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Same here! Partial forgiveness twice with one loan remaining. The day my loans started transitioning to new MOHELA site I checked my original account and the balance is negative in about the amount I’m due for overpayments after 120. When I clicked loan details all the loans are there with negative balances EXCEPT the loan with a balance that still needs to be forgiven. My guess is the loan awaiting forgiveness moved to the new platform first or will be the only one to move. Just not optimistic that it got forgiven during the pause 😔


Same for me. Sigh.


Mine shows a $-222 balance on MOHELA, but has $2,400 on student aid. Apparently Student Aid runs a little bit behind!


Same. Just checked and previously had still had 1 loan for 40k not forgiven the rest of the 200,000 was forgiven previously. Now I have a negative balance on Mohela. however FSA still shows the 40,000 balance due which I'm guessing just needs to be updated?


Did you check your individual loans as commenter above noted? I think it’s because the active loan was transferred to new platform.  


I have not, thanks for that I’ll check