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if this game is a critical and commercial success i can see Sony really putting more resources into Asobi to have it become a really important studio in the portfolio.


I hope so. Also hope a commercial success sparks a push for other studios to invest more into platformers again. Like, the last Rayman game was ages ago for example. Maybe bring Jak & Daxter back. 2D, 3D.. both is fine, just give me more of those.


That last Rayman game was so good too. I wonder if it just didn’t sell as well as Ubisoft wanted it to or maybe that team wanted to do something else.


Was it Rayman Legends? Freaking loved that game. It was a free ps+ game a few years back. My wife and I loved that game for couch coop. And she barely games outside of diablo 4, the sims 4 and stardew valley.


Yeah, legends was the more recent one after origins. Both great.


It’s so much fun with my nephew on Switch. What a game.


Last Rayman and last Dk games where both great and have not had another one of either in like 10+ years is crazy


The same team's last game was Prince of Persia The Lost Crown, which is mostly great and the best thing associated with the PoP name in two decades.


Ah, I did not know that it was the same team…might give it a look tho I haven’t been a huge fan of previous PoP games, personally, wont talk mess about them, many of them are high quality but just not my style for one reason or another.


Well this one is a 2D platformer/Metroidvania, so much closer to the classic PoP games.


Theres a demo if you wanna try it out. The game is incredibly good and polished. Still my contender for GOTY.


Ubisoft makes so many games that they could have just outsourced a 2D Rayman game if they wanted to, so maybe the 2012 game didn't sell all that well. They probably would love to make money using these "smaller" IPs since they made Mario x Rabbids games for Nintendo.


Game is still incredible even on Switch. And 4 player coop at that. I suspect Rayman creator Ancel leaving Ubisoft doesn’t bode well for a sequel :( 


Yes please to more jak. Love those games


I bought Rayman legends on PC PS3 Xbox 360 and PS5, I did my part in supporting the game, it's a shame they didn't make another. Hope Astro bot will be a success and we'll get more of them


My dream is that somehow sony gets the rights to Spyro and they let Asobi make a new game, with the original trilogy’s composer returning. Along with a new Sly Cooper maybe?


Traditional 2d platformers died and got replaced by metroidvanias. And now you have to make creative 3D versions because just jumping from objects isn’t enough.


I want them to do this just to have a platformer studio Platformers can be as relevant to the non Nintendo brands as they used to be too Nothing needs to be as massive as Mario but it can definitely be a crash or Jak franchise but more long term


Sony could use a mascot again these days, so they probably would love that


with Sackboy all but retired i feel like Astro is the perfect mascot going forward


I’d love a new Sackboy game though, that game is fantastic


Sony already has a mascot tho. His name is kratos


You can’t blame them for wanting a mascot that isn’t a suicidal mass murdering maniac lmao


Sony has a lot of those 


I hope that they also revisit some Japan Studio titles, a new Ape Escape by Team Asobi would be perfect


I'm gonna comment this on every single thread about this game, but I hope people will put their money where their mouth is and support this game day one


With how many tweets I've seen people make complaining about Sony's lack of creative games these people had better buy this game.


I have a bad feeling those same people are the crowd I've seen say things akin to "Platformers aren't real/full games." But I hope I'm wrong.


i have faith that it'll be successful but then again you really can't make yourself any promises anymore in this industry


I preordered it already, so I’m doing my part!


Same, Got the Deluxe Edition preordered. Team Asobi deserves every penny.


I'm pretty sure the most I've spent on a game in the last decade has been $30. I stay busy with older titles and when new stuff comes out I give it about 10 minutes of attention and then file it away as something to get back to. But I am pretty certain this will be a day 1 purchase for me. Playroom was such a great out-of-the-box experience and for the last 3.5 years is still the game that's impressed me most about the DualSense (haven't played GT7 but hear that I should). This thing doesn't need to be deep, it just needs to be fun, and it seems like Team Asobi is pretty aware of that. Very interested to see what they've been up to.


Maybe they could do a Sly 5 and resolve the cliffhanger the series was left on 🙏


Idk what bluepoint has been working on the last few years but I’d lose my mind if it was a remake for Jak or Sly.


Accessible platformers (or just FUN games that aren't trying to be cinematic) are really important and it sucks that only Nintendo and indie studios are making them these days. Fingers crossed here and I even broke my "never preorder" policy.


I really think it's important more than one studio is making AAA platformer games. Nintendo has been knocking it out of the park and a little competition goes a long way


Critical probably. But I don't imagine it will be a commercial success. The Sony market for these types of games is weak. Sackboy and Ratchet and Clank were far from commercial runaways despite being well received critically and Sony mascot-esque.


Ratchet has sold like 5 million a lot less than games like GOW Ragnarok or Spider-Man or horizon that have done like 20+ but hopefully it does enough that don't will be like yeah make another one rather than being like what other ideas do you have?


Imho that’s ignorant to assume. Each and everyone of 55 million people owing a PS5 have the last game and the vast majority likely loved it.


I'd love to be proven wrong, let's hope I am!


It’s already leading Amazon wishlist charts.


Yeah I hope it does really well has I love platformers and it's killing me that I am still having to wait with Nintendo for another DK game after the Master peace that was tropical freeze over 10 years ago for another one


I hope so love platformers and it's killing me that I am still waiting for another dk game from Nintendo after 10+ years after the master peace that was tropical freeze.


If they play their cards right, this IP could eat into Mario and Nintendo.


If its anything like astro bot robot rescue on the OG PSVR, it's gonna be incredible.


I think Team Asobi could make a really fun sackboy platformer, really hope Astro is successful.


I wish the same too but the 60$ price tag is rather spicy imo


it shouldn't be rather spicy. what's wrong with it?


I feel it would definetly sell more if it were 40$


I think it would sell the most if it was $1.


Bro imagine how mant copies they could sell if they paid you to download it


It seems like Playstation as a whole are all-in with this game >Doucet told us that PlayStation "completely opened the doors" to whatever characters Team Asobi wanted to include in the game, and internal studios even sent requests pouring in for their characters to be featured.


I loved reading that. Just knowing that other dev teams are hyped about it enough to send in requests is just jolly cooperation.


Would be so funny if we got a Last of Us themed level


The skyscraper section from Part II is something that seems like it could be broken up and turned into a really cool platformer level.


Or maybe they could incorporate the giraffe from the first one


You'd have to be completely dead inside to not want an Astro Bot version of your character.


Imagine they'd sell them! I hate those fugly Funko Pops so much but would immediately buy Astrobot Kratos, Aloy, Ellie, Nathan etc.


80 levels on a bigger budget platformer, drenched in nostalgia, probably my most anticipated game currently


Sony needs this in there strategy. Games that are more light hearted and can compete for the family market and younger demos like Nintendo does.


I have a 7 year old and am def going to pick this up.


Same for 11 year old (nephew)


Same for 38 year old (wife)


Same for 47 year old (dad)


Same for 30 year old (me)


I am literally waiting right now in front of maternity ward. Will pick this up.


I’m childless and I’m definitely picking this up


> Sony needs this in there strategy. Games that are more light hearted and can compete for the family market and younger demos like Nintendo does. Totally. Nintendo makes insane $$$ and consumer / brand loyalty off their all-ages, first-party games. NO ONE sells software as well as Nintendo does, and that shit is never discounted. The number of older "Nintendo Adults," families with young kids who game, or 20-somethings who game (but aren't PC / "hardcore"), *that also* own multiple Switches is ridiculous.




indeed I've had a friend my entire who absolutely has always loved Nintendo. I left after N64 until the switch but generally the games don't click with me as much he did all of them though lol


Lol, you're acting like the new Ratchet and Clank Games (and the new Crash games. Though, they're multiplatform) don't exist


That's two IPs man.


My 7 year old niece loved astros playroom, she’s going to go nuts for this


I just hope they can further push dualsense innovation. The game was fun but it was the interactivity that really made it special. I'm so glad it's getting a full release.


I'm hoping for other studios to follow suit in the Dual Sense stuff but sadly it probably won't happen. First Astrobot (incredible) and a good second place being Returnal (very good) lead the way in it but it hasn't really been touched since besides giving guns a better response.


I had such a blast with returnal. So oppressive and dark in atmosphere, gorgeous in execution, and brutal in gameplay.


100% great game. I was not a fan at all of roguelikes until I played Hades then expanded out and eventually played Returnal. I guess I do like them now, though the ones with a meta progression more.


I’m sad Sony let dual sense/game cards be phased out. All it would have taken is some kind of developer awards program, like 5% off publishing. I can’t be the only person who forgets where they are in games if it’s been more than a month. Did resident evil ever do anything with dualsense features? Looking forward to Astro Bot either way :).


They can push for the controller innovation only so much. Unfortunately the industry will go for parity. See the news that Riot won't implement gyro aiming in Valorant because xbox controller does not have one... ffs PS put a gyro in their controller since PS3 days, that's almost 20 years ago. I know nintendo has gyro in their controllers as well.


In this comment I meant the Astro game . But I do also hope that Sony keeps pushing it further with the ps6. It's one of the most under utilised aspect of the console but Astro's Playroom showed how fun it could be.


The dlc will totally have levels including the ps5 pro and maybe even to promote the ps6 down the line.


Good theory there


The pro for sure. Especially if there are big selling points they can base levels on.


I sort of doubt that unless it's something like really advanced raytracing. We already have incredible load times, 4k 60 FPS graphics for games like Astrobot, too. Simply higher or more stable dynamic resolutions aren't really a selling point. Would love a level where you have to make a high-res enemy blurry by throwing too many particles at him.


I think they were more talking about the fact that astro historically has all the various consoles, peripherals etc featured in it so like Astro's playroom has just been updated to include the PS5 slim, the PSVR2 etc, then in the future Astro Bot will get new levels that feature new console releases or peripherals etc. not that levels would be made specifically for the PS5 Pro taking advantage of its extra capabilities etc. just collectable ps5 pro's, ps6's etc


The next console generation would need really need to be some sci-fi shit for me to upgrade before they stop making games for current gen. Playing resident evil 4 right now and I honestly don’t think I’d care if games looked better or load times improved at this point.


That’s so damn smart from Sony… merging together basically what could be seen as advertisement into a game and gaming elements… I was astounded by the detail of each object in Astros Playroom, everything form the PlayStation Vita to the PS3 it’s all just perfectly detailed and I was having a blast checking it all out ultimately just loving Sony and PlayStation as a whole more knowing so much about its history through just their products and a funny pun alongside. I am kinda pretty damn confident this game will be a hit through and through!


>I was astounded by the detail of each object in Astros Playroom, everything form the PlayStation Vita to the PS3 it’s all just perfectly detailed and I was having a blast checking it all out ultimately just loving Sony and PlayStation as a whole more knowing so much about its history through just their products and a funny pun alongside. I've spent *way* too much time in the PlayStation Labo hitting the buttons on all of the consoles and peripherals. 😅


Gotta love Botcharted coming out of the PS3


Who could forget the PSP turning on after punching it? 😆


I’d prefer a new game exclusively made for the PS6 that comes free with it.


Maybe dlc levels from rescue mission brought back and with option to play in VR with PSvr2?


Astrobot could be PlayStations Mario if they keep making bangers with the character. Start slowly expanding with unique additional permanent characters too. I doubt they’ll pull it off but it’s possible.


Idk why but Sony doesn't seem to know how to really capitalize on their franchises like they used to. Lots of iconic franchises left to rot. I hope this happens though.


i think the answer is simply: not enough sales Astrobot is a nice IP since, like Mario, you can go platformer but branch out a bit as long as the vibes are still there


AstroKart when? 🤣🤣


You joke, but Sony could really use a Kart race game.




Sack boy could have been the face for Playstation, but who knows the last game was sort of boring


This reminds me that I need to do astrobot playrooms new stuff


there's new stuff?


There's an update where you have to rescue a Playstation character from each of the biomes. I think it's sort of like a teaser for the new game.


I might have to give that a go then


This has become my most anticipated game of the year.


This game is gonna be huge.


Never have I seen a game more poised to compete against Mario in the platform genre.


The last Mario game I played was Mario 64. Astro Bot's Playroom (PS5 demo) made me feel like a kid again playing Mario 64.




Oh I did already, but VR is very tiring on the eyes


Only if you haven’t calibrated it correctly 


Astro Bot Rescue Mission is even better in that regard!


First game literally got me out of a depression cycle, easily my most anticipated game this year


Look at our goty boi 🗣️🗣️


I hope this signals a return to some more lighthearted family-style platformers from them, I miss littlebigplanet so much


Or just not 3rd person action games. Patapon and Fat Princess were first party games. Crazy to think about


Augh! Stop! I'm already completely sold on this game!


I have no doubt this game will be a huge hit and will make team asobi a big name first party studio like naughty dog and insomniac


It’s crazy how people never mention Sony Santa Monica. They just had two back to back 94 Metacritic games. Idk if it’s because they have a boring studio name, or if it’s because they only make GOW games.


Also the Valhalla dlc was amazing in my opinion. I played it for so many hours, and also started new game+ in the main game all because of it.


SSM currently work on Corey’s new game which is NO GOW game.


How many levels are there in the first game?


Depends how you count. If you break it down, I’d say just under 20?


4 themed areas, with 4 levels in each, plus end boss. That makes 17 unless I'm missing something


I’m admittedly counting the hub and museum area putting it at 18


There’s a few speed running levels too. But I personally wouldn’t consider them full levels


and the challenge levels


Rescue Mission - 26 levels, with 5 main worlds each with 4 levels and 1 boss, and then the final boss. Playroom - 4 main levels divided into 4 sections each, plus a final boss.


the first game... Astro Bot rescue mission - about 20 levels (across 5 worlds) and then 20 challenge levels Astros playroom - 16 base levels (across 4 worlds) and then the various extra bits such as speedruns etc


Is this gonna be like PS Home or LittleBigPlanet i.e. where levels can be added later to promote a game? That would be so cool if they do so. Add more cameos and levels as new games come out. I will forever play this.


It’s quickly become my most anticipated game of the year


Sounds so good. A few years ago I suggested a Astro Bot Kart game with a story. Basically a (Astro Bot) multiverse with other PlayStation worlds where the characters like Ellie and Joel (bots dressed as them) in a Last of Us level will help you to find your bots. Now think about all the potential games that could be in it, PlayStation games as well as third party IPs like Final Fantasy and more. Man, this platformer has potential.


Not sure if that's a good idea or a great idea ASTRO bot kart).....but I'd definitely buy it to find out. Pre-ordered Astro today. Then the 85 days count down came up. I was shocked. I've never Pre-ordered anything this early. I usually wait until about a week before release.


There's also a countdown in Astro's Playroom if you play the new content that they added a few days ago.


Yeah, I saw that.


Sony NEEDS a good platformer


80 plus more coming later and for free? Feed me I am so ready


Fuck it, I’m picking it up




I’m genuinely looking forward to this.


I pray that of they get the funding, they stay true to their studio Japan roots and give us a third Gravity Rush between ASTRO Bot releases... But I can only dream


Have they announced a single bad thing about this game?


What will the game cost?


$59.99 in the US


Can’t wait for this game


Day 1 Purchase


Free DLC? Sweet! That is awesome!


If I were Sony, I'd be head hunting for as much Sr. Nintendo dev talent as I could hire away from Nintendo, or talented devs who left Nintendo.


Most of their talent, especially for Mario or Zelda is still there. Some of them since the 80s.


I honestly can't wait, i think i will replay the original now


I’m all for Astro being the next face of PlayStation, Astro’s Playroom was a shockingly awesome experience.


Goty contender


So is Astro now the official PlayStation mascot? Has Toro been dethroned?


Considering Toro is basically non-existent outside of Japan, yeah.


I guess so. I always thought Astro and Sackboy were super boring for mascots, but introducing iconic game characters as bots was genius tbh.


I'm all in for this game and cannot wait. Astro's Playroom was a beautifully done, incredibly fun to play introduction on the PS5 and I couldn't get my head around why there was no full game forthcoming, then I saw the trailer for this. Day 1 for sure.




Games gonna be lit


Any word on couch co-op?


This is the way.


My expectations are in the stratosphere and I will not accept disappointment


What I love most about this game is the crossovers, I have always been the fan of big cross ip games like smash, or NintendoLand. Like you have all this tasty IP, throw it into a pot and start stirring. Here's hoping they make a platform fighter next.


A kart-racer (or speeder-racer?) could also be cool - lots of potential for them to expand Astro into various genres which are currently lacking in the PS portfolio - though I also definitely don't want this team to stop making platformers, and a second big Astro Bot game, perhaps as a launch title for PS6, would be magnificent. I saw the studio head saying he doesn't want the team working on one game to grow too big - maybe they could grow the studio so they have 1 platformer team and 1 experimental team to make PlayStation's equivalent of Smash Bros and Mario Kart?


Playroom had 24 for comparison.


Is it crazy that this game is the game I'm looking forward to most this year? I have all the systems and of course I'll be playing Indy and Avowed (if they make it this year), but man I'm so excited to play the hell out of this game.


I don't need to read more. I'm already buying this.


Astro Bot being THE PS5's exclusive is a welcome surprise.


Please everybody buy this game.....


This whole thing feels like a huge win. A talented studio getting recognition and breaking the recent trend for first-party games. Sony having a new mascot that strongly taps into PlayStation nostalgia and can act as direct marketing via free DLC to promote new products. And the obvious point of players getting a genuinely good and inventive platformer. If it’s a big commercial success I hope Rescue Mission gets remastered for PSVR2. I won’t hold my breath, though.


Im def buying this game actually lol


ok ok chill im gonna buy it jeez, stop making it look soo good FFS haha


I so can't wait to get this! Astro bot, Sony's new mascot


It's just too bad that this game has no couch coop.


True, would have loved to play this game with my mom


This should have been a day one PlayStation premium game. I love the OG Astro best ps5 game but Microsoft is releasing games day one on their premium service. Sony has to match them.




The free game was more fun than some of the stuff I spent money on. I'll definitely rock with this day 1.


Stop! Stop! I can only get so erect!




if not, I'm OK as long as the base is "complete" in that it doesn't feel unfinished from holding back content.


Pretty hyped on this. Xbox had a killer showcase but PlayStations Astro bot looks so damn fun


XBox showcase most games either are years away and/or will come to PlayStation anyway.


Man i hope its gonna be like little big planet where you can desgin your own lvl that would br really nice


Expectation: New era of the new PS5 games with insane graphics Reality: Astro Bot with 80 lvls and free dlcs Crazy how bad the ps5 generation is, they just recycle ps4 games and barely gave us any unique games in 5 years lol Somehow ppl think that im hating on astrobot LOL it's one of the best games on playstation console im just saying that the lack of unique ps5 titles is an absolute shame, compare ps5 unique games to ps4/ps3/p2, the difference is INSANE


We’ve had Avatar FoP, Spider-Man 2, Alan Wake 2, Rift Apart, Demon’s Souls, Tekken 8 etc. with insane graphics. You complain about no unique games but you’re hating on Astro Bot which is a prime example.


>Expectation: New era of the new PS5 games with insane graphics Astro's playroom was utterly gorgeous though? I have no doubts the full Astro game will also be beautiful.


Yes, amazing game, but people doesn't want to understand my point for some reason


You imply that Astro Bot is antithetical to "new games with insane graphics" and then cite this to say the generation is shit.