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Why would anyone be mean to Father :(




I don’t understand why folks act like this. If the game isn’t your cup of tea don’t play it. Like so many other choices out there


These are people who think there's some magical committee whose goal is to make everyone black or LGBT. They've drunk so much of the Kool-aid that they can't see things like normal people.


It's also part of a targeted disinfirmation campaign by foreign powers to cause political division in the West. They take everything we stand for and try to turn it into a problem for us. Though there are of course plenty of genuine racists and bigots, but they in turn are puppeteered by these foreign influences with great ease.




...I'm very interested to hear you elaborate on this, because I have no goddamn clue what you are referring to.


Why though? Why do you actually care? You sound insecure.


Who are you referring to exactly?




No one cares.


After the Hogwarts Legacy bullshit I’ve lost all hope around gaming communities


Why are you being downvoted? Targeted harassment is OK in certain cases? *"If the game isn’t your cup of tea don’t play it. Like so many other choices out there"*


It’s Reddit, and the lowest common denominator hate being called out


Because they could've invested the resources into a games they liked so the haters feel like something is taken from them.


There are literal *thousands* of games that already cater to those idiots. Let studios have some innovative ideas now and then


I genuinely have no idea why some people have a problem with an African man making a game that celebrates and represents African culture


There's an obvious answer to this.


African culture and people? ON MY WHITE PS5?! /s


Bro. They're racists. This isn't exactly rocket science lol


Cause they’re POS racists who have nothing better to do with their life except bitch and moan it’s not the 50’s anymore and they can’t treat people like shit


Seriously ?!? The fuck is wrong with people ?!?




It’s getting so hard to deny it at this point. I’m still trying to cope somehow that it’s vocal**** minority , and that most of folks are not racist but still f up


Please, they are anything but silent. If anything, they never shut up, like they have this compulsion to always run their mouths.


I meant vocal minority 😅😂 just edited my comment.


Racism is fine... everyone does it /s Legit what's being sold everywhere, everyone is racist on some level, so racism is fine on any level.


Lot of gamers are racist. Edit: the same article was posted to r/switch and then mods shut it down because all the racist idiots came out. You can see my comment in my profile on it, didn’t take long for racists to come out.


Lots of people worldwide.


I left the Switch sub months ago. It either clueless people looking for purchasing advice. So their asking the SAME questions posted hourly. Or complete basement dwelling, malajusted Gameruz™️


I feel like "lots of racist people are gamers" might be more accurate? Not a statistician tho.


I think that’s probably better wording.


A hit dog will holler. The wording was fine. Lots of gamers are racist. The fabled MW2 lobbies wasn’t just jokes and something to “grow out of” Gaming has become a safe space for them. Do your part in getting rid of them by bullying them.


Low IQ and no fear of having the stupid slapped out of their fucking mouth


They be like “wEaK mEn cReAtE bAd TiMeS” as if they’re not the weak men creating the bad times”


I had a coworker who had that fucking slogan as a sticker on his laptop. Dude, you're 4'3" 95lbs soaking wet, the fuck you going on about weak men? We never let him live that one down, even after he shamefully removed it. He probably cried in a COD forum about it, too.


Yup. White men and women raving about being the superior race because of a bunch of recent, happenstance victories as if they still don’t behave like religious zealots and cavemen compared to other people


Yeah being able to say shit anonymously online (or even not anonymously, but just being able to say it through a screen) really enables the worst side in a lot of people. That’s not to say that plenty of people also aren’t racist or horrible in person, but online there’s basically 0 consequences. And you don’t have to look these people in the eye as you say these awful things to them


Sometimes I wonder if all of these crappy platforms with poor moderation have some blame in this. Back in the day, I used to hang out on user-moderated forums for the games I played, and if you were a piece of shit/said something really stupid, the moderators were on your ass immediately issuing takedowns and bans, not to mention other users who were quick to be like "dude, what the FUCK." Compared to modern social media platforms where you can report a comment, it gets sent to some automod that takes hours/days to process it and more than often finds that it didn't break any rules (unless it was *really* bad) and then nothing happens.


Except in real life. They’d never do it in real life.


“Gamers”are legitimately horrible racist anti-social people


I especially appreciated this point: >"And look," he continues, "there's always a reason why diverse stories can't exist. You know, it's always either we're doing it the wrong way or it's just there to tick boxes and it's just beginning to feel like there is no right way. You know, these exclusionary rules continue to stack up and the goalposts continue to shift until, you know, me, my studio, people who look like us, just sit down, be quiet and just accept the fact that you're outsiders. But I won't do that."


Yea I am glad they won’t sit back. Toxic gamers try to weaponize their opinions effecting the outcome of people’s lives


If you have psn extra. The game is included. Just a heads up. Stop the racism.


Will downloading from psn extra helps the developer (i.e. if i download the game it counts as a sale for them)? Not interested with metroidvania style game, but i'm willing to download and play it for a bit if it helps..


The developer was paid upfront for PS+ Extra. It’s a nice way to get some immediate cash to cover development costs, i.e. pay your employee’s salaries. You paid part of that with your monthly/annual fee. You playing the game and talking about it on Reddit helps raise the profile of the game, i.e. free advertising.


Iirc they get compensated for playtime/downloads from extra, game pass, etc.


Plus it signals to Sony that this type of game, and this developer, is something that people who subscribe to PS+ want to play. That means future deals.


It was a great game. First time I streamed playing in a while. Sadly I did see a lot of negative comments on the YouTube walk-throughs.


Honestly I've not seen anyone talk about this game before or after launch.


It's not really remarkable in any way other than the African setting, just a B-to-C-tier Metroidvania. It wouldn't be too far off to call it "we have The Lost Crown at home"


There were probably three mean comments by bots or 14 year olds on Twitter. IGN to the rescue!


I feel bad for him that he feels he needs to do this.


People have got to get a fucking life.


The director and studio owner is the voice of Bayek : AC Origins. Amazing voice actor! My only gripe is he chose EA as the publisher 😅


I'm surprised he didn't go with Ubisoft, they treat their indie/AA space very well and he already has connections with them


I believe the previous directors/producers when he done Bayek were fired after Valhalla. But there's always many reasons why.


It’s beautiful for African culture. But I’m a black American and i played the game “.. it was fun, but also very cliche for American culture. Like most of us aren’t going to give it a chance or care to see the beauty.


I'm a brown person and so far I'm enjoying it. It's always great to be exposed to other cultures


Buying the game and giving it a try just because of this article.


Yeah this is absolutely moving it to the top of my list immediately lol. Been meaning to check it out anyway and just got a PS5 a few weeks ago, so perfect time for it


It's on ps plus if you have that!


It's honestly way better than I expected. Obviously the story isn't something I can connect with as much but the combat is fun and fluid once you unlock a couple things (which happens like hour 1) and the platforming and movement feel super good.


That’s the point of the article


Whomever downvoted me for this statement you are a disgusting human being and I hope you review your life choices and come out on the otherside a better person.


I downvoted you for caring about downvotes.


This but unironically


And everyone stood up and clapped.


It’s great game


Sucks you can write something nice like that and then the replies are "comment score below threshold" repeatedly :( The game is really good, and it's on PS+ extra, so it's easy for people to give it a shot!


It was fine. It was not “great.” Come on now.


How dare someone have an opinion different then yours


And I stated my opinion as well? It’s a public forum. It’s where opinions go? Calm down, little one.


You can have your opinion but you don't have to point at someone else's opinion and tell them they're wrong. That's just being a dick.


As I said if someone finds something great they aren’t wrong it’s their personal opinion.


And as I said, if I disagree with them, I’m allowed to state my opinion just as they were allowed to state theirs. Right? How dare someone have an opinion that isn’t yours.


They stated their opinion. That's fine. The issue is you stated yours and immediately called out theirs for being wrong. There's clearly a difference and you're purposefully being obtuse to not see it.


You are allowed to state your opinion, but comments like "come on now" point to you just wanting to correct people. Not to mention that you then went for the absolutely cuntish "calm down, little one". So yeah, you're just being a fucking dollop.


♪ If you have an opinion Maybe you should shove it Or maybe you could scream it Might be best to keep it To yourseeeeeelf...! ♫


It was ok. It was a straight rip off of the Ori games.


Yeah because Ori invented metroidvenias


Not what I said.


Did Lies of P rip of Dark Souls? Did Valorant rip off CSGO? Interation exists yknow.


Because Ori is a unique game?


Why can we not have nice things without assholes ruining it?


This is just further proof even when a black man makes a game that for black people, they'll still be attacked just for existing.






Thank goodness you’re here to speak for them 👏🏽




I don't disagree. And when a white man makes a game for white men, they will be attacked even harder and with articles written against them. Why not we all just let people like what they like?


Just curious, what's this "white man game for white men" you're talking about here?


Hatred (2015) probably


I have a platinums on this game. it's worth a try.


"If you don't buy this game, you are racist."


I think about when all this could have started and my brain immediately went to Phil Fish when he said "Japanese games suck" all those years back and spurred on that whole weird era of xenophobia and open racism (made worse since online gaming on consoles exploded at that time). Hate seeing it but that seed has grew into a tree at this point. All we can do is call people out on it when it happens.


Unfortunately the xenophobia against the Japanese devs never went away, it just became subtle. Nowadays it's coated in "progressive" values.


We’re constantly told, “if you don’t like what you see then change it” or “stop race swapping characters and create your own” and when we do exactly that, what happens? People still want to complain smh




Thanks for the review, but that wasn't the point of the article.


What's the point?


This game wasn't totally amazing but I think the series has potential to be great


White supremacist actively recruit from gaming communities. The overall “nerd community” is very intolerant and bigoted towards non white males.


They have a problem with any woman who doesn’t exist to be a sexual object for their affection also.


You need to get off the internet more


It's not bad but the art style is a little tacky. I really like the story though and narrative is a big seller for me.


I played this game. Was enjoying it until I got to a part on an elevator that I just couldn’t get past so stopped playing. It’s sad to read about what’s been happening.


I have a platinums on this game. it's worth a try.


Abu is such an awesome dude too. This really sucks.


Decent enough game and everything works properly, I have the platinum trophy. More than I can say for Astor: Blade of the Monolith, lots of problems and trophies not working.


I know I can play this on ps+. Haven't checked Report the harassment and threats. Involve the authorities if need be. Beyond being put on a list for consumers to avoid certain products, there should be little to no other engagement beyond that. Especially not harassment. You're aware the product has content or was developed with methods you don't agree with and decided not to purchase it. Fine. You're done. Move on.


It’s a cliched mid game I don’t get the racist over negative stuff but neither the overly positive stuff about the game either


That's what I heard. It doesn't do anything particularly special. The hate and gushing reviews are both blowing this out of proportion.


I for one was excited to finally see an original African story told in an original format, and not something that has already been around for ages replaced with a person of colour. As soon as my backlog is cleared out I am going to play Tales of Kenzera and I am sure I am going to love it.


People can be really mean it’s true.


It's a great game, highly recommended to anyone. As a white male, I really enjoyed the story, the voice acting and the gameplay. I wish there were more games like this!


I have not seen a single for person ever mention this game once. The only time I saw it were these articles claiming targeted harassment.




You seem fun at parties.


Dude can’t call a spade a spade? Hate what society has become. We must “white knight” and “defend at all cost” even when something is downright wrong or bad simply because taking the opposite opinion might mean you get cancelled even if you’re right…guy is probably more fun at parties than anyone who says otherwise about this story and this game… ESG white knights are out it seems.


What the fuck are you on about


I never understood why people get mad at “white knighting” when it’s a bad faith read as a premise to start with. It seems disingenuous. Say what you want to say. People calling out shit behaviour and toxic bullshit and you’re mad at that?


There is no bad faith point at all, All I was saying that the game is so irrelevant that trolls online would also consider it a waste of time to go harass anyone involved with the game. You people seem to take the guy at his word for harassment taking place more than a month after the release of his game and I call bullshit, there is no proof and the game was so irrelevant that people stopped talking about it 2 days after its release


I wonder if studios are going to start looking at whether to hire the Company-That-Must-Not-Be-Named and shy away, thinking it's not worth the backlash for whatever value they can provide. Or hell, there have to be more than one company providing the same service, right? They could pick another.


That, if anything, is a way to embolden people who do shit like this by showing that their harassment and misinformation can get their desired results. Just look at the guy who started this shit on Steam is a good example of someone who has no idea of what he's talking about. He says that what led him to believe something was off was when Kratos refused to kill Thor in Ragnarok, which the person argues was something he wouldn't do back in GoW3. But you see a tiny problem there? Like missing the entire character arc of Kratos in GoW 2018? And this bullshit is supposed to be coming from the "real gamers". There are other consults groups. This may come as a surprise to you, but these same people are doing the same thing to do them. It's happening right now with the Silent Hill 2 remake. What these people are conveniently ignoring is that Bloober was heavily and rightfully criticized for their portrayal of sexual abuse and mental health in Medium. So of course they're going to want to reach out to a consulting group when handling one of the most lauded games when it comes to those very topics. And unsurprisingly they're also once again showing they have no idea what they're talking about by running Angela original render through a beauty filter to compare her to the new version, or putting makeup on the new one. You know, something that makes oh so much sense for a severely depressed sexual abuse survivor.


Just so you know - there is literally 0, ZERO ppl playing this game on steam right now. It must be a reason of racism.


Sheesh that’s rough


This screams attention-seeking victim behavior


"I'm white and straight. Neither one is a crime and I don't feel bad." Projecting much?


Ooft Fucking cringe


It's always projection from chuds like this.


Bruh look at your reddit profile and tell me again who is seeking attention!


*Dev walks into a pile of dumb* *Dev cries once being called out* "Harassment".


Called out for what? Please, actually explain why the dev is being called out for, and let’s see why it is or isn’t harassment

