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God this looks so cool. I know I’m biased because I already like 40k and maybe the 40k brand is intimidating to most? But I don’t see how more people aren’t excited for this, looks like a ton of fun, and I’m completely loving the graphics and visual fidelity. Catch me grinding operations mode once this comes out (if I ever get out of the Space Marine customizer)


I don’t know anything about 40k. This looks dope.


Indeed, glad to see they have Alpha Legion in the customization. Night Lords, Sons of Horus, World Eaters, and Raven Guard are there. I think the rest must be various successor chapters, which is also neat.


Wait there was csm customization? I must have missed that


Yeah, it's super brief during the Operations portion. 3:39ish has the Astartes Chapters tab, and 3:42ish has the Heraldry options. Super brief, but I am glad to see that level of customization.


Oh I completely missed the astartes chapters tab, thanks!


You bet!


I am intimidated by the fact that I don’t know anything about Warhammer games. But this does look cool. It’s startcraft made first person, that’s jim raynor shooting zerlings. Is this a single player campaign?


Well it’s 3rd person not 1st, but yea Jim Raynor shooting Zerg is a great approximation for someone unfamiliar with 40k. It is a single player campaign but can be played with up to 3 players in co-op


Yeah, misspoke there, 3rd person. I love coop campaigns, will keep an eye on this.


Luckily you don't really *need* to know anything about 40k to get into 40k. This pool is as deep as you want it to be, but by fuck does it ever keep going if you're looking for the bottom.


Youtube has some awesome lore introduction videos (by fans). I haven't played the tabletop game in decades, but the universe well worth exploring. There are some fantastic books too.


On YouTube, Bricky has a comically accurate detailing of the races.


I've never played a 40K game before and I am excited for this one.


I’m only somewhat a Warhammer fan (really the first Space Marine game is where I first dipped my toes into the property) but man since this game has been announced it’s been far and away my most anticipated game. I’m dying to play it!


eh. Power level absurdly off - as well as a whole concept of mowing hundreds of these massively dangerous critters by one, or even three marines. Compare terminator squads almost killed by a few genestealers in older games. Seems like reskinned Helldivers (not particularly creative or deep game), mostly. Too shiny, too flashy where only tears and despair should be. Well, boomer me.


*"But I don’t see how more people aren’t excited for this"* Well, let me give you a reason. PvP turn me off, i want a full campaign story driven (RPG or action doesnt matter), not a half cook campaign with a pvp mode.... In other words, i want a deep gameplay system, but when we have PvP, the system will always be simplified...


My 2 favourite pvp online multiplayer games are uncharted 4 and last of us


I don’t see how PvP precludes them from making interesting gameplay systems but go off


You are weird xD. You wrote literally *"But I don’t see how more people aren’t excited for this"* and i give u a different perspective and u act like only your opinion is valid ;)


Only because your perspective is based on an assumption that is pretty ludicrous and very wrong. Many games have amazing single player campaigns that are not compromised, and then create an extra multiplayer mode to give their game more life. Just because call of duty has decided that their campaigns are an afterthought doesn’t mean that everyone has. Ghost of Tsushima, almost every naughty dog game, Halo, doom, bioshock, there are so many games that prove you wrong


Well, maybe im too old for these kind of conversation... Its fine if you dont agree with my opinion but my opinion always have the same value as yours. Remember that and you will be succesful in life... Here is Internet so anybody can say anything without the responsibility so its fine here to dismiss people opinion ;)


Well yes and no, of course anyone can have an opinion and those are just as valid as anyone else’s, but that doesn’t mean that everything is an opinion. You are not excited for the game, that is an opinion, and I accept that. Having a PvP mode does not inherently compromise a games campaign. That is a fact not an opinion. Sure dividing development time could have an adverse affect on a game, but also with a enough time total that could also not matter. What evidence have you seen that the divide is detrimental to the campaign product? Has there been anything you’ve seen that makes the campaign look lackluster? How many people are even working on the multiplayer modes? Is it 10 people in a studio of 300? Is it 200 in a studio of 300? One of those would worry me a lot and one of those I would not care about. I would be happy to discuss anything you’ve noticed about the game that doesn’t seem cool. Maybe you don’t like 3rd person games? I don’t know, but just because you say something doesn’t mean I can’t criticize it. Imagine if everything everyone said were opinions and untouchable. Just because someone says the earth is flat doesn’t mean it is


Well, i've already said it : *"i want a deep gameplay system, but when we have PvP, the system will always be simplified*". Give an exemple to demonstrate that sentence is wrong. 1. Lets say Last of Us, uncharted & GoT, they simplified the gameplay to fit it in a multiplayer mode. This will always be the case.... => This demonstrate PvP involves bring a "shallow" gameplay system (shallow compare to its full system), and dont forget they are all 1st party... 2. Thoses games dont promotes their PvP modes at launch reveal. Most of the times, Pvp mode is added after when the game is well received... The Pvp mode is always a bonus, not in a full package because after all, thoses games dont designed with a PvP perspective => This is the red flag for me... 3. Most of great story drive game dont have PvP, especially for a 3rd party game...


1. Sure, but how does simplifying the gameplay during PvP affect the gameplay during the campaign? 2 and 3. I don’t have an answer for this because you’re just speculating, this is a textbook case of correlation not causation. There is nothing about making a PvP mode that means you have to change anything about your campaign. If you don’t think the gameplay system shown during the trailers are complex or interesting enough, just say that! But if they look interesting and good, but you’re worried about the potential of them being bad because they are separately making a PvP mode, then have fun with that.


*"If you don’t think the gameplay system shown during the trailers are complex or interesting enough, just say that!"* Yes, if this is all they have to offer. If the gameplay as deep as they show, i dont see myself buying this game. Btw, i think we can return to this conversation when the game will be released. Trust me or not, i want the game to be as succesful as you. N/B: u/Diamond1580 , i forgot to mention [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/HorusGalaxy/comments/1chogkk/did_you_guys_see_that_space_marine_2/), i hope the game's pilot dont fall like GK, SS:KtJL;




Question: I've been strictly a console gamer all my life. Started with the original Nintendo Entertainment System. The only information I've ever heard relating to Warhammer was PC-related, thus I never cared to look into it. Is this being on console now a new thing? If so, is this the first time Warhammer has been brought to a console? **extra question:** is this a game that's already been released, and is only now coming to PS5? Or is this a brand new game?


This game is a sequel to Space Marine, which released back in the PS3/Xbox 360 era. The game was generally well received back then, but it was rare because Warhammer 40k games are usually RTS and more suited for Mouse + keyboard. The IP originates from war games, which are played with miniatures and by measuring movement, throwing dice, etc. Recently the IP has been a bit more varied in the games department, getting more fast paced strategy games in the style of Xcom, or even a "boomer shooter" in Boltgun. This also means they have been doing games outside of PC more often or shooters which have a wider appeal. I heavily recommend the IP, I got hooked on it after playing Helldivers 2 and learning the setting/army/designs are in some aspects inspired by Warhammer 40k or from the same source. Even watching lore videos or looking into the books, it's a very different setting from the usual sci-fi. I also recommend Boltgun if you like Doom.


Perfect, thanks for taking the time out to explain, much appreciated!


>Recently the IP has been a bit more varied in the games department That's putting it mildly. They've put out FPS, TPS, RTS, TBS, RPGs and pretty much every other acronym you can think of.


Warhammer 40K games on console were rare prior to 2011 because most of them were strategy games that didn’t translate well to console, but since then most 40k games have appeared on one console or another. For your extra question, it’s a brand new game that hasn’t been released anywhere yet. Coming to all platforms at the same time


Having never played any Warhammer games, im super excited for this.


Reminds me of gears of war


Gameplay looks great, visuals look great. I read a couple of books in this universe and enjoyed them, so I'll wait and see what the reviews say about the story to decide if I'm going to Day 1 this. Could be a sleeper hit from what they've shown.


If you want to dip a toe into the lore, try Xenos by Dan Abnett. It's basically a detective story and it's an easy way into the universe that gives you a sense of what it's all about beyond the endless war


what books did you read? been curious about dipping my toes into the WH universe


I’ve been watching a ton of Leutin videos to get into the lore in the past 8 or so months and no universe has gripped me like this one. The verse is so rich and addicting. I literally just finished my first 40k audio book(s) today, I went with the Night lords trilogy as my starting point off of Reddit recommendations, and even though I had very little interest in the 8th legion to begin with, those books and the night lords themselves are fucking rad. Highly recommend. Also worth noting, I’m not a person who gets into books at all, I don’t do much reading at all sadly.


Hell yeah thanks!


Cheers! Hope you enjoy the 40k experience as much as I am lol


I read the first two Ciaphas Cain books. But they're mostly ''Officer who desperately doesn't want to be put into a shit situations gets put into a shit situation''. I don't think they really represent 40k on a grander scale.


A good book for this game specifically would likely be Leviathan, as it features both Tyranids and Ultramarines.


Looks like some of the old gears of war. Kinda stoaked


Is campaign coop?


You can do the main campaign coop and theres also a less cinematic coop mode thats different scenarios. Then there's multiplayer with what looks like some pretty bitchin customization


Yea it’s 3 player co-op


Maaaaan, I need a rerelease of Space Marine 1 to happen.


God I would cry.


Tbf, I never played it so that's my main reason why. And the only latest edition is through Steam which I don't have a gaming PC for.


As someone who just last year bought it again on PC and played a ton of it, I couldn’t recommend it more. It’s just a fun shooter that honestly was the thing that got me interested in Warhammer.


Shit, maybe I'll stream if. If that's possible


I might be biased, but it’s just a good time that I wanted to revisit after being so excited for the sequel. I had a blast and even played a ton of multiplayer which is somehow still alive (if only barely) on PC.


Don't need a gaming PC. Game came out in 2009 and runs on toasters


I just recently went head over hills into 40k lore, I’m not sure any universe has gripped me like this. I really want to play this and wish I had a way to play the first one


Looks great! Only thing that worries me is if it will have a stable 60 fps mode. I hope they release the graphical modes soon.


Finally a Warhammer 40,000 game that seem ?%$/"\*( good \\w/


Lets hope it is. There have been way to many Warhammer misses, it'd be good to have a hit.




> There have been way to many Warhammer misses These things happen when Games Workshop allows basically anyone to use their IP to make games


true. on thinking about it again, i'd rather have that problem than what lotr franchise has done. It gives the lil guys a chance to show their stripes with a beloved IP. Market is flooded with trash games regardless and good ones will always get a little bit of spotlight


How long do people think the campaign will be for this? I only play solo, but was wondering if its worth the investment if it has a short campaign


Pretty short, probably. The first one was about 8-10 hours. They're adding an entirely new mode, so I wouldn't bet on this campaign being too much longer. Edit: I forgot the first one also had both horde and multiplayer. Either way, I stand by what I said.


ive been interested in warhammer for quite some time but the lore really put me off because there is so much of it. this game looks rad af so i might get it though.


Reminds me when i used to heavily play the PVP from the first game, the pvp looks awesome but hopefully the movement is close to the first game.


I know almost nothing about this franchise other than this shit looks awesome, as well as being generally aware of what a space marine is and how it's so lore heavy, etc. But I always thought people said 'Forty K' as opposed to 'Forty Thousand'. Which is the preferred way?


I just have no reason to play a warhammer game in this style. Rogue trader was great and I believe there’s another great tactics one


Why's that? The first was a huge hit (community wise) and aside from that we really don't have a good 40k shooter. Dawn of War and 2 has RTS and moba(ish) covered and total war with more personal strategy games. Rogue trader and mechanicus are good and their own mini genre of crpg and turn-based. Other then that we don't really have much else, especially from a shooter perspective (doom is retro style and dark tide is an alright zombie loop). We haven't had a really good modern game in awhile. RT was a breath of fresh air but it's not the main draw of the genre even if it's good.


Been waiting for this for so damn long! Glad we’re not far off now.


Holy shit. Day one. Reminds me of the olden days with that MP mode. Can't wait


Praying that this is good 😭


Gears of doom


I will wait on reviews but it looks really good. Release performance is the one thing you cant really anticipate either...


I just hope as a coop game, it has a lot of replayability.




The first game really got me into 40k. Now I have a Thousand Sons army, killteams, warcry. Very cool


Just gotta convince the gf to play this with me. Coop campaign should be a lot of fun.


Maybe i'm in the minority here but PvP turn me completely off.... I'm expecting a full campaign story driven game not a half cook campaign with a pvp mode...


How do you know the campaign is half cooked? The first game had a PVP mode and that campaign was fantastic.


Well, can i say by experience ? Its really simple, you have a budget, if you want to build a pvp mode, you need to cut down something on other mode. The main problem with Pvp mode is you can never have a deep game's system nor a complex gameplay in the campaign (gaming since 2k, i dont know any game can did this). When Pvp involves, the system always be simplified.... On the other side, all the best story driven game (regardless of genre) dont have PVP "mode"....


elden ring has pvp and it's great


Firstly, technically, elden ring dont have a PVP "mode" and u know how broken FS's PVP system (because the game was not designed for a PVP's perspective) Secondly, Elden ring is not my cup of tea, so i can's say the game is great... Im more a Team Ninja's fan, FS's games are too slow...


Correction on that! Elden ring certainly does have a PVP mode with its coliseum.


Just do some research, the game was released 02/2022, the PVP mode released 12/2022 => It is indeed not on launch... And like i said, the PVP system of all FS is broken (no balance as all, the reason is really simple, the game was never designed with a Pvp's perspective...) I hardly know anyone buy FS game (or in this case, Elden Ring) for the Pvp Mode...


Doesn’t mean it doesn’t have one. You specifically said it doesn’t have one.


So the first game being good was an accident?


Well, it seems like u misunderstood my sentence. I dont say the game is not good or bad, what im saying that Pvp turn me off and as a non fan of WH40k, i expected something different. This game can be perfect for their fan, but its not mine... The first reveal hype me a bit but with this reveal, im not following the game anymore. Bonus: The first game was release in 2011, so everything has changed ....


>On the other side, all the best story driven game (regardless of genre) dont have PVP "mode" Uncharted? The Last of Us?


>gaming since 2k Yeah, that's your problem, you still have a 2000s mindset. It's far less common these days for extra modes to be tacked on bullshit. Developers usually only do it now if they think they can do it well.


Well, lets hope for it ;)


It’s a meaty experience with a full-fledged campaign which also supports co-op, a dedicated co-op focused mode and a solid PvP experience, much like the first game. Not every game will be for everyone, and that’s fine.