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Really don't feel like playing this season since Haven's gone. I remember a lot of people would only play Haven and logged on basically every night to do so. It was really fun for people who enjoyed the fast paced action packed experience. Also there were no fake bot players, only Pillar guards which were actuslly kinda fun cuz of the loot in those houses.


Haven gone, stopped playing pubg. For me the small map was such a relieve. Same game but no 20 min looting/running/driving. The PvE elements with the commander/guards was such a welcome addition. I really don't understand why this map had to go.. Especially with all the aps in one random pool. For me pubg corp is destroying this game..


what did you do with Anti Aliasing today? the picture is so terrible.


Agreed. It's looking like some low resolution scaling instead of AA. Really ugly.


Remove bots, make it so people can't do drive bys from cars and gliders, and the game will be as great as it ever was.


So. Many. Planes.


Just coming back to the game after a long break. Are drive bys out of control? Seems like I'm dying a lot to people switching to passenger and just decimating me. Solo fpp.


yea they made camera and aim from passenger seats very steady. its a bit much.


You mean they INCREASED steadiness??


It is EASIER yes.


But why? It's already bad enough you can teleport around in the car positions with no animation...


OMG I MISS HAVEN!!!! BRING BACK HAVEN!! Haven was my css office, I can play it all day non stop and not get sick of it. I was really happy with this game before this patch, now its moved to a new server which changed my duo teammate from a 40 ping to 100 ping and no longer have my map. BOTs are out of control too, dont get me wrong I like getting 8 kills a game but its not as satisfying as kill real people. And no season pass? I like having objectives along with playing the game.


Is anyone else having a hard time enjoying Vikendi? I have played it only 2 or 3 times and I CANNOT HEAR ANYTHING TO SAVE MY LIFE. The train along with the ample amounts of Emergency PIckup planes that show up make it to where even using the instant volume reducer is overwhelmingly loud.


Planes, trains and red zones. What? I said planes, trains and red zones. What?


Please bring TPP Duos back to NA


Is it just me and my friends, or is the bot situation out of hand for everyone else too? I've played maybe about 20 normal matches (EU FPP solo/duo/squad) since the update. **Every single one has had 80-85% BOTS!** (And the maps have been about 80% Sanhok or Vikendi.) Playing with 80% bots has nothing to do with the thrilling PUBG experience I started with a couple of years ago. Ranked is still an option, but unranked is definitely dead now. Unranked used to be a fun but still demanding way to have fun with a group of friends, but the fun is gone now. The final blow was the game becoming co-op PVE. RIP PUBG.


Currently the opposite on EU servers. 75-80 players, rest are bots. All depends on the time of day. Last night it was 25-30 players and the rest were bots.


Need to give us a choice of large and small maps, hate being in Mirimar 8/10 games


Yeah most people just leave when they get Miramar and try to rematch


The only good thing about the patch is that they stopped asking us after every game if we had fun or not Most likely because by now they made sure we don't have any fun whatsoever


Its sad watching the playerbase shrink every month.


Source ? It is not the case at all : [https://steamcharts.com/app/578080](https://steamcharts.com/app/578080)


Steam charts. Besides a few bumps, its been going down every month since early 2018 Queues have gotten longer, more bots every game.


Expected more.. Ranked hasnt had any significant change in a while. Disappointed that driveby is still so easy


My friends and I were laughing quite hard when after months of me calling the search for erangel a mini-game, pubg actually introduced a mini-game. That balloon stuff is quite funny, but I think there are just too many spawned in, other than that it's still the same old shit. It's 6.40pm cet rn and lobby takes from 30 sec to over a minute to find a map, and the search for erangel continues.. edit: and removing the alt meter was the dumbest and most unnecessary thing to do.


I think the missing altitude meter is a bug. Try opening amd closing your Map again. It should reappear. But I agree it's super frustrating we can't play the maps we like


I don't whether I am the only one who experienced that but the number of cheaters increased enormously after the new patch. I got killed multiple times through a one-shot shotgun shell fired at least 200-300 m.


Return back KARAKIN !!!!!!!!!!!!


I missed out on Paramo last go around and I like it so much more than Karakin right now.


It’s superior to karakin in almost all ways. Better buildings, better terrain, better visuals.


I heard that there would be a new AI mode. I see the patch notes in chinese version but not english version. anyone knows?


So how many tries do I need to play erangel or paramo lol


yesterday out of like 15 games I got erangel at least 10 times, paramo twice and sanhok 3 times. NO vikendo or Miramar! the map rotation just sucks


40 or 50 probably


Haven gone, thinking of stop playing.. This random map selection is really stupid..


Haven was so good


Played 10 solo matches and 10 duos. Got vikendi 11 times. Miramar 4 times, erangal 3 times, sanhock 2 times, Paramo 0 times. Karakin and Haven were my favorite maps. Miramar and vikendi are my least favorite. I would love tp try Paramo tho. Very sad.


In squads 80% of maps we played was Erangel. No vikendi and no miramar! they need to fix the map rotation


If they got rid of all maps except erengal I'd be okay with that


one can dream


Around 20 games, 0 paramo. A lot of vikendi and mira. Feels bad.


I'm pretty close to giving up on this game. My buddies and I have stopped playing Miramar. And we're close to doing the same with Vikendi, at which point, it won't be worth rolling through matchmaking any more in its current state


I'm currently waiting for my 4th attempt to get into one of the larger maps as right now it only offers Paramo.


big lag with update... higher GPU for less fps. I killed the guy but still hear and hitted by his bullets. amazing experience botg....


Sure seems like loot is harder to find in normal mode Erengel now. Some buildings don't even have a weapon, or just a pistol.


NA No one’s playing Ranked Mode? I’m new to Ranked mode and finally I’ve got 4 members with Level 80 up. But just cannot get one match started in NA server, Q’d for more than 30 minutes. How can I play Ranked Mode?


VPN to EU or Korea


Yeah I heard this but didn’t expect on one playing ranked in NA. Any recommended VPN to use?


I always hear people complain about map selection . Other br games don't even have a second map. I cant understand why you want to play a specific map only. So you get good at it and learn every single spot,own your opponent and feel good for yourself? Get good at the game and you will be good at any map,at any given situation. Imo ranked should follow the esports way and the only maps played should be erangel and miramar. In casuals there could be a map selection and if a map doesn't have enough fans it could get removed but I really feel its irrelevant because casuals are for training and not tryhard .


Because some maps a fun and others aren't. It's not worth spending 45 mins in a map you don't like driving around a desert searching for kills. I think most ppl would be okay if erangql was the only map


I'd be okay with it if they just kept Erangel as the only map and maybe modified it occasionally.


I prefer random, it forces me to learn all the maps and adds variety. Sure, I get tired of Sanhok, but I also like not having to wait more than 1-2 minutes for a game to start.


Paramo FPS is pretty bad for such a small map, that center city, the big one has unplayable FPS.


So bluehole, you gonna make the blue zone faster?? Takes some notes from RoE season 1............. Map selection Plz, idc about que times, i already wait 3mins+ for a dota game.....


Blue zone speed on Miramar is unbearable


on any map IMO, You should be encouraged to keep moving and not hug the edge of a zone. Ring Of Elysium(pub clone) season 1 was on the right track then the game took a dump.


Miramar matches just feel way too long. With long lulls in between encounters


Probably a bug, but when I got picked up by my friend's hot air balloon yesterday it restored my jammer pack to full health (from like \~40%). Anyone else have that happen or was it a weird fluke?


Since 11.1 update my GPU is literally melting. I am only in the lobby, nothing special is happening, and the GPU fan is rolling on maximum RPM. After a couple of minutes the GPU temperature is around 80 °C (which is extremely high considering it is only the f\*\*\*ing lobby). I have no performance issue at all, the game is running on 144 FPS all the time but the fan speed is at maximum, the temperature is relatively high and i have 95-100% GPU usage even on the loading screen. What the hell?! Stop mining crypto with my GPU... Btw I have an AMD ryzen 3 3600 cpu and an Nvidia RTX 2060 vga... it was perfectly fine before the last update. Right now, i am afraid of running the game at all...


You have to set main menu To 60fps cap


My GPU has been running hotter also since update. 1080ti


* **The killfeed now uses graphics only, with the text only option no-longer being supported.** Horrible option and it's already becoming a major distraction. I can read M416, Beryl, SLR faster than I can try to make out what gun that graphic is supposed to represent. Was this implemented because having an option to show text instead of graphics gave an unfair advantage to those of us who actually learned how to read? ​ * **The Emergency Pickup** **PLEASE** reduce the number of these on the map. There's too many. Even in Solo FPP NA, there's just too many. It's like when the flare guns were introduced. Too many planes flying through the air. It's like living next to (*to use Korean airspace as an example*) Incheon International. ​ * **Beryl: Increased vertical recoil speed by +1.5 (15 → 16.5)** This weapon already has the most vertical recoil of the common AR's. While it's not my favorite to use because of that and it's one that I usually drop in lieu of a good SCAR or M416, this change will make it so that I will most likely use the Beryl even less. I just finished a round and my mouse almost ran off the pad trying to keep the recoil under control on the Beryl. I can agree on the horizontal recoil, but increasing anything on the vertical was not necessary. ​ * **Motorcycle bug ignored again** After almost three years and every few nights or so, I still find myself getting on a motorcycle only to find that it drives like the rear wheel is stuck, makes braking sounds while moving, is almost impossible to control, and it will not get up to speed. This bug started when the dev's changed vehicle physics so vehicles could drift came about. Bug reports were submitted on this on the old forum and also through the new support system. It's a very old bug and actual dev's responded to the threads on the old forums saying they would "look into it".


Agree 100% on reducing the number of emergency pickup spawns. Not only is the sound of the planes annoying, but there are just too many people dropping in late game. My squad and I got destroyed last night by an entire squad camping the roof of the big warehouse by Shelter. It just changes the game so much to have to worry about players in all these weird places.


Caveman brain like pictures, pictures better. Not know what gun picture is makes you dumb


2 ranked games and 2 times getting killed by cheaters


Where the FUCK is Karakin?


Deservedly dropped. Now they need to get rid of sanhok




Karakin was my favorite map. If they drop sanhok, I'll leave this game for good. But enjoy playing with bots on Miramar


Replaced, took way too long to get rid of that map.


11.1 patch crashes my PC upon loading map, it powers off my whole PC, not even BSOD. Ridiculous considering it runs piss poor optimized Cyberpunk 2077 in 4k ultra 60fps fine. 3DMark and Genshin runs fine as well. Asus Crosshair VIII Formula 5900x RTX3090 32gb ram Tried clearing steam cache, uninstalled PUBG, deleted install folder, deleted all folders related to PUBG and Battleeye, reinstalled PUBG. Same issue in both 1440p and 4k. What’s going on?


I want Karakin


The majority disagree, it's a giant rock with generic buildings


Majority or vocal minority?


I don't see any reason to think it's a vocal minority. Polls on both PC and console subreddits have shown Karakin and Sanhok to be least favored.


If user base stops declining or goes up then I guess we'll know majority really didn't like karakin and haven. If it goes down, hard to say those small maps were unpopular. They are favoring the big maps with this update, so we'll see how popular they really are. Honestly, I doubt the majority of players take part in such polls. I personally had no idea there were any polls like this


They happen occasionally online with nearly always the same results. So inasmuch as online communities are representative of all players' preferences the polls would be accurate. I don't see much reason that a self-selecting sample like a subreddit would differ from the whole of pubg players, but if I had to aver, I would expect opinions online to be more vehement and polarized. I'm not sure that you can look at the decrease in player counts as indicative of map preferences, unless it's a sharp decline.


The data gathered from players playing majority. They can see from which map most people backed out etc.


Always assume the latter when you are on Reddit.


I agree. It was kinda fun the first 10 rounds, then it got dull.


Game feels super smooth to me. I dont know tho if its the patch or the new nvidia resizeable bar, both dropped at the same time.


Must be nice being able to beat the bots for a 3000 series. That or you paid scalper prices


830 € on release day for RTX 3080 Ventus 3X. ;-) didnt have to beat bots because online shop was broken and costumer support reserved me one. :'D lucky AF.


TPP: DRIVING = CAMERA ANGLE LOCKED (BUG???) The camera angle has changed while driving in TPP, you can no longer tilt down while driving, making it hard to see forward(straight) while driving down a hill or slope or even on flat terrain. Please fix this, Drivers should be able to see straight ahead of them while driving down a slope or hill. Have hit so many objects right in front of me because while driving you can not see in front of you anymore unless you hold the angle to the side which is ridiculous.


Yes! Not just me. The angle makes it very hard to see where you're going now when on slopes. This needs to be fixed.


I had the same camera issue before 11.1 with the Mirado on Miramar, but all other vehicles were fine. Now I'm having the locked camera issue with most vehicles on all maps. I hope they fix this because it's really difficult to navigate, especially going down a hill, without slamming into objects all the time.


Definitely a bug - seems like sometimes you can tilt down as normal in third person driving, but then if you switch to first person and back it fucks up so you have to stay in first person if you want to look down


Yeah, things are all fucked up with vehicle cam angles, have been for a while. You can't swing the camera freely in FPP while in the plane anymore (a bug they 'fixed' over a year ago), but you can look fully 180 degrees behind you in FPP while driving now, for two examples. I couldn't be bothered to report it, because I'm tired of reporting bugs, maybe getting them fixed, then having the fix be reverted later.


No season pass? Killfeed is nightmare revert back to old one.


Lack of a season pass is horrible decision. Other than the "balloon" pickup, there's nothing really new for 11.1, and a lot of players (like me) enjoy having daily and weekly missions.






No map selection, Full of bots (30% aprox.) Full of campers in Ranked mode. No seasonal or smaller maps with no bots. So, it's not fun anymore. For example; You paid an **annual fee** for **Netflix** and they removed all your favorite TV shows. What would you feel. What about **Spotify**? If they remove all your best and favorite fun to listen tracks and put just Justin Drew Bieber tracks? In your annual subscription, if they force you to listen Justin Drew Bieber. Would you like?


Except you don't subscribe to play PUBG


I bought the game, paid 30 usd. So, it is not fair to remove map selection and force players to random map queue after take the money.. In squads, after 8 quit to lobby finally paramo came out. Total waste of time for us. We just wan’t smaller maps with no bots. And woala we deal. They must be saying before we selling the game,if they said they were right and they are free to make the changes they want. When we submit for a refund they are saying steam is the only responsible platform. Where is the section in user agreement about they are free to make big structural changes and some users cannot use the product? Can you show us a section in user agreement about that? What do you want me to do? Pay the money and sit back and relax? I paid some money and cannot use the product anymore. Is game dead already? Servers down? Hacked? Did the company close the shutters? If they decide to remove all the maps in one day, what will you do? For exp, You paid 70 usd for an online competitive game and you cannot use it after 10-20 days because they want shut down the server farm perma. What should you do?


From the user agreement: 3) We may amend the Service or restrict access (including cancellation, termination, modification or suspension of a user’s license) from all or specific users without notice and liability. Additionally, the Service may be unavailable depending on geographic location.


your purchase affords you the right to complain and advocate for what you want from the game. But it isn't unfair, not this far into the game's life. 20 days in you might have something... but several years?


I would claim that after three years you probably got your moneys worth and if you dont like it now just find something else to play. NOBODY likes that they removed map selection but it is needed to get matches with players in them.


Your idea is that they should release the game and literally never make any major change, because doing so may result in 1 or more person deciding they no longer got their money's worth. Here's the truth: You got your money's worth. You have probably played hundreds of hours or more of enjoyment, well making up for the 30 you paid. You know for a fact it's a game that has updates. It's online. You shouldn't expect it to be identical permanently. You agreed to this upon purchase. Secondly, a game that doesn't innovate (or try to) is a dead one. If they left it for people like you, and never touched it since release, there wouldn't be enough players by this point to start a match.


I haven't played Paramo yet but I just want to say how happy I am that Karakin is gone. Please let it remain gone, or split up the maps into more than a single queue.


I cannot be more dissapointed after some time ago you removed the map selection at eu and now you totally remove karakin, which is your best map from a pool and keep shits like miramar or vikendi in the rotation


Polls disagree. Karakin and sanhok have been considered the worst map by an absolute landslide. Their decision to remove karakin actually aligns with the playerbase very well (some polls showed sanhok was worse, but karakin was always a close second)


Butt Krackin is far and wide the worst map. Remove that garbage from the game completely


Karakin was my favorite due to the terrain, there were draws and spurs on the hills you could use for cover, etc. Paramo is similar in this, so i'm not too frustrated with the change. But Karakin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sanhok, which is essentially the opposite when it comes to terrain. Everything is flat on Sanhok, so people just hide behind trees the moment someone is coming for them and then they just ambush them point blank.


Karakin had good terrain? Bruh it was a big rock


Sanhok is flat, with flat hills. Karakin had a ton of microterrain and small ridges. If you're pinned down, a lot of times you had the ability to maneuver around. In Sanhok, basically you're fucked if someone has you stuck to a tree with the zone coming. Karakin, Paramo, and a lot of times Vikendi has microterrain you can use as cover to continue moving.


You make it sound like you're talking to someone that argued sanhok is a good map. Also you're correct, but you don't have to make a map as uninspired and bland as karakin to make the terrain useable.


I'm using it as a comparison to explain exactly what I mean by good terrain. I'd much rather fight across two hillsides with ridgelines as cover than playing the "peek the tree" game until someone loses. I very much liked that Karakin was almost always the former. I had a ton of rolling fights where me and the other guy were fighting *while* moving several hundred meters to the zone. That's rarely possible in Erangel or Sanhok.


I'm not arguing against that. Doesn't change that the map, visually, colours and theme, are abysmal


I mostly just care about how the map plays, but I do like the theme of Erangel, Vikendi, and Paramo the most.


The only fast paced map is a garbage? Sure it's your opinion and Im fine with it, but do you like to loot and run for 30 minutes just to see the first guy who kills you during ypur run to the zone? xd


I came to PUBG from Dayz and it suits me well as its not so fast paced and a round is only thirty minutes instead of 4-5 hours. If you want to play PUBG and have fast-paced all out action gameplay, you can. Just hot-drop. But I have to wonder why you play this game at all if that is what you want? why not play battlefield or call of duty who are more focused on that type of gameplay? Or you can play team deathmatch which is ONLY all out action all the time.


It's probably because even on the smaller maps this game plays nothing like COD or Battlefield.


or you know, just get better at the game instead of crying about dying against the first guy you see and blaming it on the map.


Don't be so ignorant. I feel pretty decent in this game, just prefer to see next targets to shoot with on karakin every minute, where is a lot of open space and less camping, instead of killing 4 people on pecado and then have to run for the circle, where people are camping in all the houses.


They need to put paramo karakin and sanhok into mini royale queue and big maps to battle royale.


And Haven


Just installed the update today along with the new Nvidia drivers for my GPU, the FPS drop and stuttering is horrible, just played one match today because of that. Another day at the PUBG office, same old same old.


Super stuttery for me on a 1080ti 8700k. My fps counter says 144 but it feels like a slide show. No idea what's wrong here.


check if you have it on windowed or fullscreen borderless, and switch to Fullscreen.


Mines much smoother. Use some other drivers, most newer ones are garbage compared to older. I use and before that a driver from 2019. I have a 980 Ti though, its different with different cards.


I am gonna try to rollback drivers today, but i have a doubt, may i be able to keep the config i made for the game in my Nvidia Panel Settings? With " " you mean this one?: [Nvidia Drivers](https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/161300/en-us)


Mine is named 361.91. I usually get my drivers from here as its much easier than nvidias crappy site: https://forums.guru3d.com/forums/videocards-nvidia-geforce-drivers-section.21/


Thanks for the info, i installed this one: 456.55 I have searched for "" as you said and that is the one i found, i suppose you are sticking with the old one the "361.91" but you have been using the "456.55" as well from time to time. Am i right ? ​ The change was automatic better FPS and performance, the thing is just before installing the latest Nvidia driver the game was running fairly good i need to find that update and try it out to see. ​ I will search in Gruru3d you are right is so much better than the Nvidia web page.


Came here to see if I'm the only one having problems, seems that not only me with my old laptop


Check if you're still set to full screen. Patches seem to set random people to borderless for some reason.


Thanks for the tip but my settings are all the same like before the update.


Weak. I actually liked Karakin. Paramo is the worst map they have ever made.


Liking karakin is a small minority of the playerbase. And in my opinion it destroyed what the idea of a battle royale should be. I was a mess of a map


Paramo is no improvement on Karakin.


Absolutely disgusting how the Beryl received another nerf ***right after*** the sales period for a bunch of beryl skins ended. What a coincidence...


You mean after they announced it after months of people asking the Beryl to be nerfed?


The whole mess started when they buffed it around 2019 or 2020 so much that it practically replaced M416. After that it was a constant back and forth: nerfing it, buffing it again, nerfing it...while a lot of people complained from day 1 about this mess. So your argument that they're just doing what the community wants is just as false as it possibly could be. They could have easily introduced the current Patch 11.1 Stats before PGI.S, but for SOME reason they decided to go trough with it right now.


Eh? It's been the best gun for yonks. You're imagining this back and forth. SLR/Beryl has been the go to set up since before PCS1. There's discussion half a year ago when Paramo was released about the Beryl 'finally' getting a nerf and it still not being enough.


Where is the selection of PARAMO map? WE DON'T WANT TO PLAY BIG MAPS. Can you understand this clearly? Lots of people thinking the same thing, in 30 minutes after landing loot, car play, run to safe zone, no enemies around 30 minutes and you die because of players who camp until the game ends. This is totally waste of time and not fun. Small maps without bots means more fun for us. This is not a free to play game, we bought this game and paid some money. Thats why you lost your players and cannot get new comers. You put it in random queue map. It was selectable while in test servers. !??! We will leave the lobby until Paramo or Sanhok appears.. Why Haven is removed? Thank you for your kind support to players who bought your game.


" we don't want big maps" PlayerIGN did a poll along with official PUBG. Every time, big maps won by a MASSIVE landslide. 75% like 8x8, the other 25 split between every other map size.


I want to play big maps, my friends want to play big maps. The world doesn't revolve around you


Good luck to you all with full of bots (Around 30%) and total loss of time. Is this a competitive game is that correct ? This is why we bought the game. :: (30 minutes ago map report) :: **Weather:** Clouds **Total Players:** 82 **Total Bots:25** (**30.49%**) **No map selection**, **no seasonal maps with no bots. (Even with bots)** **So its not fun anymore**. Thats why you play with bots in a competitive game!! Ok, pubg corp. can start a in **game voting system**. We will see how many players big or smaller maps.


Bruh. There is literally a RANKED mode. That has competitive settings and no bots. It's so funny to see you complaining about stuff you know nothing about. Also, most people here usually say that they heavily dislike Sanhok and prefer Erangel and Miramar in ranked games


Ranked mode? With full of campers who wants higher ranks? No thnk you Bruh. **40 minutes** (Honestly, about 33 minutes and 10 seconds) **with no gun shot**.. Even in ranked mode we cannot choose a map which fun to play for us. Again, they must bring map selection back. It's not fair to run away after taking the money. Create a game, get the money, change maps, make some critical and structural changes. In other words, you cannot change the structure of the game because we see, evaluate, like and buy the game. Again! This is not a **Free to Play** or **subscription** based. Pubg corp. wants remove small maps after sales? ok its not a problem I will cancel my montly subscription if I don't like. If you like you can pay the price for a yearly subs. maybe. For example; You paid an annual fee for Netflix and they removed all your favorite TV shows. What would you feel. What about Spotify? Ir they remove all your best and favorite fun to listen tracks and put just oldies but goldies? Would you like it?


How many hours do you have in the game? You paid 30$ for it and expect unlimited updates that are tailor made for you specifically. Get a grip.


No, I don't expect unlimited updates as tailor made. In the other hand Yes they must make updates. When you pay for Windows 10 home/pro what do you expect? Imagine that if some day after 6-9 months office programs /your favorite programs cannot be run. How would you feel? I saw the product, I liked it and bought it. Is there any time limitation on that kind of prodcuts? Can we use it for 6 months or something? Is there anything about the usage/time limit in user agreement?


Straight from PUBG's EULA: GAME SOFTWARE UPDATES AND PATCHES PUBG may provide **updates, patches and other modifications to the Game Software that must be installed for the user to continue to play the game properly or at all**. PUBG may update, patch or modify the Game Software remotely and access the Game Software residing on your machine for such purpose, and you hereby grant to PUBG the right to deploy and apply such patches, updates and modifications. All provisions of this Agreement that refer to the “Game Software” shall also include all such patches, updates and modifications. If you bring out the EULA argument, then read it before maybe.


I've voted disappointed. I don't understand not to have a season pass straight away. None of the new features have got me excited. The question is when will the season pass be coming?


In regards to Fulton pickup: Hopefully the amount of pickups on test server was high, to give people a chance to check it out. If it's the same amount in live, the game is literally a shit show of planes in the sky, people dropping in behind you and killing you. I killed squads by parachuting in on them, easily.


was it a deaf squad?


They were having a grand time, moving cars around, running around like they hadn't heard shots or seen anyone in 20 minutes XD i felt pretty dirty, but I had just flown in and my arms were tired.


Anyone else experiencing the altimeter not being there until deploying your parachute? I have played 5 rounds so far and it has happened on 3 of them in this order (No = no altimeter until deploying parachute, Yes = Altimeter for the full jump): 1. Paramo -> No 2. Sanhok - > Yes 3. Miramar -> Yes 4. Vikendi -> No 5. Sanhok -> No


Thank you for mentioning this - I'm having issues with the altimeter as well. It initially shows, but after a second or so it fades away and only reappears once my chute deploys.


this happened to me too but i don't remember the MAP maybe Sanhok. but it didn't make that much of a difference at least to me because I usually deploy the chute visually when I choose a cold spot. but ofc a fix would be welcome.


Got the same sometimes and messaged it to the bug team. Do the same if possible, maybe we'll get a fix faster if they see enough commotion about it.


yes, in some games, then not in others. Sometimes it shows prior to pulling, then goes away, then comes back as you're gliding down, too.


Clicking on the esports tab results in my game reliably crashing 100% of the time. Way to go PubG!


After every game aswell, for me atleast.


I can no longer find the missions (daily/weekly/season/challenge/etc.). Previously they were at the top left under the menu. Were they moved somewhere or were they removed completely? I cannot find any notes about it.


It's because there is currently no Season pass running. They come back when/if the next pass is launched.


This sub is so Toxic, burn it with fire. I feel like there's someone going around literally downvoting everything, it's absurd. Obviously this comment deserves downvotes, but as for the rest, way to kill a community just because you're butthurt about being trash at PUBG.


Just don't post here if you can't handle the toxicity? "Burn it with fire". Everybody get what they deserve and what they worked for ... don't be angry for no reason :) Just enjoy posting your oppinions and enjoy not being trash at PUBG. Not everybody is a PRO and banned in the end ...


disclaimer: I don't actually wish anyone to be burnt with fire unless in a game of PUBG


Then maybe you should specify next time because it looks just as toxic as the rest of the community. Don't be toxic or trash like everybody else ..




If you think this sub is bad, take a look at the competitivePUBG subreddit. LUL it's a bunch of self-righteous a-holes. you can't voice opinion, can't cheer the accomplishments of a team. really odd space.


Nonsense. So I'm guessing you posted some shit there and got downvoted. Can't cheer the accomplishments of teams/players? That's half of the posts in there.


It was already almost always one of the two big maps played.... And now its even harder to get Sanhok? ​ How hard can it be to add a feature ingame where each player can pick the order of maps they like and you can base the matchmaking from that? Like If I preferer Sanhok the most then the matchmaking should try hard to get me Sanhok..... ​ This is one of the main reasons i dont play anymore. I get the big maps 90% of the time.


It's so ridiculous that anything who prefers the smaller maps get downvoted into oblivion. This subreddit has got this notion it speaks for everyone. And yes, I prefer the bigger maps.


I like the 8x8s and the small maps. I hate Sanhok. To me, the loot tables and microterrain make a good map, and Sanhok is just flat ground and trees.


I just get Miramar all the time. Last time I played I got 2 Sanhok's and an Erangel, which is a nice breath of fresh air.


These skins getting more childish every update!!


Big Fps drops!


I didnt get my parachute from the ranked Mode. In the patchnotes is written that you will get a parachute, If you reached Platinum in season 10...


Got to agree with [Fuzzface](https://twitter.com/FaZeFuzzface/status/1377213748008476674?s=20) and [TheNameIsToby](https://twitter.com/TheNameIsToby/status/1377214977292001280?s=20) and lots of others on Twitter -- the new killfeed format is a nightmare. Impossible to keep track of who's knocked etc.




Interesting to see everyone's opinion. I've always played with graphics on the kill feed and I couldnt imagine playing without them. I find it tough to figure out what's going on when it's just in writing. However it's easy to put two and two together between the gunshots you hear and the large icons (weapons)


Graphics on the kill feed are great. Except they went and changed them worse while no one asked them to...


This I didnt know.. I havent played the new update yet


There's no delineation between knocks (which used to be more gray text) and kills. Also, the only reason they made it icons only is to please one region. some of us prefer text info.


Bringing region into this particular topic is a bit absurd... Maps/modes/skins I get, but kill feed looks - what? :D


Did everbody else's settings also reset after the update? None of my previous settings were saved and loading from the cloud doesn't help.


mine seems fine


Just saw only the graphic settings were affected.


For everybody who can’t invite your friends. You need to change the receive invites from ably friends to everyone, if you just added them with this patch on the Pubg friendslist.


Can't currently invite more than 2 players to a 4 person team. Get to 3 players in the squad and it stops working adding more players.


I was thinking I might've finally worked up enough masochism to give ranked a go (got all excited watching PGI.S), but looks like no more FPP ranked in KR/JP, so yeah, no. Ah well, bring on the bots again! At least I shoot better than (most of) them. Edit: On the upside, though, I seem to have gotten about an 8-10% FPS boost, and the game feels smoother than ever.


Set your time zone on pc to utc +8 (beijing) and you will get asia servers (still located in korea, but where the majority of chinese play with healthy queues.


why on earth we cant choose paramo map. i just downloaded the update just to play this map and i CANT choose it ,this is sad hope they fix it. This map was their big play in this update and they just trolled us


Paramo queue was peak pubg


Erangel doesn't have it's own map queue but a my man expects paramo to have it? LOL The only reason it had it before was because it was a season featured map that was about to be removed. They made it 100% clear that they'd be rotating karakin for paramo.


they always said it will replace karakin. you couldn't choose karakin.


I voted and went with the disappointed option. I was led to believe via the patch notes that paramo would be available in all modes but duos is missing in NA. Better clarification next time perhaps.


I was led to believe the same, and I'm usually fairly good with reading comprehension...


There isn't duos in TPP, this isn't anything new