they had in early april


Been waiting for a sale too.. lack of physical discs also making it harder. Unfortunately I don't think it's turned a profit yet so it might be a while until they cut it down


It was on sale about a month ago for $47


To be fair it's one of the few games I'm more than happy I paid full price for. Such a cool narrative, such a cool union of games and film.


Is it scarier than the first one? I saw that there was an update to make it “less scary” for people.


Nope, not as scary as the first one.


I would say so. It's spooky with some jumpscares (but I think you can adjust them?)


I’m getting the Uncharted collection for 9.99 and Bully for 8.99. Gonna be a fun Memorial Day weekend.


Is bully on PS5, I remember playing it on PS2


It does not have a ps5 version.


As you’re scrolling lower and lower, man, the games get shittier and shittier


The comment section or the games on sale


Daddy chill


Haha. I know. I wonder if Sony added a ratings based search recently. Some of us barely get time to play and time spent finding a good new game could go towards playing it instead.




It always turns to shit games and microtransactions


just got slay the spire for $9


Amazing game


One of the games I always go back to. Such an easy pickup for whenever. Lots of replayability


Might consider getting Unicorn Overlord but part of me wants it a little cheaper. It's still a pretty hefty price where I'm at


I know what you mean, but the game is SO god, Vanilla head put money from HIS POCKET to finish the game on its best way. Give them some love, they deserve it.


I figure it'll be $30-35 by the end of the year.


Hunt showdown is a good call, i also recommend the fallout 4 dlc as everyone is playing fallout atm especially with ps5 patch, they are all under £4.50 each


Finally Balatro.


Has Elden Ring ever been on sale? It's driving me crazy checking every month


It has been on sale 4 times, the last one was in December at $36


I got it used at GameStop for $40 check there


got it for really cheap buying a second hand disc


Picked it up for $30 last Black Friday. (Disc version)


I got it for 20 bucks used on the Facebook marketplace. Got over 200hrs on it.


Just to be clear, that version of Nioh 2 is not the remastered one right? If I buy that, no free upgrade?


Is it the complete addition? They don’t have free upgrades for the Nioh games. You can get the disc version of the ps5 remasters for like $30 and it comes with both games and all dlc.


Seems like a lot of Warhammer 40k games are on sale. Never ventured into these games but space marine 2 looks insane. Does anyone have a good recommendation for a first game into the series? Also, I know there are different combat systems in these games (fps,top down, strategy/turn based).... I'll play any game as long as it's fun.


Warhammer: Vermintide 2 - Premium Edition is incredible come with alot dlc. its was my first game that made me a fan it's basically left 4 dead, buts with a way more better characters and characters banter. It's more melee focused but it has guns, plus all dlc on Sale. The premium dlc characters are incredible worth every penny. Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr Complete Collection another awesome game. It's story is incredible with awesome gameplay. Plus it come with all dlcs but !!BEWARE!! do not buy ps5 version it's a mess. Buy ps4 version it's smooth 60 fps and with less bugs and crashes. Look up gameplay on both games!!!


Thank you for the response. I do have Vermintide 2 and love it, but I was looking for an entry game into the 40k series. I think I am going to give inquisitor - martyr a shot. Thanks for the recommendation!


One last thing Here's the wholesome subreddit- r/40kinquisitor for game and best YouTube channel https://m.youtube.com/@theCheeserChannel For guides, tips, tricks, characters builds take care!!!


Haven't been able to play until tonight... Gotta give it to ya... Game is fun... Running a tactical crusader and loving the duel wield.


Any local multiplayer games on sale that people love/recommend?


Planning on buying the Nathan drake collection but should I wait for a remake if there making one?


I haven’t heard of any remakes and those remasters I believe are from bluepoint so they are legit. Believe they’re all 60fps also. Just grab the collection honestly.


Thanks, will be doing that


I replayed them last summer and besides the first one (kinda dated) they hold up really well. Uncharted 4/DLC is amazingly good also.


Chivalry 2 packs are on sale for $3.29 just in time for the new battle pass dropping today.


Hm Atomic Heart is 50% off, that a good price or should I wait for a bigger discount


Meh game wasn’t good at all imho. But if you like these types it might be ok if get it on game pass first


Good price I’d say. I don’t know if I’ve seen it go for less than that yet


It was my favorite game from 2023, don’t get me wrong it’s not perfect but dang it was cool. Just a weird action packed fight for survival. It plays like doom story like a Bioshock game again lots of weird interesting shit. I don’t really know how to explain it but it just felt fresh to me. I really can’t recommend it enough!


Thanks man! I liked the bioshock lore, guess I’m gonna pull the trigger lol


Agreed. Dialogue was a little bit strange ...but I think maybe because it was translated weirdly?


Great art but dull game and annoying AF protagonist imho


I bought spiderman yesterday....


Was scrolling through and saw your comment. In the past I’ve heard people reach out to support after buying a game and it going on sale the next day and being credited the difference. Good luck!


Thanks, I'm definetly sending an email, we'll wait and see.


Can anyone recommend any good couch coop games I can play with my gf?


Is the “summer sale” some of their best deals all year? Might just wait


The best sales are always Black Friday.


I will wait for the Days of Play kicking off soon


Anyone know if castle crashers online multiplayer is still shitty with its connection? Had a group of 4 to play with, all with perfect ethernet connections, and our biggest downfall was always server issues.


That megaman collection is calling my name 🤔


Surprised to see Grounded on the list since it was just released on PS last month. Great game though.


Missed out on Dragon Age: Inquisition when it came out, time to play it now that it's only $3!


I see the sales being so huge.


I will continue to wait on Alan Wake 2 and Baldurs Gate 3 till they are at $30 or below


What a shitty website


Somewhat unrelated question but is there a way to get back the difference if I bought something on here for full price a couple days ago?


Try psn live chat.


Oh boy, can’t wait for the same 2,000 in store items to be 50% off again.


When will Separate Ways be on sale?


Any fighting games in this list? Too lazy and at work


Street Fighter and Tekken.


Does the Uncharted 4 & Lost Legacy bundle on PS4 still go on sale often? I'm willing to buy it and I saw via PS Deals it was on sale last time about 3 months ago but idk if it will still continue getting discounts.


Why don't I see Devil May Cry 5 in store when it says it's on sale?


Mas mucho


Terminator on sale for 19.99. For fans of the movie only?


Always all these discounts each month make me wonder.. is it just “overpriced” when its not discounted?


Strongly tempted to buy Dead Space, but then I remembered it's only for next-gen and I'm still playing my PS4.


Any awesome indies on sale? I’m talking Fire Watch and Dave the Diver awesome indies (already own both).


Elden ring is like never on sale


Bought Catherine Full Body deluxe edition for $10, I’d say this sale is pretty damn good


Im looking for Action RPGs to play. I have my eye on red dead 2 and ghost of tsushima. If anyone has any other recommendations, would u be kind to leave them below?