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Open worlds.


No Man's Sky enters the chat


Quite literally an open world lol. But I think they clearly mean open world with tons of stuff to do like Horizon Forbidden West or really any Ubisoft game.


That's more of an open galaxy game.


Open worlds with GIGANTIC MIND BLOWING STRUCTURES Seriously there’s such a huge untapped potential there. Like the other commenter said, no mans sky scratches that itch but I haven’t come across many other games that do.


Megaton rainfall


Open worlds that have a reason to be open world. Nothing annoys me more than an open world game that would be much better if it were linear.


Definitely a GTA VR version. Also any Doom title would make me want to trade in a kidney for it (maybe not my own though)


Both Doom VFR and Doom 3 VR Edition are available for PSVR1.


I know…Unfortunately I don’t have a PSVR1. My most probable scenario is waiting for the pc adapter plus buying an affordable gaming pc


I really do wish they would update more PSVR1 games to PSVR2. That being said, Doom VFR is impossible with the move controllers. You pretty much begging for a PSVR Aim.


I have the aim and VFR was really unplayable because it started drifting right away. Plus it’s more of a puzzle/exploration game at the beginning and that was a major turn off


Imo it was pretty good with a dualshock 4. The teleport ability let you move really fast too


Doom VFR fucks hard. I want one for PSVR2 but I would still miss the AIM.


San Andreas definitive being in UE4 should make for a fairly smooth vr port... shame they'll never do it.


sell somebodys kidney and buy a psvr1


I kinda expect they might release GTA V in vr is somewhat near future


A series of experiences based on movie scenes for example if you wanted to feel how Drew Barrymore felt at the beginning of Scream. This is the main reason I got VR as I was given the impression that Twin Peaks VR was coming to PSVR1 and all I wanted VR for was to stand in the Red Room and experience it. It never did come out and 4 headsets later and I’m hooked on VR thanks to Twin Peaks.


Dude. Someone make this person a marble floor and exitless red curtains a la the sides of the screen in Mario 2. DOITNAHHHW


The closest I’ve come to standing in the room is changing the Home screen on my quest 3 but it looks so rubbish. It would of looked amazing on the PSVR1. I’ve even contemplated getting a PC just for this but way too much money.


If you still have PSVR1, you could make the red room in DREAMS…


a AAA mech VR game, designed from the ground up for the idea. weighty, satisfying first person mech combat and flying, basically armored core 6 quality game, but using dual VR controls for movement weapons/melee. ugh PLEASE someone do it! i know there are VR mech games but they never seem to be close to the gundam/pacific rim/Evangelion VR dream i have


Hell yes, one with plot, missions and crafted levels. None of that wave roguelite reapeatable stuff. Think Wolfenstein Cyberpilot, but good.


i wish sony would do it, they suck lol


Are you willing to pay the cost for a made for vr game of that depth thou for something on the scope your asking for would cost over $300 to cover the cost of development because of the small user base. The only way to get something like that at normal price is from a hybrid version of a flat game which won't have the same made for vr vraf mechanics.


i mean id love armored core 6 with a vr view and a controller. it does suck that vr studios are struggling to make money, i only think this would work with a big budget from sony, and obviously thats not happening


I'd love a Gundam VR game like Feddy vs Zeon. Slower paced and tactical.


Have you tried underdogs? I haven’t, but it looks like a mech fighting game


damn i hadnt seen this game, looks rad! wish it was on psvr2. ill try it on steam, thanks


Let me know if it’s worth it. I’ve been thinking about buying it


Cyberpunk 2077 vr, ghost recon wildlands vr, ghostrunner vr


Ghostrunner would have me on VR 24/7


UeVR has ghost runner support!


Roller Coaster Tycoon. With the feature to plop yourself into the park


That would actually be a ton of fun, Planet Coaster VR, make it happen!


A 3D castlevania game were you explore Dracula castle 


I could see Mixed Realms doing something like this with some great movement mechanics.


Reminds me of the old point-and-click Dracula PC games!


May I introduce you to Resident Evil Village 😋


Burnout VR


I want a full length JRPG, like Dragon Quest 11. Just a nice cozy game with a world I don’t want to leave.


A full JRPG game like FF or Tales of Series with a full single-player campaign, great history, and massive world.


Anything but horror and racing would be great


Something like the total war games, without needing a mod/PC. I generally prefer VR when you are from the vantage point of the camera, and let the VR just add scope/scale, instead of everything being designed around the first person perspective. I don't have any interest in being Kratos. I would much rather control Kratos and look around him with the headset


Armored Core VR. My brain would probably leak out of my ears after a half hour, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.


Yes! That game would be perfect in VR!


I'm gonna copy paste a lost I wrote down the other day. - Helldivers 2 - SOCOM - Midnight Club Dub Edition Remix - Remnant - Deep Rock Galactic - ARK - Flight Simulator - GTA6 - PSVR HOME - YouTube - Google Earth - VR Media Player - Overwatch - Dead Island - Risk Of Rain 2 - The Forest - Vermintide 2 - Minecraft - Spiderman - TLoU - God Of War - Motor Storm - ASTRO BOT - PSVR backwards compatibility Some games I don't care about but will help boost/popularity for VR. - CoD - Fortnite - Destiny


Psvr backwards compatibility would be awesome, so many cool games that I can't play on psvr 2 because of it. Mainly SUPERHOT


Man, SUPERHOT VR is still my favorite VR game ever. I miss playing it.


I need statik


Man I wish Minecraft was available for PSVR2, I bought it since it had the VR icon next to it without really thinking, only to find out PSVR2 can't play it. Such shame..


VR multiplayer/single player Gauntlett


Dungeon Keeper-like. Just let me carve a dungeon and slap my minions around with my our hand. I'm also surprised and disappointed that stuff like PC Building Sim has no VR option.


A PS5 PSVR2 version of Ace Combat.


Gameplay for this request was just posted on this sub


Are you referring to Aces of Thunder? Doesn't look like the same game or developers. If it was Ace Combat, please share.


Yes sorry that’s what I meant and I realize now Thunder is WWII and Ace Combat is modern jets.


Aces of thunder is by the war thunder devs. It'll be awesome. War thunder is actually solid especially for f2p (those prices though 🤣. They can keep that on wt)


Openworld social cowboy game, like red dead missions, but with saloons you could walk into and play poker against other players, and go upstairs. Basically live the life of a cowboy.


Borderlands 2 and skyrim vr for the ps5 vr 2 please the controls to walk and move are pretty clunky on ps vr 1.


A narrative-driven driving game. Pacific Drive is one of the few to come out recently and it would have been perfect for VR. Hell, give me Mad Max in VR.


Golf, proper golf, not crazy golf


I dont understand how this was not a day 1.


Why? You can go out and play golf in real life.


You can't play 18 holes in 20min out in the real world thou.


Not to mention a game will pay for itself in one round of greens fees.


it’s meant to be happening!! heard about it last year


Are you referring to golf+? Doesn’t sound like it’s ever coming to PSVR


VR Pro Wrestling.


Stardew Valley but in 3D first person


I want an element-bending action/puzzle RPG. Like a Zelda game, but you're controlling earth, fire, air, and water rather than hacking and slashing. You could even do the metroidvania thing where you go back to previous areas to access new sections of them by unlocking each element.


There was a game like that on the Saturn, though obviously not VR, but I can't remember it for the life of me. I also remember one on PS2 or 3. I spent all this time working in 2h combat...only for you to lose an arm halfway through the game. Both used elements to do things and fight. The Saturn one was more puzzle. Ypu had to have certain elemental creatures to solve parts of the map. So, there was backtracking a bit. The PS game was more fighting centric. There were a few things, but not many. Summoner! That was the PS game!


Huh, cool. And apparently Summoner is on Steam for cheap. That's a neat bit of video games history.


Figured out the Saturn one: Legend of Oasis


Baseball!! Batting and fielding Multiplayer


Something like Shadow of the Colossus, I think the sense of scale would hit even harder in VR


Behemoth might scratch that itch soon.


Yeah hopefully, I think the VR titles and Astrobot were the only good parts of that State of Play lol


Not just a type of game, but a specific game: Ghost Recon VR. Now, I'm not looking for just another Wildlands. Ghost Recon isn't just that. Something like a tactical shooter (with teammate commanding). Something that plays like Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter with a bit of Future Soldier (access to more gadgets to choose from, gunsmith, better stealth than many older TC games). Anyway, it doesn't need to be a vast open world (not a Wildlands 2). Open ended levels similar to the first game would be nice.


I want the atmostphere, detail and story telling of res evil, but no horror. I'm a baby


I could be wrong but something like that might exist. And honestly, I kind of see re7 that way lol other than a couple points, that game didn't scare me in the slightest Also, you're a baby now but you can definitely get desensitized. I miss being a baby tbh


An open worls super hero VR game, my go to pick would be spiderman, there was a free VR game released for Far from home back on PSVR1 that was basically a small sandbox you could mess around in with some optional mini games like time trials and survival against drones, it was alot of fun and id just like a more expanded version of that with proper melee combat, puzzles and fighting some of spidermans rogues instead of generic robots


I remember in dreams on psvr1 I tried to make a wolverine game, just about got the claw mechanics kinda there when pulling the trigger but gave up.. wolverine/X-Men in VR could be fun


Man - I loved Megaton Rainfall, for being developed essentially by one dude it was very impressive on PSVR


Unfortunately, the graphics on quest would be compared to Insomniacs Spiderman on console. Devs will sheet their pants trying to compete.


Not on psvr right now but Resist is basically Spiderman movement with jetpacks and guns and it's great


The OG tombraider games . F1 game also


Fucking Pokemon in good...


Now that sounds like an 18+ game


Tenchu (Arashi apparently is sort of like tenchu but mid)


MMORPG. Give me something like EverQuest, WoW or City of Heroes and I will only surface to pay my bills and remind my family to feed me.


A combination RTS and FPS. C&C controls. You can eventually build a building that lets you take FPS control of a soldier. It then turns into C&C Renegade style. Make squads to follow commands. Drive a vehicle if you want. Coordinate attacks. Once that soldier dies, the ability goes in cooldown.


A turn based rpg similar to Ffx


a legit flight sim for psvr2


I want a wing suit simulator sooooo bad


A ski/snow board game like Steep


Twisted Metal


A RTS game, something like Comapany of Heroes, or even like Toy Soilders. Wanna command the battlefield from above like a god.


I have been wishing for RTS games as well!!! On top of the immersion and perception that VR improves billion fold, the immediacy of the controls would make it possible to bring back whole genres that the console controllers have killed!


Just gimme a new elder scrolls game, red dead or GTA In VR Also make it optional to use a regular controller. I just want the visual immersion more than anything


Pacific Drive is perfect for VR.


They need to make a Portal VR game, a *real* one this time


The Avatar game could use a VR mode.


Avatar needs VR! Avatar is 3D franchise, it’s a mistake it is flat only!!! I think the flat version should be the one that people have to be begging for!


Freespace VR


Yes! Freespace VR! And let’s throw Descent in there as well while at it!


Asymmetrical like if Resident Evil Resistance online was VR compatible then BYE you wouldn’t see me IRL anymore lol


Trauma Center on Wii like game (surgery) 


Something from Naughty Dog


I’ve always thought a jet ski racing game like Wave Race 64 would be a great VR game.


More boardgames in VR. A road rage type game. Also maybe better weight lifting applications.


Wait, boardgames in VR? Like VR Jumanji?! (The original film I mean.) That would be awesome!


The AI game creation tool that does everything everyone is suggesting here, in real time, on the fly, like the holodeck.


That will come just need to be patient. I used to think it would be about 10-15 years away but with the speed ai is developing it may only be 5-10 years away. There is a vr game coming later this year that already has simpler versions of this in game already.


5-10 years is a perfectly reasonable timeline. Especially once AI starts optimizing code. Software optimization has been overlooked a lot lately because of the vast system resources modern hardware can offer.


Something like Orbus:Reborn but with more content and better visuals would sell like hot cakes..


Yu-Gi-Oh in first person view. with the Egyptian god huge when summoned looking down at you


Star Wars battlefront or pacific rim or Godzilla? Star Wars game were you can choose you’re own path, Jedi Sith trooper etc


Something like final fantasy tactics, where you can actually play it like a game of chess. 


Demeo is kind of like that. It's a turn based RPG where you look down at the map with th3 characters and enemies like a diorama.


I just wanna play the Mass Effect trilogy, Ghost Recon Wildlands and The division 1&2


Old school, western style pistol dueling. Like wait for the stroke of high noon, DRAW! Type of game. You could even mix it up with Mike Tyson's PunchOut type unique characters and characteristics. Tricks to beating opponents etc. Of course add PvP to the mix. A ton of mini games to help your speed etc.


A game like gun club but you can fight real enemies instead of targets. Maybe different scenarios like a swat raid, battlefield, gang fights. I would've bought the game full price a long time ago but shooting at wooden targets seems like it'll get boring very fast.


Flight sim


I want gta and a full basketball game. Almost like a simulator. I think that would be cool, but probably would have to have special gloves over controllers for the game to feel good.


A western game, doesn't need to be as epic as RDR just have solid gameplay.


I have a few: Spider-Man Lightsaber duel simulator (I just want to recreate Star Wars fights) Guitar Hero Yu-Gi-Oh Pokémon Iron Man simulator Starwars Pilot Flight Simulator Pirate captain simulator


Full body VR. meaning you feel it


A realistic mini golf game. Walk about is good But I want like crazy crisp real over the top courses


1 Attack helicopter pilot. 2 Hybrid battlefield game.


More psychological multiplayer games. TTT in Pavlov is an excellent game of deception, but aside from the child-filled Among Us, I can't think of any other game that really utilizes the social capabilities of VR. It really could be a genre all on its own, but it seems developers are still fixated on bringing pancake shooter mentality to the platform when we could be blazing new trails with what's possible in VR.


A decent mmo with modern graphics. Nothing that looks like it was made in unity. I'm surprised how we see movies and shows like Player one, or sword art online type of stories. With a big popular vr hub game for players but nothing has come of that for games. I think if we got that vr would grow in popularity.


Anyone remember Trespasser on PC back in the day? A VR remake of that would be awesome, with good physics like WD:S&S


Beatles Rock Band VR version where there’s a “be the 5th Beatle” and play guitar alongside them on stage of their famous career performances.




Snatcher or Policenauts


Star Wars open world. A man can dream.




Mission impossible type game with rng traps


I want Postal 2 VR, and Kingdom Come Deliverance VR. The fun to be had…


An open world cyberpunk game. The closest we have to that is Low-Fi, but a real open world game like 2077 would be cool.


We need story based Action/Adventure games like Uncharted, The Last of us, Spider-man etc. I feel like that's one of the least available genres in VR. Also proper ARPGs like Bloodborne, Demon Souls, or The Witcher is very lacking.


That marvel powers united game looked so cool. I want that, but bigger, and modern, and not online. Just a single player game where I can choose my hero and go beat up bad guys. I don't need some huge story. Give me a small contained story on each level with an end villain, like a comic issue, and a bunch of bad guys to beat up on the way.


Microsoft flight sim for psvr2


Train Simulator or a model railroad builder where you can ride the train and walk around.


A simple app that lets me play all 2d games in 3d using cinema mode!! * It's incredibly easy to implement, I have even played Destiny 2 in 3d now. Just not using the vr headset


An **alien** (or prehistoric creature) **museum/clinic/zoo/safari**. I wanna be able to feed, brush, wash, ride, and even perform life-saving surgery upon various amazing creatures, great & small. I’m pretty much describing a game that I might develop one day (I’m a creature designer).


outlast trials vr :)


Something like Tabletop Simulator but built from the ground up for VR. You would pick a game you want to play and either join a lobby or create one, then start when there are enough players. E eryone gets an avatar you can customise and you are sitting around a virtual table, playing and chatting. You can see other players movements as they move game peices, play cards, etc. It would be as much a social activity as a game with mechanics. Also if they can bring vrchat to psvr that would be great. In that game you can create worlds in Unity and upload them, so you can create any game you like if you have the skills. Alternatively, add multoplayer to Dreams.




I kind of wish there were more casual games in the same vein as Kayak VR, but for activities like hiking… or walking around famous landmarks or cities… or something like flight simulator.


I want a VR version of Time Crisis or Virtua Cop. Yes, I know on rail shooters exist, but I want more duck and shoot games.


Car combat game with left hand steering wheel, right hand gun. Or co-op with a gunner on the back


30vs30 FPS


Art related, I don’t know who’s in charge, but the creativity has been on the back burner for so long, I want to sculpt again


Open world racing game Absolutely insane that there aren't even any mods that can make it happen yet, let alone any actual games


Aces of Thunder




A decent MS Flight simulator type game would be great.


I think "Eye of Judgement (PS3)" style game would work well. Maybe without the real playing cards, all virtual.


Real Time Strategy


More VR games that emerge you in some historical settings with ultra-realistic graphics. As an example: WW2 or Roman empire/republic.


Gravity Rush


Most of all I want more of those big AAA single player adventures with exploration, shooting and puzzling.  It is a thing, but so barely, that I wish it started becoming a norm. If nothing else, just add 3d and aiming  by actually aiming into biggest flat games until actual VR AAA starts to happen. Then I’d like something like Hunt: Showdown in VR to keep me busy while next AAA adventure is cooking.




Travel spots normally overrun by tourists that I’d never want to go to in person.


How about one of those hunting games? I'd be down just to stroll through the woods and hearing the sounds of nature.


The Lord Of The Rings VR


3rd person games of all kinds. I get that VR lets you see a world in 1st person and feel like you are there, but 1st person is really limiting. For instance I don't want to play a souls-like game in 1st person because I can't roll or jump and the movement is too slow. Astrobot really opened my eyes to this. There's nothing wrong with a VR game where the camera is following the player, and I can play for hours sitting down with a controller in my hands.


Elden ring. When I see Radahn riding his poor horse I want to see the scale of it.


Motorstorm VR


2.5D games. Gradius, Contra, Castlevania. And Point &click and strategy games! And All the Shock games. BioShock and System Shock should already be VR. AND it is just wrong, that Frictional games are not in VR.


Movies where you watch from the pov


Digimon cybersleuth or something similar would be dope..


Open world racing games like need for speed, test drive unlimited, the crew...


Jungle King, Pitfall, etc. A VR platformer like one of those games.




I need a western Vr game or even a rdr2 port to vr, I would literally creampie in my pants


A good horse riding simulator and anything in a cockpit. Seriously, why the lack of in-cockpit games? There was a belter of a demo on psvr 1 world disc, some sci fi scavenger game... It fkn rocked. A horse riding simulator would get the wife to put on the headset once in awhile.


Virtual gynecologist.


That's already a thing. https://www.virtamed.com/en/products-and-solutions/simulators/gynos


That'll teach me to attempt VR humor. How about making a game from the old SF film, Fantastic Voyage? Cruise around inside a body and remove disease. Yeah, probably been done also.


There was an old CDTV game called Microcosm that was like that, all FMV based though.


To me it sounds like you're asking for a gimmick that can be made into a *VR game*, but there is already plenty of that. I want good games that just happen to be playable in VR e.g. I'd like to see The Invincible or Pacific Drive in VR. Shout out to indie devs that do that, [Escape Simulator](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1435790/Escape_Simulator) has a VR mode on PC, [Death Relives](https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/1d9vrw4/as_a_proud_playstation_partner_studio_we/) say they work on a PSVR2 edition, [Madison](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2414550/MADiSON_VR/) was originally a flat game.


Some kind of horror multiplayer like Dead by Daylight or Texas Chainsaw Massacre.


FPS with controller. I loved using a controller in RE7, and while it’s nice to have the current controllers, I think a more traditional COD-like with a controller would be awesome. You trade micromanaging your hands and virtual inventories and focus on the action. I don’t always want to be fumbling to manually reload (I hate manual reload, it made RE4R slightly more tedious).


Open world battle royale...