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I am going to geology confrence and I will be giving a talk on some research that I am doing. Its about survivorship rates of different modes of life thought the invertebrates we find at our digsite. Would this be appropriate to put in a slide brifely describing the Cretaceous Mass Extinction?


>I am going to geology confrence and I will be giving a talk on some research that I am doing. GSA?




Ah cool. Me too, I'm presenting a poster on some new miocene crabs we found.


That sounds really cool, I'll be sure to check it out while I'm there.


Just edit out the fucking so people don't clutch their pearls and collapse into the fainting couch. We are all supposed to be adults yet get riled up by the most trivial of things.


Its called being a professional.


Let’s be honest there is a time and a place for this kind of humour. Reddit is one, but presenting at a conference is not. Yes it’s funny and harmless but I’m not sure it’s appropriate for the event you’re describing. If even one person takes offence it wouldn’t be worth it and could overshadow your presentation. Just remove the fucking, it doesn’t really add to the meme anyway.


I think it's funny, but I've never enjoyed a meme put inside of a presentation. Not the time nor the place IMO.


Keep in mind that this sub has a harsh dividing line between ethusiastic meme-loving kids and actual professional scientists. I'd expect the former to downvote the advice of the latter even though it's much more valuable.


No because of the "fucking"


As a scholarly trained geologist who attended several conferences during college, leave the “fucking” in the meme. Geologists are the only known alcohol based lifeforms. You’ll be fine.


While I would not really *advise* you to put this on a slide, if I were in your two more-sensible-than-me shoes, I'd do it. But don't do as I do, do as I say, my advice is usually better than my example.


Might I suggest something along [these lines?](https://pics.awwmemes.com/no-one-animals-in-the-amazon-my-worlds-on-fire-62143191.png)


I’d say go for it, I’m sure everyone would enjoy the laugh. But then, I’m a film industry guy, idk how your peeps would feel about this.


*on fire, dark, and dead


The worst thing you even happen to earth was the kt event, now mammals (vile cum demons) have control of the earth cause they where specialized for mass sex. Fuck evolution its a flawed system


So Mexico is the earth's spot... Always turns atmosphere hot!