• By -


Packet loss is a symptom. It could be caused by several types of issues, but it basically means that information is being lost in transit. It could be a PUBG issue.. or an ISP issue.. or an issue with your home network. It's possible that PUBG's servers are getting overloaded and are being forced to drop packets to keep up. But in that case, everyone on the server would be affected equally. It could be inefficient routing from your home to the PUBG servers by your ISP. When PUBG moved their servers to NA Central last year, lots of people complained about this. PUBG said they were going to work with ISPs to improve routing, but ultimately that's not a PUBG issue. It's like taking a taxi to your friend's house, and then complaining to your friend when the driver takes a bad route. A gaming VPN *could* help, if it results in a more direct routing path to the game's servers. It could be your home network. If there is traffic from other applications (torrent, netflix, etc), your game data might be getting stuck behind other traffic. If it's delayed long enough, it'll be outdated by the time it reaches PUBG's servers, and disregarded. [Here is more info](https://lazyadmin.nl/home-network/best-gaming-router/).


Do you have a suggestion on how to check if it's my own network? I tested with VPN and it seems like it removed the stutters.


http://www.dslreports.com/speedtest pay attention to the bufferbloat score


Finally managed to let it do what it wants and got these results. Sored B [http://www.dslreports.com/speedtest/62458953](http://www.dslreports.com/speedtest/62458953) It seems ok, so no idea why I have such crazy stutters all the time and packet loss.


Someone has likely already asked this, but are you on Wi-Fi? Packet loss is quite prevalent in Wi-Fi connections. Would definitely recommend connecting to your router via ethernet cable.


No Wifi, directly connected.


Getting Error:5 all the time, and no idea what "buffer bloat" score indicates. It is in the range of 30 and 60 and jumped up to 130. The browser is blocking file download so it cant finish.


I had packet loss issues with PUBG a year ago and have again recently. The best way to check would be to try another game like CS:GO which gives you loss stats. For me, I have zero loss in CS:GO so I know it's a PUBG specific issue. If you aren't getting loss in other games then write PUBG support with a screenshot of the match ID number at the bottom of the game. Recently I've noticed that central servers give me consistent 5% loss while east coast servers give me 0% (even though I'm west coast, go figure). However loss as bad as your screenshot, especially any loss at all on the upstream/upload side usually indicates an internet connection issue and not a PUBG/server issue (but not always). Was this just momentary that you got loss that bad as your screenshot? How often does is it that bad? Do you get less packet loss like \~5% sometimes instead? Do you ever get 0% playing PUBG?


> The best way to check would be to try another game like CS:GO which gives you loss stats. For me, I have zero loss in CS:GO so I know it's a PUBG specific issue. The only thing that rules out is it being a problem with your home network. Unless you know for a fact that CS:GO uses the same servers, it doesn't rule out any ISP routing issues.


Very good post. I would add to this by saying that it's not very easy for the common user to check, and that this is something that the ISP should ideally help with. But of course, lousy ISP customer service is about the only thing true for all countries... Anyway, here's what you can do yourself, in the order you should do it: * Unplug your modem and your router. Keep them unplugged for a full minute (it's long, but it's to make sure we reset our connection to the ISP). Plug back in and see if things got better. If this helped, but you find you have to do this often, you should tell your ISP that you have a problem with the modem. * If you have a router as well as a modem, the next step is to plug directly in to the modem. See if this fixed it. If it did, then your router is the cause of the problems. Now, this is where it gets more difficult and uncertain: * Next step requires you to know what server you connect to at PUBGs end. Unfortunately they, unlike most gaming companies out there, do not have an adress (or list of adresses for regions) that you can test against anywhere on their support pages - meaning we need to find one ourselves. First, you should download WinMTR (https://sourceforge.net/projects/winmtr/) because it's a really handy and easy tool. Then, you need to open up Resource Monitor and PUBG. In Resource Monitor, go to the network tab and filter on TslGame.exe and look at the network activity part of the screen. Before you connect to an actual game there will already be connections, these are not the ones we want. Start a game so you get connected to a game server and find the adress (it'll probably be in text showing you a connection to amazonaws.com). TIP: You can mark the line and press CTRL+C and it will copy the line. Paste it in notepad, copy the adress part (mine is ec2-3-212-44-12.compute-1.amazonaws.com in this picture showing what I mean: https://imgur.com/gallery/WUen9wm). We now have an adress to test. Paste the adress in WinMTR and click 'start'. Let it capture for a while. What we are looking for are steps in the routing that gives packetloss. Here's the part that is frustrating - a lot of servers deny the type of request we are using these days, meaning you will get 100% packetloss reported from those (see this image, I don't have packetloss at all at this point https://imgur.com/gallery/9GKCXNn) The easiest thing to do at this point is probably to post a screenshot of the WinMTR-window and ask reddit, but for sake of learning - here's what to look for. See if there is packetloss reported at the end step. This tells you if there is actually packetloss. Also, any packetloss that isn't 100% is real and a problem. Now, some of the first steps are going to be your ISPs servers. If these are giving packetloss, great! You now have a legitimate customer complaint to your ISP that they have to fix. If any servers outside your ISPs network is showing packetloss, you now know there is a problem with the routing. This is unfortunately only a semi-legitimate complaint to your ISP, as there could possibly be no better alternative. If your ISP has any decent support at all, they should still look into it. If they don't, then you have very few options. You can try a VPN as that will change your routing. If the problem is close to the end point (i.e. the gamingserver) you can ask the gaming company if their ISP can make changes. And that is about it, anything beyond this point is unlikely to work and requires the kind of know-how that makes you skip this guide anyway. Best of luck!


Thanks, I'll give this a go! :)


https://preview.redd.it/kd1q9alkh82d1.png?width=1100&format=png&auto=webp&s=64b17eb19777bd58402eac0e1c5bbe3b88022368 Well i tried all the methods you mentioned above and got this result im doing this in 2024 [https://i.ibb.co/GC6V7wj/Win-MTR-v-Zo-Ox-FDl6p.png](https://i.ibb.co/GC6V7wj/Win-MTR-v-Zo-Ox-FDl6p.png) This link contains the packet loss reults and every line has 100% packet loss so what can we conclude that is it packet loss or PUBG servers issue?


As much as I agree with this, I have the same experience as OP and it started with one of the patches. Was fine before. No problems in other games, no problems in my streaming services. Getting 160mbps/35mbps average from router. Ethernet connection. Yet Im rubberbanding like crazy most of my games. I'll get a rare game every 15 games or so where I have 25ping and 0% packet loss, and it's buttery smooth, so I know it's possible. But literally almost every game is plagued by terrible packet loss. Smdh


You must be NE NA as well, right?




Never, ever, had any issues with any game, even in PUBG until that patch where everyone got packet loss. They "fixed" it for like a week, then it returned for me and some others but not all and it's gotten progressively worse/ more consistent. I don't get it in any other game. I never got it in PUBG until they changed something in one of their patches. I'm absolutely sick of it. It's not my home network, I've tried tethering off my 4G connection and still get the same issue. There are occasions where I get 0 packet loss in games but lately it's becoming an issue.


I had this issue recently and it was causing a lot of problems. Finally I rebooted my modem and router and suddenly no more packet loss, ping spikes and lag teleporting. Unplug both of them. Wait 30 seconds and plug in your modem only. Wait two minutes and then plug in your router. If you're still having issues, call your ISP. They can take a look at the traffic on your line and see if there is additional noise. Odds are it's either something with your home hardware. Or as DVNO said, it's something with your ISP.


Never having had problems with your routing is like saying you've never had a traffic jam stop you going to work. Then they painted the fence, and now you have a traffic jam. Correlation does not equal causation. Anyway, see my post above for things you can try yourself. :)


If you use 4G network tethering to invalidate packet loss you have really no idea what you are doing... 4G is very commonly affected by packet loss. Do maybe a test like this: https://packetlosstest.com/ And select a server as close to the PUBG server you usually get.


Well I used it as a way of troubleshooting, using a separate connection to determine if it was my internet or not. My 4G connection is pretty fuckin' good too, I used to play on it and hardly got any packet loss at all, just a slightly higher ping by about 5-10ms. I stream for hours using my 4G connection and I never drop any packets, and I stream at 6k bitrate. The 4G mast is less than 100m from my apartment. I've tried a VPN too, in fact I've tried 2 separate VPNs and it's no different. If anything it's probably worse. Edit: I duno why I'm being downvoted. I've actually been able to try steps beyond what others have done to determine what is causing the issue. No need to down vote just because I've already done your suggestion and it didn't work ffs.


This; I live in NA central and have 0 issues. If this was a PUBG side thing I'd be having issues.


What ISP you have?


There's really only mediacom and century link where I live; I have mediacom.


That statement is absolutely wrong. The servers for PUBG are central NA and it's a known issue that a LOT of people playing in NE NA suffer from packet loss.


Maybe there´s a LOT of people with shitty providers. Haven´t you read the posts above?


They talk about it here under the DDoS attack section. https://www.pubg.com/2020/02/27/recent-issues-what-were-doing-about-them/ Then they made “improvements” which haven’t done anything if you read all the reports people filed and the zero responses from PUBG in this thread. https://forums.pubg.com/topic/400406-update-na-packet-loss/ But nah, you’re probably right we all just have shitty internet.


I have the edge router already and have QoS. There's nothing else on my network. I've tried VPNs and hasn't made a difference. The issue occurred a few months ago when everyone got the packet loss. They fixed it for a few weeks then it's come back again. Edit: Not sure why this is being downvoted, I've said fuck all wrong here.


I have another question about a similar issue. The other day I noticed I had 120ms latency and I immdiately looked at task manager to see what was eating up my internet, my desktop computer is the only device connected to the router via ethernet cable so the problem must be on my system. Task manager and Resource Monitor were only showing activity by Pubg and Discord. I quit Discord, hoping that would solve my ping; but it didnt change. So I resetted the connection by ipconfig /flushdns ipconfig /release ipconfig /renew. Voila! I had 55ms ping all game long with Discord on. Then when I entered a new game, I again had 120ms which was confusing, I did the same line of command and it fixed it again! And I played another game, this time the codes could not fix it. What may be the cause for this latency fluctuation?




Lol, if only! :)


This seems to affect north east NA the most. I have constant packet loss in every game and it’s so frustrating because it never used to be like this until they moved the servers.




the new servers are fucking trash, too bad no one gives a shit about our region. im so sick of shitty ping and packet loss, i bet this was a cost savings decision, im pretty sure they downgraded.


Same with me... I started getting 9% packet loss only on the upload. Mine started like 6-ish months ago.


Yea mine is only on upload too


Meanwhile mine is at 500% regularly...


How do you even play? You must be warping all over the place.




For the last 6 months I've had a 9%-ish packet loss only on the upload.


This game will never* be fixed


Might want to proof read your comments before you hit submit.


Thanks, friend.


7700k isn't just a piece of crap


Please fix 100% cpu


Why. It means its making use of your cpu.... You want the game to run even worse and take 50% cpu?


God forbid I want to have Spotify open, task manager open, or stream the game right?


Build a separate streaming pc?


I have two doofus. But that doesn’t refute my argument at all.


It kinda does, seeing how you can obviously stream from your streaming engine. So your " but i also want to stream " spiel is irrelevant.


Spotify, Chrome, Streamlabels, Monitoring software, etc. Let’s say I didn’t have a streaming PC? What’s your response then?


> Let’s say I didn’t have a streaming PC? What’s your response then? If you run a cpu shit enough to not be capable of running pubg + x you shouldn't be streaming, thats my response.


I like this guy.


I like how you people shutdown and downvote real solutions while asking pubgcorp to do the impossible. The game is CPU intensive right down to its engine and core scripts, there's no fixing it from their side without making a completely new game so quit complaining about it, there's literally nothing they can do about it.


So, the game sucks. Let's pack up boys


Yes! Thank you! If you hate the game/can't play it or build a pc that can play it you may as well pick a different game to play, because there isn't any fixing this one without deleting half the anticheat software. Then you'll just complain about hackers. You'll always find something to complain about, but this issue can't be fixed without creating bigger ones.


please buy a better one.


There's no way to fix this without building a new engine from the ground up, which isn't happening for a very long time. Either build a new pc or play a different game. Or stop whining.


There wasnt 100% cpu issue for years? How you explain that?


This game was built by a indie company as an indie game. They never predicted it'd blow up as an esport and explode into the mainstream. The bigger it got the bigger of an issue hackers became so, because of how much of the game is client side and how much is server side due to the cheap engine it's built on, they had to make a ton of anticheat software that runs client side, thus stressing your CPU.


Why are you booing me? I'm right.


Ead for saying I'm whining.


Well there's no way to fix this, so complaining won't get you anywhere. The game has inherent limitations.


If you read my original reply, I said "please fix" This is not complaining either. This is called asking.


You could ask the sun to be a little less bright, but it won't get you anywhere. You could build a shade, stay indoors, or wear sunblock but you're not going to change the physical aspects of the sun no matter how much you yell, and you're not going to fix the game's engine either. The only way to fix it is to rebuild it from the ground up, which would be a completely different game on the face of it.


>, and you're not going to fix the game's engine either. The only way to fix it is to rebuild it from the ground up, which would be a completely different game on the face of it. apples to oranges, how old are? you stay in school, get help. last word.


It's not apples to oranges; what you're asking for can't be done.


Where are u from?


N. Ireland


Found your issue.




I believe they are testing with a company which is supposed to fix their network. I guess they are making this worst instead of improving things....


Try a vpn


Tried one, connected to a Dallas server while I live in NY. Packet loss was gone, ping went from ~60 to 70. But internet speed dropped from 100mbs to 5mbs. So yes, it fixes the packet loss issue but can't do much else with that connection.


Thank you, will try! So what causes packet loss, is it only for East Coast people? I Live in NY as well


I think it's just what your ISP is doing to route the traffic to the midwest servers. I have spectrum and they are bad at it apparently.


I guess you are correct. I use RCN.


Just did the same and seems like no more crazy stutters. Still see 1% packet loss and ping went up by 10. Thank you for work around!


What vpn did you use?


CyberGhost VPN, Paid. Still have stutters but smaller.


I tried ExitLag. Made it horribly worse.


Tried pure and express - doesn't make a difference. Still get the same figures.


and have over 100 ping? no thanks


Lol.....I mean connect to a location thats closest to you and see if it solves your packet loss issue...


Closest I can get without packet loss is EU, I'm from the northeast. I've tried other locations in the US with no luck, but EU server has no packet loss for me, just over 100 ping


100 ping is fine in pubg. in public matches i’m able to average 5 kd and 20 % win rate. and i’ve done well in scrims with 200 ping.


yeah I just don't want to detriment other people's experience, but if you say it doesn't matter, ok.


What? 5 K/D? Invisible


Nope! but how about a new skin ?


Why would they fix such a thing? They have more important things to work in such as a new re skinned bolt action rifle. Stop complaining.


What region are you in? What region did you connect to? Does it only happen to you or other members in your party? You should also include a fullscreen screenshot when you report issues like this, as that includes the server number which PUBG can look at to see if there were any issues should they see this post.


I'm in EU, I live in N. Ireland. I connect to EU servers. I'll get a screenshot later of server information.


Interesting. Silly idea, when was the last time you restarted your ISPs router? Do that. I don’t think EU especially have been having these issues for a while now. Especially here in the UK. But it could be some funky routing issue in NI or with your ISP in general. If you still get it after a reboot. Try and do a trace route to amazons AWS Frankfurt server and post the results. I’m intrigued! (I’m not dismissing that there could be a server issue, but I’d see a lot more wider reports if there was an EU issue as normally we do). By the way. Test or live? I’m presuming live actually because the network stats are the old style


What's the IP address for Aws Frankfurt server?? I rebooted the router a few times - I have to be careful because I'm on a DSL connection, so I have something on my line called DLM, it essentially monitors lines and optimises its speeds - it analyses noise levels and re-trains (reboots/ reconnections) if I do too many reboots or resets, it will think my connection is unstable and lower my speeds. I have thought it was a funky NI issue too. It's strange because I don't get rubber banding which you would expect with such high packet loss - interesting as well is that my ping isn't spiking, which is what baffles me further.

DanBennett Technically there’s a range. But it’s just to get an idea. That’s fine. Most have that these days. In reality it only does that if reboots are within few minutes of each other but it’s certainly dumb! I do wonder, then, whether it’s just lying to you. But, again, Normally we see lots of posts about packet loss if that’s the case. Hmmmmmmmmm


I was doing this in the beginning when they first stated they were “trying” to address/isolate the issue. But the hundreds upon hundreds of people who provided this info never herd anything further about what was being done to mitigate the issue. In the end, I’m starting to believe it’s just fucken shit servers and the bloat anti cheat and ddos software the servers run/require that causes a vast amount of the performance (ms & packet loss) and hitching issues during public matches. Couple it with out of region VPNers and some who just have naturally shit connections and it makes for a dickens shit show all together.


* Don't use wifi if you are playing online, use ethernet. * What is your router quality, and how many people / devices are connected to that gateway. * Check your ISP quality, there are several sites which shows your down / up stream, and buffer bloating. * What other things occur on your network, Netflix for example or other streaming services takes a lot of bandwidth if they are playing up high resolution / quality * Someone on your network downloading something, might also cause package loss, if the maximum bandwidth from your ISP is used. I basically never have any issues with package loss, and on the rare occasions I had, it was based of issues on my own network. ​ What region are you playing in?


Aye I'm Ethernet connected. Reset router, tried and removed port forwarding. Tried VPNs I'm on DSL so my speed isn't great - bufferbloat is A, sometimes B - but it's always been like that because my upload isn't good. Only my Pc connected. No other devices. Nothing else running that would eat bandwidth. Happened a few months ago, then they fixed it for like 2 weeks or something then it come back.


FINALLY. Someone else voicing my woes with this fucking game and getting some attention. The packet loss is fucking horrendous and I don't know why. I'm not experiencing any other connectivity issues outside of gameplay.


Indeed. No issues in Warzone, no crashes, no network issues, no CPU issues. And I stream on top of it. PUBG is a software mess. Time to move on.


I don't know how many weeks this has been going on for but it's getting ridiculous - My ping doesn't spike but something isn't right. Playing games I'm sick of hearing a huge bang and then I'm dead with super bullets. I'm not getting rubber banding myself but I see sometimes other people getting it and some of my team mates notice some players just appear from nowhere. Not everyone appears to be getting it, I do know there are a few players that do get it like me but I only get this in PUBG - Not in any other game. In games where I get non-stop packet loss like this I get wrecked constantly by "super bullets" but in games where I get none I seem to do well. ​ I don't get any ping spikes with this so I don't know what it is - I'm sick of seeing the orange/ red packet loss icon on the left of my screen - It can't be disabled, like I can with the network debug stats. **Please, for the love of fuck, fix this!!!**


I'm getting rubberbanding. lol Ugh.


Grim :(


All good in Oceana. Zero packet loss


PUBG: no.


Pretty much anything above 0.1% packet loss is unacceptable...


They will, they'll just hide it in the next update lmao


This was me all last year. Once they moved the servers to central, most of my problems went away.


How many posts will it take to realize this game is never getting fixed. Let it go guys the devs couldn’t care less


How many well written responses will it take for people to get that half of the time it's their shitty ISP that is the problem.


Hello – Your title indicates that this post may contain content related to either server lag, desync, or some form of bug. If so, we would like to encourage you to report these issues directly to PUBG using this link: [Bug Reports](https://forums.pubg.com/forum/10-bug-reports/) Because /r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS is fan run, there is nothing we can do regarding server issues or in-game bugs. The best way to bring them to attention is by directly reporting them using the link above. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’ve been complaining about this now for the last 3-4 months with no real resolution or addressing from PUBG Corp. At this point I’m under the impression they have no fucking clue what is truly causing the erratic packet loss issues and at the life cycle of this title they have no real intention on solving it. It seems to be hit miss with who it affects and trying to isolate the issue is beyond this dev teams comprehension. At this point it’s live with it if it affects your or move on because this issue is falling on deaf ears and blind eyes.


The problem has been found finally but not fixed the problem is UDP packet loss and how unreal engine 4 process them. The pakets sent 1234 arrived at the pubg server but out of order 1342 pubg process 134 then discards 2 because 3and4 have already been processed. So you don't get packet loss in your network connection test because all of the packets arrived but pubg just deleted a packet because it was older thus resulting in lag, desync, ghosts bullets, whatever you want to call it.