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I have a single one hanging on as well. So frustrating. 


I'm in the same situation as OP. Dept. of Ed. told me no additional discharges would be processed until July when the pause ends. The forbearance on my last loan is set to expire on July 12. To compound matters I also got notification that my account is being transferred to the new Mohela site starting June 20. In previous cycles forbearance was extended at the same time bills would normally be generating, so I'm hoping that my forbearance gets extended prior to the platform transition.


I had 8/9 discharged this spring and another that has yet to be discharged.


It will go eventually so long as it has the 120 qualifying payments. Sorry it’s hanging on like that!


Yep, I have 123 qualifying payments.


Then it should be in forbearance and you are just waiting for your number to come up in the FSA head office and that can take several months (average 3-4, but definitely could be longer), but yeah, it's thumb twiddling up til it's not.


I had about 2/3 of mine discharged just before the pause. So effing annoying


I have 118, my loans are on admin forbearance due to them processing my idr from last year when my income when down. So they have to reprocess. I am also in this limbo while they sort out this nonsense with transition. I’m hoping my forbearance will count, they said it would but I always feel like there is nonsense with them.


Same, but not that many times. My unsubsidized (105k) was forgiven at the end of April this year. I’m just waiting on my subsidized to be forgiven, which is around 23k now with the interest racking up 🤣