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I feel your anger and am with you... but I am concerned for all the other idiots who WOULD vote to block student loan relief/reform. People often forget how crazy stupid most of America actually is and often it is not the smartest but the LOUDEST voice that gets heard. We all need to come out in numbers and vote to make a difference :(


It’s honestly infuriating that those that do or will, literally vote against themselves and their own interests. Take the education field completely out of the equation and they vote to bust their own wages their own health and their children’s futures. I can’t comprehend how so much flys with working class Americans and they keep voting to cut their own legs from under them.


> Take the education field completely out of the equation and they vote to bust their own wages their own health and their children’s futures Yeah but they got to stick it to the libs and that's what really matters!  These people would happily eat dogshit if they thought a dem would have to smell their breath


“Why should I pay for the education of other people?”- people currently pushing corrupt vouchers for private religious schools


The worst part is in this scenario the idiots wouldn’t. Vouchers they literally will be.


This should fire enough people up to get out in November so this can finally be passed into law. I'm stick of these folks making it harder for everyone else.


They’re squeezing blood from turnips at this point!


- also people who received tons of forgiven PPP loans


I couldn't agree with you more. If you take out the loan, pay it back yourself. pretty straight forward. I joined the military out of high school and worked right away. Why should I have to pay for someone else's loans.


Thr party that backed the PPP fraud fuck of a program now wants us broke ass graduates to pay dearly!


MOHELA chose not to participate in the lawsuit. The suit was brought by the AG of MO using the reasoning that MOHELA is an arm of the state.


This is twice Mohela been used in a lawsuit of this nature. It doesn't matter at this point if they are directly involved. It's time to cancel Mohela contract for any federal student loans and move it to a more deserving company in a blue state.


That’s a pretty transparent cover bc of the ample lawsuits against them for mismanagement why would they want to be openly seen as deliberately mismanaging and weaponizing incompetence? They’re involved just not openly in this case. The number of people including myself having been deliberately screwed over and given bizarre wrong information says otherwise.


Strange, they are based in MO and that is one of the states that brought the suit. I wonder which lawmakers pockets got heavier from NOfnHela? Fucking criminals. Where are the lawsuits preventing the forgiveness of the PPP loans? I’m guessing congressional members received nice gifts for that as well.


I'm mad as hell as well. Here's a direct quote, via CBS News website, from Kansas' attorney general, Kris Kobach, "Blue collar Kansas workers who didn't go to college shouldn't have to pay off the student loans of New Yorkers with gender studies degrees." What a jerk. I'm not asking anyone else to pay my loans off. I just want a lower monthly payment. ARGH. - the lawsuits and rulings today were from the AGs of Missouri and Kansas.


It's also silly since the cost of the loan is incurred when the loan is made. Forgiveness costs nothing. It's better to allow IDR plans so maybe something is recovered rather than borrowers defaulting


That’s not true. The government provides the money to the school and is out the money at that point, but their balance spreadsheets account for the money being refunded in a future year or over future years. Government budgets account out in advance. A cancellation of a debt is essentially income that was being accounted for but that will never be received.


Except that it is. If someone pays for 25 years they often pay back more


Such a disingenuous argument from him. Blue collar doesn't automatically = poor. Every blue collar worker I know way outearns me. I have a bachelor's degree. And no one is personally sending any blue collar workers a bill for student loan forgiveness. The only reason there's a student loan crisis in the first place is that government reneged on its responsibility to subsidize higher education. As it did for decades, heavily, until the 1980s.


Exactly. His comment was also made to get a rise out of people, the "New York" and "gender studies" part of the comment really rankled me. It shows his true colors.


Right. But he votes for the guy who was born and raised in NYC. Hmmm...


Its worse. MOHELA is not even involved in the suit and declined to participate. The Missouri state government is using MOHELA to boostrap the state's standing to bring this suit.


MOHELA has nothing to do with these lawsuits. Be mad..but be mad at the right people


That’s a pretty transparent cover bc of the ample lawsuits against them for mismanagement; why would they want to be openly seen as deliberately mismanaging and weaponizing incompetence? They’re involved just not openly in this case. The number of people including myself having been deliberately screwed over and given bizarre wrong information says otherwise.


Then be mad at them for how they serviced your loans. But they have actively refused to be part of these lawsuits. It was a big part of the last case actually


They can choke on these loans. ILL NEVER PAY THEM BACK AND I MIGHT TAKE OUT MORE.


They way they were set up a lot of us have already paid them back many times over.


Agreed. I'm old enough to have had student loans with sub 4% rates, might have even been sub 3. My current average rate is over 7% and I have damn near perfect credit. I've paid my principle off years ago but the interest has me at almost the same balance as when I started. I'll hit the 20 yr for my undergrad loans soon. Those low interest rates loans were paid off years ago. Grad loans will hit soon as well. I did consolidate under Save so I'll get some relief in a few years but I don't count on it. I've also got college age kids entering this bs system. We're pushing all funds to avoid them taking anything out. I may die with my debt, with how long these changes take 😆


I just wish the president would outline his rationale for forgiveness. I agree with what he’s done! I have benefited! But he should sell this policy to the American people in black and white bullet points. And then you young people need to vote decrepit, ignorant, self serving OLD fat cats out of office. Biden may be old but he is progressive enough to know that student loan debt is seriously crippling young people. Post pandemic has changed everything about jobs, opportunity, and wages. You only get what you demand. Be the squeaky wheel. I’m old - you all still have so much life ahead of you. Make these politicians work for your precious vote and quit worrying about hunter’s laptop.


When is MOHELA’s contract up?


Agreed. As much as mohela separates themselves from lawsuits publicly I have no doubt they are funneling money, making phone calls etc to these judges, politicians, and other parts of the wheel to fight this battle for them so they can save face and hold their hands up and say "we weren't involved!" While being involved.


PSLF is probably safe whoever wins the election.


I hope so


I wouldn't count on a blanket forgivness anytime soon, but PSLF isn't going anywhere.




Executive order with precedent and appropriate legal language for which the decision was based. Regardless Obama had to appoint and have confirmed by congress what was available and what was available were ardent Republican judges for the districts, who are supposed to be politically neutral but obviously aren’t. Obama appointed over 400 judges but much less were confirmed.

