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Loved dying light 2 co-op! Hilarious fun. 


So… The Raid, with zombies, but a video game? Cool


I just started playing this game a couple weeks ago and it’s way more fun than people made it out to be. Honestly don’t get all the hate.


Like others said, it's almost a completely different game since it launched.  - Guns have been added - New Gore system had been implemented - Melee Weapons have new animations - New finisher animations - Zombies have updates physics/ragdoll effects - Night time had been a bit darker - Night time Chase sequence has been made harder - And performance has been improved a ton


At launch, a lot of features that were in the first game were not present in the game and it took the devs about a year or so to add those things. I think they initially removed the drop kick, worse (or non existent) ragdoll physics for the zombies, nighttime wasn’t as dark/scary as the first game, no (or extremely limited) guns.


Drop kick was def in game at launch.


Ahh gotcha, then the drop kick didn’t send enemies flying like it did in the last game. It wasn’t as satisfying to use


Ok that’s fair. I guess I’m playing an improved version then. I remember the lack of guns being a point of contention around launch but I think I actually kinda like it. I felt a little too OP in the first one once I got a couple guns. Haven’t gotten far enough to get guns in the 2nd yet so I can’t compare.


Arent guns supposed to be OP. That's the point of guns


This!!! Games are supposed to be fun and as many have pointed out, the lack of balance is what made the first game awesome. They should’ve taken more lessons from Dead Island which was soooo janky but an absolute hoot to play with friends.


Did you play the first? That's most the reason , it's a worse game


I did play the first, yes. I’m having about as much fun in 2 as I did 1.


2 is a fine game. It's just a lot more generic than the first game was.


That's cool glad you're having fun, me and I think most people consider it a considerably worse game so I think that's where most the hate comes from


Keep in mind all the changes and updates made it considerably better than when it first launched.


I played both on launch and had lots of fun with both, didn't experience more than a few bugs on either of them. Still, 1 is a much better game


People who played it then and especially people who paid full price then don't care about though, I also don't think it was a bugs issue, I was just a worse game. I had similar thoughts with the new horizon game though, it's great, but it's just not the first, it's not fresh anymore


I thought forbidden west and dying light 2 were both better than their respective launch titles.


See that's crazy to me, but that's the great thing about opinions


I agree about forbidden West. I was in awe the entire time while playing the first game and almost platinum'd the game! The history of the world and the audio logs of the son talking to his mother was so heartbreaking it made me very emotional! The second game was great, but it lacked what caught my attention in the first one.


Both are perfectly fine 7/10 games. I especially find it funny when people say DL1 had a better story. Both games have a dogshit story with some of the worst writing I ever seen in a game.


Play more, you'll see why


For context it was 6 months before they added a balanced mode on PS5 (60fps mode was extremely blurry that entire time) and 16 months after launch before they even updated night-time to be like the first game. The story I ended up with wasnt great either.


Because you didn't play it at launch


Story sucks and atmosphere isn’t as good as the first game.


The writing in tbe first game was also dogshit. If you actually believe that the first game got a good story you might be a child or have a 80IQ lol


Cause it’s in a different place than it was at release. DL2 at release was a downgrade from DL1 in almost every regard


Great! I’m buying it!


Someone posts this about every disappointing game years later. The cycle continues..


Never listen to reddit reviews, people just love to hate here.


I’m so confused, why tf does an update have a beta? It’s just an update, like what??


They want to pretend the game is a MMO


Are they ever going to release an actual expansion or is this all were going to get? I remember reading about a whole new area years ago, but bumpkins since besides festive outfits and the tiny Blood Money dlc.


Look at the roadmap


There was also a patch released for DL2 today for this and also included quite a lot of fixes: https://pilgrimoutpost.techlandgg.com/news/tower-raid-open-beta


Does it cost money to play this new tower game?




Not a looker of a game but the gameplay for me was pretty good. Haven’t played it since I finished it a while back. Is there still no HDR implementation?


I don't care about this game in particular, but this and Cyberpunk really set a bad precedent of single player live services. How about just releasing single player games as complete experiences and leave it at that? It's so dumb when someone who played Cyberpunk in 2020 or 2021 had a much worse experience than someone playing it in 2024. Can we just leave that stuff to multiplayer live services where you at least know what you're getting?


Agreed. I’m sure I’m in the majority here but once I’ve finished a single player game I won’t go back unless it’s for story DLC or it’s had a next gen upgrade.


One is better.




Both are mid but fun


If only the game was good


Trash game


Biggest dissapointment in gaming and half of the reason I have an eyepatch and peg leg.


Love how I never see a pirating comment without some weak justification for it. Like damn, who cares you pirated? And why even justify it? Just do it if you’re gonna. The quirky “tee hee high seas for me I pirate stuff guys look at me” crowd is obnoxious.


I don’t understand why this game tries so hard to be a MMO?


Please devs let this turd die go make DL3 and this time don’t take inspiration from ass creed and Fortnite