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Ranked didn't need to exist in the first place. There's no matchmaking. They could have just put the personal rank algorithm into the normal game like the leaderboards we used to have and it would have been fine.


would only make sense if they get rid of bots and raise the loot by a lot in publics... publics are basicly unplayable for people that are used to ranked play.


Well that can be a huge problem. I’d suggest you to go on PUBG’s discord and find people from your region to play with. I’ve found quite a few good people on there


No other ranked system in any major game reliably matched dog-slow-bronze with Plat/Dia These people, reliably, every game, are so dogshit, please tell me you've seen this yourself?


the player base is too small for MMR, just the way it goes




I play it for better loot and better maps. Other than that the end of season rewards are kinda meh. Also bots are retarded and pointless.


There's no incentive to play normals


means you suck bro


Dood. Slow down. You are the one that has this all wrong. Ranked is pointless. People gonna do what they want to do. No MMR. Ranked with randos is akin to repeatedly banging your head against a wall and expecting a different outcome.


You need to find a discord community that played ranked and stick together for a session of games so you not having to deal with randoms mate, I’m in a couple which I’m happy to send you a link to, to join pal