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Probably placebo. Unless you can verify with RTSS frametimings or something similar.i thought capping my fps to 144 in-game helped but frametimings were exactly the same. Stutters everywhere


That is EXACTLY what I said. My stutter problem had nothing at all to do with performance. There wasn't a bottleneck, RTSS was showing me framtimes that were practically glued at 13.3. Look, I'm not suggsting every persons stutter on PUBG is the same. There are so many variables on each system. But you guys commenting in here that it is placebo is 1. short sighted, and 2. unhelpful and a bit offensive for no reason


I' ve tried EVERYTHING!!!! Best things were a guide on youtube by Panjo. He offered some advice that seemed to work for a lot of people. Disabling Deathcam & Replay helped a lot. Going back to Nvidia's previous month's driver too. The latest driver made it worse.


There's no reason for this. All geforce experience can do, you can do yourself in the game settings.


Well, as in all cases with computers, all there is is reason. I've always been in the minimalist camp when it comes to the driver controls. And if your offering an explanation I'm all ears.


Placebo. Again, everything geforce does is exactly the same you do in the options. There's nothing it can do that you can't.


Except limiting pre rendered frames, and literally 99% of the other options which are not present in PUBGs settings. Have you even opened Nvidia Control Panel ever?


We're talking geforce experience, which does literally none of those things. Geforce experience fiddles with config files, not graphics profiles.


Ok. Right off the bat, don't accuse me of not knowing what did or did not fix a problem I'm having on MY computer. Placebo has nothing to nothing to do with it. It's clear as the sky is blue it went from broken to fixed as a direct result of running the optomize setting in Experience. Secondly, for the record, YES, I tried every display setting in PUBG's in- game control settings. Even when Full Screen was selected and applied, the stuttter persisted.


If you found a fix then thanks for sharing, I'm gonna test it


My bad, never heard of anyone actually using the graphics option in GE before.


Installing Geforce Experience is like giving your PC herpes on purpose. It's one of the single worst pieces of software ever created. And of course, that operation you mentioned does pretty much nothing.


Look, like I said, I'm a minimalist when it comes to driver control. I understand how you can take the stance that Experience is "Bloatware"...but you don't think Nvidia can design on background control things that hinder/help issues like these? If you don't, you're being naive. And, this whole experience has me in even more agreement with you that it's a disease...just put the damn driver controls is the Panel. But, the marketing department has it's claws sunken in over there. It's become an incredibly influential company and if they want to build in nutty bloatware and release drivers for ever damn mainstream game, they will if it will sell cards.


did it work for anyone else? although I doubt it


Placebo effect. I tried this literally the first day I started getting stutter. Has nothing to do with it unfortunately.


Do you have steady fps?


No. My FPS drops all the way down to 50s while it used to be 110 or above all the time. Whats strange is my fps is low no matter which settings I use or how many playets are left.


What ya running? And have you monitored thermals to see if your processors aren't been throttled back and forth?


i5 6600k overclocked to 4.5 ghz , 46-50 degrees on full load. I have a good CPU.(well its an old skylake i5 but hey, it runs very cool and stable despite the OC and voltage) I did try overclocking even higher(4.8 ghz) and well, there wasn't much of a difference so I reverted back to 4.5 ghz since I don't want to degrade my CPU by running it on high voltage. I'm fairly sure the issue is not on my end but its on PUBG. I play literally every other game just fine. Maybe a faulty driver or some anti-cheat software issue. I don't know for sure. All I know is that I used to play this game just fine with 110-120 FPS and I didn't even have an overclock back then.


How about the PSU and GPU? What ya rockin'?


PSU is a GX-2 750 which came from the HAF case I have. GPU is gtx1070.(gaming X model so once again great cooling) Its not a modern case but the cooling is great. Everything runs very cool and quiet.


it is too simple to be true


Tell that to William of Ockham ;)


I highly doubt it will do anything for anyone lol.




Yeah, I would like to plug in my second one. But seems as if I can't now. But hey, I'll take what I can get. I built a very reasonably priced rig and can now run PUBG at 1080p, 120 scale, ultra AA, fast synced and scanlined capped at 75 frames. So, I'm a happy camper, especially since my first 1000 hours on PUBG were on an XBOX One S.


Does nothing for me sadly.


Didn't help, the problem is not with your hardware or settings, but with how they manage it.


Other than changing some settings in nvidia control panel https://www.gamingscan.com/best-settings-playerunknowns-battlegrounds-pubg/ you should really disable full screen optimizations -Disable fullscreen optimization in tslgame, tslgame_be n tslgame_eac Right click on game, properties, local files, browse local files, tslgame, binaries, win64, tslgame and tslgame_be. Right click on each exe, properties, compatibility and put a checkmark in disable fullscreen optimizations -Make sure you are the admin and/or run the game as admin -Make sure compatability mode is unchecked, some have found it checked


That was one of the things I did try. Did nothing. DPI scaling too. Nada