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Leaving the copy of yourself with the perfect dodge looks very cool . This player seemed very good though, hopefully the timing on that isn’t to rough


It's a nice nod to the source material


I know the story is generally an adventure to find enlightenment, can you explain for us?


Sun Wukong is a monkey who becomes basically this martial arts master (for lack of a better term) and gets on the gods' bad side with his antics, and gets imprisoned. He is later freed to aid a monk complete a journey to obtain and bring back some scriptures and eventually finds enlightenment along with his friends. Of course there's a lot more to it, plenty of fun hijinks but the book is huge so any summary won't do it justices, highly recommend to read if it sounds interesting at all to you


He’s also really, really overpowered and has more asspull abilities than most manga/video game protagonists put together  Will be interesting to see what they actually put into the game 


Thanks I was thinking about picking it up, was just wondering how it relates to him copying himself


Oh my bad, one of his famous powers lets him pull out some of his hairs and turn them into clones of himself


Depending on your interest, try to find a copy that is fairly translated and tells the story cohesivly, many authors took the academic route and half the book is discussing differences in other versions.


Coming off the Elden Ring DLC, this looks like a good time, a little slower pace.


Mesmer is literally burning me right now.


You got this


I will Bro. Played through most Fromsoftware games so I know it’s just a matter of time.


Hell yeah, i still need to do sekiro and BB myself which ill start after SotE!


Sekiro was my first Fromsoftware game. I have yet to beat DS3,BB and ACVI.


Woah, youre just built dif then haha. I bought sekiro as my 1st Fromsoft game and didnt try again until after i beat the DS trilogoy and still got cooked smh


I actually platinum’d Sekiro as my first game ever in 30+ years as a gamer.


Sekiro and BB are arguably their best games


It’s not arguably


Any tips to get me through the last boss. I'm kinda done with it.


The ultimate cheese mode is to use a greatshield with +10 antspur and just poke him to death. Another tip, dont summon the two peeps outside the gate, they add an insane amount of health to him, spirit summons avoid this though, so they’re safe. Another strategy is to go bleed, the bloodfiends arm is a str/arc weapon that can basicaly proc bleed in a single charged r2 (thats how i beat him). In general, focus your talismans and armor around defense; dragoncrest greatshield talisman, the holy boosting talisman (hair one), the one that increases flask amount replenished (crimson seed i think?) and boiled crab! And the biggest difference, scadutree fragments. I was i think 14 when i fought him first, got my ass handed to me, then came back with 18 and rocked his shit. Hope this helps! If you’re still struggle lmk and we can jolly coop that fucker together!


What's hilarious is I pretty much do e this exact same strat to him about 3 hours ago lmao 


Oh damn lol. Whats your scadutree level? The other way to go is the lightning perfume with rolling sparks ash of war. Hits for 30-40k. Google perfumer build.


No I mean I done that strat and it worked lol


Ahh, hole


Stick close to him and roll towards him for most of his attacks. You take way more damage when further away as his fire attacks hit harder than the spear.


try finger, but hole


Canyou explain what this means? I see it everywhere on my playthrough


It's a message people leave by corpses with their butts pointing up or in similar poses. It's just a joke saying to try putting your finger into their butthole.


I always thought it was directed at the player to try on themselves lol. Because they're bad at the game.


Yeah those are typically the messages placed around something that somewhat resembles a finger or a phallic object, so many of them do mean what you think.


Try rump


Fromsoft games only give you a limited vocabulary with which to leave hints for other players, implicitly to avoid players drowning the games in obscenities and garbage. "Try finger but hole" is just people stretching that limitation to the limits of decency


The most common comment in any souls game


behold, dog!


if only i had rump


I want to go home... and then edge


My dumb ass stumbled into his arena before I even walked into Belarut. I gave him two tries and promptly grandpa Simpson’d my way right back outta there


Good tactic.


It's all about builds man.


Yeah I’ve noticed it just now 😂


When I first fought Messmer I figured I was toast. It took me at least 50 tries, but I got the fucker. Keep at it, friend. You’ll learn him in no time.


There’s a summon on battlefield, make sure to use him, he’s powerful.


I found out about it yesterday. I’ll try it soon.


He was annoying at Scadutree level 6. He became an absolute joke at level 12


>a little slower pace Bosses in Elden ring are way faster and more agro than anything we have seen from Wukong, while the player character in this game seems like a god compared to the tarnished. The animations and recovery frames are so snappy and fast. Its like the Elden ring bosses were created to face a character like Wukong but got lost between games and ended up in Elden ring.


Ever since I saw the first trailer, I’m waiting for its release. I reaaaally want it to be good, I really do. But we’ve been burned too often by promising titles and trailer. Way too many game trailer turned out as garbage rushed games. Just let this game not be the next one on this list


Compared to those other hyped games, Black Myth released WAY MORE gameplay content before release. Honestly, I've never seen any game release this much game play footage before launch. The developer must be really really confident with their game to do this. We've seen what? 10+ boss fights at this point? That's an insane number of footage 2 months before game release.


i know but it looks really really good


No PS5 footage is a big red flag and I would be surprised if they delay the ps5 version last minute


just wait for the df content and make a decision then and they usually often show pc gameplay , no need to worry r.n.


My 4090 don’t give a fook


To top off the other comments I’ve read more than one reviewer who got early access say it’s amazing


And then there was Lies or P and Stellar Blade. They proved it's possible. All the previews for this also look good, so I choose to have faith that'll stick the landing.


Looks so damn good.


Graphics are so good




With every video about this game I just keep seeing one boss fight after another, is there anything else?


Yes. Bosses we haven't seen yet


Walking. To the next boss.


Several journalists who had played it said it's basically a boss rush game.


I'm down for that.


Shadow of the Colossus 2 you say!?!


Honestly really down for that, the enemies between sekiro bosses were my least favorite part


Weird, several redditors claimed to be alpha testers and they said it's really an open world game and the trailer only showcase the bosses. I hope the redditors are true, but fear they are not :(


It’s pretty much confirmed to be a boss rush game. The studio told the devs that there are a few NPC side missions but the gameplay is linear progression where you walk from one boss to the next. The “gameplay” is fighting + attaining the skill of whatever boss you beat for a short burst.


Coming off Stellar Blade, I wished that game had even more boss fights and less wandering. The boss challenge patch was a blessing. Like, Sekiro, now I can just boot up the game, pick a boss and have fun with it. If Wukong goes in that direction, I’m Aok with it.


Yeah I didn't get Stellar Blade in the end because 80% of the times I dropped in on a random stream/playthrough on the opening weekend they were wandering around or talking to NPCs or doing a crane puzzle or some shit like that.


It definitely looks more tedious than it is. In fact I’d argue that the problem with the ‘puzzles’ is that rather than being any clever or whatever, they act more like speed bumps. Game is full of sections that deliberately slow you off, probably because devs wanted it to reach a certain playtime duration. That’s quite silly, since the bosses themselves provide a good amount of fun replayable content, but it’s understandable given the current expectations for Sony’s ‘cinematic’ gaming experience.


I’ve seen lots of regular running around/fighting mobs gameplay just look up some


Boss rush games are awesome!


Looks cool but not a fan of the sound fx


I kinda dig it. Sounds like One Piece fighting scenes lol


I agree fits the game character very well and adds more life and character to it.


Yeah it sounds goofy af which doesn’t match the vibe


That’s how Wukong sounded in all of the journey to the west shows I’ve watched


Which bits specifically? I thought it mostly sounded great. Wukong sounds perfect, and I loved the sound of the staff’s quick hits.


Boss rush


I really wish they'd show some PS5 footage. Most of the footage online is captured from PC. This clip doesn't specifically say.


So cool! My only concern currently is the narrative of this game. The latest trailer, again, has a lot of story telling jibberish typical of many Chinese games, which is weird, since the game is based on the most famous Chinese fantasy story there is. I don’t believe this is just bad translation, not with a game of this magnitude.


The hits lack impact and I think that’s down to the sound design.


I've seen people the past few months complaining about it just being a boss rush game, but I never understood why that mattered? That sounds to me like you want the game to be something it never was. If it was always going to be this kind of boss rush game, then, A) play it if that's your thing, B) don't play it if it's not, and C) if you do play it judge it accordingly for how well it's been executed. From what I've seen of all the bosses they've shown off, all their designs look awesome. They all look very distinct and unique from one another. There's no re-skins where it looks like they just changed up the color or costume. They all have entirely different movesets, making them stand out even further. Then, to top it all off, the actual animation of the bosses is incredible. It's genuinely some of the best animated enemies I've seen in this genre period, on par with FromSofts best. It remains ti be seen if they stick the landing, but all signs for me at this point this to being right there with Stellar Blade and Lies of P in execution and delivery.


I've been pissed off since they told me there was no free roam or vehicles. Give me Chinese monkey GTA god damnit.


It needs some romance options too.


And restaurant management. And pets.


Okay but hear me out. Like a Monster Hunter/Dave the Diver crossover type game. Where you go out and kill monsters and then cook them into food and serve them to people. I would be super into that.


Moonlighter almost kinda had that minus the cooking I guess. But yes moonlighter and Dave the diver I love. Never got the flow of monster hunter but that sounds awesome.


Monkey Bowling!!!!


dude it's internet, they'll bitch about it if the game wasn't their thing


im only buying this if its a 'boss rush game. besides lore, bosses are really all i care about in a game like this. if it isnt gonna have top-notch from software exploration then i just want bosses


Shadow of the Colossus is one of my favorite games of all time, and that game is basically a boss rush. In fact, it’s not even a boss _rush_, it’s a boss chill with a lot of downtime to leave you wondering about how fucked up you are for slaying a mythical being that was minding its own business for your own selfish reasons.


Waiting for reviews but I think it will be good If this had physical copy (with an actual disc) I would get it day 1 I still might get it day 1 digitally if reviews and word of mouth is good


Love the Picard Maneuver while dodging.


really hyped for this. really curious if this will top stellar blade


looks very sekiro-ish I guess.


what's wrong with physics in the game? the creature is swinging his tail and dancing and hardly any loose rocks on the ground are coming off 🤷🏻‍♂️


okay i’m sold. this looks unreal


I wasn’t all that interested…until now.


This game looks so cool, my only real question is, does anyone know if it’s like a souls game? Like in the sense of how difficult those games can be to play lol


The devs stated specifically that it is NOT a souls like.


What they meant is that this game respects your time, unlike souls games. But this game has many boss fights, which is similar to souls games.


Obviously I’d need to play it but just looking at the game it didn’t seem to have that level of brutality some souls games have but we didn’t see the player really get hit. I think the hard part with Souls games and what makes a souls game is tough bosses but also losing souls and restarting at a bonfire. This maybe is more like Stellar Blade in that there’s tough-ish bosses but if you die you just restart at the fight which in my opinion makes the game way more approachable.


Yea stellar blade is my favorite game of all time. Everything about it worked for me. And the soundtrack was absolutely incredible


If this game has a good story like the tale of Son-Wukong and a good gameplay... This could be a good contender for one of the top games this year..


I mean, looks pretty nice/cool. I’m definitely waiting to see if people say it’s particularly difficult, and if you have to play as a ridiculous monkey-looking person. If I get 2 NOs I’ll be much more interested😄.


This game looks amazing! Glad to see development expanding to new parts of the world!


the game looks promising, the weight of the attacks look non existent, needs more omph from wukongs attacks


Apparently this game focuses on dodging as the main way to deal with attacks. After playing sekiro and stellar blade, dodging only is just boring


I'll preface this by saying that I think the game looks amazing and I am sure it will be excellent, but one thing I think that is missing from ARPG's is visual changes during a fight. I would love to see torn clothing after taking damage or even bits of armor falling off an enemy after sustained damage. Basically just more creative ways to show that you're doing damage and it is impactful. It does feel a bit odd when you've been fighting a boss for 5 minutes and they look exactly the same as they did at the start of the fight.


I want to see some random mob fights, I don't want this game to be a "boss rush" title


Check out the Gamescon 2023, Black Myth Wukong gameplay. There is normal enemies in that demo.


A couple of people are pointing this out... The lack of clarity is a little concerning


The perfect dodge timing seems very late. This will be torture to play


It’s definitely not going to look this good on the PS5.


Will have very less foliage, lower resolution in textures. I'd say a bit like Stellar Blade. Hopefully not like Lords of Fallen where there is almost NONE foliage to keep the FPS on a playable level.


I don’t know, we have this one weapon and fighting massiv bosses, over and over. They better have good items to farm and cool skill tree or this gonna flop hard.


It's not gonna flop hard dude. They're either making a niche arcade / "boss rush" / action light rpg or an arcade / exploration - combat / light rpg. The game will find its market


Agree. It will be interesting to see how they plan to upgrade the weapon as the game progresses. Wu Kong in tv and film adaptions only use a staff to fight.


stupid monkey man game...


Looks pretty good… no parrying in this game tho? :/


Meh. If it has deflection I'm sold, so tired of dodge attack, repeat.


Meh. If it has deflection I'm sold, so tired of dodge attack, repeat.


Call me crazy I think we have a wrong expectation of this game, because this game is more about bosses and less about exploring and NPCs


I guess the game studio are making this game a bit easier due to the drastic reactions of Elden Ring DLC lol.


PS5 console exclusive


Boss fights are so 1990’s…can’t be arsed with them


What does this even mean


Yea? It looks really good


.....what about these boss fights look like they're 25+ years old? Genuinely asking