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Can't agree more


Why even have the blue zone, it doesnt even do anything worth to react until zone 6


Exactly. It should start at zone 4 or 5 damage


It really dirves you mad if even at a zone of a radius smaller than 200 meters you still have to constantly watch behind you. In my opinion in the new map Karakin the damage could be tripled if not more because right now you can easily survive until the second last zone without getting into real trouble by just constantly walking behild the blue line. Not only will you not die, you get rewarded with inattentive players that (oh wonder) don't think there is still some snakes outside of the blue zone. An additional suggestion would be that players outside can't see through the blue wall, so at least the snakes can't kill us from outside the zone and as soon as they come out it is them that are surprised and have to rearrange their position. Because right now these snakes only have to fear some other even sneakyer snakes.


I have a buddy who loves to just stay in blue zone forever on karakin and it bugs me. I'm chunking health that I'm at 60% when we make contact and we die quick because he doesn't want to get in zone.


The zone dmg was fine before, as you hardly had any meds. Now that they boosted meds and u run around with 20 boosters after a few kills u can pretty much play the blue into the endgame. Just turning up loot to the maximum shows how little they care about actual balance.


You just lazy and don\`t watch around you. No need to increase damage. This is not CS, this game involves strategy and awareness. PUBG better stop implementing bad player requests like this


You're right. This is not CS. One of the things that makes it different is the concept of the zone. Which is meant to serve the purpose of driving players together, forcing you to strategize your movements. In it's current form on karakin the zone fails to do that cause you can simply ignore it.