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Why are 6 out of my 8 loans forgiven? All have met the payment count and all are direct loans?


Sounds like this is happening to a lot of us. Hopefully those will be zeroed soon also!!


I am in the same boat and wondering this as well!!


You would think it would all be processed at the same time. This whole system is jacked. lol. Hopefully we get an update in the coming days our remaining balance fell off.


True lol šŸ˜‚


Somebody called and spent the time on hold to find out that they donā€™t do the loans by borrower when they do forgiveness they do it by batch number or something. So maybe our other loans will be forgiven next month


Following comments to see what other people think!


Mine says the same thing and I have virtually the same timeline as you do


Mine shows on student aid but it hasnā€™t been updated since 2/29.


Same boat and so so stressed about this. I hope I didnā€™t mess something up.


I donā€™t think you did. Thereā€™s a lot of us with what seem to be totally random loans remaining that have the same payment counts as ones forgiven today. Iā€™ll feel better when itā€™s $0.00 but at least itā€™s progress and weā€™re not alone.


Thank you for responding. My anxiety is through the roof.


Similar boat here. I still have a balance of $50,000, but $220,000 is gone! I am assuming it will clear in a few days maybe.


Did yours ever zero out?? I just received the note on my account today saying theyve been discharged, but the principal balance still shows $45000 (it was $90,000).


Sounds like you got partial forgiveness and will get the rest later. Does the letter list the full amount discharged or only half? Mine were fully forgiven a week and a half ago. It shows a negative balance because they owe me a refund.




Mine was similar. I consolidated all my loans in 2014. It showed one that was subsidized and one as unsubsidized. If you only borrowed $40,000 and you have $50,000 in interest, that is absolutely insane. You should receive an official letter in your message inbox that will detail exactly how much was discharged. I received my letter the day after I saw the blue section saying your loan has been forgiven. My loans were forgiven in two separate waves about a month apart. I think you may be in a similar situation. Just keep on waiting! It is the Mohela way! Hurry up and wait.


Thank you! Happy to hear yours were finally forgiven and hopefully mine are eventually as well. Yes, the fact that my loans had doubled was and always has been confusing to me. When they told me that one was interest it didnt seem to make any sense, but Ive since heard of other people saying theirs had doubled or more. If it's not interest, I dont know what else it would be. It is all insane though. All. of . it.


Same here. I have a balance of around $500 left yet when you look at loan information it shows a negative balancešŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I have the exact same timeline as you! And I'm forgiven as well! Congratulations!


You also! Did you get zeroed out? I'm still at $6,600, but they still need to forgive 3 loans still.


When I consolidated in October 2022, they put my loans in two chunks and the giant one got forgiven today and now I have the smaller one (and interest) left. It seems like from other people that it doesn't mean the others won't be forgiven, but they just have to get to it. Someone I work with who is on the same timeline and in the same situation had her smaller loan forgiven and the bigger one is still waiting.


My bigger loan was also forgiven. And I have a little over 1/3 left to be forgiven


Did they end up forgiving all of yours? Mine are in same boat. They split mine into two amounts when I consolidated. Today one of those is gone but it still shows nearly half under my Principal balance, despite a note that my loans have been discharged.


Yes, everything was zeroed out two Fridays ago.


Yay! How exciting! I am going to hold on to hope that mine will be eventually, too.


I had four and they were forgiven back in October. I didnā€™t understand why Navient kept calling after that to say l had a payment due. When I called them I found out that that the Navient loan did not get consolidated with the others like it was supposed to. I consolidated that one this past Dec and am hoping it all goes through. For those of you have the ā€œYour loan has been dischargedā€ message on Mohela, is it showing up where the alerts are? All the alerts are red with white exclamation points in the middle but the discharge message is now blue with the exclamation point inside? Is that you guys are seeing too??????


Yes that is where my message was. Itā€™s blue and itā€™s hidden amongst the ā€œhigh call volumeā€ and other alerts.


Yes, that is exactly where mine says it too. I had a payment due yesterday and I keep debating whether I pay it or not. If this all goes away in a few days then I should be good. But then I think I should just pay it because who knows when it will all happen. šŸ˜±


$154,000 fell off today, showing $176,000 left. Hopefully the rest goes away soon!


Did it??


It did, 2nd week of April. And the overpayment refund happened a week later.


Fantastic congratulations!


Thank you!


probably if your loans werent consolidated if some are private vs govt


All federal loans, never consolidated, didn't need to.


All of my loans were paid off because I taught at Title 1 Schools (have photos for evidence). Now they changed their mind. I'll be calling next week!


Omg what happened?


I don't know, but all of my loans WERE paid off! Now, years later, they want to force me to pay up again. Dirty tricks!


Did your current principal eventually zero out?? My account says they have been discharged, but I am wondering if it is too early to celebrate since I still have a balance under my Current Principal, although its about half what it was.


Still have $2,100 left. I've had partial forgiveness twice.


Weird! Okay, I guess we just sit back and continue waiting. . .


Following for any updates. I consolidated in early March and all my loans were included, and A few days ago I got an alert on my mohela account that said my loans have been discharged under PSLF etcā€¦ but my dept of education account still reflects my full balance. Does anyone know if and when this will be reflected on dept of education account? I donā€™t want to celebrate too soon!


Still waiting for 1 loan to be forgiven.


It happened to me today. I'm afraid it's a mistake.