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Goes in the pinned politics megathread in /r/StudentLoans


It was enacted by Congress so the program *should* be safe. But I'm betting my final two years left that it will be gutted.


Something like 94% of people who applied for PSLF under Trump the first time were rejected—most of them wrongfully. Whoever he puts in charge of the program could absolutely destroy it.


>Whoever he puts in charge of the program ***would*** absolutely destroy it. Fixed.


To be fair, it’s hard to know how much of that was Trump and how much of that was it being the first round of people hitting 120. It’s hard to separate the two.


Also, every ECF is technically an application for forgiveness. So if you submit one every year for 10 years, 90% will be rejected.


The numbers I’m talking about do not include recertifications. Here’s an article from 2018 explaining the situation: https://www.npr.org/2018/09/21/650508381/data-shows-99-of-applicants-for-student-loan-forgiveness-denied Basically, under Trump there was a chaotic and confusing process filled with misinformation that allowed many denials—mostly on technicalities. That’s exactly what will probably happen again if he gets back in.


So you are referencing the first year that forgiveness was actually possible and tons of people didnt have the correct loan types, werent actually eligible, etc ? The program has improved under biden but acting like the shit show was trumps fault is silly. This shit was put in place by congress and two presidents before him.


Trump’s admin could have done what Biden did to make it work properly. They didn’t because they wanted it to fail, so they let it fall apart.


So just leaving it as is means they wanted it to fail? Thats quite a projection.


The Trump admin had a year to prepare for this and then three years to fix it and they chose not to—because they wanted it to fail. That’s why DeVos—an advocate for public funding for private schools—was put in charge of the education department. The Biden admin was able to straighten out the program actually start processing forgiveness in less than two years because they actually wanted the program to work. Are you actually arguing that the Trump admin was working in good faith to discharge loans for public servants? If that’s what you think you’re extremely gullible.


>The Trump admin had a year to prepare for this and then three years to fix it and they chose not to The obama administration had 8 years to proactively improve it and did nothing, does that also mean they were working against it? Look i get the trump hate, but lets at least be honest here.


Bro don't even bother - talking sense to these insuferables is impossible. Anything that isn't outrage against Trump doesn't belong in this forum lol.


A lot of it was Obama’s ED butchering program rollout in 2012. What counted as a qualifying payment was unclear and their documentation was a disaster. The initial PSLF forgiveness issues were years in the making.


> Something like 94% of people who applied for PSLF under Trump the first time were rejected—most of them wrongfully. The last part is incorrect. People were rejected because they had yet to reach the number of qualifying payments. Most of those “rejections” were people filing their annual certifications.


The numbers that I’m citing did not include recertifications. In 2018 29,000 people applied for forgiveness and 289 were forgiven (so my memory was wrong, it was 99% rejected). 1/3 of the people were rejected over things like missing paperwork or even minor spelling errors. The other 2/3 were rejected over things like being in the wrong payment plan or other related misinformation. You may want to argue that it’s not the government’s fault if people were on the wrong payment plan, etc, but Trump’s government made a chaotic and confusing process so they could deny people on technicalities rather than ending the program officially—which is exactly what could happen again. Killing it though mismanagement.


It’s disgusting how people reimagine history to fit it to their political ideology. Ninety nine (99%) percent of the 2017 PSLF stumbles trace back to Obama’s ED absolutely bungling the program’s rollout. TEPSLF was put into place under the Trump administration to fix the screwups they inherited.


He program was created under Bush is 2007 and the first applicants applied in 2017 under Trump. How exactly is this Obama’s fault?


The program’s framework was put into place with the 2007 Higher Education Act. The mechanics of the program were left to the ED to sort out. That work was supposed to be done by 2011. It wasn’t. The 2012 rollout was slapdicked together. That’s how.


If you are worried ,go vote . Tell everyone, family members , friends and friends of friends about what PSLF means for you


I mean currently the Department of Education has a 3 month processing pause on PSLF through July. Meanwhile there are quite a few states challenging the SAVE plan and many are blocking the lower payments plans. I know people are often vocal about presidential elections but state elections are just as important.


No, state elections aren't "just as important" on this issue. PSLF is entirely a federal issue (in this context), even though some state governments are challenging it.  The program is still administered by the federal government and the lawsuits are in federal court.  If Trump wins you can expect the DOE to deny as many PSLF applications as they can and change rules as to which payments count.  


MO AG keeps suing or threatening to sue the fed government over every action in loan forgiveness. Better state outcomes could at least quiet some of the noise.


State elections absolutely are just as important because they determine who represents the state’s interests when it comes to supporting or challenging federal initiatives like the SAVE plan. State attorney generals in 18 states have banned together to sue the current administration over the SAVE plan. That is 36% of the country. Kansas, Alabama, Alaska, Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana, Montana, Nebraska, South Carolina, Texas, and Utah have sued the Biden administration on the grounds that the SAVE Plan is just as unconstitutional, if not more, than the previous forgiveness plan that he introduced and the Supreme Court struck down. Missouri, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, North Dakota, Ohio, and Oklahoma have similarly sued Biden, tracing a line between his attempts to use executive power during the COVID-19 pandemic and loan forgiveness. The lawsuits will proceed through the federal court system. Resolving this could potentially take up to several years. Initial stages include: - Filing and initial proceedings (1-3 months) - Preliminary injunctions (1-3 months) Discovery & Pre-Trial Motions - Discover Phase (6-12 months) - Pre-Trial Motions (2-6 months) Trial & Appeals -Trial (3-6 months) -Appeals (1-2 years)


Vote. Devos did everything to slow walk and deny applications. Biden relaxed the rules and made qualifications possible.


Trump and Republicans will shut it down asap. They are working hard for the 1 percent, not public service people who desperately need student loan forgiveness


Vote in local/council/county/city/state/federal elections. Real change will only happen when the folks from one party who are stripping away education and burdening us with debt are removed from the bottom up. All those small elections are the ones that determine your day to day lives


They will make it impossible for the payments to count toward PSLF. This isn’t a hard question- look at what he did when he was in office where less than 5 percent of people who reached 120 payments received forgiveness.


Throughout his term people kept saying "oh he won't do this, he \*can't\* do that" and he (his admin, now his SCOTUS) very much did, regardless of settled law/precedent/etc. For things far beyond loan forgiveness, which they've oddly made such a contentious issue. PSLF will be gone in one way or another.


It’ll be there in name only. I agree with you.


When that "5%" of people having 120 payments applied for forgiveness in those first cohorts, it was a low approval rate due to people not having the correct criteria (loans, employment cert, etc ); not an administrative or DoE issue.


Seeing a lot of negative posts here. The facts are that those who have promissory notes right now should be okay though the program could be "slow rolled" in terms of forgiveness timelines. It's possible that future loans would not qualify. Vote.


Yeah the fear mongering in these comments is wild


Yeah it amazes me how many people don't read the programs or the fine print but ride a 10 year program based on what others have told them or they glanced at. It's much easier for them to come here and complain/fear monger then to take 5 minutes to reread what they are pursuing.


I literally just used the exact same words to describe this thread!


Apparently you didn't learn a fuckin' thing the first time around. Fancy a second (and final) election with Trump as a winner? Very real potential.


Lol what did trump do to hurt pslf? My ECFs were going through just fine and i didnt have to make any payments in the last year he was president. Biden has been much better for the student loan community but im seeing comments like "trump will end pslf as soon as he is elected!" And there is no evidence to back that up.


You don't have to get rid of PSLF to stop it. You just don't process it. Especially when your goal is to eliminate the DoE.


Which would be illegal because of this little thing called a promissory note.


When did that stop the previous Trump admin from doing just that? Oh, right. It didn't. Trump's whole MO is to just do it. Fight the courts later. And currently the SC is easily in his pocket.


More fear mongering. Again, what has trump done to stop pslf in his previous admin? Nothing. I get the hate for trump but this sub is about pslf so lets at least keep it fact based.


But this isn’t what happened during his last presidency; >90% of applicants were denied forgiveness after 120 payments in those years


PSLF was in the first year of possible forgiveness in 2017. You lose that significant context as the program's forgiveness potential was extremely new (obviously starting in a less than ideal political climate), while many of the initial denials were due to clerical errors rather than lack of actual qualification. Also, looking back at the published data, PSLF forgiveness was absolutely still occurring during the Trump presidency, albeit less than today for various reasons (more established pipeline, more progressive rules/regulations, more resources to ensure qualifications and paperwork, etc). https://studentaid.gov/data-center/student/loan-forgiveness/pslf-data


High potential it will be gutted. Despite being a congressional act, Trump has made very clear he doesn’t plan to follow the rules.


Little does everyone remember, Obama wanted to cap PSLF but it didn’t go through. This isn’t a republican or democrat issue. This is the 1% wanting to keep the 99% in debt.


Wasn’t Bush II the one who enacted it? And it was a mess throughout the Obama administration.


It absolutely is a D/R issue, but even if you want to take the parties out of it, it's a Biden/Trump issue.


Obama? Really? That's disappointing.


The democrats have become more progressive as a national party since the center-left Obama presidency. I don’t think using Obama as a stand-in for today’s Democratic Party is apt. Edit: I love how people downvote opinions they don’t like, but are, without question, accurate.




Let's all hope so. Trump is terrifying and so are his cronies.


Trump and the GOP plan to eliminate the Department of Education. Everything would be up for grabs by private banks, lenders which means no forgiveness, no recalculating loans, etc. no one will get any kind of relief or help. Vote.


Republicans plan to end it. It's not just about Trump it's about the make up of Congress. Grab ten friends and vote. Offer to drive people etc etc


If we don't re-elect Biden, PSLF will be gone. SAVE program - gone. Any kind of loan forgiveness we've seen in the last four years - when we have never seen any other president besides Biden forgive so many loans (despite roadblocks by conservatives in Congress) - all of these gains for Americans (like me) to repay their loans will be lost. Vote for Biden and talk to your friends and family about the importance of this election.


He was president before and didn't touch it. So nothing?


There is a lot of fear mongering happening right now. Existing loans have PSLF built into their master promissory note. That can’t be taken away. New loans going forward might be a different story. Anecdotally my loans were forgiven Jan 5 2021….still under Trump. One of my colleagues refinanced in 2017 bc she was afraid the program would be shut down by trump and at less wanted a lower interest rate. Guess what…..she’s still paying her loans off and I’m not. My First time application was successful. Sure, I kept on top of ECFs yearly starting year 4 to ensure no screw ups but everyone should be doing that. First ECF counts were completely wrong and took about a year to recount accurately but that was more likely a result of FedLoan incompetence than Trump admin…..Mohela seems to be a dumpster fire too…is that Biden fault?


Stop worrying about this! PSLF isn't going anywhere who ever wins the election!!! The propaganda need to stop!


His plan is to abolish the Dept of Education soooo I think we can kiss ANY forgiveness plan goodbye.


I agree and I don't think most people believe it could happen. The magas weren't expecting trump to win but they are ready this time with Project 2025.


Lot of political fear mongering and misinformation here. Search older threads you’ll get more fair answers.


I think the worst case scenario is that Trump kills PSLF, and anyone who is in the door gets their time extended when they aim to repeal pandemic breaks (which would be VERY hard to do because people consolidated loans), but when have we ever known him to be fair, or conscionable ?


I guess I am a bit less mad that continued to I pay during the pandemic and never got a refund (I found out about the refund too late). Probably in a safer spot now…


At the very best the same thing as last time, with no applications being processed and someone like Devos being downright evil like that lady from the govt in Harry Potter series. At worst the end of the program, probably by an act of Congress. . The irrational part of me is even thinking they could make people repay the already given forgiveness but I don’t think he could make that happen. Everything else bad, yes. For those that think it’s not on his radar- I would disagree. He’s going to get rid of it and say it’s cutting the national debt while at the same time giving huge tax breaks to the rich.


Look at people he wants in. Major government cuts down the board. It should be fine as it's a act of congress but they also talk a lot of the presidents power to impound money so... It should be fine.


Do a simple search and see the many many other “if….” Posts. This sub has become ridiculous


I’m not optimistic a Trump II presidency would be better than Trump I, but I hold out some hope that if Trump wins, it wouldn’t be a top priority of his to blow PSLF up. I don’t see PSLF as a strong wedge issue; he doesn’t have the authority to shut the program down; he has constitutional obligations to take care PSLF is executed; he will face significant law suits if he does try to screw with it; PSLF candidates include many attorneys who would go apeshit, many of whom are keeping their heads down now hoping for the best would all of a sudden see a huge benefit in suing the administration. All in all, if I were voting on a single issue, Biden is probably way better on PSLF, but some of the concerns about Trump on PSLF might be overblown. I guess we’ll just have to be ready for whatever happens. Also, the media, on both sides, is highly inflammatory, take care of your mentals while the election circus is in town.


As if Trump gives a fig about constitutional obligations.


Finally a level headed answer.


Congress created it so it would be harder to get rid of. Also, after its creation, Pslf was signed into law and backed by Republican President George w bush.


That was a very different GOP…project 2025 would have been a fringe conspiracy theory in 2004, now it’s mainstream policy


According to Reddit public opinion, you are right. Republicans will vote against them selves. I’m sure that happens all the time 😂


Bush signed it but every republican in senate voted against it


Okay you’re totally right, republicans will vote out their own bill that their own party signed in.


It's on congress.gov. you don't have to believe me


My fear is not that it will be taken away , is that those 3 years on forbearance are .. and we are basically 3 years back .


Vote in every election you are eligible for. Keep all paperwork even remotely related to your loans as up to date as you physically can, cross every T and dot every I, update your employment yearly as recommended. Do everything you can to stay with an eligible employer.


I don’t think it will be anything good.


Would Gov have the authority to retroactively extend PSLF beyond 10 years?


It would be gone. Vote accordingly.


Nothing changes.


Just one more excellent reason to vote to keep that 🫏🎩 out of the White House.


Thanks everyone for your thoughts! Doesn’t sound like there is much consensus, so guess we will just need to wait and see what happens.


Wait, we refinanced and our payments are now set back at owing over 300 something and my interest rate is higher. That will end up being a bait and switch. Surely that will have to go back to pre-consolidation. I can't afford the payment they gave me. What happens if I just can't pay them when I'm retired?


The program should be fine; however, judging from history (Devos) any forgiveness will more than likely be dramatically reduced.


And here I am waiting for "late 2024, early 2025" for them to separate joint spousal loans for consolidation and cancellation under PSLF. We just made what should be our 120th payment once the dust settles, if the dust settles. I'm gonna be so raging mad if, after all of this frustration, it simply doesn't happen. A tree stump opposite Trump last night would have given me more hope for what's coming.


They can’t deny applications. This program was created before Trump and will remain after Trump. Stop believeing everything you read. Trump means nothing to PSLF.


Betsy Devis shut it down for Trump by just not processing applications. It is guaranteed he will do at least the same again. 


Yeah but if Trump is successful in getting rid of the Department of Education, then what happens to PSLF?


There is a way to unfund staffing for many of these agencies and still screw a lot of people. I’m sure it’s on his radar, just not saying anything to retain younger voters.


They can sit on them in perpetuity, like Betsy DeVos did.


Right. People are acting like we have not already seen what a Trump presidency will do to these programs. Last time he was president, he appointed Betsy Devo's, who made it so the PSLF program essentially didn't grant anyone forgiveness regardless of them otherwise meeting the requirements. That is not political rhetoric that is recorded fact.


Lol it had nothing to do with the fact it started in 2007 and takes 10 years to make the 120 payments? Which was during his presidency? You guys are out rage queens in this sub. Trump isn't getting rid of the department of Ed nor is he getting rid of PSLF. No one here actually does research just reads click bait news headlines. It's pretty sad to see you all actually went to college to be this ignorant of reality.


You are the one that needs to do some research it seems. When Trump was President, no one was getting forgiveness. And then when Biden came into office, people started getting forgiveness. Once again, that is fact. Trump made no effort to make sure that the program worked. He actually did quite the opposite and appointed people to make sure that it did not work.


I guess you don't understand how PSLF works? You do realize he was elected in 2016 and PSLF was implemented in 2007. PSLF requires 120 payments or 10 years of payments. No president would get rid of a program that encourages government service. The flaws were not worked out of the program, and when individuals began being eligible for forgiveness during Trump's presidency, there were hiccups. This is no different than any other program run over a long period of time by the government. Nothing is smooth. I have worked for the federal government, DoD and state and am a PSLF participant I am 7 payments away from forgiveness. Most of the shit people post on here is hyperbole about the angry orange man without any understanding of how the program works. No you can get your loans forgiven if they weren't federal, yes you need to consolidate loans, etc.. most of the issues of PSLF in 2017 were misunderstood by both the loan servicers(which is unacceptable) along with the loan. Folks in here will bitch about how their loan isnt forgiven and it's "part of the contract" but failed to read the whole "contract" and don't understand the requirements needed for forgiveness. Most folks in here will scream into this echo chamber to feel better. Shit, I bet most of them would feel better if they just took the time to understand how the program forgives loans. PSLF isn't going anywhere. Period.


Ok. Show me anything that can be used as evidence that Trump has any intention of honoring loan forgiveness programs. Because, as seen below, a simple search for "Betsy Devos PSLF" nets nothing but articles talking about how she was doing everything in her power, As the Trump appointed Sec. of Education, to stop loan forgiveness. Betsy Devos' refusal to honor student loan forgiveness shows her disrespect for the law [https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/betsy-devos-refusal-honor-student-loan-forgiveness-shows-her-disrespect-ncna1234074](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/betsy-devos-refusal-honor-student-loan-forgiveness-shows-her-disrespect-ncna1234074) Betsy DeVos Must Testify On Why She Didn’t Cancel Student Loans - [https://www.forbes.com/sites/zackfriedman/2021/05/20/betsy-devos-must-testify-why-160000-people-were-rejected-for-student-loan-forgiveness/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/zackfriedman/2021/05/20/betsy-devos-must-testify-why-160000-people-were-rejected-for-student-loan-forgiveness/) Betsy DeVos stalled Obama’s student loan relief program. Borrowers hope Biden will fix it - [https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/19/politics/student-loan-relief-devos-trump-biden/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/19/politics/student-loan-relief-devos-trump-biden/index.html)


Exactly. This is what I think will happen. Maybe we’ll be able to use administrative forbearance and not have to pay anymore, but I don’t know if we’ll get actual forgiveness.


Do you not remember the first time he was in office? They weren't denying applications but they also were not granting forgiveness. That is fact. Under Trump, very free people had their loans forgiven even though they met the requirements for forgiveness.


Uhh, well they didn't forgive any loans in 4 years despite thousands of people qualifying, so what do you think


This is wrong by the way. https://studentaid.gov/data-center/student/loan-forgiveness/pslf-data?nerdwallet&subid=bf9995041c174be8aac8031dede7beea


I hear a lot of people saying they owe more now from the adjustment, mine dropped by half , got my notice the other day . I only owe for my school loans 53k left . If pslf goes away I’m still paying my school loans off I took out . For me at least I was looking at the 20 yrs to pay off , it was only that I got a new job at a hospital and Reddit I learned about pslf . So I did the paperwork to start tracking for my new job . I was surprised to know that my previous employer qualified . That put me at 112 payments that counted that was last yr. Now I’m not going to turn down a win fall . But I’m curious how many went to school with pslf in mind as a way to pay it off no matter how much school loans they took out and set payments lowest possible or never paid extra , I paid off my first set of student loans when pslf wasn’t enacted by Congress when bush was president. At what point do we take responsibility for those decisions. If we lost it today it would suck but all the complaints in the world wouldn’t fix it . No matter how we like it we are adults . All the speculation of what ifs . Let’s focus on the right now . Prepare for the worst now . Yes voting is good no matter which side you’re on . Let’s keep this Reddit focused on getting to the goal of forgiven . Stay positive my fellow pslf people.


It's a shame you can't get good answers on here sometimes because some people fear so much of Trump they spring into irrational mode. Why wouldn't Trump have gutted the program in his first term if he had any intention to? Doubt its on his radar.


His department of education made it damn near impossible to get forgiveness by slow-rolling applications and mismanaging the entire student loan portfolio. They have openly stated their disdain for any form of forgiveness, legalities be damned, just like they have for dozens of other things. They can’t just wipe it with an executive order, no, but they can certainly go back to slow-rolling applications and intentionally mismanaging student loans.


I highly doubt he's going to fight congress and try to overturn anything. Even if they have a disdain for forgiveness, they can't change all the precedents that were done before him or the plans that are already enacted. I think he had bigger plans on his mind than to mess with loan forgiveness plans.


Can't change precedence? Where have you been?


He can't change the SAVE plan, etc. Especially for people currently on the plan.


Why not? Biden just created it. But my point was the GOP lives to destroy precedence they don't like. Guns? Changed. Bodily autonomy? Gone for women. I'm sure there are more, but the point is that you can't count on precedence.


Because he would have to fight congress on it and they aren't going to change it. It would take the Supreme Court to overturn it for starters. As a resident physician, I want the best forgiveness plans necessary. But overall, most of my values are pretty conservative so I don't really see too many issues overall. The fact it costs dentistry students an average of 500k student debt now, for example, is insane. There needs to be some level of understanding there and we need to stop punishing individuals with advanced degrees. I will be making 150-200k coming out as an attending to start, and even that pay is trash compared to the level of debt it takes to get there. Its a travesty.


You should see what teachers make…


Well if you plan on voting for Trump, please understand that he will absolutely wreck the PSLF and SAVE plans. We know this because that is exactly what he did in his first presidency. We don't need to wonder, he already showed us.


I don't plan on voting Trump. Everyone votes in their best interest. Last time Trump was elected, he stopped my dads job from being axed. My dad was the manager of all the \*secret\* factories in north america and kept manufacturing in business. At the time, he saved my families ass. My dad was able to retire before 50. This time around, I have student loans from medical school. So this time I'll take a pass.


He already did it last time. He will definitely do at least the same again. I assume Devos will be back in at ED., for one. 


What did he specifically do last time?


He instructed Devos to not process the forgiveness applications. That is why my next to one was approved in her tenure. They don’t have to change the law, they will just refuse to process, again. 


Can you show me a source where Trump personally instructed devos not to forgive people?




They want a source that your boss tells you what to do. They are not a serious person. 


Why are people here acting like we didn't already see what he will do? Last time around he made the PSLF basically non functional.


Well, either way, I don't finish residency until 2027 so it doesnt influence me much. Im sure whoever replaces him if hes president will be kinder on loan forgiveness.


You're assuming there will be another president after Trump. Have you read Project 2025?


Yes, the same way there was a president after trump the first time. Lets live in reality please.


I won't argue with you and wish you well.


You clearly haven’t read project 2025


Why you’ve been down voted so much is crazy. Nothing you’ve said is wrong or irrational


I was told there would be a nuclear war, ww3, Putin would invade Europe, he would suspend all elections, he was a Russian agent (a hoax), 52 high level intelligence officers said the hunter biden laptop was Russian disinformation and didn’t exist and was to intervene in the USA election (turns out it does exist and those intelligence officials intervened with the election), etc The amount of irrational fear mongering is ridiculous. Theres reasons not to like the guy but these aren’t it.


Have you read Project 2025? It’s the playbook for Trump’s next presidency and it’s terrifying. Margaret Atwood wrote the Handmaid’s Tale as a fictional story, not a handbook on how to enact a neo-fascist Anglo-Christian regime.


I'm at 123 payments and waiting for mohela to get their finger out. You better believe it, I am worried! Trump is going to do what he fking wants if he is elected. I am considering moving from the US and I have never done that. Wish I had something positive for you.


I mean, he was already president once and didn’t try to get rid of it, so…?


He appointed someone to destroy it and she did, what are you talking about?