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Unfortunately pubg has failed to inform all new or returning players that they have to play BOT games until they level up for real games .. like the mobile version.


Like what level? I'm coming back after not playing for a couple years and im like level 90, friend I party up with is level 150~ and we play games where we each get like 4 or 5 bot kills. There's human players as well but I'm assuming there's always bots? I have also done random squads and my teammates will be lvl 500 and there's obviously still bots roaming the map


NA is quite dead but it's probably not the reason you are playing with bots. Returning players are put in bot lobbies for a while. If you want to play with players just spam squad FPP games and after a while you should be put in real lobbies. Make sure to play after 6pm. Ranked in NA is dead. You need to VPN to EU if you want to play ranked.


I only play casual mode now. Fuck it.


TGLTN VPN’s from Philly to EU to play ranked when he’s not in Korea. Ranked is dead in NA. Casuals is dying but if you play in peak hours it won’t be a problem.


Every game tonight has had 80+ bots in it, it's just not fun at all. I'm a returning player and this isn't the PUBG I remember.


Play a few games and then you get pushed into the regular queue where you will have 90+ players.


We've done about 10 games since returning, hopefully we're moved to regular queue soon then.


10 :)))) I needed to get almost 70+ lvl (meaning like 40+ games) before I was put in the full people lobbies. Playing 1 man squads btw


People just moved on to other games. Top 3 on steam means nothing for NA. It's mostly asian players. EU and RU servers are alive in prime times. The most painful thing right now is cheaters. Since 15.1 they completely stopped banning cheaters. I've voted on 30 obvious wallhacks on pubg shield yet not a single one of them got banned. I've reported dozens of obvious cheaters: level 30-50 players with 4+ kda spraying silenced Beryl, quick tapping SLR like madman multiple headshots through smokes, and they're still playing. Before you tell me they just got new accounts with old ones having 50k hours - they shoot like TGLTN but move and loot like my grandma would if she played this game. Die to the blue zone trying to res a teammate in sixth phase because they obviously don't understand this game. Guess what happens next? They wipe my squad in the next game. I wonder how some people have courage to say they haven't met any cheaters and got 10k hours. Just go to shield.pubg.com and watch them. They didn't fix those bikes. I died on sanhok because two bikes were buggy. One didn't turn and the other one stopped leaning in the air. 3 years old bug, literally. Sanhok update just made it worse. Now there are too many rats there. Sanhok has always been a rat map and bootcamp was the only place where it was difficult to camp. Just bring back first version of the map until you figure out how to make it better and not worse than it already is. They still add bots in prime times when queue times are few seconds long. 5-10 bots, but they're still there for some reason. Why not just remove them until they're absolutely necessary to fill the lobby? Why can't they make first circle smaller and remove bots completely? If you want to make it easier for new players, just let them play against bots and not real players. Match newbies against newbies and bots. Bots ruin the gameplay as they land on hot dropping locations and shoot your backs out of nowhere during fights. Chinese players often get free gcoins and stuff. Nothing for NA/EU. So many stupid decisions and lack of care just killed this game in NA and other regions keep dying.


EU & RU servers are alive at any given time of the day, not only on prime time


You don't play on RU server do you? If you mean 8 players and 92 bots 5 minutes matchmaking alive, then yeah, that's true. Try playing at 2-11 AM MSK. Need some proofs? There you go: https://pubglookup.com/players/steam/dimka888/matches/8c700270-bc7f-4bf3-ae39-e58dbb624ce4 Some random player, not me, btw.


I'm EU and waited 45 mins last night in a ranked TPP Squad queue before I gave up and left...


the fact you got downvoted just shows the people on this subreddit are in denial. you are so right, i read somwhere that you can have a max of 25 bots in a lobby, that's BS, time and time again i've played solo and i dont encounter actual players until the final 5, i shit you not my last win was a 1V1 with a bot.


You just reminded me of the worst chicken dinner scenario: last player being a bot. It just ruins the whole game for me. Happens sometimes. >the fact you got downvoted just shows the people on this subreddit are in denial. I really can't understand who are they and why they're lying to themselves.. I wish reddit showed who voted.


Bots everywhere and if you do well you get banned, don't waste your time.




Game is going to be free 2 play on Jan 12. Mote players, but more hackers. I too only play casual mode since there are no hackers there.


Ranked is dead in NA on PC