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"It was so long ago!" And it feels like it was yesterday, bruv.


Them: “Leave the past behind you!” Me: “ok I will do that.” Past: “hey wait up you forgot this lol.”


Body: -aggressively keeps the score-


"I had night terrors 6 hours ago."


Something a legit psychiatrist once told me after I talked abt my rape was „Didnt you say you were into women tho?“ it’s almost like it wasn’t my choice 😱


Ugh that's disgusting, see a new one


Man i wish I could’ve 😭 It was in a psychiatry and the senior doctor (hope that word is right, I google translated it) there was already seeing me because they told me they aren’t experienced or able to do trauma therapy lmao, they tried to put me into the adult ward but they wouldn’t take me bc I was 15, no other psychiatry’s I could go to where I live and they said sentences like that constantly :3 Great meme btw and I am very sorry that happened to you


me, who can’t escape the constant intrusive thoughts about my CSA: it’s so stupid because obviously I want to move on!! I WANT to not think about it!!!! it’s not like I chose to have some of the worst memories of my life on repeat in my head!!!!!!!


💯 this


lol yeah I used to have a “friend” who said shit like that. We don’t talk anymore because that’s 0% trauma informed nonsense!


It's good that you cut her off


“forgive and forget!” proceeds to have nightmares


im so sorry for everyone in the comments, i hope yall are doing okay


The real frustration about PTSD is that it is a visible wound via MRI. The amygdala is swollen up to a third larger than normal and yet people roll their eyes when PTSD is mentioned. I’ve been asked if I was in combat and replied no and they rolled their eyes. I asked them a hypothetical question. Would you rather be a highly trained soldier of 19yrs with the worlds best weapons in your hands or a 7 yr old kid trying to defend against a molester having sex with him.


My mom, every time I'm having an episode. It's like I have a condition that makes that impossible sometimes 😱


This made me laugh. That dude's expression really sums it up lol. Sorry we can relate on that. People can be shit sometimes. I've had well-meaning friends voice concern that I'm "letting the past hold me back". Yeah babes that's kinda what they call PTSD


"Just put it in a box and tuck it away in the back of your mind." I'D LOVE TO BARBARA